Read Antidote (Don't) Online

Authors: Jack L. Pyke

Antidote (Don't) (21 page)

BOOK: Antidote (Don't)
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“Shut him the fuck up.” That came from Vince as Henry was pushed into the room. Then, staring at me angrily for a moment, Vince was gone, disappearing into the hall. A hand jammed hard against my mouth, then Henry threw his body down, pinning me still and nearly choking me with how he pressed the gag deeper into my mouth.

“Shush-shush, pet,” he whispered heatedly against my cheek, his dick hard and jamming into my thigh. “Jack’s just woke a little early, is all. Grouchy shit, isn’t he? Vince’ll get his men to sort him out, you’ll see.”

I tried to cry out, to pull away from the hand on my mouth, but Henry followed every move I made, covering my nose and holding on when I refused to stop. The cries and shouts were more sleep-filled from the other room, the thumps and shouts from other men less hurried, more bruised sounding, exhausted.

“See?” whispered Henry. “Jack’s getting some happy juice, he’ll learn eventually.”

A shadow cast over us, and sweat dripping from his forehead as he wiped across it, Vince looked down at me, then Henry. “He’s needed again.”

“Did your pet see your face?”

“No,” snapped Vince. “And shut the fuck up with the questions. C’mon, I need to wash that fucker’s mouth out and teach him some real manners.” Vince ran his eye over me. “Make him a little happier, Henry. It’s show time again.”

Something was pulled from underneath the bed, and after a moment a case flicked open. Henry flashed a smile over, a needle ready in his hand. “Just a small prick now, love. Christ knows lover boy’s used to something bigger by now.”

Life started to blur at the edges. For a moment I just wanted to stare up at the ceiling, watch the play of light over in the corner, how a red light blinked on. Then I was moving, a tug at my arm pulling me up, off the bed. Feet dragged along the floor, making scraping noises on Jack’s carpeted floor, which was weird because I swore he had wood flooring throughout. Easier to wipe clean, keep the dust off.

As I was pulled into Jack’s bedroom, I cried out, finding some life seeing Jack naked and on the floor with his hands cuffed behind his back. Henry pulled me to my feet, hissing quietly at the two men who stood around Jack to move. One nursed a bloody nose whilst a third man sat on the bed, gripping around his own ribs. Just off to his side lay an empty syringe.

“Jack,” I mumbled as Henry tugged off the gag. Jack stirred, just a slight shift of body, a soft groan from over on the floor. “
Fucking get up. Come on, baby. Move. Fight

Another groan was heard; then I noticed the blood on the floor as Jack lifted his head a touch. Knuckles were stained red, some bruised, and where Gray had cut his lip, Jack had a twin that almost kissed it.

“Jan?” Not even looking over, he seemed to have difficulty lifting his head as heavy tiredness laced his voice.

“Stay with me, Jack. Please. Stay with me, baby,” I cried.

The sound of running water from Jack’s en suite caught my ear and I frowned, wondering why it was making a noise with Jack out here. Then Vince, naked, came out, brushing past me and Henry, wiping his hands on a towel before going over to the bed. Reaching down, he grabbed something from underneath, strange in itself as Jack never kept anything under the bed, nor on the floor. Vince had straightened and was fastening something in place on his face. When he looked over, two huge, round, slick black eyes stared over. It would have been laughable, but the black leather gas mask looked welded onto Vince’s face, stretching the leather to obscene degrees to fit his huge skull. Shaped to frown at the brow, a permanent disapproving look darkened it, a grid for a mouthpiece giving Vince a metallic rasp when he breathed.

“What the?” I mumbled. “Just... what the—”

Arms out wide, Vince did a slow circle, showing off his full naked glory. None of it seemed for my benefit, or Jack’s as he kicked at Jack’s shoulder, stirring him slightly and forcing a murmur.

“As your Dom,” said Vince, his voice distorted as he came down and pulled Jack onto his back, “I have preferences.” A stroke went to Jack’s jaw as Jack’s eyes widened, startled by the strange face, the stranger voice. “One of them is rape.”

” That was me.

Vince eased to his feet and another kick went to Jack’s ribs. “Don’t... safe word me, Jack. Don’t... beg me to stop.”

Jack went to say something, but a fist stopped him, snapping his head to the side and making him choke blood onto the floor.

My cry strangled, I tried to get to him. Henry tightened his grip around my throat, keeping me up even though the world was spinning enough to take life from underneath me.

“Didn’t hear you, boy,” snarled Vince. “What did you say?”

Jack was left groaning on the floor. “Merce—” Vince kicked him in the back.

“What was that? Can’t hear you, boy.”

Leave him the fuck alone.

Vince looked over at me, then nodded at the two men left standing.

Grabbing at his arms, Jack was dragged into the en suite. Then we were moving too, Henry dragging me backwards towards the en suite, my feet going from underneath me as my polished shoes left scuff marks on the polished floor. When the fuck had I put on black shoes?

I hit the tiled floor hard in Jack’s en suite, crying out as bones jolted in my wrists before I stopped my head from splitting on the floor. The world didn’t stop turning even though I curled up there crying for it to.

Jack was on his knees in the bath, body soaked, gasping for air with hands still cuffed behind his back. The two other men had disappeared, leaving Vince now stood in the bath behind Jack. He was saying something to him as he pulled Jack by the hair. I couldn’t focus long enough to hear it. Then—

“Don’t... cry out your safe word,” said Vince in Jack’s ear, and again, as soon as Jack started to open his mouth to answer, Vince pushed him back under the water.

“Fucking stop,” I mumbled, trying to force my body to move. “Kill him. You’ll—”

Vince pulled Jack back out of the water. “Safe word. What is it?”

Chest rising and falling heavily, looking as though Vince needed to keep him up so he didn’t fall, Jack again went to cry it out, but Vince pushed him under the water as he did.

