An Alien To Love (4 page)

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Authors: Jessica E. Subject

Tags: #Five Hot 1Night Stand Stories

BOOK: An Alien To Love
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She must have sensed his hesitation. Her body straddled his and she took his hand, lifting it toward her breasts. “It’s okay, you can touch them. You can use your mouth, too.”

He decided to ignore everything he had learned about mating on Ginnun. Carrie was from Earth. She expected different things. She guided his hands to her breasts then grabbed his cock. Her lips crashed down on his mouth.

He pulled away, gasping for air. “I’m ready; you need to stop that.”

She released him and lay back on the bed, the scent of her sex invigorating his senses. On Ginnun, the male would approach the woman from behind, but he wanted to see her face as he made love to her. He wanted the emotional attachment. He slid his body over hers and prepared to mate.

Her muscles tightened and she kept him from entering her. “I’m not ready yet.”

He froze, with no idea what to do next. Trying to recall the Earth sex videos for some clue, his mind remained blank.

Taking his hand, she smiled up at him. She held two of his fingers together and guided them towards her heat. A moan escaped between her soft lips as he slid his fingers inside. Her muscles tightened around them as her wetness spread.




Chapter Nine



Carrie’s body tensed further as he brought her closer to orgasm. The foreplay started with some reluctance; she suspected sex was simply about breeding on his home planet. He learned fast though and she hadn’t been afraid to teach him. His body screamed
sexual god
. She took it as her responsibility to show him what it could do. Sex with an alien never entered her mind before, but she’d never imagined an alien to be so virile. She wanted to experience every inch of him.

He removed his fingers and tasted her, his tongue just as elongated as the rest of his body. She struggled to hold still as it swept around, touching every sensitive spot inside. “I never expected….”

He moved three fingers inside of her, set together like a cock and took her words away.

Finding her clit, he learned that rubbing it drove her wild. “You like that?” She heard all the confidence back in his voice.

As she tried to nod, he plunged his fingers further in. She could only get “uh huh” out as a moan, not wanting to move for fear of losing the sensations. Her moans became higher pitched as he drove into her harder and faster, his thumb rubbing her toward ecstasy. She screamed with pleasure as the orgasm tore through her body.

Frey pulled his fingers out of her and leaned away. “Did I hurt you?”

Her body shook with aftershocks. “No,” she panted. “That was….amazing.”

He relaxed and brought his hands back to her, his thumb grazing one erect nipple while his mouth sucked in the other.

Without hesitation, he slid inside of her, sending her towards another orgasm. The head of his cock hit her G-spot with every thrust. Pressure continued to build as his mouth came down on hers.
So close
. She couldn’t think straight. He grabbed her hips and drove her harder and harder, bringing her new pleasures in so many ways.

A guttural roar filled the room as Frey’s body tensed above her. The spray of his seed sent her over the edge once more. She held him inside, enjoying the continuing orgasm, and pulsed around his alien cock.

Collapsing beside her, the sheen of his sweat made his blue skin glow brighter. She curled up beside him and brushed the moisture from his brows. “I never expected to experience anything like that.”

He tightened his grip around her. “Yes, I’m glad we arranged this one-night stand.”

And there it was—the reminder of the purpose of this night. She’d wanted to forget about the idea of the night of uncommitted sex until she left him. She wanted to remain in his arms for as long as possible, but now she couldn’t.

Alien or not, she hoped for something more from him.

He fell asleep, his grip loosening. She used the opportunity to get off the bed and rush to the bathroom. She refused to cry. It would do her no good. Dressing as fast as she could, she kept checking to make sure he remained asleep. Although she would never forget this night, she didn’t want to go through the awkward goodbye. It was better that way. She grabbed her overnight bag, slipped out of the room and left her key card at the front desk.




Chapter Ten



The warmth Frey had enjoyed when he fell asleep had disappeared.
. Where did she go? His stomach rumbled with hunger. Perhaps she’d gone down to the hotel’s restaurant to get something to eat. He would join her after he relieved himself and dressed.

