"Ya, Mom. Ich geb achtsam (I'll be careful)."
After he changed to his work clothes, Andy ran outside and called the family dog. On his way, he grabbed several just-baked cookies.
"Here, Shep," he called. Around the corner of the house came the dog, wagging his tail with excitement.
"Ya, Shep, du bist froh mich zehne (you're glad to see me)," Andy said. He gave the dog a piece of cookie. "I wish the kids at school, and at church, too, would be happy to see me like you are, Shep." Andy reached down and patted the collie.
"Come on, boy, we have to bring the cows in." He opened the barnyard gate and started for the field. Most of the cows stood listlessly chewing their cud or lying under some shade trees.
The instant Andy said, "Go get 'em, boy," Shep knew what he was to do. He headed in the direction of the cows. Barking and nipping at their tails or heels, he soon had them moving in a straight line toward the barnyard.
"That Shep, now he's a smart dog. I guess Johnny, Levi, Enos, and none of the other boys have one so smart," Andy mused to himself.
"Cloyce likes you, too." This time the remark was directed to Shep, who wagged his tail all the harder.
His younger sister, Esther, was waiting by the lane to help Andy get the cows started in the right direction. It didn't take long because the tall green grass looked inviting to the hungry cows.
"Esther," called Andy as soon as the cows began to eat. "Esther, bring me some cookies, a few crackers, and a jar of water."