Angel Seduced (16 page)

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Authors: Jaime Rush

BOOK: Angel Seduced
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“That was me,” Hayden said.

Just for a second there, admiration crossed Mallory's face. Then she returned to her determined expression. “You were her hero. I'm not willing to wait for my prince to come. I take care of myself.”

Hayden gave her a wooden smile. “Duly noted. In case I get any ill-conceived notions of saving you or anything.”

They sparked off each other.
Hmm, it'd be interesting to sense what's going on between those two.
Damn it, she wanted her Zensu ability back. Not only were her feelings for Kasabian short-circuiting them, but now new ones were also coming in. Jealousy?

Not to mention lust, of all things. Especially when Kasabian took off his shirt in preparation for Invoking his angelic essence. Holy Zensu, mother of all things sensual. His black wings tattoo shimmered. The hard lines of his back, the indent of his spine that begged for her to run her finger all the way down to the waistband of his jeans, made her want to touch him.

Kasabian turned, catching her looking with the aforementioned lust. Busted. She shifted her gaze to Hayden, finding him also shirtless. His physique was on the other end of the ridiculously gorgeous spectrum. He was a big farm boy built with an enormous chest and biceps that made one think he could lift a house from its foundation. Still, her eyes went back to Kasabian, liking his lean physique better.

She focused instead on her upturned palm. “I'm going to send an orb down to the parking garage to keep an eye on the Hummer.”

“Good idea,” Kasabian said.

Kye hadn't even noticed that Mallory had left the room, what with all the masculine distraction, but now she returned wearing something a bit more provocative. While Kye had worn her tight black skirts and fishnets to intimidate, Mallory's ruffled, deeply cut blouse and tight black pants invited. And at the moment, they invited Hayden's appreciative stare.

“Good luck,” Kasabian told her, and she walked out with a solemn nod.

Hayden let out a long, low whistle. “She's something else, and I mean that in a lot of ways.” He gave Kasabian a wary glance. “You're not going to get all”—he did a vague wave across his eyes—“like you did before, are you?”

Kasabian chuckled. “You may whistle all you want. It's not the same. Not even close.”

What was that about?

Kye went back to her orb, releasing it off the balcony and sending it down to the garage. Through the window, she sent the orb to settle on the Hummer's back bumper. If it moved, she'd feel it.

Hayden pulled out his cell phone. “I'm going on vibrate mode. Text me if you need help.”

She took the opportunity to clear her thoughts, deeply inhaling the ocean air. The breeze caressed her cheeks and toyed with the loose strands of her hair. When she opened her eyes, Kasabian was leaning on the railing next to her, and they were alone. He was going to ask her something, and it was going to be personal. She could see it in his curious expression, and it would likely be about whatever feelings he'd picked up from her earlier.

“Mallory's still in love with you,” she blurted out before he could question her. “You two seem good together, you know. I mean, other than the fact that she's a Muse.” When Kasabian gave her a baffled look, she forged on. Or rather, she babbled the words out of her mouth. “What I mean to say is, couldn't you convince her to quit? I think she'd quit for you.”

He gave her a heart-stopping, roguish smile. “Trying to get rid of me?”

“I don't have you.” Boy, could those words come out of her mouth any faster? She curled her fingers over the rough edge of the balcony railing, training her gaze on the distance.

Kasabian released another sigh. “Yes, you do. I just don't know what to do about it.”

That made her turn to him, and for a moment, their gazes locked. Her heartbeat thrummed, pulling her toward him. Before she could even begin to think of a reply, Mallory appeared—like out of thin air—in the living area.

“I'm in. Kevin's in the bedroom waiting for me.” She shuddered.

“Damn, you're good,” Hayden said, admiration in his voice.

Red tinted Mallory's cheeks. She turned to Kasabian. “I need to get right back.”

“The Hummer's on the move,” Kye said, feeling the orb vibrating as the vehicle's engine started. They watched the Hummer pull out of its spot and stop near the elevator. “We need to get down there.”

Kasabian bowed, bracing his hands on his thighs. Silvery wings emerged from his shoulder blades, catching her breath with their magnificence. His magnificence. For a moment, the pain drained the blood from his face, but he quickly recovered and looped his arm around Kye's. “Hayden, go with Mal. I'm going to take Kye down and scope out the situation with the Hummer.”

