Angel of Auschwitz (20 page)

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Authors: Tarra Light

BOOK: Angel of Auschwitz
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The Masters of Light:
The Divine Plan

universe is managed by an organization of spiritual helpers called the Hierarchy of Light. Each of these great beings has a purpose and function to perform in service to the Creator. They comprise the divine government of our planet, solar system, and galaxy.

There is a plan for the spiritual evolution of humanity, and the Masters of Light are responsible to carry it out. They bring forth the energies to direct and accelerate humanity’s progress. They inspire writers and inventors with new ideas and offer spiritual guidance to those who ask.

The Divine Plan is unfolding in stages. Each timeline has established parameters and governing principles. Free will is the learning tool for the age we are living in. Free will interfaces with the Divine Plan. When human will and divine will are one, then we shall see the Day of Liberation.

Someday humanity will be free. Someday people will know the Truth. They will know who they are. They will realize that God is love. Love is our essential nature. Love is the answer.

From the heart fire of God’s love, the universe blazed forth into existence

Every atomic particle and wave of energy is sustained by the grace of God’s love

Even the emptiness of space is filled with the love of the Creator

Love vibrates in the stillness. It vibrates throughout the universe, on all worlds, in all timelines and dimensions

Love is the essence of who we are. We are made in the image of God because we are an expression of His unconditional love

The Dark Forces

hierarchy of evil that seeks dominion over the Earth and its inhabitants. The Holocaust in one chapter of an age-old master plan to control and enslave humanity.

The Master Plan

The Dark Side intends to disconnect humanity from its sources of power and sustenance by separating humankind from God and nature. They intend to undermine the Divine Plan by diverting truth seekers from the spiritual path and by subverting the divine right of free will. They test, tempt, and mislead those working for the Light, attempting to weaken their resolve and hinder their spiritual progress.

The Adversary intends to eliminate the dark-skinned races of the world that revere and honor the Earth. By desecrating the Earth and annihilating Earth religions, they seek to divorce humankind from its roots.

The forces of Darkness create confusion over the nature of God and sow the seeds of conflict among the great religions of the world. The plan of the Dark Side is to prevent humanity from realizing that God dwells within each one of us and that God is known in the heart.

How They Operate

The Dark Brotherhood operates covertly to keep humanity ignorant of its plans and deeds. They are masters of deceit, twisting the truth to promote their agenda. They project fear and negativity into the minds of the populace to generate social unrest and dissatisfaction, fanning the fires of hatred and fueling the emotions that instigate war. They thrive on the pathos of human suffering.

The dark ones prey on the weaknesses of human nature, testing a person’s ability to control their passions and desires. They are looking for cracks in one’s system of defenses to find those places where they are most vulnerable. They use a person’s greatest fears to sabotage their life, presenting opportunities to fall and to fail.

The dark ones are self-serving. Because they lack empathy and compassion for others, they do not experience remorse for their cruelty. They do not respect personal boundaries nor the sovereignty of the individual. They violate the right to privacy and the inherent right to choose one’s path and destiny.

The corruption of the human race stems from empowered illusions. The Dark Side attempts to obscure the truth by promoting false beliefs inconsistent with reality. They want to keep humanity shackled by fear, distracted and powerless. The people are programmed to worship the intellect and money as gods, rather than to look within the heart to discover the inner wealth of Spirit.

The Controllers

Working from behind the scenes, the Controllers attempt to limit the frequency of the mass consciousness. By inciting wars and creating economic crises, they trigger survival programming that fuels a fear-based collective reality. When people are functioning at a low vibration, they become less conscious and easier to control.

Terrorism is a psychological weapon to control the population. Psychoterrorists, working for the Controllers, employ the frequency of fear to disempower the masses. A plague of fear can grip the hearts of the people so that they unknowingly surrender their rights, abdicating the responsibility of citizenship for false promises of security. The threat of terror fuels the economic engines of the war machine that line the pockets of the Controllers. The merchants of evil sell lies for a profit.

Before the gears of the Nazi war machine began to turn, the truth became the first victim of the Third Reich. To governments that control with fear, the truth is the enemy of the state. Propaganda, censorship, and mass mind control produce homogenized thinking conforming to the will of the Controllers.

The Three Virtues

Natasza, the welfare of thousands of prisoners was entrusted to my care. It was a heavy load to carry for a girl barely sixteen years of age. I promised God to save my people. I would not fail.

My temptation was to indulge my emotions, to fall victim to anger, to be engulfed by grief. If I allowed myself to be vanquished by the pain, I would have been forced to abort my mission. I would have drowned in a sea of suffering. My dedication to the Truth gave me the inner strength to forge ahead. As a channel for healing love I drew down spiritual power. I was able to rise above the storm of human anguish and take a transcendent view of life.

As a minister of divine love, I taught the three virtues. These I share so that humanity may take the high road to the future.


The act of forgiveness is the invitation for the blessings of grace to enter our lives. It is our choice to surrender resistance to what happened in the past. As we give up our fight with reality, we open our hearts and experience inner peace.

