And Furthermore (30 page)

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Authors: Judi Dench

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St Joan

St Mary’s Abbey, York

St Peter’s School, York

Saint-Denis, Michel

Sallis, Peter

Salmon, Colin

Scamp, Lizzie

Scott, Peter Graham

Sea, The

Seagull, The

Seal, Elizabeth

Search, Bill and Ruth

Sellars, Elizabeth

Settlement Players (York amateur dramatic group)

Shaffer, Sir Peter:
Five Finger Exercise
The Gift of the Gorgon
The Royal Hunt of the Sun
Whom Do I Have the Honour of Addressing?

Shakespeare, William
see All’s Well That Ends Well Antony and Cleopatra The Comedy of Errors Coriolanus Cymbeline Hamlet Henry V Henry VI Henry VIII Julius Caesar King Lear Macbeth Measure for Measure The Merchant of Venice The Merry Wives of Windsor A Midsummer Night’s Dream Much Ado About Nothing Romeo and Juliet The Taming of the Shrew The Tempest Troilus and Cressida Twelfth Night The Winter’s Tale

Shakespeare in Love
(film); JD’s Oscar win

Shaw, George Bernard;
Arms and the Man
Caesar and Cleopatra
Major Barbara
St Joan
Too True to be Good

Shaw, Martin

She Stoops to Conquer

Shelley, Frank

Sher, Sir Antony

Sherrin, Ned

Shipping News, The

Shot in the Dark, A

Siddons, Sarah

Simmons, Anthony

Simmons, Jean

Simpson, Andrew

Sims, Joan

Sinatra, Frank

Sinden, Sir Donald

Sleep, Wayne

Small Family Business, A

Smedley, Brian

Smith, Dame Maggie

Sondheim, Stephen;
A Little Night Music

Southgate, Johnny

Spacey, Kevin

Spencer, Charles

Spottiswoode, Roger

Spriggs, Elizabeth

Standing, John

Staunton, Imelda

Steele, Tommy

Stephens, Toby

Stevens, Dan

Stewart, James

Stewart, Job

Stewart, Sir Patrick

Stirling, Rachael

Stobart, Kathy

Stoppard, Sir Tom

Storey, David,

Streep, Meryl

Stride, John

Study in Terror, A


Szwarc, Jeannot


Tafler, Sydney

Talbot, Ian

Talking to a Stranger
(TV drama)

Taming of the Shrew, The

Tea with Mussolini

Tempest, Dame Marie

Tempest, The

Terry, Dame Ellen


Theatre Royal Haymarket, London

Third Secret, The

Thomas, Charles

Thomas, Heidi

Thompson, Emma

Thorndike, Dame Sybil

Three Sisters

Time and the Conways

Tiramani, Jenny

Toad of Toad Hall

Tomlin, Lily

Tomorrow Never Dies

Tony awards

Too True to be Good

Travers, Ben,
Cuckoo in the Nest

Trewin, John

Triner, James

Troilus and Cressida

Turner, Clifford

Turner, John

Tutin, Dame Dorothy

Twelfth Hour, The

Twelfth Night
: Nottingham Playhouse Company; Old Vic; RSC

Tynan, Kenneth


Uglow, Jenny

United States: Broadway; Old Vic tour; Oscars; promotional tours; 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks

Ure, Mary


van Eyssen, John

Vanbrugh, Irene

Varla, Zubin

Venice Biennale

Vernon, Richard

Versace, Donatella

Volanakis, Minos

Voss, Philip


Walter, Harriet

Wanamaker, Zoë

Ward, Simon


Waterhouse, Keith,
Mr and Mrs Nobody

Way, Ann

Way of the World, The

Webster, John,
The Duchess of Malfi

Webster, Margaret

Weigel, Helene

Weinstein, Harvey


Whitelaw, Billie

Whitemore, Hugh,
Pack of Lies

Whiteside, Janet

Whitfield, June

Whiting, John,
A Penny for a Song

Whom Do I Have the the Honour of Addressing?

Wilde, Oscar,
The Importance of Being Earnest

Wilkinson, Tom

Williams, Clifford

Williams, Elizabeth (JD’s mother-in-law) Williams, Finty (Tara Cressida Frances; JD’s daughter): birth; childhood; fire at Hampstead house; role in
Mrs Brown
; accompanies JD to Oscars; death of father; role in
The Importance of Being Earnest

Williams, Len (JD’s father-in-law)

Williams, Michael: marriage to JD; professional advice to JD; accompanies JD to Oscars; illness; appointment to the Order of St Gregory; death; funeral and memorial service; stage appearances:
Brief Lives
The Comedy of Errors
Content to Whisper
The Duchess of Malfi
The Good Soldier Schweik
King Lear
London Assurance
The Merchant of Venice
Mr and Mrs Nobody
Pack of Lies
The Taming of the Shrew
Toad of Toad Hall
Too True to be Good
Troilus and Cressida
television roles:
A Fine Romance
Love in a Cold Climate
film roles:
Dead Cert
Eagle in a Cage
Henry V
Tea with Mussolini

Williams, Robin

Wilson (riding teacher)

Wilton, Penelope

Winslet, Kate

Winter’s Tale, The

Wise, Greg

Wolf, The

Women Beware Women

Woodthorpe, Peter

Woodvine, John

Woodward, Edward

Wootton, Julia

World Is Not Enough, The

Wright, Joe

Wycherley, William,
The Country Wife

Wymark, Patrick

Wyndham’s Theatre, London


York; Theatre Royal

York Mystery Plays

Young Vic, London

Yugoslavia: National Theatre Company tour; Old Vic Company tour


(TV series)

Zeffirelli, Franco

First published in Great Britain in 2010
by Weidenfeld & Nicolson

© Dame Judi Dench 2010

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The right of Dame Judi Dench to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN: 978-1-4299-6064-9

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