Arak's Love: A World Beyond Book 2 (5 page)

BOOK: Arak's Love: A World Beyond Book 2
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Chapter 5


Sylvie knew she didn’t look her best and having so many strangers crowded around discomforted her. She stayed close to Joni’s side as the doctor used a miracle instrument which left her friend’s skin bruised free. Even the odd bump on the back of Joni’s wrist was gone. He asked routine questions only pausing occasionally to jot notes on an electronic tablet which, he then handed to an assistant who stood at his back.

Sylvie glanced over at Arak, relieved as the tech handled his injuries with the same smooth ease as the doctor. Perhaps too much ease. She frowned as the woman leaned over his side, her breasts brushing against him with every move as she shifted around him. When the woman used a cloth to wipe his face clean, Sylvie had to resist the urge to demand the woman stand back while treating him.

“And you?”

Sylvie drew in a deep breath and braced herself. Joni stood and allowed Sylvie to take her place on the narrow bed.

“It’s alright, Sylvie.” Joni glared at the doctor for good measure.

True to his word, Dr. Maku worked quickly and the aches and pains in her battered body left as if they’d never been there.

“Am I missing anything?” Dr. Maku asked with a pleasant enough expression for a medical professional.

All of the ones Sylvie had come in contact during her time with the Marenians were brutal and cold. She raised her leg and pointed at her feet where glass had cut her during their mad dash. Pieces were still imbedded in her skin.

The doctor extended her leg to get a close up look at the damage. Sylvie pressed a hand down on the edge of her dress to preserve her dignity. Someone cursed, drawing her gaze. Arak came over, eyes darkened to a deep navy. His hand grasped her ankle below the doctor’s as he lowered his gaze.

Lips pressed tight, he demanded. “Why didn’t you say something?”

Sylvie craned her neck to the side and winced when she got a good look. Not only had the glass shredded her feet, leaving fresh blood trails, but the deep scarring from the lashing she’d taken from her last escape had turned the bottom of her feet into ugly lumps of mottled flesh. Several of the others came near to see. The press of so many bodies gathered close caused Sylvie to flinch.

Arak growled, jerking his head up. “Stay back.”

When Jaron whistled low under his breath, Sylvie’s face heated. Women were supposed to have pretty hands and pretty feet. Her feet had been destroyed thanks to the Marenians.

Kyele met her stare. “How did you manage?”

There were several ways she could answer but Arak started a rhythmic rubbing on the side of her foot which distracted. His other fingers brushed over the unmarred skin of her ankle as he stared into her eyes, awaiting her response. The warmth in her face spread down her chest and pooled in her middle. No one had touched her in kindness in months. The strumming motion soothed her fear and Sylvie found herself drawn into the depths of his blue gaze.

Only when her loins clenched and the slight stirrings of arousal coiled in her belly, did Sylvie clear her throat and tug lightly, hoping he’d get the hint and release her foot. He didn’t.

“Enough. Let me finish my job.” Dr. Maku’s voice dispelled the moment and everyone stepped back.

Arak released her but only after one lingering stroke on the ball of her ankle that sent shivers down her spine.

Sylvie exhaled and squeezed her legs together. Arak’s nostrils flared and he took another step back. “Um…the glass during the escape cut my feet but I would have done anything to get away.”

“And the rest?” Kyele persisted, peering at the damage to her feet.

“Lashings because I escaped. To teach me a lesson when I was returned.”

Arak snarled and lunged toward her. Sylvie squealed and pushed back on the bed but Kyele and Jaron both grabbed his arms to hold him back.

“Arak, get yourself together,” Jaron snapped, struggling to hold on.

Straining and heaving against the arms that sought to restrain him, Arak’s savage demeanor caught Sylvie off guard. His unbuttoned shirt parted and muscles flexed and rippled. Blue streaks marred the tanned skin.

Kyele slid behind Arak and wrapped an arm around his neck. Whatever he whispered in his friend’s ear did the trick. Chest heaving, Arak ceased to fight the arms pulling him back.

