An Elm Creek Quilts Sampler (7 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Chiaverini

BOOK: An Elm Creek Quilts Sampler
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“All of them. They’re old.”

“They’re beautiful.”

“Hmph. Young lady, if you keep saying things like that I might just have to keep you around.” Mrs. Compson closed the cedar chest and spread one last quilt on the sofa. “They shouldn’t be stored in there. Contact with wood can damage them. But Claudia was too scatterbrained to remember such simple things.” She sighed and eased herself onto a chair beside the end table. “Not that it really matters. These quilts were made to be used, and to be used up. I thought they might at least give you some ideas, a place to start.”

Claudia—she must be her sister
, Sarah thought as she pulled a chair closer to Mrs. Compson’s.

“The last time I taught someone to quilt—why, it must have been fifty years ago,” Mrs. Compson said, as if thinking aloud. “Of course, she never truly wanted to learn. I’m sure you’ll do much better.”

“Oh, I really do want to learn. My grandmother quilted, but she died before I was old enough for her to teach me.”

Mrs. Compson raised an eyebrow. “I learned when I was five years old.” She put on her glasses and peered at one of the books. “I thought you could best learn by making a sampler. Mind you, I plan to teach you the traditional way, hand piecing and hand quilting. You shouldn’t expect to finish your quilt this week or even this year.”

“I know it’ll take time. I don’t mind.”

“There are many other perfectly acceptable modern techniques that make quilting faster and easier.” She indicated the sewing machine with a jerk of her head. “I use some of them myself. But for now, hand piecing will do.”

Sarah looked at the small machine in disbelief. “You can sew on that toy sewing machine?”

Matt had an expression very much like the one Mrs. Compson wore then, one he usually assumed when Sarah called an amaryllis a lily or when she called everything from mulch to peat moss dirt. “That’s no toy. That model isn’t manufactured anymore, but it’s one of the finest sewing machines a quilter can own. You shouldn’t judge things by their size, or by their age.”

Chastened, Sarah changed the subject. “You said I should make a sampler?”

Mrs. Compson nodded. “How big do you want the finished quilt to be?”

“Big enough for our bed. It’s queen-size.”

“Then you’ll need about twelve different blocks, if we use a straight setting with sashing and borders instead of setting the blocks on point. Then we’ll attach wide strips of your background fabric between the blocks and your outer border so you have plenty of space to practice your hand quilting stitches.” Mrs. Compson handed Sarah one of the books. “Pick twelve different blocks you’d like to try. There are more patterns in these other books. I’ll help you find a good balance.”

With Mrs. Compson’s guidance, Sarah selected twelve blocks from the hundreds of patterns in the books. Mrs. Compson explained the difference between pieced blocks, ones that were made from seaming the block’s pieces together, and appliquéd blocks, which were made by sewing figures onto background fabric. Mrs. Compson encouraged her to choose some of each style for her sampler. The time spent choosing, reconsidering, and rejecting blocks passed quickly, and before Sarah knew it, it was half past five. She had selected twelve blocks that varied in style, appearance, and difficulty, and Matt was standing in the sitting room doorway smiling at her.

“How’s quilt school going?” he asked, crossing the room and giving Sarah a hug.

Sarah smiled up at him. “I’m getting my homework assignment as we speak.”

“Yes, Sarah has decided to become a student again,” Mrs. Compson said as she jotted down some notes on a pad. She tore off the top sheet and handed it to Sarah. “This is a list of the fabrics and other tools you’ll need to complete the quilt top. We’ll worry about the other materials later. Do you know the quilt shop downtown?”

“I’ve been there once.”

“Ask someone there to help you select the items from this list. Bonnie Markham is the owner. A very pleasant woman. She’ll know what to do.”

Sarah nodded, remembering the friendly, dark-haired woman. She scanned the list, then folded the paper and placed it in her pocket. “I’ll see you on Monday, then.”

Mrs. Compson escorted them to the door, and Sarah and Matt drove home.

The answering machine’s light blinked a welcome when they entered the duplex. Sarah’s stomach flip-flopped as she ducked around Matt and reached for the playback button.

“This is Brian Turnbull from PennCellular Corporation.”

Sarah closed her eyes and suppressed a groan.