Before Mallory could object, Kye felt her body evaporate in a crazy way. Nothing new there. Everything that had happened to her since meeting Kasabian had felt crazy. Especially when she was in his arms.

They landed next to the Lotus in the outside parking lot, his arm still around hers as he pulled her down behind the car. “Where's the window?”

She pulled it up and moved the orb to a nearby car for a better view of the elevator door. One of the rear doors of the Hummer was just closing.

“They just got in,” she said, clutching Kasabian's arm. “I couldn't see who.”

“Then we follow. Between the four of us, we have Jonathan covered.”

ilva's phone vibrated in his pocket. “Yes?” he answered.

“We're on our way back with the boy, but there's a problem.”

“Not another one.” He couldn't take many more.

“We're being followed by a yellow Lotus. Two people inside.”

Kasabian and someone else. Hayden? Kye? Apprehension and adrenaline surged through him at once. If they were following the Hummer, they had put together too many pieces. He wasn't going to be able to hide Kasabian's interference from Treylon anymore. Or protect him.

Silva gripped the phone tight. “Leap here with the boy. I'll handle the Lotus.”

The tall, thin Caido appeared, his hand on the boy's arm. Silva leaned down to the kid's level and gave him a genuine smile. “Welcome back.”

Jonathan started crying. Well, Silva was happy to see
, anyway. The kid looked stronger than he had before his escape, enough to facilitate their final plan. The big push would no doubt be the end of him. He wasn't strong enough for that.

Kasabian's words about kids like this—like he had been—pinched his conscience.
Sorry, but this kid's fate is sealed.

“Take him to the house and keep this incident quiet. Treylon doesn't need the stress right now. I'll take care of the problem.” Silva Leaped to the passenger seat of the Hummer, startling the driver into swerving slightly. “Head to the causeway.”

“Yes, sir.”

Silva liked the sound of subservience. It had always been him saying “Thank you, sir, may I have another?” or doing everything Treylon asked of him so he could attain the position of his son. Not that the man had ever acknowledged that.

Bitterness seeped into his soul as he climbed into the back and spotted the Lotus following close behind. The sun gilded Kasabian's shoulder through the window, a Greek god in a little yellow car. His passenger looked like the woman in the park. Kye. What was their relationship?

He returned his focus to Kasabian. Silva had fixated on him from the first moment he'd laid eyes on him all those years ago. He just hadn't realized what the feeling was.

Damn you, Kasabian. I don't want to have to kill you.


Hayden followed Mallory out of the bathroom, staying out of sight. He needn't have worried. Kevin was lying on the rumpled bed, his arms and legs spread, his hand trying to work up an erection. Hayden could have lived his entire life without seeing that.

“I knew you wanted me,” Kevin said as Mallory entered his bedroom. He had an effeminate voice with a built-in whine. “I could tell by the way you looked at me every time we saw each other. I never understood why you fought it. I've been with the other Muses, but you always refused my requests for a visit. Of course, you know that made you even more enticing.” He lifted his head and frowned. “Why aren't you in some sexy outfit? You were in the bathroom for so long, I thought you were strapping on garter belts or leather straps.”

Mallory knelt on the far edge of the bed, drawing the man's attention away from where Hayden maneuvered to remain hidden. “I thought you might want to undress me yourself.”

Hayden clocked him from behind with a low dose of Light. Not enough to kill the bonehead, just enough to knock him out. Kevin flopped back onto the bed, his half-ass erection flopping to the side.

“Is this what you have to deal with?” he said, trying to wipe that image from his mind, too.

Her mouth tightened as she took in the man on the bed. “Sometimes. Just because he's the son of an Elder, he thinks he's entitled. He doesn't get that it's always our choice.”

Hayden waved his hand over Kevin's head. “He'll be out for a while. Let's go.”

They stepped onto the balcony. The ocean breeze snapped against him. Buildings, roads, and water spread out below, and he hoped no one looked up to see two people scaling the walls. Several yards away, another balcony jutted out.

Mallory's hair, caught by the breeze, washed over her shoulders as she turned to him. “See the cornices and the stone angels?” She pointed to some decorative pieces mounted to the exterior, fat cherubs in various poses. “We can use them.”

