Angel Seduced (22 page)

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Authors: Jaime Rush

BOOK: Angel Seduced
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“How was it meant?” In the context of these circumstances, crazy made sense, Kye throwing herself into a dangerous situation with a dangerous man.

“She meant to commit to someone. If Kye commits herself to that deranged Caido, her abilities will come back.
sounds crazy!”

“Are you sure she means Kasabian?”

“Yes, she keeps saying he's ‘the one.' He will love her. He will…” She narrowed her eyes. “What? Why do you keep talking about the time?”

They all glanced at the clock on the wall. Kye had been in there for more than an hour.

Sarai's chest tightened as she came to her feet. She quietly walked to the door and listened. Not a sound. Seconds ticked by as she tried to wait out perhaps a thoughtful silence. Still nothing.

She knocked. “Kye?”

Her parents now stood behind her, their scared expressions mirroring her own, no doubt. Sarai opened the door to find her worries substantiated. The office was empty.

They rushed inside and stupidly checked in places where Kye and her client would not be, like beneath her desk and in the small supply closet.

“The window's closed,” Mrs. Rivers said, trying it. “It's locked. She didn't climb out.”

Sarai had watched the window for forty-five minutes, finally deciding that Kye wasn't going to escape. “Her client is missing, too. Caidos can Leap to other places. And they can take people with them.”

“Why didn't you see this?” Mrs. Rivers said in a high-pitched voice.

Oh, yes, Sarai totally got how Kye's mother dumped her disappointment onto her daughter. “It doesn't work that way. I get—” Her gaze fell on the envelope propped on the keyboard. She lunged for it and tore it open.

I'm sorry to do this to you. I have to make myself useful. I have to DO something. Tell Kasabian I met with Treylon, that I'm in, and to Leap to me. Remind him he can see through our connection. He'll know what it means.

ou smell nice, at least.”

Every time Mallory spoke, her warm breath washed against Hayden's neck. Considering they were hanging upside down and very likely about to die, it was odd to notice the pleasant sensation. Or the way her breasts, firm and ample, fit just below his rib cage. Even if the lace scratched every time she twisted in an attempt to free herself.

“Why, thank you,” he said. “It's probably my aftershave you're getting up close and personal with.”

“It's all of you I'm getting up close and personal with.” So she'd noticed the rub of their skin against skin, too. “It's Versace, isn't it?”

“Yep. I guess you're familiar with all of them.”

She stiffened. “I can hear your disdain, even now. I don't give a flying fig what you think about me. I don't think much of you Guard people, either. At least I have principles. Boundaries. You Vegas just follow orders like hound dogs, chasing down prey and killing it.”

“Yes, some of them are like dogs, blindly following orders. If I were one of them, I wouldn't be here hanging out with you. I'd probably be at my desk or sniffing down some criminal. Woof woof.”

“Okay, maybe you're different.” Just when he thought he'd get a concession from her, she went on. “Maybe you think you're better than everybody else. More self-righteous than the masses, Dudley Do-Right, looking down from his pedestal.”

“I think it just slays you that I'm not falling all over myself at your Muse-ness.”

Her husky laugh held all kinds of challenge. “That's because you haven't seen the full extent of my magick.”

“Hah, I knew it. Kasabian told me it's not about sex, that it's about
, but I didn't buy that for a second. Why would you subject yourself to your chosen career? You're beautiful, smart, and…”

She tilted her head away enough that he could see her narrowed eyes. “And what?”

Sexy. Fascinating.
Fortunately he reined in those words and simply said, “Interesting.”

She relaxed again, letting her face rest against him. “You don't know enough about me to make that kind of statement.”

“By design, since there's a mystique purposely built around your profession.”

She made a scoffing sound. “It's not a mystique. Why publicize what most can't have?”

“But we of the unwashed masses want to know what we're missing.”

“It's not like that. We have always belonged to the Elders.”

“Since we're probably going to die here, can you tell me what I'm missing then?”

“There's even less point telling you now,” she said.

“You are a cruel woman, Mallory. Can you at least tell me why you chose your profession?”

“You're exasperating.”


“Annoying. Nosy.”

“And? I could hear an ‘and' in there.”

“Interesting,” she said at last.

He laughed. Amazing that he could find a speck of amusement. “Touché. So indulge my nosiness.”

“I didn't choose to be a Muse. I was born into it, as my mother, and her mother, and so on. It's all I know. For as long as I can remember, I heard that I could never be sure if a man truly loved me for me or if he just wanted one of the few Caido females. As a Muse, I would never have to wonder, because I would not ever fall in love or marry. I would be held up as a goddess, revered and protected.”

