Arcane Solutions (4 page)

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Authors: Gayla Drummond

BOOK: Arcane Solutions
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The connection to the blood donor forgotten, every bit of my attention locked solely on Nick.

he insisted, fingers trapping locks of my hair. Images flooded my mind, full of moonlight and trees.
. It was a soft whine, pleading for permission.

A fraction of a second before granting it, I jerked as
Who's there?
roared through my mind. Nick froze as I gasped and tensed.

Who are you?
came next, trailed by icy cold diving down the connection forged with the blood donor. The shifter pulled his mouth away enough to speak. “What is it?”

We have to leave.” I slammed my mental shield closed just in time. Stepping back, he caught my hand and dragged me around the corner.

I teleported us above, onto the street right next to my car. Shaking free of his grip and hurrying around to the driver's side, I unlocked the doors and practically dove inside.

Dusk was falling, painting the sky a hazy gray. I did not intend to be anywhere near the Barrows when the owner of that cold power came above ground, hunting for me.

Vampires are scary enough. Those with powers similar to mine are about a hundred times scarier. They’ve had centuries to perfect their control, while I have less than half a decade under my belt.

The engine purred to life at the turn of the key. A quick look around showed the way was clear to pull away from the curb. Seatbelt clicked into place, Nick leaned and groped for mine. His face was close enough that his breath warmed skin gone cool from fear. I let go of the steering wheel with one hand when he pulled the belt across. Another click and he straightened. “What happened?”

Fear has a tendency to make me bitchy.
“We almost got caught, thanks to your idea of cover, that's what happened.”

Caught by whom?”

I don't know. Maybe a vamp named Derrick. That's who owns the estate.” I shot through a red light, but the shifter didn't notice. He was too busy watching me.

You're shaking. Pull over.”

Hell no! We're too close to the Barrows.” Shaking my head sent brown strands flying. I wanted safety, now. Safety was the office or home, both heavily warded. The office was closer, but the idea of leaving for home after full dark made me shudder. “Do you think those two guards got a good look at our faces?”

No,” Nick answered, just as his fingers made a surprise landing on the nape of my neck and began gently kneading the tenseness away.
. It was barely audible and tinged with that pleading note. I wasn't sure he was aware of it, so didn't say anything. He glanced out the windshield. “Where are we headed?”

Away from the Barrows.”

You're really spooked.”

Quick on the uptake, aren’t you?” Terrified was a more apt description.

It's one of my gifts.” He grinned, not offended by my snarky response. “So this Derrick is scary?”

I have never felt that kind of mental power from a vamp before.” Shivering, I scowled at the truck ahead of us.

Very scary,” Nick amended.

Friggin' terrifying,” I corrected, relaxing a bit more. The gentle massage was rubbing the sharp edge of fear away. “I'll drop you off at the office, and then I'm going home.”

His fingers went still. The need to say something about the kissy-face episode became important.

Nick pulled his hand away, facing forward at the street ahead. It was probably my imagination that he looked disappointed.

On the other hand, maybe not, since a sneaky glance at his lap gave evidence to support the disappointed theory. Recalling the strength of his lust, I bit my lip and dragged my attention back to driving.

I don’t like being alone after a bad scare. While I could call and arrange a stay-over with Kate, Ronnie, or Jo, they don’t really fit the bill for clinging to. Neither did David or Damian, both having steady relationships.

Nick looked perfect for clinging to, yet he was a stranger.

But man, it had been a while.

Busy turning my choices over, I was startled when the shifter spoke. “I thought we were going to the office?”

I recognized the parking lot of my apartment complex.
“Well, damn.”

This is where you live?” The disappointment was gone when I glanced at his face.

Yeah. “ Oh, what the hell. “Look, I...”

Had a big scare and don't want to be alone?” Nick nailed it in one guess. I felt heat begin creeping up my neck.


He smiled, not looking at me.
“I'm open to hanging out for a while.”



Unacceptable to modern women everywhere as it might be, being tucked safely in my apartment behind wards with a big, strong man for company made me feel much better.

The shifter prowled around the living room, checking out my DVD collection while I pulled out dinner-making supplies after having checked the shimmer that represented Zoe. Still golden. I was elbow-deep in preparing a massive lasagna when Nick joined me in the kitchen. “Need any help?”

No, I've got it. There's beer in the fridge if you want one.”

Thanks. One for you?”

Yeah, please.” He pulled two out, opened them both, and placed mine on the counter.

Nice place. You watch a lot of movies.”

I stay home a lot when I'm not working.” I scattered the last of the grated cheese over the top of the lasagna and sidestepped to wash my hands.


