Any Given Doomsday (9 page)

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Authors: Lori Handeland

Tags: #Mystery & Detective, #paranormal, #Thrillers, #urban fantasy, #Fiction, #Fantasy, #General, #Romance, #paranormal romance, #Suspense

BOOK: Any Given Doomsday
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The stone, which lay above my heart, seemed to burn into my skin.

Jimmy reached out and lifted it, his fingertips brushing my breasts, lingering longer than they needed to. “Turquoise in the path. Coincidence?” His eyes met mine. “I don’t think so.”

“I don’t know anything about chindis, and I’ve been wearing this since—” I broke off.

“He gave this to you.”

Not a question, so I didn’t answer. Jimmy knew damn well
had given it to me. He had to have seen it when he’d been touching and kissing and suckling me not very long ago. Maybe he hadn’t really registered it being there because he was as used to seeing the turquoise nestled between my breasts as I was.

“What difference does it make where I got it, we’re just lucky I had it.”

“Luck is overrated.” He let the stone fall back where it belonged.

The tiny blue-green pebble brushed against my skin like a chill wind, and I shivered. For just an instant I could have sworn I’d felt… him.

There’d been other times in my life when it had seemed like I was being watched. Times I’d woken up sweating and frightened and sensed I wasn’t alone. But I always was.

Jimmy got to his feet and offered me a hand. I took it, but as soon as I was vertical, I let him go.

“What exactly are you saying?” I asked.

He stared at the sparkling sky. Out here, away from the city, the stars were so bright they twinkled. The moon spilled down, spreading a milky sheen over the abandoned farm, intensifying every color—the bright red barn against the May-green grass, surrounded by the blue-black sky. The picture it made would look great on a postcard. We could start a whole new tourism campaign: discover the DEMONS OF DAIRYLAND.

I rubbed between my eyes. Maybe I
left the hospital too early.

“What I’m saying,” Jimmy answered, “is that I find it a little far-fetched that someone sent a chindi. A creature that is virtually indestructible, unless a hunk of turquoise, which you conveniently wear around your neck, is cast in its path.”

“Only you and I know about this.” I frowned, fingering the necklace. “Well, Ruthie, too, but I don’t think she’s chatting with anyone else these days.”

“You’re forgetting someone.”

“No I’m not,” I said mulishly.

Jimmy sighed and switched his gaze from the stars to me. “There’s one more thing you should know about the chindi.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s a Navajo spirit.”


Jimmy lifted his face to the sky again as he stuck his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels. “Yep.”

Chapter 12

“Why would he—” I stopped. Why did Sawyer do anything?

“Relax,” Jimmy said. “He didn’t mean to kill you.”

“How you figure?”

His gaze lowered to the turquoise, which lay like the stone it was against my chest. “How many people have turquoise on them? Especially around here.”


My mind still wasn’t functioning as well as it should. I blamed the walking cougar and the possessed dead man.

“Sawyer knew the demon couldn’t hurt you while you wore his gift,” Jimmy said.

“Sure would have been nice if I’d known it.” I rubbed my arms, chilled despite the warm-for-the-month-of-May evening breeze.

Sometimes I wondered why I still wore the stone. In the beginning, the turquoise was the only jewelry I owned, and it was beautiful, a stark statement of brilliant color in a world where there was so much gray. There was also the added incentive that it drove Jimmy bonkers, which was always fun. In the end I didn’t feel dressed without it. If I were honest, I didn’t feel safe.

I glanced at the cougar. Had this been why?

“He couldn’t have known I’d still be wearing it,” I murmured.

“I bet he did know just that.”


“He wouldn’t kill you, Lizzy.” Jimmy’s lips twisted. “Me? That’s another story.” He strode toward the barn.

“Wait!” I hurried after him, grabbing his arm.

“Let’s clean this place up and get on the road.”

“To where?”

“You know where.”

“No.” He shook me off and continued on his way. “I’m not going, Sanducci, and you can’t make me.”

He spun around so fast I took a step back. “I
make you, Lizzy, and I will. We’ve got no choice.”

“There’s always a choice.”

“Not in this.”

I stood in the barnyard as he disappeared inside, considered hopping into his Hummer and leaving him here. But then what?

I’d have to hide. Forever. I wasn’t up to that.

