Animal Instincts (6 page)

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Authors: Gena Showalter

BOOK: Animal Instincts
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It had been so long since I’d been kissed.
So damn long.
But never like this. Never with this intense yearning for more. This need. The past six months had been difficult, and at times, lonely, but I had
coped, had thought I’d properly insulated myself against man’s dangerous allure.

Now I wondered why I’d so stubbornly fought my hormones.

Royce’s mouth continued to take possession of mine. One of his hands tangled in my hair, the other gripped my butt and pulled me deep, deep into the hard length of his erection. My excitement expanded, nearing the point of eruption, and my breathing became shallow, erratic.

“Oh, my Royce,” I breathed with a smile.

He chuckled against my mouth. The slight pause in our kiss nearly caused me to scream in frustration. No more teasing, no more joking. I ground myself against him, worked his tongue with mine.

He licked and nipped, and his beard stubble tickled me, sending delicious sensations down my spine. “Next time I promise to shave,” he said, his breath fanning my skin.

I didn’t know why he thought he needed to shave, but Lord, I hoped he didn’t.

He groaned low in his throat. “I meant to go slow with you. Damn it, I’m
to go slow if it kills me.” He sucked in an uneven breath before his lips found mine again, slow and gentle this time. Reverent. Worshipping.

This was a kiss of promise, the kind women dreamed about, but rarely experienced. I’d never experienced it, that was for sure, and it scared me. He suddenly tasted like turkey and cheese on hated rye.

I cupped his jaw and pulled away. My semi
panicked gaze searched his face. I saw passion, tenderness and growing concern.

“Is something wrong, sweetheart?”

My eyes widened. Sweetheart. He’d freaking called me
A cold sweat broke out all over my body. Why would he call me sweetheart, unless… “I didn’t fill out an application,” I said, my voice trembling.

A blank screen suddenly shuttered over his eyes. A silent moment ticked by, then another. He stepped away from my touch and crossed his arms over his chest. He was going for a pose of casual disregard, but a bead of sweat trickled from his temple, ruining the effect. Too, the lines around his mouth were taut. Desire still held him in its clasp.

“That’s good,” he said, no emotion in his voice. “I didn’t ask you to.”

A shudder, this one having nothing to do with desire, racked me. He didn’t want me to fill the damn thing out because—I could only guess at the answer, and I didn’t like it. Either he viewed me as so far beneath him I was non-bridal material, which offended me in an ironic sort of way, or he already knew he wanted a commitment from me.

…just the word made me want to vomit. Commitment with a client—I think I really did throw up in my mouth a little. Being tied down to someone wasn’t what bothered me. It was the thought of being tied to someone who would one day treat me badly, one day lose all interest in me, one day stop loving me.

One day make me feel like I was worth less than garbage.

Richard had treated me very well in the beginning of our relationship. He’d catered to my every need. He’d done everything in his power to ensure my happiness. How quickly that had faded once he had me tied to him.

Maybe I was assuming too much here, though. Maybe Royce called every woman sweetheart. Maybe he didn’t see me as bride material, but as the perfect candidate for some sort of bizarre sexual ritual he’d picked up on his many travels. A ritual I was perfectly willing to experience.

Wasn’t I? I was so confused at the moment.

“What do you want from me?” I asked softly.

He gave no reply. But a muscle ticked in his jaw, I noticed.

“You’re a handsome man, Royce, and you have money. You can have any woman you want. Why make them fill out applications? Are you that desperate to get married?”

The ticking branched to his eyes. Combined with the fury now flickering in his gaze, it made him appear truly menacing. A man who made his enemies tremble with fear and his lovers shiver with desire. “That’s not your concern, Naomi.” Pause. “Is it?”

Undeterred, I persisted. “A new reality show? You wanted to build a portfolio of naked pictures? You’re tired of online dating?”

Silence. Heavy, stilted silence.

Finally, watching me all the while, he said, “Maybe it was forced on me. Maybe I offered up a challenge—think you know so much about what I need, then find
me the perfect girl—and someone took the initiative. Maybe, when the applications started pouring in, I realized I’m getting older and I’ve never been in love. Maybe,” he ended in a quiet tone, “I saw my chance.”

My blood alternately turned hot and cold. Even if he hadn’t liked the situation at first, he’d just admitted he was seriously considering those stupid applications now. That he
looking for a wife. “So you really mean to do it? You really mean to choose a bride?”

He shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe not.”

