Amazed (Tempted Book 3) (4 page)

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Authors: Heather Doltrice

BOOK: Amazed (Tempted Book 3)
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“Agreed,” she said with a dreamy look on her face.

She had the world’s worst taste in men. Holland was sugary sweet but she liked her men spicy. I thought I had better taste but I had proven myself wrong. Neither one of us knew what we were doing when it came to dating and finding the right man.

She was literally bruised from loving the wrong man and I was a notch in Ethan Charles’ belt. We weren’t exactly winning in the love department.

I hoped that my date with Talon would turn my dating luck around.

I had to get through the date without comparing everything about him to Ethan.

I could do that, couldn’t I? I have to admit I didn’t have much faith in myself.

I had zero faith in myself to be exact.


























Chapter 7


“You look beautiful tonight,” Talon said from the across the candle lit table of the Italian restaurant we were sitting at.

He took me to Victoria’s, the same restaurant we went to for Ethan’s birthday. Of course that would have been the place he chose.

“Thank you. You look pretty good yourself,” I told him, batting my eyelashes.

He had been the perfect gentlemen all night and I knew I was lucky that someone so amazing wanted to go out with me but I couldn’t focus all of my attention on him. It wasn’t fair to me but most of all it was unfair to him.

It was like everything brought me back to Ethan. That restaurant, the way the color of Talon’s button up matched Ethan’s eyes exactly. Everything.

“How do you like Lakeview so far?” I asked, trying to invest myself fully into the date.

“It’s quaint. A little different from New York but I met you, so that has to count for something,” he said, taking a sip of his coke.

“I doubt I’m the most exciting thing about Lakeview. My friend, West, is definitely the most exciting thing here.”

That was the truth. The boy was every shade of crazy and then some.

“I haven’t met the West character but I already know I made the right decision asking you to dinner and not him,” he said, chuckling.

“He’s taken, so he probably would have said no anyway.”

“I’m happy where I am.”

Talon had this really mature thing about him even down to the way he carried himself. He was different and because of the situation I was currently in that should have been a good thing. Right?

Watching him stretch his hand across the table signaling for me to place my hand in his, I didn’t feel the butterflies I should have felt.

“I’m glad you asked me out,” I said, timidly placing my hand in his.

I was telling the truth, kind of. I was glad that he asked me to dinner but on the other hand I wanted him to be someone else.

I knew that I had to shake myself free from the hold that Ethan had over me but I wasn’t sure how to. How could one person have the power to affect me in such a way? Why couldn’t I get over him? It wasn’t like we had a long, meaningful relationship, we had a one night stand. That was it but if that was really all we had why did I feel like I was in the middle of a really bad breakup?

“I’m glad I did as well. I wanted to ask you out the day I met you but I figured that would have been a tad bit creepy,” he said, laughing.

“I would have said yes just so you know.”

At least I thought I would have.

“Good to know, good to know.”

“So, tell me a little about yourself,’ I said, dragging my fork through my mashed potatoes.

“Let’s see, I was born and raised in New York City. I’m a Capricorn. I’m an only child and I have a thing for beautiful girls named Grace.”

Smooth, real smooth.

“You’re good at this, huh?”

“Good at what?”

“First dates.”

“It depends, how am I doing?”

“You’re killing it.”

“Well, in that case I guess I am pretty good at first dates. Am I doing well enough for a second one?”

“Definitely good enough for a second date,” I told him, squeezing his hand.

Feeling someone’s eyes on us, I looked around the restaurant and saw Ethan. He was standing as if he was frozen in place and his face read as if he was raging with anger. Or was it jealousy? Either way it was doing things to my body that it shouldn’t.

“Excuse me, can I help you with something?” Talon asked, noticing the way Ethan was looking at us.

“You? No, you can’t help me with anything. Grace, can I speak with you outside for a second?” Ethan asked never taking his eyes off of Talon that is until he saw my low cut, form fitting white lace dress.

Yeah, that got his attention. Typical man.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I told Ethan, tearing my eyes form his face to read Talon’s expression.

He was as confused as I was. Why was Ethan jealous? I wasn’t his to get jealous over. I didn’t mean anything to him. He had literally just told me we were friends and that we had no shot of being anything more.

Why did he have to be so damn confusing?

“Grace,” Ethan said as if he was warning me.

“No, I’m on a date. You can wait,” I told Ethan, still not making eye contact with him.

“Who are you?” Ethan asked Talon, his voice full of accusation.

“I’m Talon Conrad, Grace’s date. Who are you?” Talon asked, puffing his chest at Ethan.

I felt like I was witnessing a distance contest and I was what they were trying to urinate on. Every girl’s dream.

“I’m Ethan. They guy she hooked up with just a few days ago,” Ethan said, looking straight at me.

Getting up from my chair, I walked up to Ethan and stood in front of him. As I looked at his face I saw this possessiveness in his eyes that I never seen before. They were usually so kind but not that night, that night they were cold and aloof. I kind of liked it.

Feeling anger course through every inch of my body, I felt my hand smack against his skin. Was I angry at him for showing up and trying to ruin my date? Or was I angry at myself for getting turned on by this new side of him?

I didn’t know but what I did know was that I just hit Ethan in the middle of a crowded restaurant.

Shit, I just slapped Ethan. Literally slapped him.

“Ethan, I’m so sorry,” I said before bolting out of the restaurant.

The tears cascading from my eyes and down my cheeks. Ethan ruined my date. At least that’s what I tried to make myself believe but in all reality I had ruined my date. And on top of that I assaulted Ethan’s face. His beautiful face.