“Out,” the doctor ordered, pointing his finger at the door.

Heart racing, Sylvie placed her hand on her chest to still the building pressure in the face of his unexplained rage. Joni crammed into the corner, her hip bumping Sylvie as she too watched the spectacle.

“Don’t hurt her.” Arak’s voice grated as he spit out the three words to the doctor.

Sylvie’s breath sawed in and out at the display. All for her as there was no mistaking the threatening stance he took. She hated the fact that it turned her on. Men should be the last thing on her mind. But Arak wasn’t any man. He was something more. Something she couldn’t describe. With a last glare, he departed with Jaron and Kyele at his side.

Dr. Maku squatted before her as if nothing unusual had happened. Joni brushed back the hair from her forehead. “Well, that was interesting.”

The doctor held Sylvie’s ankle and terror tried to take hold again. Sylvie forced the emotion away as he used a careful touch to run his instrument over her feet. “There’s a lot of scar tissue. This will take a minute but I promise I can rid you of it.”

Her thigh twitched in reflex and her heart thumped hard in her chest. “Really?”

Sylvie thought she’d have those scars forever. The welts dug deep into her flesh and crossed over one another in raised purple ropes that had the bottom of her feet numb to all but the hardest pressure.

He looked up to smile, blue eyes twinkling. He grasped her other foot and worked. “Absolutely.”

Her feet tingled moments later and the doctor stretched as he stood. “All done. It might feel a little tender for the next day but no lingering damage.”

Amazing and by far more advanced than where Earth stood in terms of medicine.

Joni held up her hand for a high-five, the broad grin on her face full of relief. “Another score for Earth women. Marenians still down late in the quarter.”

Sylvie laughed as they slapped hands. The doctor’s brows crinkled in confusion but neither bothered trying to explain.

The good doctor cleared his throat and made another notation in his handheld device before speaking. “Well, that is good.” Red blotches bloomed on his cheeks as he continued, “My scanner also revealed no internal damage or bruises from sexual excess. I know what the Marenians and their clients are capable of and sexual abuse can be in many forms. Is there anything else either of you would have me check or do for you?”

Sylvie quickly rose to her feet. She hadn’t been raped but not from lack of effort from those who’d ‘purchased’ her. There had been plenty of groping and some of the threats made to her would likely give Sylvie nightmares at some point. “I’m fine, Dr. Maku.”

Both their gazes went to Joni who’d remained silent. When she lifted her eyes, such fire burned in their golden depths that Sylvie almost took a step back. Instead she clasped her fingers with Joni’s and squeezed.

“Broken bones, bruises, taunts, being caged. I suffered all of it during my five months. I only count myself lucky because of my first owner.” She grimaced. “He wanted a companion. Someone to read and talk gardening with him. I didn’t know shit about flowers but he taught me. I was returned after he died and heard the other prisoners talk about things done to them. Not sure if anyone else would say I was lucky or unlucky but I survived and I’m grateful for it.”

Sylvie exhaled in relief.

Dr. Maku’s blue eyes glinted with sympathy then in a voice that held nothing but care he added, “You both




“They’ve been nice to us thus far. Should we be worried?” Joni asked when they were alone.

Sylvie glanced around the room they’d been led to by a medical tech after their injuries were healed. Comfortable sofas with no legs and high backs in a soft, dark brown material. She ran her hands along the seat, the soft texture tickling her palms.

“If they were going to hurt us, they would have already done so.”

Joni nodded and tapped her foot. They’d been given clothing and offered the opportunity to shower in a cleansing room. After three months of captivity, most of the advanced technology was familiar to her. Sylvie sighed and leaned back in her chair, grateful to be clean and in something that covered her body. Dr. Maku had offered the spare clothing to them. Sylvie didn’t mind the bland brown pants and white top.

Joni shoved a hand through the deep red-gold waves that fell down her back. Sylvie hadn’t even known her friend was a redhead. Somehow it fit with her bright amber eyes. She tunneled a hand through her own blonde locks. The length had reached her lower back but a pair of shears borrowed from a medic took care of that. It now fell about her shoulders, the new length allowing Sylvie a semblance of who she was before all this started.