When we look through the eyes of judgment, we are not seeing the world as it actually is. The act of judgment constricts our vision, limiting the depth of our perception. The movement of energy becomes locked up in a rigid pattern, preventing change and causing the situation to repeat itself.

By shining the light of understanding into a situation, we learn the lessons that attracted it to us. A shift in perception occurs as we realize a higher good, allowing us to let go of resistance. Under the illusion of pain is the grace of perfection, the miracle of each moment, with love and beauty everywhere. You may use the following prayer of forgiveness:

Dear God

I choose to forgive __________________________
(fill in).

Please teach me how. Help me see with new eyes. Reveal to me what I need to learn. Cleanse my mind and heart of anger and resentment. Thank you. Amen

Forgiveness balances karma and heals the soul. It releases us from bondage to the past so we may live fully in the present moment. It is a cleansing balm washing through the backwaters of centuries of negative thought. Forgiveness sets the future free so it can be created in innocence.

Forgiveness breaks the cycle of persecution, victimhood, and revenge carried from one generation to the next. Now the Jewish people and all of humanity are being called to forgive the Holocaust. Let us forgive the perpetrators who caused millions to suffer, the condition of human unconsciousness that allowed it to happen, and the forces of destiny that converged at that moment in history. May the German people step forward and forgive themselves, and release their guilt and shame. Let the Spirit of Forgiveness heal the hearts of all people. May the human race be emancipated from the errors of the past.

As millions of people forgive the Holocaust, the God Force of grace can purify the collective consciousness. Grace upon the Earth is necessary for the new world to be born. May the grace of forgiveness wipe the slate clean.


True compassion is living in the heart. It is the willingness to keep the heart open, to feel without resistance. As we welcome all that we experience, we are able to embrace the pain as well as the joy. We surrender to the love that is always present.

As we look into the eyes of each person, we see the light of their soul shining through. We recognize our True Self in everyone we meet. We are One Life breathing in ten thousand forms.

Unconditional love of the self is the key to opening all doors. Let us accept ourselves as we are without judgment. Let the wisdom of love teach us how to forgive. We can forgive our past and the choices we made in ignorance. We can forgive our opponents who are blind to the Truth.

Compassion is the realization of the universality of human experience. Within us are the seeds of all possibilities, of the light, and of the shadow. When we admit our struggles with temptation, we can stop judging others for succumbing. Perhaps they are lacking in discernment, strength of will, or spiritual maturity.

We meet in the heart as we recognize our inherent vulnerability. The mortality of life is a bond we all share. Living in love, we know the Truth. Living in love, we are free.

Compassion is the fruit of the Spirit
Mercy is the ripening of compassion
From which flows the sweet nectar of forgiveness


Faith is trusting the wisdom of divine Intelligence. We trust the omniscient mind of God that governs the operation of our universe beyond our human capacity to understand. We realize that all things work together to serve a higher purpose.

Faith is our acceptance of the flow of life, recognizing the presence of God working through every person and circumstance. We know that we are surrounded by His unfailing love, even during our darkest hours.

Faith is inner knowing, without objective proof. It is our personal connection to universal Intelligence, guiding our Earth walk as we step into the depths of the unknown. We know that perfect order lies behind all phenomena, and that divine timing arranges the occurrence of events.

God is the great composer orchestrating the symphony of our universe

Lessons from the Holocaust

unfathomable human tragedy that cost millions their lives and caused countless others unbearable suffering. Let us examine the causes that lie within the human psyche so that the collective consciousness can be healed and new social institutions are established based on love and unity.

Jews, gypsies, nonconformists, and other targets of genocide were the social scapegoats of the Nazi propaganda machine. A person who is emotionally healthy does not attack and blame others. People who love and accept who they are do not deny negative aspects of themselves and project that negativity onto others. The collective beliefs of humanity create the world we live in. Portions of the reality we manifest reflect back to us what we have repressed. Our personal enemies show us what we need to heal. The outer reality of war is the result of conflict within the self.

Emotional release is necessary for humanity to return to sanity. Let us bring the light of our conscious awareness into all parts of ourselves that we have pushed away, avoided, and denied. The healing of the emotional body is essential for peace to prevail on Earth.

Hitler was the self-proclaimed messiah of the New Religion, a charismatic orator who mesmerized the masses. Charisma is a form of psychic magnetism, the power to charm and persuade others. Beware of the negative aspects of charismatic power to beguile, manipulate, and control.

When we look for answers outside of ourselves, we give away our power. When we follow external authority, we are undermining our free will. Let us not idolize religious leaders who preach an ideology of salvation, or surrender our freedom to anyone, no matter how eloquent their words or convincing their arguments. Let us listen to the voice of God in the Temple of the Heart and be guided by the Truth within.

Racial identity is a cloak we wear, covering our essential nature. Our personality is the mask we wear to greet the world. Allegiance to a particular group is a layer of identification that veils the underlying oneness uniting all people.

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