Ethan didn’t want me and after hearing that I hooked up with Ethan I figured Talon wouldn’t have wanted me either. He had to think I was a super slut.

Running through the parking lot, I searched for my car but then I remembered I rode to Victoria’s in Talon’s car. Scanning the parking lot, I saw Ethan’s car and without even thinking I walked toward it.

Propping myself up on the hood, I frantically wiped my face. Shouldn’t Talon have come to check on me by then? He would come running out that door at any minute, right?

I couldn’t have been anymore wrong. When the glass doors opened Ethan came storming toward me.

“Leave me alone!” I yelled across the parking lot.

“That’s going to be hard to do,” he said, rubbing the place that my hand had just struck him.

“Why? Why is it so hard?” I asked, suddenly realizing that I was sitting on the hood of his car, “Right, because this is your car.”

Before I could move he pinned my body against the grill with his.

“I don’t give a shit about the car, Babe, it’s hard to leave you alone because you own me. You own every thought, every moment, every part of me,” he said, running the tips of his fingers sensually down my neck.

“Ethan,” I said as my entire body quivered.

Maybe I should have slapped him earlier. It seemed to put some sense in that head of his.

His lips roamed my shoulders and neck until they found my lips but before he let them devour mine he pulled back.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest suddenly feeling awkward.

“This,” he said, pointing between us, “It can’t happen.”

“Why?” I asked shocked.

“It doesn’t matter. Let me drive you home,” he said, gesturing toward his car.

“I’d rather not,” I told him, walking away.

How dare he toy with my emotions like that? He knew how that would affect me.

“Grace, get in the car.”

Letting the spoiled brat that lived inside me out, I stomped my food and pretended like he wasn’t speaking to me. Yeah, I was throwing a temper tantrum but I think I was entitled to it.

“Okay, let’s do this the hard way. You asked for it,” he said before scooping me up and carrying me bridal style to the passenger side of his car.

“Put me down!” I said, trying to escape.

“But my lady your chariot awaits,” he said, opening the door and placing me inside.

“I can’t believe you,” I mumbled under my breath.

“Believe it,” he said, slamming the door shut and walking around to get in.

It was like we were playing emotional ping pong and after what had just taken place I was fighting a smile that was trying to form.

The car ride to my apartment was full of questions and things unsaid. But in all honesty they were probably better left unsaid.

Stopping his car in front of my building, he got out and opened my door.

“Do you need me to walk you up?”

“Why would I need that?”

“To protect you,” he said, trying to suck the awkwardness out of us.

“You’re what I need protecting from, Ethan. Not anything else, just you,” I told him, getting out and walking through the door.

I didn’t bother looking back to see if he was looking at me, I knew he was. I could feel his eyes following me and as much as I hated to admit it, I liked it. No, I loved it.

Slipping out of my heels, I pushed the elevator button. As I waited on it I got lost in the fantasy of Ethan running in after me and telling me he wants to give us a fair shot but I knew better than to get my hopes up.

The doors opened inviting me inside. Walking in, I pushed the button for my floor and I kept telling myself not to look up but I did.

He was leaning against his car and looking directly at me. It took everything in me not to go out and invite him up. The only thing that stopped me was that I knew what would happen in the morning, he would leave and I would be in the same predicament.

Forcing my eyes to look down, I commanded the doors to close. Finally watching them shut, I let out a sigh of relief.

Ethan was the best person I knew. He was kind, sweet, gentle, funny, and a perfect gentleman but since we had sex he hadn’t been any of the above. It was as if Ethan was gone and someone had taken his place. Every now and then I would see flashes of the boy I knew but he wouldn’t let it last long. And if we had a moment he made sure to ruin it.

Getting out of the elevator, I walked down the hall toward my apartment. I hoped that Holland was already in bed because all I wanted was to get out of that dress, take a hot shower, a cup of hot chocolate, and my bed. I knew it was scorching outside but I could drink hot chocolate all year round. It was my thing. I found comfort in it and at that moment I needed all the comforting I could get.

Reaching my door, I pulled my key from my clutch and unlocked it. I was expecting to see an empty living area but instead I saw Holland laughing with Maddie, West, Emma, Roman, and Kate. I wasn’t expecting that.

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked, tossing my shoes in the corner.

“We knew you were going on a date, so we decided to come over and keep Holland Company,” Emma said, rocking Kate to sleep.

“How’d you date go?” Roman asked, placing a baby blanket on top of the sleeping beauty in his wife’s arms.

“Judging by the mascara tears, I’m going to say not so well,” West said and for the first time he wasn’t trying to make a joke. No, that time he looked genuinely concerned.

“Are you okay? Do we need to kick his ass,” Roman asked, walking over and swinging an arm around my shoulders.

I wanted to ask him to kick his brother’s ass instead but I don’t think that would have went over too well.

“No, I’m fine. I’m going to shower and change, I’ll be right back,” I told them, excusing myself.

“I’ll have your hot chocolate waiting,” Maddie said, walking toward the kitchen.

Hot chocolate was just what I needed after my soap opera of an evening.

Smiling, I walked to my room and shut the door. Leaving a trail of clothing, I walked to the shower and turned it on. Getting in, I closed my eyes and let the hot water stream down my body. I wanted to wash tonight away or at least that’s what I told myself.

When in reality I wanted to replay everything with Ethan.

After I got out and put on my pajamas, I walked back toward my friends. As I got closer I could hear a new voice.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

Rounding the corner, I saw him sitting on the couch next to Holland and talking like nothing had happened.

“Hey, Amazing Grace,” he said, calling me the name he used to call me in middle school.

Ethan Charles was going to be the death of me.

I knew it and he did too.





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