An Affair Without End

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Authors: Candace Camp

BOOK: An Affair Without End
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“How can I in good conscience
ruin your good name?”

“Whatever happens to my name, it is mine to ruin, not yours.” Vivian tilted back her head to look at Oliver. “I am responsible for myself. Surely ’tis not dishonorable for you to take what is freely given.” She smiled faintly and went up on tiptoe, so that her lips were barely a breath away from his. “I do not intend to marry for love or money or family duty. And I have never met another man I wanted except you.”

“Vivian . . . oh, God, Vivian. Vivian.” He kissed her lips, her cheeks, her throat, interspersing her name with his kisses. “This is madness.”

She giggled girlishly and, pulling away from him, reached up to pull off the stylish turban she had worn to conceal her hair. Pins came popping loose, and her hair tumbled down over her shoulders in a glory of orange-red flame. She was a vision, he thought, wild and free and beautiful, and it occurred to him that no man could ever truly possess her. She was, as she said, her own, and however much he might curse himself for it, Oliver knew he could not resist her lure.

Vivian smiled and held out her hand to him. Throwing aside his doubts, Oliver reached out and took it.

She led him up the stairs to her bedchamber.

Turn the page for rave reviews of
the sparkling Willowmere series by Candace Camp

An Affair Without End
is also available as an eBook

Praise for the Willowmere series

A Gentleman Always Remembers

“An intensely passionate and sexually charged romance . . . A well-crafted, delightful read.”

Romantic Times
(4 stars)

“A delightful romp set in the Regency period. Ms. Camp has a way with truly likeable characters who become like friends. The action pops . . . and the relationships are strong.”

—Romance Junkies

“Where the Bascombe sisters go, things are never dull. Author Candace Camp delivers another witty, heartwarming, and fast-paced novel.”

—A Romance Review

A Lady Never Tells

“This steamy romp . . . will entertain readers.”

Publishers Weekly

“Four unconventional American sisters and three aristocratic bachelor brothers set the stage for the first novel in Camp’s Willowmere trilogy. With a bit of mayhem, humor, misunderstandings, and enough sensuality to please any reader, this consummate storyteller writes a well-crafted and enchanting tale.”

Romantic Times
(4½ stars)

“Superbly written and well paced,
A Lady Never Tells
thoroughly entertains as it follows the escapades of the Bascombe ‘bouquet’ of Marigold, Rose, Camellia, and Lily in the endeavor to make their way in upper crust London Society.”

—Romance Reviews Today

A Lady Never Tells
carries an allure that captures the reader’s attention. Ms. Camp brings a refreshing voice to the romance genre. The touch of elegance mingled with the downright honesty of the main characters takes your breath. . . . One of those rare finds you don’t want to put down.”

—Heide Katros

“Filled with humor and charm . . . Ms. Camp keeps
A Lady Never Tells
from becoming a clichéd romp with her fine writing. . . . Fans of Quinn and Laurens will enjoy the first book in the Willowmere series.”

—A Romance Review (4 roses)

And for the delightful works of Candace Camp

“A storyteller who touches the heart of her readers time and again.”

Romantic Times

“When it comes to writing sexual tension, it doesn’t get better than this.”

—The Romance Reader

“A double helping of romance.”


“Will leave you breathless with laughter.”

Affaire de Coeur


A Lady Never Tells
A Gentleman Always Remembers

Now available from Pocket Star Books

Pocket Star Books
A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2011 by Candace Camp

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Pocket Books Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

First Pocket Star Books paperback edition April 2011

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Cover illustration by Alan Ayers
Hand lettering by Ron Zinn

Manufactured in the United States of America

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ISBN 978-1-4391-1799-6
ISBN 978-1-4391-5772-5 (ebook)

For Pete


As always, I owe thanks to a number of people who contribute greatly to my books: my wonderful agent, Maria Carvainis—I couldn’t do this without you; my great editor, Abby Zidle, who is always there to hear my problems with a character or story and who, best of all, always has a solution; my husband, Pete Hopcus, for his support (and nudges); and, of course, my daughter, Anastasia Hopcus, who takes time out from her teen witches, demons, and super-powered beings to explore plot possibilities with me.


Cover Page

Title Page

Copyright Page



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

A Winter Scandal

A Lady Never Tells

A Gentleman Always Remembers

Back Cover

Chapter 1

London was cold, damp, and dirty.

And Lady Vivian Carlyle was delighted to be there.

As the liveried footman lifted his hand to help the lady down from her carriage, Vivian paused for an instant in the open doorway, her vivid green eyes alight with anticipation. It was still January, too early for the event to be truly fashionable, and Lady Wilbourne was not known for exciting parties. But none of that was important. All that mattered was that Vivian was back in London and going to a ball, with the whole long Season stretching out before her.

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