“You do mean ‘we' theoretically, don't you?”

“No, I don't. There could be a few Caidos in there. You might think you're a big, tough Vega, but you're only one Caido.” She tapped her collarbone. “Now there are two of us.”

“You must really be in love with Kasabian if you're willing to throw yourself in like this.” At her surprised expression, he added, “I saw the way you held on to him for just a little too long when you greeted him.”

“I care about Kasabian, but…it's not love. I'm doing it for my niece, who went missing two years ago.”

The girl in the picture. “And the Guard did nothing to help.” The pieces started to come together.

“That's an understatement. There was something hinky about it, because even the Elders wouldn't intercede.”

She'd gone past the cool, detached woman and became a vulnerable, hurting one. He would investigate her niece's disappearance, but he wouldn't tell Mallory unless he found something. He would offer her no false hopes, no promises.

Hayden kept watching the balcony. “My plan is to grab the kid and just get him out of there. He's my first priority.” But now he had Mallory's safety to keep in mind. “If either of us finds him, we yell ‘target!' Then Leap him to Kasabian's apartment. Do you know where that is?”

“No. I've never been to his place.”

Hmm. Maybe she was telling the truth about Kasabian. Hayden gave her the address. “If only one of us gets out—”

She put her hand on his arm. “I can take care of myself.” She seemed to realize that she was touching him and jerked her hand back. “Like you said, the boy is the priority here.”

Mallory pulled off her shirt, leaving her in a lacy red bra that cupped two luscious handfuls. He had to catch his breath at the sight of her willowy figure, trim hips, the way her hair brushed her waist. A script
graced the top curve of her breast. Her wings pushed out of her back, and she grimaced in pain. He had the absurd urge to come up behind her and wrap his hands around her waist. Pull her against his body and comfort her. That urge stabbed through him, as though a dozen knives had come flying his way.

She sucked in a breath through clenched teeth. “Damn, that hurts like a bitch every time.” Her creamy flesh showed through the red lace of her bra. “I bought it at Victoria's Secret if you want one for yourself.”

Yeah, he was staring. “Why don't I just take yours, save me the trip?”

She blinked, then slapped her arm over her chest. “Touch it and die.”

Damn, she was feisty. Probably better to capitulate than continue to antagonize her. “Sorry, I've never seen a female Caido Invoke before. I have no interest in your bra or what's beneath it.” But he did, and it rocked through him. “Let's go.”

He Invoked, too, the angelic form muffling the pain of desire. Leaving only desire.
Helluva time and place for that.

Hayden hoisted himself up over the balcony, reached for one of the decorative pieces, and took a long step. His foot barely made contact with the shallow ledge. He grabbed for the next cherub. The head broke off, and he started to pitch backward. He heard Mallory gasp, but his only focus was finding something to grab on to. That turned out to be the target balcony's banister. He climbed over it, dropping down to the floor. Through the railing, he saw Mallory's white face, her wide eyes staring at him.

Maybe she cared a little that he didn't fall and go

Not that he would have fallen. He would have Leaped back to her condo.

This end of the balcony wasn't near any windows or doors, but he checked to make sure no one could have spotted him. He stayed tucked to the side and ready to help Mallory. She was already climbing over, agilely stepping onto the cornice with her bare feet, then grabbing on to the broken piece. He reached for her, but she sidestepped his hand—and lost her balance.

Stubborn woman.

He grabbed her, feeling that lacy material at her back and those soft mounds of flesh collide with his bare chest, and hauled her over the banister. He immediately released her. She mouthed her thanks, passed him, and crept to the edge of the window. He was right behind her, in the electric energy of her wings. Someone had likened it to the feel of running one's fingers through the arms of a sea anemone without the sting.

She peered in the window while strands of her hair wafted in front of his nose. He brushed them away, so it looked like he was playing with her hair when she turned to him. She gave him a stern shake of her head, but he wasn't sure if she meant
Stop playing with my hair
I don't see the kid.

She bumped into him, forcing him to back up. “I don't see anyone,” she whispered.

“I'm going in.” Whether Jonathan was in there or not, Hayden was going to find some answers. His fingers clenched. And if he had to smash some heads to do it, fine by him.