Instead, I followed, determined to convince Jimmy that his plan sucked.

The tack room was trashed—the mattress shredded by razor-sharp cat claws, stuffing trailed everywhere. The bedframe lay cockeyed, one corner still against the wall, another against the floor, the third and fourth waving back and forth like an overgrown, rusted teeter-totter.

As I came through the door, Jimmy snapped his cell phone shut, tossed it into a bag with one hand and removed a T-shirt with the other. “Put this on.” He flipped the garment in my direction. “Your blouse is toast.”

“Whose fault is that?” I retorted.

“I just gave you a new one. Quit bitching.”

I lifted the T-shirt. “Van Halen?”

He shrugged as if to say,
You know how it goes

I did.

Jimmy had been gifted with all sorts of T-shirts. He wore them with jeans and a sport coat, had been photographed himself wearing them in London, Paris, Rome. What began as a joke became a trademark. If Sanducci wore your T-shirt, he’d deigned to take your picture. You had arrived.

I thought back to the photo he’d taken of Van Halen—Eddie and Alex, Michael, Sammy and David Lee. How he’d gotten them all in the same room was anyone’s guess. How he’d gotten them to pose and not kill one another was a downright miracle. The portrait had graced their latest
All-rime Hits
CD. The thing had sold three million copies. I had one myself.

Jimmy headed back outside. I hurriedly shoved my dusty stocking-covered feet into my shoes, then lost the buttonless blouse and drew the T-shirt over my head. It smelled like him, and I was struck by a wave of nostalgia so deep I staggered. Would I ever get past loving Jimmy Sanducci? God, I hoped so.

When I stepped from the barn, Jimmy was kneeling next to Springboard and shoving something into the dead man’s pocket.

“What are you doing?”

“Wrapping things up neatly for your cop friends.”


He sighed and withdrew the item from Springboard’s pocket.

“Ruthie’s crucifix? How did you get that? She never—” I paused.

She’d never taken it off while she was alive.

“You came back?” I asked.

He bent once more to plant the necklace on Springboard. “I was too late for her, but I knew she’d want you to have this—” He straightened, his eyes meeting mine, the grief there an echo of my own. “I took it, then I tried to wake you up, but the sirens…”

“You ran.”

“Like a rabbit.”

“How could the Nephilim have hurt her if she was wearing a crucifix?”

Sadness spread over his face, settling in his eyes. “Only a few beings will be stopped by a crucifix.”

“How can you touch it?”

“I’m not one of them.”


“I’m dhampir, not vampire. There’s a difference.”

“So you say.”

“I didn’t burst into flames, did I?”

He was so cavalier I had to ask. “Does a crucifix really destroy a vampire?”

Jimmy gave me a look that made something in my chest shift—like I was a prize student and he was a lifetime teacher. “Very good. We’ll make a seer out of you yet.” I half expected him to pat me on the head. “Always doubt the so-called legends. Not doing so will get people killed.”

“You didn’t answer the question.”

“Any blessed item will
a vampire. But…” He shook his head. “It takes a lot more than that to kill a demon of such power.”

“What about sunlight?”

“That will kill some. Depends on the type.”

I blinked. “There are types?”

“Of course. The bruxa, from Portugal, can only be killed by use of a magical amulet. The liderc, from Hungary, must eat garlic—and good luck getting them to do that. The vjesci, from Poland, must be buried in sand.”

“This is too complicated.”

“You’ll get used to it.”

I doubted that.

“As soon as the case is closed,” Jimmy continued, “and 1 bet it won’t be long now, the police will give you Ruthie’s necklace back.”

“They didn’t tell me her necklace was missing.” They had to have known. Everyone knew Ruthie wore that crucifix every minute, every day.

The light dawned. “They withheld the information. Only the killer would—”

“Let’s go.” Jimmy walked away from Springboard without a backward glance.

He climbed into the driver’s seat and started the engine. I had no choice but to get in.

“You’re setting him up.”

“I need to be out from under the cops.” Jimmy put the car in drive. “If they think Springboard killed Ruthie, I will be.”

“You think that just finding her crucifix in his pocket will convict him?”

“Since he’s not around to argue, I hope so.”