I gulped. “Either way, I’m not the one for you.” My head fell forward and I stared down at my hands. “I don’t want your love or a ring. And I—”
Come on. Just say it.
“And I don’t want your kisses.”

His expression darkened, and his lips edged into a fierce frown. “I don’t recall asking for your love or your hand in marriage.”

Ouch. “I’ve been in love before,” I explained, to ease the sting of my words. “I didn’t like it.”

He reached out slowly, giving me every opportunity to run away. Stupid me, I didn’t. One more touch would be okay. I could handle one more touch. His fingers closed around my wrists gently and tugged, maneuvering me back into a kissable position.

“I liked the taste of you,” he said. “A lot.” He trailed feathery kisses along the length of my jaw and I liquefied again. Even my Tigress purred her enjoyment. He licked the seam of my lips. “And I think you liked the taste of me. A lot.”

A sharp lance of desire warred with a cold knot of regret. “No,” I forced myself to say. “No.”

He looked disbelieving and aroused and oh, so tempting all at once. “Yes,” he said quietly. “You want my kisses.”

“Despite what you said, I think you want more than a kiss. I can’t give more.” Each point of contact between us sent heated blood pounding through my veins like an awakened river.

Thankfully he dropped his arms to his side and shoved both of his hands into his pockets. “You wanted to give me more. I felt how your body responded. Another minute or two and we would have been on the floor, naked.”

I didn’t refute it. Couldn’t, for that matter. He would have seen the lie in my eyes had I tried. Desire this intense couldn’t be hidden, and I knew it. “So what?” I said, suddenly defensive. “A girl has the right to change her mind.”

“You’re right,” he said, using that quiet tone again. “A girl can change her mind.”

Smart, smart man. Diabolical, but smart. He’d just issued an invitation I had trouble resisting: change your mind again and kiss me.

“I’m sorry.” I swallowed, forcing the words out. “I’m truly sorry I let things get out of hand. I am not a tease, really.” I twisted the hem of my shirt between unsteady fingers. “I’m not sure what happened to me; I’ve never acted like this before.”

He pushed a hand through his hair, his body relaxing. “Finally, words I like.”

I frowned. “What does that mean?”

His lips inched up in a smug, half grin. “Figure it
out. If you’ve never acted this way before, it means I’m the only man—”

I slapped a hand over his mouth, cutting off his words. Damn me and my big mouth. Why not just admit I was desperate for him, too, while I was at it?

He pried my hand from his face and I saw he was still grinning. His fingers curled around mine, squeezed, then released me. “If I did it once, you can damn well count on me doing it again.”

I felt the color drain from my face. He was right. Shit, he was right. Before I had time to work up a good panic, he added, “Get used to the idea of me kissing you, Naomi. Looks like it’s inevitable.”

“Wanna bet?” my Tigress growled before I could stop her. Well, well, well. She’d finally decided to do something besides purr.

Challenge gleamed in Royce’s eyes. “You enjoy losing, Naomi?”

“I wouldn’t know,” I said with bravado. “I’ve never lost.”

A wicked glint lit his eyes. “Well, sweetheart, I’ll try to make your first experience as pleasurable as possible for you.” His sultry threat rang in my ears long after he strode away and slammed the door.


A Tigress eats, sleeps and breathes power, for it is power alone that sustains her. In the jungle of life, it is kill or be killed. Surprise attack if you must, but kill. Always.

any more surreal—Royce Powell desired me, for God’s sake—I later found myself blindfolded. And not for any type of kinky love play. Kera and Mel had arrived at my apartment and ushered me into the living room, where I’d been commanded to stay until given permission to leave.

I had refused to obey, of course. So they’d wrestled me to the ground like little monkeys, tied my arms behind my back, blindfolded me and led me to the couch. Here I sat. And sat. For half an hour, at least. With every little noise—was that a fire I heard crackling, or Twinkie wrappers?—my curiosity increased.

“What are you doing in there?”

Kera: “You’ll see.”

Mel: “If you ask one more time, I’ll leave you tied up and give Royce Powell a call. Maybe he can come over and rescue you.”

She’d do it, too. I scowled, deciding then and there not to tell them about Royce’s impromptu visit and the earth-shattering kiss he’d planted on me—or my own involvement in said kiss. That would only increase their desire to phone the man.

“You have to let me go,” I said. “I’m starved. Famished. Practically comatose. I’m on the verge of death here.”

They laughed, the evil wenches.

“If you die, can I have your bed?” Mel asked. “You know how I love cherrywood.”

