Andrea Kane (3 page)

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Authors: My Hearts Desire

BOOK: Andrea Kane
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And all the while that incredible voice continued to speak, commanding and sure. How could such a devastating voice and such an overpowering body belong to one man?

Alex’s mouth went dry.

Unaware of the emotional turmoil transpiring beneath his bed, Drake finished dressing, waving away Smitty’s efforts. “Please, Smitty, I do believe I am capable of buttoning a shirt.” He grinned. But when it came to his boots, Smitty’s grumbling grew so loud that Drake relented, allowing his friend to help.

Moments later they exited the cabin, leaving a trembling Alex bewildered and alone.

Alex waited many minutes after their footsteps had faded. When she could bear the discomfort no longer, she wriggled out from her hiding place, whimpering as she flexed her cramped limbs. She was still shaking from the intensity of her physical reaction to the bare-legged stranger. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm her raw nerves. Sanity returned, slowly.
It’s just fatigue,
she assured herself.
Fatigue and tension are causing me to panic.

At last she felt her heart rate slow. Whoever the mysterious occupant of the cabin was, he was merely a man.

At five bells an exhausted Drake, satisfied with the ship’s progress, informed Smitty of his intention to go below to dine in his cabin. Upon opening his door, he expected to find one of cook’s fine meals and a hearty drink. What he found instead was a beautiful but disheveled woman clad in a somewhat dusty muslin gown, whose golden brown hair was tousled about her exquisite, delicate features and whose fathomless gray eyes gazed up at him with a mixture of apprehension and candor.

But the haughty words uttered by the unbearably sensual mouth were anything but meek.

“I’m quite hungry, sir. When will luncheon be served?”

Chapter 3

you?” Even as Drake’s furious voice boomed out, he realized that his first impression had been accurate. The fairy-tale creature sitting stiffly at his desk was terrified, the vein in her slender neck pulsing rapidly despite her bravado. At his angry words she swallowed and clutched her hands more tightly together, but she did not flinch or drop her wide gray gaze from his shocked, burning one.

She replied in a voice that rang with confidence, “Who am I? I am Lady Alexandria, daughter of Geoffrey Cassel, the Earl of Sudsbury and the newly appointed governor of York.”

“I don’t give a damn if you’re the queen,” Drake fired back, striding toward her. “What the hell are you doing on my ship?”

Alex blinked but held her ground. “There is no need for profanity, sir, nor is there cause for you to bellow like a wounded animal. If you will address me properly I shall be more than happy to answer your questions.”

Drake almost laughed out loud. Here she was, blatantly trespassing on his beloved ship, yet gazing up at him through those damned spellbinding eyes as though she expected an apology. And, worse, he felt like offering one. He shook his head in amazement.

“All right, Miss ……excuse me,
Alexandria.” He spoke in a mocking voice that was deadly quiet. “Now that we have established who you are, may I repeat my second question?” He paused. “What are you doing aboard my ship?”

“Traveling to York and to my father, of course,” she answered primly.

“Of course,” Drake muttered through clenched teeth. “And how, may I ask, did you gain access not only to my ship but to my cabin?”

Alex gave him a bright smile. “I stole in during the night and hid beneath your berth. I had no idea this particular cabin would be occupied.”

Drake counted slowly to ten, then took a deep breath. “Am I to understand that you stowed away aboard my ship without the knowledge of or permission from anyone, including your father?”

A veil of uncertainty momentarily clouded Alex’s clear eyes. “More or less,” she admitted in a small voice. “However,” she continued, regaining her composure, “I am quite certain that Father will welcome the visit.”

“Then why did he not provide you with proper passage and an appropriate chaperon?”

Alex was silent at Drake’s probing question.

He was not surprised.

An image of Geoffrey Cassel appeared in Drake’s mind. He did not know the cold, rigid man well—just well enough to know that the Earl would not care at all for this sort of disruption.

The realization suddenly struck Drake that Alexandria Cassel had no idea of his identity. Further, even if she did, his name would probably be meaningless to her, as it was highly unlikely that her father would discuss business in her presence. Therefore, as far as the nobly bred Lady Alexandria was concerned, Drake was merely a common sailor.