“You take the right hallway, I'll take left,” she whispered.

He carefully pulled the door open, relieved to find it unlocked. No one was expecting an intruder this far up. He scanned the main living room as he veered to the right, spotting a half glass of milk on the coffee table. Ahead, double doors looked like the entrance to a master bedroom. In the other hall, he heard a door fly open. A wall of Light slammed into him, making him stumble back. A man appeared behind the Light, wielding a sword. He was older and in excellent shape. Talbot, he guessed.

Hayden dodged arcs of Light as he drew his own sword. Their “blades” clashed, sending sparks that burned Hayden's skin. Talbot tried to advance and force Hayden into the open space. But Hayden whipped the sword in frenzied arcs, sending those sparks shattering over his opponent and pushing him toward the end of the hallway. Talbot obviously thought he had more room, because he looked surprised when his back hit the wall. Hayden lunged forward and thrust the blade into the man's abdomen.

He clutched the hole in his stomach with his glowing hand, already working on healing it. “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

“I've come for the boy. Where is he?”

“There's no boy here.” But the man's expression betrayed his surprise. “You're the Vega who's been sniffing around where he shouldn't. Masters, right?”

Hayden hoped Mallory had found Jonathan. Why hadn't she come out of the back hall yet?

Talbot Leaped, ending up right behind Hayden and plunging forward with his sword. Hayden moved, but not fast enough. The blade sliced him across the side, sending a searing pain through him. When Talbot thrust forward again, Hayden threw him to the side with his Light. The force of it sent him hurtling toward one of the upholstered chairs, toppling it.

Hayden heard a
down the other hall. That wasn't good. As Talbot bounded to his feet and came at Hayden, he maneuvered toward the opening of the hallway. No sign of Mallory or anyone else. Since she hadn't come to assist him, Hayden had to assume she was dealing with someone, too.

As confirmation, she let out a scream of pain. Hayden ran down to the open doorway on the right, driven by instinct. Immediately he realized he'd trapped himself. Talbot was advancing, his jaw rigid as he wielded his sword.

Mallory burst out of the bedroom backward, hitting the wall hard. She held her footing, bringing her sword up to deflect a hot beam of Light coming at her. She sliced it in half, sending each side arcing away from her to hit the wall.

Hayden faced Talbot, meeting his advancing sword with an upward thrust of his own. Talbot's gaze riveted on Mallory. “So that's how you got into the Tower. A clear violation of the rules, Muse.”

“So is kidnapping kids,” she muttered, slicing her blade down the other Caido's arm and taking off an inch-wide swath of his skin.

He reacted with a lunge that barely missed her neck.

Talbot didn't seem concerned about his minion, not affected by his scream of pain in the least. He circled Hayden, his voice oddly calm. “I do not kidnap children.”

“No, you buy them from the Bend, which is nothing more than a black market baby farm. One that I'll be shutting down.” Hayden pushed Talbot back with another series of frenzied moves.

“That will be hard to do from beyond the grave. You may have wheedled your way in here, but you will not be leaving in one piece. The barriers are set to lock-down mode. Though I would like to know how you did get into my unit.”

There was a pounding at the door. “Father! Father. Let me in. There's trouble.”


“Use your key, idiot! I'm dealing with the trouble right now,” Talbot yelled, lunging at Hayden with his sword.

“Key,” Hayden muttered as he dodged the blade. “We could have looked for a key.”

Mallory pushed back the man she was fighting, who was now trying to grab her. “That would have been boring.” She brought her sword up between the guy's legs, and with a scream, he leaped backward. His pants were scorched all the way to the crotch, but he'd managed to save his junk. So far.

She pushed open one of the closed doors and peered inside. “I haven't seen the boy. He's not in either of these rooms.”

“I told you, there's no boy here,” Talbot said. “Whatever heroic quest has you both addled enough to break into my home is for naught.”

Because he's in that Hummer.
Hayden didn't want to alert Talbot that they knew about the Hummer, so he kept that to himself. Hopefully Kye and Kasabian were following it.

The man Mallory had been fighting came out of the bedroom once again, more cautiously this time. The scent of burned fabric filled the hallway.

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