I glanced over my shoulder as Springboard’s body and that of the cougar’s became smaller and smaller in the rear window, then faded into the shadows altogether.

The crucifix might be enough to close the case, though I didn’t think it would be enough to get Hammond and Landsdown completely off Jimmy’s back. Still, I doubted they’d track him to New Mexico if they had another suspect tied up neatly with a bow. Their superiors wouldn’t let them.

We reached the end of the long dirt drive and turned onto the two-lane highway that would return us to the freeway. From there we could go just about anywhere. Unfortunately we were going to New Mexico. I was still trying to figure out how to avoid that.

“You said the DKs are breeds.” Jimmy nodded. “What was Springboard?”

“The way this is supposed to work is that you tell me what kind of beast lies behind the human face, not the other way around.”

“Well, excuse me for screwing up the way things are
to be. But I’m a little seer come lately, so why don’t you just tell me what Springboard was?”

“Hyena,” he snapped. “About an eighth.”

“He was one-eighth hyena,” Laughter bubbled, and I swallowed hard to make it go away.

Jimmy cast a quick glance in my direction, then returned it to the road and continued to speak. ‘“Bouda was once a country in Africa—maybe it still is, 1 don’t know—which was governed by a matriarchal society of witches who could shift into hyenas.”


“Yes. Eventually the shifters themselves became known as the bouda.”

“So Springboard could become a hyena under the light of the silvery moon?”

“Boudas can shift any time they want to; they aren’t bound by the moon. And Springboard wasn’t a full-fledged bouda, but a breed, several times removed.”

“What does that

“He could shift, but it wasn’t easy for him. Took too long, so it wasn’t exactly something he wanted to do in the heat of battle. Springboard was better on two feet, with a gun or a sword. In human form he was stronger and quicker, we all are. As a hyena he was a predator. They have some of the most powerful jaw muscles in the animal kingdom.”

I frowned, wondering what, exactly, that particular gift had done for him.

“Adult hyenas fear only the big cats as predators,” Jimmy finished.

Pretty strange that a big cat had been the death of him. Or maybe not so strange after all.

“Because he was part hyena, the chindi jumped to him?” I asked.

Jimmy’s eyebrows lifted, as if he hadn’t thought of that. “Maybe so. Although humans are animals too, I’ve never heard of a chindi possessing anything but the furry. That doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen.”

“Could it have been sent for him?”

“Doubtful. No one knew he’d be at the farm.”

“No one was supposed to know we’d be at the farm either, but someone did.”

“And I plan to find out who.”

Silence fell between us for a minute, then I had another thought. “Springboard’s autopsy—won’t they find traces of hyena fur, blood, something?”

“He wasn’t in hyena form. But even if they did…” Jimmy let his voice trail off, and I understood.

“That would make the case more open and shut, because they probably found traces of animal fur at the murder scene.”

“Considering the number of shifters there, I can’t imagine they wouldn’t have.”

“Did you see a hyena?”

Jimmy shook his head. “But that doesn’t mean one wasn’t there.”

We were looking for a traitor. Was it possible that we’d found him already, and that he’d been killed by accident?


“There won’t be any explanation for hyena fur,” I mussed. Or any other type of fur for that matter. Ruthie hadn’t even owned a dog.

“Won’t be our problem. We’ll be long gone.”

Jimmy hit the on ramp and accelerated, heading west past Madison instead of south toward home. I’d known he would, yet I still tensed at the proof of it.

“I don’t want to go there, Jimmy,” I said quietly.

“I know.”

“Then don’t make me.”

At first he didn’t speak, though his fingers tightened on the steering wheel. “In a different world, I wouldn’t. But I need to talk to him, and you need to stay with him.”

“Stay?” My voice squeaked. “No. You can’t— I can’t—”

“You have to learn how to control your new ability. Ruthie would have taught you, but she’s gone.”

“She’s not gone,” I said desperately. “She could teach me—” I spread my hands. “In my dreams.”

He was already shaking his head. “We don’t have time to wait around on the off chance that might happen. You know he’s the best at training, otherwise Ruthie would never have sent you there in the first place.”

No matter how much I argued, there would always be that truth.

“Correct me if I’m wrong,” Jimmy said, “but as of right now only by touching something do you get any communication from the Great Beyond.”

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