Drake studied the beauty before him, careful to keep his face impassive. So this was Lord Sudsbury’s daughter, this fiery, arrogant creature. She was not what Drake would have expected. Actually he gave her high marks for honesty and for audacity. She really expected him to take her to Canada. Obviously the spoiled little thing was used to getting everything she wanted. That would account for her colossal nerve and bold tongue.

Alexandria felt anything but bold. Her knees were knocking, and her hands felt like ice. Nothing had prepared her for this man who stood before her now, rage contorting his chiseled features. He looked like an avenging Greek god, bronzed and beautiful, with thick black hair and eyes like jade fire, eyes that burned straight into hers, turning her body to a quivering mass. Rather than succumb to her powerful reaction to him, Alex was trying to appear cool and unruffled. But it appeared that she was failing miserably. This sea captain was not impressed with her father’s title or position, and she had an uncomfortable feeling that her next plan, to offer him money, would be no more successful in persuading him to take her to York.

Panic seized her. If she could not persuade him to allow her passage on his ship, it was quite possible that he would dock at the nearest port and demand that she leave. She couldn’t have that. She had come too far to fail.

Moistening her lips, she stood, hoping to minimize the difference in their height, thus giving herself more confidence. Her ploy failed. Even standing tall, her shoulders back, he dwarfed her by more than a foot.

It was time to change tactics. Alex looked up at him pleadingly. “Please, sir,” she began, “I must get to Canada. I would be happy to pay my way.”

“This is not a passenger ship, my lady,” was the cool reply.

“I am aware of that. And therefore I would expect to pay considerably more for my passage. Also”—Alex smiled winningly—”I am an excellent sailor. I could help relieve your men.”

“The kind of relief you would provide would not be at the helm, princess.” The way his eyes raked her slender form left no doubt as to his meaning.

Alex blushed and lowered her lashes.

A nice touch,
Drake thought to himself bitterly.
The innocent maiden. She really belongs on the stage.
Yet a vague feeling of guilt tugged at him. And when a tear slid down her cheek, that feeling intensified.

“Why is it so important for you to travel to York?” he asked in an even tone. “Are you running to something or from it?”

“Neither,” she told him truthfully. “I am just seeking something that I have yet to find.”

“Which is?”

“I cannot tell you until I have found it.”

Drake ran his fingers through his hair in exasperation. He would be crazy even to consider allowing her passage. She was a woman and that meant trouble anywhere, but especially at sea, among men who would be without a woman for months. This exquisite little thing would be too tempting a morsel for any man to resist.

“The sea is no place for a woman.” He was stunned to hear his own voice, which sounded as if he was actually contemplating the idea of taking her to Canada.

Alex heard it, too. “I promise to stay out of everyone’s way,” she said eagerly. “I’ll do anything you ask, Captain. Please.” Once again the soft voice and the fathomless gray eyes beseeched him, and Drake felt himself weakening. The weakness infuriated him, and he tensed, staring down at her, wondering at the effect she had on him.

Alex saw him stiffen.
I am not reaching him at all,
she realized sadly.
He must be made of stone.

Until that moment, Alex would have been correct. But she could not know of the war that now raged inside Drake. While his heart was indeed encased in stone, he could not resist the enchanting vision she made, so small and yet so determined, pleading for passage to York. A faint flicker of warmth sparked inside him.
What choice was there really?
a small voice in his head whispered. To leave her at some strange port would be barbaric; to turn back to London would be to lose precious time.
he thought, a challenging light intensifying his emerald eyes,
the little wench said she could hold her own. Let’s see her do so.

Drake folded his arms across his chest and stared down at her. “Your clothes will have to go.”

“Pardon me?” Alex’s fingers flew instinctively to the front of her gown.

“I said your clothes have to go. I can’t have you walking around the ship dressed so … er, provocatively. Instead of working, my men would be … attempting to enjoy your charms, shall we say?”

Alex’s blush told Drake she understood his meaning.

“I have no other clothes with me,” she protested weakly. “I left in rather a hurry.”

