An Unyielding Desire (After The End Book 2) (44 page)

BOOK: An Unyielding Desire (After The End Book 2)
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Chapter Three

The sun streaming through the windows woke Madison, and she blinked with confusion. It was late in the morning, much later than she ever rose, and it took a moment for the night’s events to come rushing back to her.

Instinctively, she reached for Tiernan, but wasn’t surprised to find him gone. With a small sigh, she sat up and scooted to the edge. Her clothes were nowhere in sight. She grimaced, hoping some solicitous maid hadn’t absconded with them and left her nothing to wear but the sheet on the bed. With a sigh, she dragged it off and wrapped it around herself.

As she entered the room where they had eaten dinner, she stumbled to a halt.
Tiernan sat at the table, a stack of paperwork in front of him. She frowned, remembering Cleo’s assurance that he would be long gone. Perhaps he’d switched up his routine for this visit.

Feeling awkward and shy, she couldn’t quite meet his eyes when he looked up at her to greet her. She returned his good morning in a halting voice, flipping her hair forward to hide her eyes.

He pushed away from the table, revealing he wore only a robe. She froze as he walked toward her, not sure what the proper morning-after etiquette entailed.

“Breakfast will be here in an hour, giving us plenty of time to take a bath first.”

Eyes wide, she took the hand he held out and followed him back down the hallway to another door. He opened it to reveal a bathroom a bit larger than the one in Cleo’s room, complete with another decadent bathtub.

She watched with confusion as he turned on the faucets to fill the tub, wondering what he was doing. He didn’t seem to be following his usual protocol, per Cleo. Should she question him or just enjoy one more sensual experience with the commander before he sent her home?

That was an easy answer, and she let the sheet fall to the floor when he disrobed. They stepped into the water together, and she settled down on top of him, his legs cradling her. Madison closed her eyes and enjoyed the experience as he washed her hair and bathed her, his touch becoming progressively more intimate.

She reciprocated by turning toward him to soap him, her hands slippery on the length of his arousal. He groaned, thrusting against her hand as he leaned her back. Once she was positioned to his satisfaction, he eased inside her. She flinched at a trace of pain that was quickly forgotten, and then surrendered herself to his lovemaking.

Breakfast was a little cold by the time they were dressed—he in a formal uniform and she in the thin slip—and sitting at the table. She accepted the bite he offered before feeding him a dollop of cream with her finger.

He intercepted her hand, holding it in his. “Your hands are rough.”

She tensed. “I work hard, Commander.”

shook his head. “It wasn’t a criticism, just an observation. You’re so delicate and feminine everywhere.” He stroked her palm with his thumb. “Except your hands. It’s an interesting juxtaposition.” Squeezing her hand, he said, “It’s nothing a few weeks of pampering won’t fix.”

She laughed sharply. “Yeah, there’s not much time for pampering between caring for the crops and animals.”

He leaned closer, his expression earnest. “That’s all behind you now, Madison.”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

“When we get back to Seattle-Archer, you’ll be living an entirely new life.”

Madison blinked. “Get back…what? You want me to come with you?”

He nodded, bringing the hand he held to his mouth to kiss the fingers. “I want you as my personal companion.”

Madison stilled, dismay surging through her. It was one thing to have middle-of-the-night fancies, but quite another to confront the reality of him wanting to add her to his personal entourage of bed jumpers. She tugged away her hand. “That’s flattering, but I can’t.”

A fierce frown slashed across his face. “What do you mean, you can’t?”

She lifted her hands. “My family needs me.”

His eyes narrowed. “I need you.”

She scoffed. “You want me, and for how long?”

Tiernan cocked his head. “If you’re concerned about me discarding you after a short time, I don’t see that happening. If it did, you would be well provided for with a generous severance package.”

It took everything she had not to roll her eyes. Drawing a deep breath, she softened her voice. “Really, I appreciate it. I’m honored that you want me to spend more time with you, but it’s impossible. My momma is sick, and Papa needs me to help out, just like he needs my brother Cam and my little sister Rosie.”

He was clearly annoyed. “There’s nothing to discuss. You’re coming with me. We’ll be leaving later in the morning.” With an angry flourish, he shoved his chair away from the table. “I have things to see to, but Cleo will help you prepare for the journey.”

Tiernan, please—”

His hazel eyes darkened. “Be ready.” Without another word, he stormed from the room, leaving a stunned Madison to sit there staring after him as her mind worked feverishly to find a way out of the predicament.


blinked, unable to believe Nash’s words. “She tried to escape?”

The sergeant shifted, clearly uncomfortable. “Yes, sir. My men caught her before she even made it out of the governor’s residence.”

“Unbelievable.” He was vibrating with anger and an emotion he tentatively identified as betrayal—not something with which he was familiar. “She tried to escape,” he said again, allowing the words to sink in.

“Yes, sir.” Nash cleared his throat. “What do you want to do about her, sir? I understand public lashings are a common punishment in this province.”

He literally saw red at the thought of someone marring her perfect, creamy back with whip marks. “That’s unacceptable.”

“Yes, sir.” The sergeant seemed relieved. “Shall I escort her home?”

That idea made him almost as angry. The harsh demands of his life entitled him to a few simple pleasures. He refused to surrender her. And why should he? There was still a lot he could teach her, and her innocence was refreshing. She was charming and beautiful. He smiled as he imagined her awed reaction to life in Seattle-Archer. It would be quite different for her. Once she settled in and realized she wasn’t returning to her old life, this childish rebelliousness would fade.

“No,” he said decisively. “Return her to the sitting room where I’m staying. I’ll deal with her before we leave.”