“I’m trying to reach Sarah McClure regarding the résumé you sent us. If you’re still interested in the position, give me a call today before five so we can set up an interview.”

Sarah glanced at the clock in dismay. It was already almost six.

“If you can’t reach me before then, I’ll be back in the office first thing Monday morning.” He quickly recited his telephone number and hung up.

“Doesn’t that just figure?” Sarah muttered, snatching up the phone. “The only day I’m not around, and that’s the day he calls.”

“He might still be there. You could try.”

Sarah was already dialing the number. She reached an answering machine and hung up without leaving a message. “If only I’d been here. What if he thinks I’m not interested? By now he could have offered the job to someone else.”

“Hey, relax,” Matt said, rubbing her shoulders. “He said you could call on Monday, right? Why would he say that if he wasn’t interested?”

Sarah shook her head. “This is a sign.”

“It’s not a sign.”

“It is, too. It’s a very bad sign.”

“Sarah, you’re overreacting. You shouldn’t—” Matt broke off and sighed, shaking his head and furrowing his brow in exaggerated helplessness. “I’ll tell you what. First, we make supper. I’m starved.”

Sarah’s anxiety began to wane. “And then what?”

“Then we clean up.”

“Then what?”

“Then,” he said, dropping his hands to her waist and pulling her into a hug. “You forget all about work for a while.” He kissed her and smiled, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Sarah smiled back. “Why wait until after supper?”


ver breakfast on Saturday morning, Sarah approached the Help Wanted ads with more confidence than she had felt in weeks. Now that she could count on her job with Mrs. Compson for a regular paycheck, she didn’t need to find the perfect career right away. Besides, she’d rather spend the summer exploring Elm Creek Manor than crunching numbers in some climate-controlled office cubicle.

Sarah found three new ads for accounting positions, and she took them as a sign that her luck had changed at last. Usually she struggled to choose the perfect words for her cover letters, but today her fingers flew over the keyboard. On a whim she changed the typeface on her résumé from Helvetica to New Century Schoolbook, since it looked more optimistic and might make a better impression. At ten o’clock she and Matt drove downtown to the post office, where she sent her résumés on their hopeful journeys. Then, while Matt drove off to complete some errands of his own, Sarah hurried down the sidewalk to Grandma’s Attic.

The store was more crowded than it had been on her first visit. Several customers browsed through the aisles, studiously comparing different bolts of fabric or leafing through the books and quilt patterns near the front entrance. Sarah spotted Bonnie standing with five other women around the far end of the long cutting table. She was about to approach them when they erupted in peals of laughter. Feeling awkward, she hung back. They didn’t seem standoffish, but their friendship was so tangible that Sarah felt like an unwanted eavesdropper. She waved discreetly instead, trying to catch the shop owner’s eye without interrupting the lively conversation.

The youngest woman in the group looked her way, smiled, and left the table. She had long, straight auburn hair that was parted in the middle and reached halfway down her back. “May I help you?” she asked as she approached. She seemed several years younger than Sarah, perhaps in her late teens or early twenties.

Bonnie followed close behind. “So, Sarah, you’ve decided to take the plunge?”

Sarah pulled Mrs. Compson’s list from her pocket. “Yes, and I’m supposed to get a bunch of supplies. But I’m not really sure … well, like this. I’m supposed to get ‘three yards of a medium print.’ Does that mean medium as in medium-size?”

“Dark, medium, and light refer to a fabric’s value,” the auburn-haired girl explained.

“You mean, how much it costs?”

The girl’s smile deepened, and a dimple appeared in her right cheek. “Not that, either. Let me start over. Value refers to how dark or light a color is, how much black or white has been added to a hue. You need to have contrasting values in a quilt so the block pattern shows up. It’s like if you track dark brown mud all over a light beige carpet. The mud and the carpet have very different values so the footprints really show up. But if you track dark brown mud on a dark blue carpet, you can’t see the footprints as much. And if your mom’s anything like mine, she won’t even notice the stains.”

“I heard that, kiddo,” one of the women called out from the cutting table. “You know you’re not supposed to air my housekeeping foibles in public.” She, too, was auburn-haired, but more sturdily built than her slender daughter. She wore a long flowing skirt and several beaded necklaces.

“She isn’t telling us anything we don’t already know, Gwen,” the woman at her side drawled. She was strikingly pretty, tall, thin, and tan, and she wore her short blond hair in curls.