Turning to wash his hands in the sink, he caught sight of himself in the mirror, his true form. He kept his alien body hidden with the human image out of necessity. Even when abducted yesterday, he’d refused to change. But she made him comfortable without his human image. She didn’t fear him.

He concentrated to appear human once again; walking around the hotel as a Ginnunian would bring him attention he neither needed nor wanted. Looking for his clothes around the bed, he noticed hers were gone, her bag, her purse, everything. She had left him. He searched the room for a note, something to indicate she would return or contact him, but he came up empty-handed.

He roared in anguish. His only lover abandoned him after their first mating. He sat on the bed, his head in his hands. He should have been worried about her telling his secrets to others, but his heart ached too much. Her rejection hurt far worse than when Tandee selected Brand as her mate.

Perhaps arranging a one-night stand had been a bad idea. Madame Evangeline only guaranteed him one night. But he’d been so sure Carrie would stick around after. They’d bonded on so many levels. She’d only needed a boost of confidence to open up, be herself. And she’d revealed more through their mating than during their entire conversation. Then she left him.

Now, without her, he had nothing. All hope of having a mate and family on Earth vanished, with no chance for him to experience love. He might as well devote his life to the Space Service, but no one from Ginnun would return for him. He was dead to his home planet and destined to live on Earth, forever alone.

Even with another hour before check out, he had to leave the room. Every incredible memory of his night with her brought the realization he would never see her again. He couldn’t even email her. All emails came forwarded from Madame Evangeline, stripped of any contact information.

After he finished dressing, he grabbed his key card and headed down to the front desk.

“Did you enjoy your stay, Mr. Berger?” The front desk clerk appeared too chipper for his mood.

“Yes, thank you.” As his receipt printed out, a thought occurred to him. “The woman staying with me, what time did she check out?”

“Six a.m., Sir. Said she had an early meeting.”

He nodded even though he knew it was a lie. “Thank you.” He took his receipt and turned to leave.

“Mr. Berger? Will you be seeing Miss Cooper at all today?”

“I hope to.” If only his words were true.

“Could you return her phone to her? She ran out of here so fast and I didn’t realize she left it until she was gone.”

He couldn’t have asked for a better way to get in touch with her. The hotel only had Madame Evangeline’s information. “Sure, I’ll make sure she gets it.”

He rushed to his car with her phone, scrolling through her contact list. Several numbers were listed under work, but he found only two other numbers: her parents and her best friend, the friend who’d encouraged her to go on the date.

He would never tell his own parents about a date, but this was Earth. Would Carrie discuss it with anyone?




Chapter Eleven



Carrie considered going home, but she couldn’t be alone. She needed someone to talk to and the only person who would understand was Tamara. Wanting to call to make sure her best friend was home, Carrie discovered she’d lost her cell phone. The thought of returning to the hotel to look for it caused her stomach to twist. Maybe later, when she knew Frey would be gone. She couldn’t face him. She refused to say goodbye.

In the foyer of Tamara’s building, she buzzed up. “It’s Carrie. Are you alone?”

“Yes, just got home from my date. Come on up.”

She took the stairs to the second floor, hoping the constant movement would keep her tears at bay. She shouldn’t have expected so much out of her one-night stand. When her friend opened the door, the flood gates burst.

“Oh, Care, was it that bad?” Tamara put an arm around her shoulders and guided her into the apartment.

“No, it was great. I didn’t want it to end.”

Tamara stopped and stared at her like she’d grown another head. “Then why are you here? Why aren’t you still on your date?”

She flopped on the couch. “I didn’t want to have to say goodbye.”

Her friend headed for the kitchen. “I don’t get it. If you both had a good time, why couldn’t you go out again? Why did you have to say goodbye?” She returned with a tub of ice cream and two spoons.

“Ice cream, this early?”

“Anytime is a good time for ice cream.”

Carrie took a spoon. “This is exactly why I came here. You always seem to know what I need.”

“Yeah, well I need details.” She spooned ice cream into her mouth. “Cough ‘em up.”