“This is my apartment. I have every right to know what you’re doing. Notice I didn’t ask this time, I simply stated a fact.”

Kera: “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

Mel: “When did you become so impatient?”

“When you two decided to hog-tie and blindfold me and hold me captive while you do God knows what to my apartment.”

“Have you ever considered hormone-replacement therapy?” Kera again. “You’re a live wire lately.”

“Really, Naomi. You’re beginning to remind me of Aunt Fredia—after the sex change.”

I clamped my lips shut. Everyone knew our aunt Fredia (formerly Uncle Fred) was a real bitch.

Finally, my cousins relented. Mel untied me and I rubbed my wrists.

“You can remove the blindfold now,” Kera said.

Without a word, I whipped the material from my eyes. My jaunt into utter darkness was over as sunlight flooded my vision. I blinked, trying to help my poor little ocular lobes adjust.

When they did, I gasped.

“What—” My lips opened and closed as I drank in the sight before me. Colorful streamers dripped from the wall. Crepe paper lined the coffee table, which was piled with multicolored gifts. Glitter sparkled from the wood floor.

“What is this?” I asked, awed.

“A party, of course.” Kera grinned at me.

“A party? For me?”

“Yeah. Who else?” Even Mel was smiling. “You’re always planning them for everyone else, so we thought it’d be nice to throw one for you.”

I really, truly wanted to cry just then. This was the sweetest thing they’d ever done for me. “It’s not my birthday,” I managed.

“So?” Kera locked tendrils of hair behind her ear. “If we want to have a celebration in your honor, we don’t have to wait for your birthday to do it.”

“But why?” I asked, still in shock. “I don’t understand.”

Mel shrugged. “We love you. After hearing about your putting-the-dishes-off birthday present from Richard the Bastard, we wanted to do something special for you.”

“Thank you so much.” Eyes now completely filled with tears, I hugged them both. “You guys totally rock.”

“We even have presents.” Kera clapped her hands in excitement.

“Wait till you see the cake!” Jumping into action, Mel ran to the kitchen. Moments later, she returned holding a rocket-shaped cake.

Wait. No. Not a rocket. The cake was shaped like a penis. The flesh-colored frosting gave the cake a very real appearance. I choked down a laugh, then decided what the hell? I laughed until my side hurt.

“Oh, you guys. I love it. This is the best non-birthday party ever.” I wiped the moisture from my cheeks. “Did you make the cake, Kera?”

She nodded. “Like I’d order
monstrosity from a bakery.”

“What do you want to do first?” Mel.

“You have to ask?” Ecstatic, I rubbed my hands together. “I want to open presents. Duh.”

“That’s what I was hoping you’d say.” Mel’s giddiness was almost a palpable force. She ushered me to the coffee table. “Open this one first. I want to see your reaction.”


If Mel was this excited about me unveiling the contents of the box, I shuddered to think what was inside.

Mel confirmed my fears by commanding Kera to grab a camera. Swallowing, I picked up the rectangular box she’d pointed to. Shook it. Heard only a slight shuffling noise.

“Don’t be such a weenie,” Mel said, biting her lower lip. “Start tearing.”

Unable to hold back any longer, I took her advice and tore the wrapping apart. When the box was open, I stared down at a…vibrator? Yes, a giant green vibrator.

And that was only the beginning.

When all the presents were opened and the gifts were strewn around me, I felt like I had somehow been transported to a pleasure palace that had been sneezed on one too many times.

Everything was green.

A green miniskirt. A tight green dress. Green panties (camouflage). Green feathers. Green chains. Hiding my dismay behind a smile, I said, “Are you trying to tell me something here? Like I’m sexually frustrated
a bad dresser?”

Mel stared at me dead-on. “You need to take these items and put them to good use. Let loose for once. Just go for it with Royce. I’m telling you that with the right motivation, that man will be panting for you.”

She was wrong. He hadn’t needed any motivation, and he still wanted me.

“I agree with Mel,” Kera said, nodding. “Although it’s my hope the relationship will develop into something more than sex.”

I still wasn’t ready to talk about the kiss, so I said, “You guys—”

“No, don’t say anything now,” Mel interjected. “You’re near death from hunger pains, remember?” She grinned. “Who knows? Maybe the cake will put you in a good mood.”

Kera chuckled. “Let’s feast.”

I nodded, deciding simply to enjoy. Eat now, argue about Royce later. “Okay. But I get the balls!”

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