Another view of Stalin (54 page)

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Bill Bland,  `The ``Doctors' case'' and the death of Stalin' (London: The Stalin Society, October 1991), Report.



However, testimony from diametrically opposite sources concur in their affirmation that Beria  held rightist positions.


For example, the Zionist author Thaddeus Wittlin  published a biography of Beria  in the nauseating style of McCarthyism.  Here is an example: `the Dictator of Soviet Russia looked down at his peoples as if he were the merciless new god of millions of his people'.




Thaddeus Wittlin,  Commissar: The Life and Death of Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria  (New York: Macmillan, 1972), p. 354.


Literally. But, presenting the ideas developed by Beria  towards 1951, Wittlin  claimed that he wanted to authorize private enterprise in light industry and `to moderate the collective farm system', as well as `by returning to the approach of the pre-Stalin era, the NEP'. `Beria  ... was against the Stalin policy of Russification of non-Russian nations and republics'. Beria  wanted `Better international relations with the West' and `also intended to restore relations with Tito'. 




Ibid. , pp. 363--365.


This homage to Beria's  `reasonable politics' stands out, coming from such a sickening anti-Communist pen.


Tokaev,  clandestine opponent, claimed that he knew Beria  and others in the thirties, `not of servants, but of enemies of the rйgime'.




Tokaev,  op. cit. , p. 7.


Gardinashvili,  one of Beria's  close collaborators, had close relations with Tokaev. 




Ibid. , p. 101.



Khrushchev,  for whom it would be in his interest to depict Beria  as being close to Stalin, wrote:


`In the last years of Stalin's life Beria  used to express his disrespect for Stalin more and more baldly.'




Nikita Khrushchev,  Khrushchev  Remembers (London: Andrй Deutsch, 1971), p. 313.



`Stalin feared that he would be the first person Beria  might choose'.




Ibid. , p. 311.



`It seemed sometimes that Stalin was afraid of Beria  and would have been glad to get rid of him but didn't know how to do it.'




Ibid. , p. 250.



We should not forget Molotov's  opinion. He and Kaganovich  were the only leaders to remain faithful to their revolutionary past.



`I cannot exclude the possibility that Beria  provoked Stalin's death. I felt it through what he was saying. May Day 1953, on the Tribune of the Mausoleum, he made such allusions. He was looking for complicity. He said, ``I made him disappear''. He tried to implicate me. ``I saved you all''.'




Chueva,  op. cit. , p. 327.



`I consider Khrushchev  as rightwing, but Beria  was even more rightwing. Both were rightwing. And Mikoyan  too. But they had different personalities. Khrushchev  was to the right and completely rotten, but Beria  was even more to the right and even more rotten.'




Ibid. , p. 335.



`Without question, Khrushchev  was reactionary and succeeded in infiltrating into the Party. Of course, he believed in no form of communism. I consider Beria  as an enemy. He infiltrated himself into the Party with destructive goals. Beria  was a man without principles.'




Ibid. , p. 323.



During Stalin's last years, Khrushchev  and Mikoyan  clearly hid their political ideas to better place themselves after the succession.


Khrushchev's  disdain for Stalin shows up clearly in his memoirs:


`In my opinion it was during the war that Stalin started to be quite right in the head.'




Ibid. , p. 311.


At `the end of 1949', a `sickness ... began to envelop Stalin's mind'.




Ibid. , p. 246.



Enver Hoxha  noted Khrushchev's  impatience for Stalin to die. In his memoirs, he noted a discussion that he had had in 1956 with Mikoyan: 


`Mikoyan  himself told me ... that they, together with Khrushchev  and their associates, had decided to carry out a ``pokushenie'', i.e., to make an attempt on Stalin's life, but later, as Mikoyan  told us, they gave up this plan.'




Enver Hoxha,  With Stalin: Memoirs (Toronto: Norman Bethune Institute, 1980), p. 31.


Stalin against the future Khrushchevism

Did Stalin know of the intrigues that the revisionists around him were preparing?


The main report presented by Malenkov  to the Nineteenth Congress in October 1952, along with Stalin's book Economic Problems of Socialism, published on the same occasion, showed that Stalin was convinced that a new struggle against opportunism and a new purge of the Party had become necessary.


Malenkov's  report had Stalin's brand. It defended the revolutionary ideas that would be dismantled four years later by Khrushchev  and Mikoyan.  It virulently criticized a number of negative tendencies in the economy and in the life of the Party, tendencies that would be imposed in 1956 by Khrushchevian  revisionism.


First, recalling the 1937--1938 Purge, Malenkov  noted:


`In the light of the war and its results, we perceive in all its magnitude the importance of that implacable struggle which over a period of many years our Party waged against every brand of enemy of Marxism-Leninism   --- the Trotskyite  and Bukharinite  degenerates, the capitulators and traitors who tried to deflect the Party from the right path and to split its ranks .... By demolishing the Trotskyite  and Bukharinite  underground ..., the Party in good time destroyed all possibility of the appearance of a ``fifth column'' in the U.S.S.R., and prepared the country politically for active defence. It will be easily understood that if this had not been done in time, we should, during the war, have found ourselves under fire from the front and the rear, and might have lost the war.'




Malenkov,  op. cit. , pp. 108--109.



Four years later, Khrushchev  would deny that the Trotskyists  and the Bukharinists  had degenerated to the point of defending a social-democratic and bourgeois platform, as he would deny that some among them had made contacts with hostile foreign forces. Khrushchev  then invented the theory according to which socialism had definitely triumphed in 1936 and there was no longer a social basis for treason, nor for capitalist restoration! Here are the main declarations:


`(T)he Soviet state was strengthened, ... the exploiting classes were already liquidated and socialist relations were rooted solidly in all phases of national economy'.