“After we….had sex, he made it clear this was just a one night stand. Then he fell asleep. I took that as my cue to leave. I didn’t want things to be awkward when he woke up.”

“I’m sorry.” Tamara leaned over and hugged her. “I know you were hoping for more, but at least you had a night of great sex.”

Carrie nodded, wiping the tears. Everything about their night had been great, until the end.

“So tell me about it. How was he?”

The memory brought a smile to her face. Not just the sex, but their hours of talking, learning of his origins, and his gift to her.
His gift. Can I really get pregnant now?

Her hands moved to her stomach while Tamara stared at her in anticipation. “It was….cosmic, out of this world.” She would never tell Tamara that her date came from another planet. Who would believe her anyway?

“Well, except for the end, I’m glad you enjoyed your date, ‘cause mine sucked.”

She’d been so wrapped up in her own sorrow, she’d forgotten to ask Tamara about her date. Now she felt like a horrible friend. “I’m sorry, what happened?”

“Don’t be. I know you expected much more from the date. Me, not so much.”

Carrie looked up at the clock, confused. “If your date was so bad, how come you just got home?”

Tamara’s eyes lit up. “I met someone else at the restaurant and spent the night with him.”

“You spent the night with a stranger?” She’d done the same thing, but the date happened after weeks of planning. It wasn’t on a whim. Then again, Tamara became open to dating outside of her usual type, and had been uninhibited sexually since she’d returned from Las Vegas.

“Not a stranger. Remember my one-night stand I told you about?”

She nodded. Her friend radiated with excitement.

“Well, I was hiding in the bathroom from my date. He kept babbling on about fruit fly mating. The only time he shut up was to check out every other woman in the restaurant. I mean, hello, I’ve got plenty for him to look at. Anyway, when I finally got up enough courage to return to the table, I left the bathroom and ran right into Josh. He’s up here on business. He said that his business meeting was almost over and asked if I wanted to meet up after.”

She found a glimmer of hope. She might never see Frey again, but she could get out and date like Tamara, find the right guy and have the family she’s always dreamed of. “So what did you do about your date?”

“I paid for my portion of the bill and left him sitting there. Josh met me at the coffee shop down the street an hour later and we went back to his hotel room.”

Her friend glowed, the same as she had after sex with Frey. “Will you see him again?”

“I’m not sure, but when I told him I’d be down there next month, he said I could stay with him. And we exchanged our new numbers. I guess that means there’s no woman in his life right now.”

Her mood brightened due to Tamara’s happiness. They sat on the couch and watched reruns of
on the sci-fi channel while finishing off the tub of ice cream.

Her eyelids became heavy from a night of no sleep. She stood up. “I’m going home.”

“You can crash here,” Tamara offered.

Her phone blasted some rock song before Carrie could respond. Her friend grabbed it from the end table and looked at her. “Just wait.” She went to the kitchen to talk then stuck her head back out and whispered, “It’s Frey.”

Her stomach twisted. Why was her date calling Tamara and how’d he get her number?

“Would you like to talk to her?” Tamara asked him.

When Tamara went back into the kitchen, she assumed the answer was no.
Great! Now my one-night stand is trying to make a date with my best friend.
Maybe he believed Earth girls really were easy. She went to the kitchen to say goodbye to Tamara, but saw her best friend writing on the notepad on her fridge. She swallowed the lump in her throat. They weren’t even going behind her back; they were planning a date right in front of her.

Her phone. That must have been how he found Tamara’s number. And she had talked up her best friend so much to him, too.

After grabbing her purse from the living room, she rushed toward the door.

Tamara stepped in front of her. “Oh no, you don’t. You’re not walking out on me like you did to Frey.”

“I won’t stand around while you arrange a date with my one-night stand.” Tears formed, but her anger held them in.

“Oh, Care, I’m sorry that Peter stole so much of your self-confidence that you’d think I would even consider dating someone you’d been with.” She wrapped her arms around her. “I would never do that to you.”

Carrie wanted to hide under a rock. Had she really said that to her best friend? “I’m so sorry. I was just so disappointed with the way my date ended.” No excuse would make up for her accusation.

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