Being around people all the time is kind of draining. I have to recharge.” I’d learned to put the constant buzz of other minds into the background, but it still leeched my energy away.

Leaning a hip against the counter, Nick took a drink of his beer while I put the baking dish into the oven.
“Is my being here interfering with your recharging?”

No. One or even a few people aren’t a problem.” I was trying to figure out the rest of the evening. The shifter hadn't leaked anything for me to go by. It’d been a few months since my last relationship’s end.

Realizing Nick was staring, and that I was doing the same to the oven's door, I snagged my beer and took a swig, which tickled my tongue and throat with cold-sharpened bubbles.
“You want to pick out a movie? We can eat in the living room.”

Sounds good,” he agreed, pushing away from the counter and sauntering toward the archway separating the two rooms. I watched him, or rather, his butt, before shaking my head and preparing a salad.





Meal over, dishes in the dishwasher, and movie halfway finished, I kept checking out Nick from the corner of my eye. He sprawled at the opposite end of the sofa, looking comfortable and totally absorbed in
The Matrix
. I was anything but absorbed and comfortable.

Send him home or ask him to stay? If he did stay, couch, or bed? Sex or no sex? If yes, then what? We'd be working together.

Damn it!
I forced my attention back to the TV, admitting there were too many complications to think through. Besides, I had no idea how shifters handled such matters. Was sex with humans an entirely casual thing for them?

Nick moved, picking up his third beer of the evening. Without taking his eyes from the screen, he asked,
“Am I staying the night?”

Caught by surprise, I responded without thinking.
“Do you want to?”

Yeah. But the question is do you want me to?” He took another drink of his beer.

Watching the line of his neck, the seal of his lips round the rim of the bottle, I swallowed a sudden mouthful of drool.
“Um, yeah?”

The corner of his mouth quirked.
“Then I’m staying. Next question: am I allowed to call you Cordi?”

Um, yeah?” I sounded like a broken record.

Last question. Can I touch you?”

Please do.” From the smile that blazed into existence, I had the distinct impression sex was in my immediate future.

Good, because I certainly want to.” He finally turned his head, meeting my eyes. His were more gold than brown and I forgot how to breathe for a few seconds, gazing into them. Smile fading, he confided in a low voice, “Your scent's been driving me crazy all damn day.”

I had to clear my throat.
“It has?”

Yeah.” The beer bottle clinked as he set it aside before moving to close the space between us. Our faces were only inches apart when he said, “Scent's very important.”

Oh.” I was mesmerized as his eyes changed further, gold spilling from around the pupils, to flush away every trace of brown.

So is taste,” he breathed, mouth descending upon mine. All the cons I'd thought of went flying straight out of my head as
growled out from his mind. Oh, hell yes.

Nick slid off the sofa without quite ending the kiss, to kneel on the floor. His hands ran up my thighs, then down, thumbs firm along the insides. When he stood, it was after wrapping an arm around me, and lifting me off the couch. The lack of effort required and my feet not touching the floor reminded me that he wasn't a regular guy.

“Wait,” I mumbled, pulling away from his mouth.

For what?” Nick tried for a second kiss, but I turned my head away.

You're a shifter.”

Releasing me, he took a step back, brows lowering and a frown beginning to grow.
“I thought that wasn't a problem?”

It's not, but I don't know much about shifters. I mean, I know you're a lot stronger and can change into an animal.”

His expression smoothed out.
“Yes, but I won't shift or hurt you.”

Okay, but that’s not really what I was worried about. Um, you do know about safe sex, right?” I tried not to blush, but failed miserably. Doing was better than talking in my book. Yet talking meant less chance of confusion. Even though I was on the pill and religious about taking it every day, condoms were necessary. “I’m on the Pill, but I don’t do bareback.”

Nick slowly smiled.
“Yes, I know about safe sex and I have a condom.”

Moving into his arms, I buried my red-hot face into his t-shirt.
“Okay, good. Sorry.”

No problem.” He kissed the top of my head. “Where were we?”” Raising my head, I kissed him and he again picked me up, snugging my legs around his waist. When he turned toward the hallway, I broke the kiss. “Wait.”

Okay. Why?”

Need to turn the TV off.” Freeing a hand from around his neck, I pointed at the remote control. Nick sighed, but walked over and picked it up. Hitting the power button, he replaced it.

There. Anything else, or can we go get naked now?”

I wiggled at the thought, and the feel of him pressed tight to my groin.
“Is the door locked?”

Let's check.” Having 130 pounds hanging from him evidently wasn't a problem. Nick strode over to the door and tested the locks, one hand splayed across my lower back. “Yes.”