,” I cried out for him. “It’s fucking Mercedes and he’s trying to say it.” Henry skirted in behind me, pulling me back so my head almost rested in his lap. “Let him say it, please.”

“Easy, pet, easy.” A stroke came to my hair. “Let Vince work his magic.”

With the splashing of water came hard and hurried gasps for air as Jack was pulled free again. Hair covered his face in thick, wet curls, almost hiding him from view, and he was shivering as if Vince had only run water through the cold tap.

“If you don’t tell me your safe word,” said Vince, his breathing just as hard now with the effort to keep Jack under the water each time, “I won’t know when I’m breaching your comfort zones, boy.”

Again Jack went to cry it out and again Vince took him under water. It seemed to last longer with each one, leaving Jack more and more exhausted as he was pulled up.

“No safe word?” snarled Vince. “You want no fucking mercy under me, boy? Fair enough.” He stepped out of the bath and grabbed Jack by the waist. After lifting him out, Vince dumped him hard on the floor, then reached for something in the bath. The cat o nine tail’s leather strands were soaked and dripping, and without drawing breath, Vince laid into Jack.

There was a lot of power behind him, each pelt on thigh, on Jack’s stomach, his groin, and then his legs as he tried to curl up away from the beating instantly causing red welts that criss-crossed like crazy paving over Jack’s body.

I tried to crawl over, take some of the blows, let him hide. But Henry was there, hooking my hands over a curved piece of metal close to the toilet and a pat went to my head. “Just keep talking to him, pet. Let him know you’re here.”

Vince had straightened, the end of the thick cat still held in his hand. Jack was shivering on the floor, trying to shift up, to sit, but the movement made almost impossible with how the cuffs still bound his hands behind his back. Giving a shake of head, Vince gave him one last whip across his back that made sure he stayed down.

“Don’t... tell me your safe word,” said Vince, water running from off his leather mask. Jack mumbled something, then as he tried to focus and answer, Henry moved in with some black duct tape and wrapped it tight around Jack’s mouth.

“Bastards,” I mumbled, trying to slide down, to get my body to move, if only if it was to lay down next to Jack and cover him up. Nightmare... Jack’s wide eyes cried one huge nightmare. “You sick fucking—”

Then Jack went still and quiet, forcing me still seeing what dropped close to his head.

Henry had pulled a photo of Gray out of the bathroom cupboard, and having dropped it there casual on the floor, Jack was left staring at it.

Black marker now in hand, Henry wrote a single message on the bath panel, close enough for Jack to see.


...straighten me, Jack.

I groaned, but as Jack eased onto his stomach, tried to shift, to get close and just find some comfort in normality, in ordering chaos, Henry slipped something around Jack’s neck. The dog choker was pulled tight, then Henry crushed his foot into the loose end that clinked on the tiles. Jack was choked to a stop, barely able to breathe let alone move with having Henry’s foot tread on his collar. As Henry held him still, Vince kicked Jack’s legs open now he was flat on his stomach. He knelt between them, running his hand over the damp curve of Jack’s ass, seeming to fall so quiet as he watched his own hand play.

“Don’t... straighten the photo,” breathed Vince, quietly, head tilted as if to watch the play of light on the small of Jack’s back.

Henry inched the photo closer, almost touching Jack’s cheek.

“Don’t...” said Vince, “straighten the photo, Jack.”

Looking down at Gray as Gray got out of the Merc in the photo, a tear slipped over Jack’s cheek. The fight was there, not to listen, not to disobey, then the battle was won and lost within just a few short seconds as he eased down and brushed his nose over the photo. Maybe not even to straighten, maybe just to feel, just to get close.

Gripping Jack’s hair, making him cry out, Vince pulled him back so he was now on his knees, looking down at the photo. As he did, Vince took the thick end of the cat to Jack’s ass and rubbed it up against him.

“You touching something you shouldn’t, boy?” said Vince quietly. “That’s a serious fuck up. But I promise I won’t fuck you with this. All you have to do is use your safe word. What’s your safe word?”

,” I mumbled, seeing how blunted studs lined the leather, how the handle itself was as thick as Vince’s dick, but studded—this one was fucking studded. It would tear Jack up.

“Last chance,” said Vince as Jack struggled to cry out. “Don’t... tell me your safe word?”

He couldn’t, not with the tape on his mouth. “
Fucking Mercedes, Mercedes fucking Benz
,” I cried, throat tearing see the cat press against Jack. “Mercedes—Mercedes fucking Benz, please. It’s Mercedes Benz, let him say it...”

“No? Nothing?” Vince tutted, then Jack cried agony. With everything else that came, I shut it out, curling up in the corner, covering eyes—ears.
Mercedes... Mercedes fucking Benz

“You can rest now,” said Henry. Rope around my ankles made sure I was spread wide and bound in Jack’s spare bedroom just before my shoes and socks were tugged off.

“Comfortable?” mumbled Henry. The offer of cover left me wanting to throw up with how Jack had been left bruised and bloodied on the bathroom floor after Vince had taken him.

“Tired, pet?” Henry pulled something out from underneath the bed and a red light in the corner of the room blinked to try and take a look.

“Don’t... worry about Jack,” purred Henry. “His ass’ll be sore, but Vince’ll take real good care of him when he lets him wake up in a few days. You just wait and see.” A stroke came at my hip, then gently slid over to my dick. “You just sleep now, pet.” His voice was so quiet, breath light against my cheek as he lay down on the bed with me. “I’ll look after you, promise. Just get some sleep. Please...” Another injection stung my arm. “Yeah...” Fingers traced down to the clasp on my trousers. “You just... just sleep... I like you... sleeping...”

BOOK: Antidote (Don't)
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