Determined to stay the course he had set, he decided to let her stew a bit. She deserved to suffer some fear about the unknown after trying to flee. It would also give him time to rein in his sense of hurt. No, not hurt. That was definitely not the right word. Anger. Just anger. He was enraged that she would dare throw his offer back in his face. Feeling that way, he couldn’t face her just yet.


Madison sat quietly on a settee, curled into a ball. Cleo had come and gone after bringing her clothes to wear for their imminent departure. Perhaps she’d found Madison’s monosyllabic answers rude, but she couldn’t summon the energy to care right then. She was too consumed with worry and anxiety. What was Archer going to do to her? In her mind, she could hear the crack of the whip on her back and shuddered as her brain conjured phantom pain to accompany the image.

At least if he whipped her, she would be home soon. There could be worse fates awaiting her than a lashing. As the commander of the Northwest Federation, he could order any punishment he saw fit, and someone would carry it out. No one would protest if he wanted her drawn and quartered or just “disappeared” quietly.

She jumped when the door opened, but otherwise didn’t move as Tiernan entered the room. Anger emanated from him, and his lips were white from the way he’d clamped them together. Drawing further into herself, she waited to see what he would do.

He stalked to her, stopping just a few inches from the settee to loom over her. “Why?”

She didn’t have to ask for clarification. “I need to go home.”


Madison shook her head. “You can’t just keep me here.”

He arched a brow. “I can do whatever I want. You belong to me now.”

Anger overrode fear, and she unfurled from the settee to stand up, facing him while leaving several inches between them. She shook her head emphatically. “Slavery is illegal, if you haven’t heard.”

He leaned closer, his breath against her cheek when he spoke. “I’m the commander, in case you haven’t heard.”

She balled her hands into fists. “That doesn’t give you the right to take what you want.”

snorted. “Who’s going to stop me?”

“Ugh, you’re impossible.” She turned away from him. “I’m going home.”

He let out a ragged sigh. “Why would you want to? Don’t you know what I’m offering you?”

“Yeah, a chance to be one of your rotating bedmates.”

His hand fell on her shoulder, his fingers stroking softly. “Is that what’s bothering you? If you don’t want to share, I’m sure you can find a way to keep me exclusively in your bed.”

With a grunt, she shrugged him off. “No, that’s not what’s bothering me.” Okay, maybe a little, but she wasn’t going to admit that. “I have responsibilities at home. My family, the winery. I can’t just abandon them.”

His voice took on a chilling note. “Those obligations can be removed.”

Eyes wide, she spun back to face him. “Are you threatening my family?”

Without denying it, he said, “Look, let’s calm down. You aren’t thinking straight. When you see what your life will be—”

“I don’t want it, and I don’t want you.” Tears burned her eyes, and she scrubbed at them. “How could I have been so wrong about you? I thought you were tender, but you’re just a bully. A spoiled brat who takes whatever he wants at the expense of anyone in the way without concern.”

His eyes darkened, and he scowled. “You don’t get to speak to me that way.”

She should have been frightened, but she was just too irate to be quiet. “Why would you want me to come back with you when I don’t want to? You don’t even know me.”

Tiernan’s gaze raked her face. “I know you’re beautiful.”

“That’s shallow.”

He arched a brow. “What other criteria would I take into account for a lover, Madison?”

She growled with frustration. “You can’t even give me a good reason for ripping me from my life. How can you think this is okay? I don’t understand how you can justify taking someone who is unwilling.”

Eyes narrowed, he reached for her, jerking Madison into his arms. “Because of this.” He thrust his hips forward, pressing his erection into her stomach. “Even right now, when I could happily wrap my hands around your throat to shut you up, I’m hard and aching for you. Just the memory of how you feel wrapped around me is enough to make me want to bend you over the table and satisfy myself.”

A tear streamed down her cheek. “You’d kill my family just for your lust?”

His mouth tightened. “Don’t be so dramatic.” He pushed her away, careful to make sure she was steady on her feet even in his rage. “You don’t have to make it like this. You could come to the capitol with me as my personal companion without all this nonsense.”

“And if I don’t?”

Tiernan sighed, looking tired for a second, before his expression morphed to a cool mask. “I’m sure we can find a pair of leg chains and handcuffs. I’ll chain you to my bed if that’s the way you want it.”

Her spine stiffened. “What happens to my family?”

He lifted a shoulder. “That’s up to you. If you come willingly, I promise you’ll be able to talk to them at least once a week.”

Madison arched her brow. “Uh huh. How am I supposed to do that?”

“Blaney has a communications system, and I’ll task Sergeant Nash with ensuring your family is brought here on a designated day to talk with you.”

Anger was still bubbling inside her chest, but fear for her family was tempering it. Still, she pushed further, wanting to hear him admit just how far he’d go to have her, to fortify her own defenses against his superficial charm. “If that isn’t enough for me, and I still choose to stay here?”

He laughed harshly. “Staying here isn’t a choice, Madison. You’re coming with me. If you force me to drag you out of Graceport like a prisoner, you can expect the treatment given one. You won’t receive special considerations or favors.”

“My family?” she probed.

He stared at her, his expression grim. “Their fate is the one thing you do get to choose.”

Madison gasped, hating him more than any person ever at that moment. If she’d had a knife, she would have stabbed him with it. “You’re a monster.”

“Perhaps I’ll show you how monstrous I can be when we’re back in Seattle-Archer.” His gaze didn’t leave hers. “Now, decide. Are you my personal companion or my prisoner?”

Angling her chin high and pushing back her shoulders, she scowled at him. “You already know the answer to that. What choice do I have?”

“None,” he said with a tinge of satisfaction.

Keeping her voice cold and distant, she asked, “May I at least say goodbye?”

He scoffed. “You’re not leaving this house until we’re ready to travel. Write them a letter, and Nash will deliver it.” He started walking toward the door. “But hurry, because we leave soon.”

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