Okay.” My security concerns settled, I focused my attention on diving my hands under his shirt. With a slight shake of his head, Nick turned again toward the hallway and my bedroom door.

An urgent, tongue-tangling kiss occupied us the second he carried me into the room. It wasn’t enough. Dizzy from more than lack of air, I pulled away, slid down his body, and allowed my feet to discover the floor. We both took a step back to peel off our shirts. Footwear was next; I had to sit on the edge of the bed to take mine off.

Nick simply toed his running shoes off, unbuttoning his jeans at the same time. I watched while tugging my socks free.

My turn,” he growled while unzipping his jeans. “Wait.”

Okay.” I paused, fingers on the button of mine. Since he was about to shuck his, waiting was fine by me. Warm golden eyes glued to my face, he worked the denim off his hips and down, neatly ridding himself of socks at the same time.

No underwear; he was a commando guy. I licked the corner of my mouth, gazing at him.
“You're circumcised.”

What?” Nick looked down.

Nevermind.” For some reason, I hadn't thought he would be. Shifters healed fast—that was something else I knew about them. He was willing to move on, walking toward me and bending, fingers quickly unbuttoning my jeans

Unzipping them, Nick tucked his fingers over the edge of the waistband and grinned.
“This is like unwrapping a present.”

No one had ever compared me to a present before. Falling back on trembling elbows, I helped remove my jeans. He tossed them off to the side and crawled onto the bed, over me.
“I'm not naked yet.”

Give me a minute.” Another succulent kiss followed, his hand finding the catch of my bra, which fell loose. It slipped down, and Nick left my lips for my breasts.

Condom,” I reminded him, eyes closing as he nuzzled skin.

I remember.” He slipped backwards, off the bed and went for his jeans. While he dug for his wallet and the condom, I wiggled out of my panties, tossing them and bra to the floor.

Mission accomplished.” He came back, holding up the small package and paused. “Now that's something I haven't seen before.”

You don't like it? I think it's cute.” I kept a small patch, currently trimmed into the shape of a heart. 

I didn't say that just that I haven't seen anything like that before.” He ripped the package open, quickly rolling on the condom. Re-joining me on the bed, he asked, “Can we play now? Please?”

He took my laugh for a yes. We made out until we were both breathless and hot. Nick slid over me, settling between my legs to push tentatively, and slipped inside a bit. He wiggled like an excited puppy before pushing deeper, snuffling at my neck. In a thick, low voice, he said,
“You smell so good, Cordi.”

Uh hmm.” His first thrust was slow and careful. After a shivering pause, he moved into a firm, quick rhythm that had me panting for air in short order.

It felt fantastic, but when he slid both arms under me, changing the angle just so, it felt much better. Waves of pleasure radiated through me, continuing even when he groaned, thrusting deep and staying. I could feel the spasms as he came. Cheek pressed to my temple, he muttered,

What?” I was gasping for air.

I only had the one. I want to do it again.”

So did I, but without a condom, it wasn't happening.
“You could go buy some.”

He sighed.
“I knew you were going to say that.”

Another minute or two passed before he raised his head.
“You're too warm and sweet smelling to leave right now. I'll bring more next time. If there's going to be a next time?”

On board with that idea, I nodded and found the energy to move my hand in a slow stroke down his spine.
“Yeah, there is.”

Good.” He kissed me, and then moved. “Need to borrow the bathroom for a few minutes.”

I sat up.
“We could take a shower together, but I’ll want cuddling afterwards.”

He chuckled.
“Your wish is my command.”





Hm?” I cracked open one eye to find Nick crouched beside my bed, fully dressed. “Is it morning already?”

The shifter grinned.
“No, it's almost two. I have to go.”

I needed a few seconds to process that.

I got a call; there's something I have to go help with,” he clarified before my frown made an appearance. “Pack business.”

Oh, okay.” Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes. “Where do I need to take you?”

I've got a ride. I'm sorry I woke you, but I didn't want you to think that…uh, just leaving a note didn’t…” he paused to start again. “I didn't want to go without saying bye or leaving your door unlocked.”

That was sweet of him.
“It's okay. Cool.”

I guess I'll see you in the morning.” Nick leaned, but stopped shy of kissing me. “I had a really good time.”

Me too.” His lips were on mine, and I almost had my hands round his neck to keep him longer, but he pulled free.

Chest heaving, he backed away and licked his lips.
“Don't forget to lock the door.”

I won't.” As he exited the room, I took a second before following to check again. Yes, the shimmer was still gold. If Zoe were turned, or dead, it would have disappeared.

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