“What do you think they want to talk about?” Joni asked, rising to her feet.

“I’m not sure,” Sylvie admitted.

Sylvie’s nerves crawled as well but instead of pacing as Joni now did, she clenched her hands together in her lap and wondered what they’d do now. Clearly, SP wasn’t an option for her. The thought of taking her chances again with the government program had her swaying in the comfortable chair.

“I am sorry for your wait.”

Sylvie’s head snapped toward the door and the huge man who entered. Arak, Jaron, Faruk and Kyele followed him but Sylvie slowly rose to her feet, muscles tense at the sight of the brawny stranger.

“Dr. Maku says you have translators implanted, which makes things easier though we all speak standard, a language similar to the English of your Earth.”

Joni walked over to stand beside her. “Who are you?”

The stranger smiled but the gesture didn’t do much to change the rough hewn angles of his features. Brown eyes glowed with patience. Dark brown hair touched broad shoulders stretched into a black uniform shirt. Matching black pants encased legs of steel, ending in black sturdy boots. “I’m Torkel Alonson, Unit leader for the Jutak warriors at this facility.”

Okay that didn’t tell her much. Sylvie swallowed as her heart rate picked up.

“These are my team members,” he continued with a wave of his hand. “I believe you know Jaron, Arak, Faruk and Kyele. Jaron and Faruk are the team leads who were in charge of the rescue mission at the Marenian slave holding where you were held.”

Arak and the others shifted their stance, arms folded behind their backs. Dressed in the same black uniform down to the boots, they resembled a military sect. Or a cult. Arak had cleaned up and blood no longer covered him, Sylvie noted with relief. Could she and Joni trust that these were the good guys?

“Is there anything we can get you? Drinks or food perhaps?” Torkel asked.

Sylvie shook her head and Joni mirrored the gesture. They’d both nibbled on the strange servings provided in the medical center. Sylvie had long grown used to eating food she had no clue about although much of what she’d eaten tonight had been rather tasty.

Gaze narrowed, Torkel lips firmed. “Please sit. We’d like to ask a few questions about your time with the Marenians. Our hope is that you females can help us.”

Sylvie resumed her seat on the sofa, noticing when Joni chose to sit beside her instead of her former seat. “We can try but I’m not sure how much help we can be. We were sl…” She pushed the horrible word past the lump in her throat and spit out. “Slaves.”

The men chose individual chairs and arranged them in a semi-circle in front of the low sofa. Kyele slouched in his seat, long legs stretched out and icy-green gaze on Joni. Faruk smiled warmly and sat on the edge of his seat. Jaron braced a hand over the back of his chair, hips to the side and allowed one leg to dangle over the arm. The pose reminded her of a jungle cat at rest. A half-smile played about his full mouth but Sylvie bet he fooled many with the lax poise. Torkel crossed his arms over his massive chest, legs spread.

Her eyes were reluctantly drawn to Arak. Coiled to pounce, he chose to sit forward in his chair, elbows planted on his knees and hands dangling between parted thighs. The intense heat from his blue eyes seared her to the spot. When he caught her staring a low growl rumbled from his chest, startling Sylvie enough to jump.

Torkel shot him a chastising glare but Jaron smirked.

Torkel cleared his throat. “We understand you were kept against your will. Anything either of you can share with us would be appreciated.”

Sylvie licked her lips and tucked her hands under her thighs to hide their trembling. “Like what?”

His response came instant. “Names, conversations.”

“I was sold to a Chamele.” She wouldn’t call him her owner. “His name was Foro.”

A snick filled the silence after her announcement.

Sylvie lowered her gaze and flinched at the long white claws extending from Arak’s fingers on both hands. What the hell was he?

Torkel shot him a glance before facing Sylvie again. “If you don’t mind my asking, how did you end up back at a sex auction if you had been sold?”

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