“Besides, Mom, it was for a good cause. I was helping a new quilter.”

Gwen shrugged. “Oh. In that case, go right ahead.”

The others burst into laughter again. Sarah felt a smile twitching in the corners of her mouth as she watched them.

“It looks like Summer has everything under control, so why don’t I leave you in her capable hands?” Bonnie suggested. “She knows as much about quilts as anyone here.”

“Not exactly. I’m still learning, too,” Summer replied, but she looked pleased as she motioned for Sarah to follow her to the closest aisle of fabric bolts.

After searching through cotton prints of every imaginable pattern and color, Sarah found a medium value print she liked, a paisley pattern in shades of red, blue, cream, and brown. Then Summer showed her how to match other fabrics to the colors in the first print. At first Sarah selected all floral designs, but Summer explained that different prints—some large, some airy, some geometric, some tone-on-tone, and others multicolored—would give the finished quilt a more interesting texture.

“There’s so much to think about,” Sarah said, overwhelmed. “I didn’t think making a quilt would be easy, but if the shopping’s this difficult, I can’t imagine what the sewing will be like.”

“It gets easier, but I know what you mean,” Summer confided, lowering her voice. “When my mom first started teaching me how to quilt, I felt the same way. But don’t tell her I said so. She’s convinced I was a child prodigy, and I’d hate to ruin my image.”

Sarah laughed and agreed. It felt good to have a friendly person to talk to again. With a pang, she suddenly realized how much she missed her friends from State College. They used to talk and laugh and have a good time no matter where they were or what they were doing. Even trips to the Laundromat could be fun with them, and no terrible workday or argument with her mother could withstand their power to commiserate and comfort. Bonnie and the other women around the table acted as if they had a friendship like that. As Summer helped her find the other items on Mrs. Compson’s list, Sarah wished that she and Summer were friends and that Summer would take her over there and introduce her to the other women. They all looked so cheerful, so comfortable together.

“Are you taking one of Bonnie’s classes?” Summer asked as they carried the bolts to the other end of the cutting table. She unrolled the first bolt and began to cut the fabric.

“No, Sylvia Compson is going to teach me.”

Summer stared at her, scissors frozen in mid-cut. “Sylvia Compson is your quilt teacher? No way.”

At that, the conversation at the other end of the table broke off, and the women looked their way. Their expressions varied from mild surprise to out-right astonishment. A woman of Asian heritage broke the silence. “She always quilts alone—at least, that’s what they say.” She held a baby in a carrier on her back, and as she spoke she absentmindedly removed a lock of her black hair from the child’s fist.

The oldest woman, petite and white-haired, shook her head. “I believe Judy’s right.” Her blue eyes were wide with amazement behind pink-tinted glasses. “She doesn’t teach anymore, and hasn’t for a very long time, as far as I know.”

“Looks like you’ve got yourself some competition, Bonnie,” the blond woman beside Gwen added.

“I’m glad for it,” Bonnie protested. “She’s so talented. It’s wonderful that she’s passing along that gift.”

“It’s about time she stopped being so stuck up,” the blond woman muttered. “She’ll take all the ribbons all right, but she won’t join a guild.”

“Knock it off, Diane.” Gwen elbowed her in the side. Diane’s mouth opened in protest, but she said nothing else.

“Not everyone’s a joiner,” Judy said. “Besides, she hasn’t been back in town very long, only since Claudia passed away. Who knows? Maybe she belonged to a guild back in—wherever she was.”

“Sewickley,” Sarah said.

Six pairs of eyes fixed on her.

“Are you from Sewickley, too?” the oldest woman asked. “Are you a friend of hers? Can you tell us how she’s doing? I’m Mrs. Emberly. Mrs. Compson wouldn’t mind if you told me—in fact, I suppose she’d expect me to ask. Are you a relation?”

“Well, no, I mean, I’m not a relation. I work for Mrs. Compson. But I’m not from Sewickley. I’m from State College.” Sarah tried not to fidget. “I don’t really know Mrs. Compson all that well—”

“Ah, yes. State College.” Gwen grinned. “Of course, that means you must be a Penn State grad.”

“That’s right. I just moved to town.”

“Have you signed with a team yet or are you still a free agent?”

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