That much was true. Unwilling to risk discovery, Alex had decided against taking a traveling bag with her, for fear that it might hinder her undetected departure.

For the third time his gaze moved over her, slowly this time, taking in every detail of her modestly clad body.

“You are tiny,” he commented, almost to himself. “But I’m sure that young Thomas is not much bigger than you.” He nodded decisively. “I’ll arrange to have some clothes brought in at once.”

“You expect me to wear
clothes?” Alex asked in amazement.

“Any objections?” he drawled. “Because if there are, I have more than enough time to stop at the next port and—”

“No! I have no objections,” Alex jumped in.

He grinned. “Good. Now you just stay right here like a good girl, and I’ll go and see about your attire.”

“Fine,” she snapped back. Another thought occurred to her. “Do you have a name?”

He gave her a smile that nearly melted her bones. “Captain Drake Barrett at your service,
he said with a bow. “But you may call me Drake. After all, we are going to be spending quite a lot of time together over the next weeks, aren’t we?”

Alex wasn’t sure why, but something about his tone made her distinctly uneasy. She drew herself up to her full height, just over five feet. “Thank you very much,
she said. “I appreciate your hospitality.”

Drake chuckled at the obvious formality, thinking that she much resembled a tiny and adorable kitten that had been playing in a dusty corner. A kitten with claws, he reminded himself. “I will return shortly, my lady. Remain within my quarters. If you choose to disobey me,” he added, seeing the mutinous spark rekindle in her eyes, “I will not be responsible should my men decide to ravish you. Do I make myself clear?”

Alexandria swallowed, recognizing the truth of his words. Adventurous she might be; foolhardy she was not. “Yes, Captain Barrett, perfectly clear.”

“Good. I will be but a moment. And to answer your first question, luncheon should arrive shortly. Feel free to partake.”

With that he was gone.

Alexandria sank into the desk chair, trembling. Captain Drake Barrett was the most overwhelming man she had ever met. It was not merely his magnificent good looks or even that deep, commanding voice. There was an aura of raw sexuality about him that awakened every untried nerve in her young body. His blatant virility excited her, made her blood pound and her heart beat faster.

She had not counted on this complication. She had won; she was going to York. Now the trick would be to avoid Drake Barrett at all costs.

“Did you say a woman?” Smitty asked in a stunned voice.

Drake nodded. “Yes, Smitty, a woman. And not just any woman, mind you, but
Alexandria Cassel.”

“The Earl of Sudsbury’s young daughter?” Smitty was amazed.

“That’s right. It seems the little chit has a thirst for adventure. She wants to travel to York with us, actually begged me to take her there.”

“And you agreed?” Smitty gave Drake a suspicious look. “That doesn’t sound at all like you, Captain.”

“You’re right, it doesn’t,” Drake agreed. “But she insists that she can withstand the voyage. She even claims to be quite a sailor and has offered to relieve the men. I, of course, clarified that point with her.” He gave Smitty a bland look.

Smitty looked mortified. “Captain! The earl’s daughter is little more than a child!”

“Oh, she’s more than a child, Smitty,” Drake assured him cheerfully. “Much more than a child, I’d say.” He grinned.

Smitty did not smile back. He knew only too well what Drake’s opinion of women was. He also knew why. “She must be hungry,” he replied instead.

“Yes, hungry and arrogant. I wouldn’t be surprised if she expected a footman to wait on her. It is what she is used to.” Drake’s voice was bitter. “But
are going to tend to her, Smitty, because you are the only crewman who is trustworthy enough to exercise self-restraint, should her
en dishabille.”

“I will take some food and clothing to her.” Smitty moved toward the stern of the ship.

“Just take the food. I’ll tend to the clothing,” Drake put in.

Smitty turned in surprise. “Very well, Captain,” he said slowly, studying Drake. “I’ll see to the food at once.”

Alexandria jumped when she heard the door open. A moment later an elderly man with a kindly face and a wonderful-smelling tray of meat and biscuits appeared in the cabin. He stopped when he saw her, staring in utter astonishment, then crossed the room and placed the tray on the desk before her.

“Hello, my lady,” he said in a warm voice. “I thought you might like something to eat.”

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