And yet, she didn't sound full of herself about being considered a goddess. “I would be surrounded only by the best, smartest, most talented men, who would never ask more of me than I wanted to give.” She paused, as though considering how much more to tell him. Probably figuring he'd continue prodding her, she said, “And yes, some Muses do offer physical interaction as part of their services. I focus on the inspiration aspect of my gifts, working primarily with artists, songwriters, and other creative types. Their desire for me allows them to create in a way they can't in their otherwise repressed state. I hope that sates your curiosity, because that's all I'm saying about it.” The edge in her voice was clear.

He absorbed all of that. It was more than he could wrap his head around, and yet he wanted to know more.

The French door opened, and the minion stepped out. He was holding Hayden's phone and had a smug smile on his pretty-boy face. “Your friend Kasabian texted you a question mark. Guess he's wondering how things are going. Talbot said to invite him to the party.”


The sound of his phone ringing pushed Kasabian to wakefulness. He felt like he'd been Stripped again. Hell, he must have passed out from the force of severing the connection. It took all of his energy to run to the living room and find the phone before the call rolled over to voice mail. “Yeah?” His voice sounded hoarse, thick.


A woman's voice, but not Kye's. “Yes.”

“It's Sarai. Kye's gone.” Before those words could fully wrap around his heart, she went on. “She wanted to meet with a client, to get her head back into her life. We were waiting outside her office as her chaperones. We just realized she's gone! She left a note telling us to let you know that she's with Treylon. You're supposed to Leap to her. Or at least see through your connection.”

“Oh, hell. Oh,
” He scrubbed his hand down his face, panic gripping him. “Treylon's the enemy. What is she thinking?”

“Oh, no, this is my fault. I told her that sleeping with the enemy would be helpful. But it can't be good that she's with him, not by your reaction.”

Kye had met with Treylon. She was at the resort, thinking he could Leap to her because of their connection.

“You can go to her, right?” Sarai said. “You can do that Caido thing and instantly be where she is.”

“It's complicated, but yes, I can. It's going to take time though.” He didn't want to dash her hopes with the truth.

“She said she had to
something. And I understand that, because we're feeling the same way, me and her parents.”

Kye needed to feel valuable. He should have seen this coming. And he had no doubt he had helped spur that need with his attempt to keep her out. With his cruelty in calling her worthless. No way was he involving her parents or Sarai.

“Please, Kasabian. Please don't let anything happen to her.”

“I promise I'll bring her back safe and sound.” Another promise.

After a pause, Sarai said, “I know you will.” Another pause. “You love her, don't you? I know it sounds crazy, but in the van—”

“I'd better go.” He had to hang up before his voice cracked. He dropped to the floor and, in that dark space in his mind, searched for the cord. He would stitch it back together, glue it, anything. But there was nothing. No sign of it.
Sarai's voice echoed, her grief apparent.

He called Silva, getting his voice mail. “She can't help you. Her magick is gone. Let her go. I'll come in her place. I'll channel the energy. You hurt her, and I will tear you apart.”

Just as he disconnected, someone knocked on his door. Cecily started at the abrupt way he opened the door, and no doubt the ashen look on his face. “Come in, quick.”

“What's wrong?” she asked, loping inside with a stack of papers.

“My…” What was Kye to him? Friend seemed a ridiculous assessment. But not girlfriend either.
some part of him whispered.
Just mine.
“Someone I care about has thrown herself into the lion's den.” The thought of it tore him apart all over again.

“I know the feeling. Have you heard from Hayden?”

Her Dragon eyes flared, and Kasabian felt an answering call to the embers burning deep within. “I broke down and sent him a text a short time ago, just a question mark. But I haven't heard anything yet. Let's start calling this list. This very long list,” he added when he saw the pages. “We're looking for resorts that are fully booked or have some other reason for not accepting a reservation. At this time of year, off-season, it would be rare for a resort to be fully booked.”

“I was able to pull together a list of all the resorts in the Miami/Fort Lauderdale area, but I couldn't cross-reference the owners' names with the database of all Crescents without raising any flags.”

As frustrating as that was for Kasabian, if their enemy were monitoring Cecily, they would know he was close to finding their operation. And they might hurt her. “I think that was smart.”

They sat down and divided up the list. He could Leap to each one, but that would be too taxing. He needed to conserve his power. So they both went to work calling each resort.