Khrushchev,  Special Report, op. cit. , p. S17.



`(S)ocialism in our country was fundamentally constructed, ... the exploiting classes were generally liquidated, ... the Soviet social structure had radically changed, ... the social basis for political movements and groups hostile to the party had violently contracted'.




Ibid. , p. S15.



Khrushchev  concluded that the Purge was an arbitrary act that was in no way justified, thereby rehabilitating the political positions of the opportunists and the enemies of socialism.




In his Report to the XIXth Congress, Malenkov  underscored four major weaknesses of the Party. It was precisely those weaknesses that Khrushchev  would use four years later to achieve his revisionist coup.


Malenkov  underscored that many bureaucratized cadres refused criticism and control from their base, and were formalist and uncaring:


`Not in all Party organizations, and nowhere by any means in full measure, have self-criticism, and especially criticism from below become the principal method of disclosing and overcoming our errors and shortcomings, our weaknesses and maladies ....


`There are cases when people are persecuted and victimized for criticism. We still meet with responsible workers who never tire of professing their fidelity to the Party, but who actually cannot tolerate criticism from below, stifle it, and revenge themselves on those who criticize them. We know of plenty of cases where a bureaucratic attitude towards criticism and self-criticism has ... killed ... initiative ... and infected some of the organizations with the anti-Party habits of bureaucrats, sworn enemies of the Party.


`(W)herever ... control by the masses over the activities of organizations and institutions is weakened, there ... bureaucracy and degeneration, and even the corruption of individual sections of the Party apparatus, invariably appear ....


`(A)chievement has bred in the ranks of the Party a tendency to self-satisfaction, to make a pretence of all being well, a spirit of smug complacency, a desire on the part of people to rest on their laurels and to live on the capital of their past services .... Leaders ... not infrequently turn meetings, gatherings of active members, plenary meetings and conferences into vainglorious displays, into occasions of self-laudation, with the result that errors and shortcomings in work, maladies and weaknesses are not brought to light and subjected to criticism .... A spirit of negligenge has penetrated our Party organizations.'




Malenkov,  op. cit. , pp. 113--116.



This was a recurrent theme in Stalin's work of the thirties: appeals to the base so that it criticizes and controls the bureaucrats who are looking for the quiet life, who repress the active members, are uncaring and behave as enemies of Communism. This text leaves one to wonder about the torrent of criticisms that Stalin wanted once again to raise against the revisionists.


Four years later, when Khrushchev  denounced the `insecurity, fear and despair' that supposedly reigned under Stalin, he promised to the bureaucratic and opportunistic elements that he could now doze in tranquility. They would no longer be `persecuted' by the `leftist' criticisms from the base. Self-satisfaction and the tranquil life would be the principal characteristics of the revisionist bureaucracy that definitely took power under Khrushchev. 


Second, Malenkov,  denounced the Communists who ignored Party discipline and behaved as owners:


`A formal attitude to decisions of Party and government, and passivity in carrying them out, is a vice that must be eradicated with the utmost ruthlessness. The Party does not need inert and indifferent executives who prize their own comfort higher than the interests of the work; it needs men who will fight indefatigably and devotedly ....


`There are quite a number of executives who forget that the enterprises to their charge are state enterprises, and try to turn them into their own private domain, where ... they ... can do anything they fancy .... there are quite a number of executives who believe that Party decisions and Soviet laws are not written for them ....


`Anyone who attempts to conceal the truth from the Party and to deceive the Party cannot be allowed to remain in its ranks.'




Ibid. , pp. 119--121.



Those that Malenkov  denounced in this passage would soon find Khrushchev  to be their representative. Khrushchev  became the spokesperson for the bureaucrats when he criticized the `excessive replacement of cadres'.




Khrushchev,  `Central Committee Report', The Documentary Record of the 20th Communist Party Congress and its Aftermath (New York: Frederick A. Praeger), p. 58.



Malenkov's  text allows us to better understand what was really going on in Khrushchev's  diatribes against Stalin. Stalin had, he said, `abandoned the method of ideological struggle'; using the expression `enemy of the people', Stalin systematically had recourse to `mass repressions and terror'.




Khrushchev,  `Secret Report', op. cit. , pp. S14--S15.


These phrases were designed to ensure the position of those who had been attacked in Malenkov's  text, those who made State enterprises into their own personal fiefdoms, those who hid the truth from the Party so that they could steal and redirect without punishment, those who blathered on with `Marxist-Leninist'   phrases without the slightest intention of adhering to them. With Khrushchev,  all those who aspired to become real bourgeois no longer had to fear the `mass repressions and terror' of the socialist power.


Third, Malenkov  attacked those cadres who formed clans not subject to any control and that enriched themselves illegally:


`(S)ome officials themselves engage in filching collective-farm property .... these men convert to their own use common land, compel collective-farm boards and chairmen to supply them with grain, meat, milk and other produce at low prices, and even gratis'.




Malenkov,  op. cit. , p. 76.



`(S)ome of our executives do not base their selection of personnel on political and business qualifications, but on considerations of kinship, friendship and hometown ties .... Owing to such distortions of the Party line in the matter of selection and promotion of personnel, we get in some organizations close coteries who constitute themselves into a mutual insurance society and set their group interests higher than the interests of Party and state. It is not surprising that such a state of affairs usually results in degeneration and corruption.'

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