He kept catching her watching him as they made their fake inquiries. She would avert her gaze quickly, guiltily. Finally, she blew out a breath. “It's not fair, you guys being so…so gorgeous. Beyond gorgeous. Every time I'm around Hayden, I get giddy. Giddy! I haven't been giddy since I was a teenager. And no, I'm not a teenager.” She obviously got that a lot.

Kasabian shrugged. “It's just the Thrall.”

“I wanted to think that, believe me. But I'm afraid it's more than that. He's a good guy, very nice, but he cuts off any bit of flirting. Yet, I know he likes me.”

Kasabian wasn't going there. “It's complicated.” He called the next number on the list, and she went back to hers.

A half hour into their effort, Kasabian's phone dinged. His pulse jumped as he looked at the screen. “It's Hayden. He says they have the boy, the scene is secure, and I should come to the Tower right away.”

Cecily actually jumped up and down, her long ponytail slapping her shoulder. “That's wonderful! Let's go.”

“You keep going down that list of resorts.”

“But I want to help in a real way.”

He tapped the papers she held. “Kye is being held at one of those resorts. By narrowing it down to a handful that we can check out physically, you're being a huge help.”

“Can you tell me what's going on here? All I know is that it has something to do with that little boy who was found and then taken away again. And that someone high up is involved.”

Someone should know what was going on. He gave her a thumbnail version. “Stay here, work on this. Security at the Tower isn't going to let you in.” Hayden would be furious if Kasabian involved Cecily. He knew exactly how it felt to have someone you cared about in danger. “Help me find Kye.”

She brushed loose strands of hair from her face. “So Caidos
fall in love with non-Caidos.”

He had to dampen the hope flickering in her eyes. “It's very complicated.” There was a way, of course, but he couldn't get into the whole Cobra thing because then he'd have to say
Kye survived, and he couldn't fathom that
. At least they'd have Jonathan in their custody. So why was a dark feeling dampening
hope? He stopped. “It's a trap.”

“What, the text? How can you be sure?”

“I can't.” He read the text again. “But it doesn't sound like Hayden. He'd have said, ‘I have Jonathan,' not ‘the boy.' He would have called because he'd be so freakin' excited to get that kid back, and he'd want to tell me the details. Or he would just Leap here with him. Plus, we're pretty sure Jonathan was in the Hummer.”

Kasabian was actually sorry to have crushed her hope that Hayden was all right. But hey, it sucked for him, too. He continued to the door.

“You're still going?” she asked.

“It's a way into the Tower. Jonathan may not be there, but Hayden and Mallory are.”

“What should I do if you don't return?”

“Is there anyone in the Guard that you trust implicitly?”

“I would have said Kade Kavanaugh, but he's the one who went crazy today. And then his sister, who's an Argus, broke him out. Things are weird at work right now. I'll give it some thought.”

“I have to go. Let me know if you find a likely resort.” Kasabian Leaped to the corner of the Tower's parking lot and walked into the lobby, appearing for all intents and purposes to be about to meet up with his triumphant buddy. The man at the desk gave him a curious look. “Didn't you come in earlier? I don't remember you leaving.” He checked the computer.

“I had to Leap out, urgent business.”

“And now you're here to see Mr. Talbot?”

Kasabian gave him a wooden smile. “For completely different reasons.”

The man cleared his throat. “Well, I would assume so.” He glanced over at a man wearing a suit. “Take him up to Talbot's.”

Kasabian gauged the escort's body language. He wasn't involved in this, so Kasabian would not kill him unless absolutely necessary. But he would have to incapacitate him if his initial plan didn't work.

He let the Wraithlord magick curl from his hand as the elevator soared upward. It heated his palm, tickled along his skin. He'd had no time to work with this new ability. But he knew what it could do, thanks to Silva.

As soon as they exited the elevator and the escort headed to the door on the left, Kasabian brushed his hand against the back of the man's head.

“You delivered me,” he whispered, staring into the Caido's eyes as he implanted a false memory into his mind. “Now go back down to the lobby.”

The man faced the elevator, waiting for it to arrive.
. He didn't want this guy here when Talbot opened the door. The elevator arrived with a soft
. The escort stepped into the car. Kasabian put a visual shield over himself and Invoked. As the elevator doors slid closed, Kasabian heard the condo's door unlock. A Caido in full wing lunged out with his sword of Light, ready to launch a surprise attack—on no one. He stared at the empty foyer as the elevator doors closed. The man, who was too young to be Talbot, started to go back inside.

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