Aria (11 page)

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Authors: Shira Anthony

Tags: #Gay, #Romance, #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary

BOOK: Aria
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Four days later

T WAS late afternoon by the time Sam arrived back to his Philadelphia apartment. On Thursday Aiden had returned to New York City, where he’d be for the rest of the three-week run of the production of
La Bohème.
There was snow on the ground here too, although it was hardly as pristine as at David’s. Sam set his bags down in the front entrance before walking over to the balcony. He pressed his nose against the glass like he used to as a kid, feeling the cold against his skin.

More than ever, the apartment felt empty. Cold and sterile but for the colorful canvasses that hung on the walls. In that moment Sam envied Jason, that Jason had been able to leave his life in the US behind and travel the world with Jules. But Sam knew he could never do the same for Aiden. In spite of everything, he loved his work and the law firm he had built from scratch. Now, in the afterglow of the past few days spent at Aiden’s side, he knew it was probably wishful thinking that he and Aiden might be more than sometime lovers.
But what’s wrong in giving it a try?

His phone chirped to signal a text message.
Don’t forget
, it read,
give me a call when you get home.
Sam smiled. He’d be more than willing to take whatever time he and Aiden could find together.
He tapped the phone. “Aiden?”
“Sam. It’s good to hear your voice. I didn’t mean to be a pest with the text, but—”
“I’m glad you texted. I got in the door about five minutes ago. I was thinking about you. How was the matinee today?”
“Really good. We’ve hit that middle of the run stride, where everyone knows their stuff and they can sit back and enjoy the ride. Not as exciting as opening night, but you can start to play around a little with interpretation, emotions, that sort of thing.”
“I never thought of it that way,” Sam replied, fascinated by this bit of information. “I guess I always thought you were aiming for a perfect performance.”
“It’s why I like the longer runs. If you only perform something two or three times, you’re hitting your stride when the show closes. It’s a luxury to have more than just a few performances, but David insists on it when he conducts. Another reason I love to sing with him.”
“I’m definitely going to have to go to more than one show, then, the next time. Not that my ears are that sophisticated, but maybe if you tell me what to look for, I’d hear the difference.”
“I’ll look forward to it, then.” Aiden’s breath was audible through the speaker. “I had a great time at David’s,” he said after a brief pause.
“I did too.” It hadn’t hit Sam just how much he missed Aiden until he walked into the empty apartment. He’d been lonely for so long, he’d nearly forgotten how nice it was to have someone in his life. “I’m looking forward to Alabama. I’ll check my trial calendar tonight and shoot you an e-mail, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got enough coverage in April. Most of my associates take vacations in the winter to get away from the snow. And we’ve just hired two new lawyers.”
“Great. You get yourself some rest. We’ll talk again soon, okay?” Aiden paused, then added, “Listen, Sam?”
“About New Year’s. Are you still free?”
“Yes. Why?” Sam held his breath. He’d been looking forward to April, but five months was starting to feel like an eternity.
“I’m in Miami Beach for a fundraiser. It’s only for a few days, and I know it’s a bit far from Philly, but—”
“I’d love to come.”
There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Aiden said, “Really?”
Sam couldn’t help but smile to hear the surprise in Aiden’s voice. “Really.”
“That’s great. I’ll shoot you an email with the dates. Talk to you in a few days?”
“Sounds good. Take care of yourself Aiden.” Sam wondered if Aiden could tell he was grinning.
“You, too, Sammy.”

Four weeks later
“MR. LIND?” The stage manager poked her head into his dressing

room. “There’s a Mr. Ryan to see you.”
“Thanks, Carla.” Aiden guzzled the rest of his bottle of water and
went to the door. “Sam. Damn, it’s good to see you.” He pulled Sam
inside and shut the door, then kissed Sam, lingering lightly over his lips
before embracing him. There hadn’t been any earlier flights from Philly
to Miami, and they hadn’t seen each other before the concert. “You were wonderful.” Sam put down the small overnight bag he
was still holding and swept two fingers over Aiden’s lips, a gesture that
made Aiden shudder with pleasure.
Aiden smiled the same pleasant smile he always gave when
someone complimented him. It mattered little that the reviews of his
performances were universally good; he still felt uncomfortable with
the praise. Even a little undeserving. “Thank you.”
He’d worried that the weeks apart might have made their reunion
a bit awkward, but as usual, Sam set him at ease with another kiss. “So what’s on the agenda to celebrate the New Year? You
promised you’d let me know what you were up to when I got here.” “Did I?” Aiden did his best not to smile.
“Is it something I’ll like? Because I’m thinking spending the night
in a hotel with you would be fine with me.” Sam laughed against
Aiden’s throat as he feathered kisses there.
“My lips are sealed.” Aiden pushed Sam playfully away, then
grabbed a small duffel from off the lighted table. “I think you’ll like it,
though. Just the two of us. Romantic.”
Sam put an arm around Aiden’s waist and pulled him back, this
time to claim his lips. “
is just the two of us.” There was a
mischievous twinkle in Sam’s eyes.
“Do lawyers always argue?”
“Of course.”
Aiden pulled away and straightened his bow tie and cummerbund.
“Mr. Ryan, we’re on a very tight schedule here. The limousine is
waiting outside and”—Aiden pushed up his sleeve to check his
watch—“we have four hours to midnight. I’ll hold you in contempt if
we’re late.”
Sam held up his hands. “I’m throwing myself at the mercy of the
“You’ll behave?”
“You might have to make me behave.” Sam’s eyes glittered with
“Shit. You’re incorrigible.” He aimed Sam in the direction of the
door, giving him only a minute to grab his bag before pushing him into
the corridor. “This way,” he said as he gestured to the entrance to the
street. A moment later they were outside, and Aiden was leading Sam
over to a limousine. There, the driver took Sam’s suitcase and held the
door for them.
Once settled inside, Sam looked at Aiden with a raised eyebrow.
“Nice. So are we headed to some swanky party that only the rich and
famous are invited to?”
Aiden only shook his head. “My lips are sealed.” Okay, so Sam
proved him wrong on that point pretty quickly with a deep kiss. But he
wouldn’t give up the secret. “Keep trying. I’m liking this.” “Clearly I’ve miscalculated. I should be withholding my
affections. Then maybe you’d come clean and tell me where we’re
Aiden bit his lower lip before opening a panel to reveal a bottle of
chilled champagne and two crystal flutes. Then, without missing a beat,
he said, “Something to drink?”
“Isn’t it a few hours too early?”
“It’s past midnight in London,” Aiden pointed out as he opened
the bottle and filled their glasses.
A few minutes later, they were settled in each other’s arms. “I
missed you, Aiden.” Sam’s voice was soft in Aiden’s ear. “More than
you know.”
“Oh, I think I know.” Aiden’s heart felt as though it were going to

HE limousine stopped about twenty minutes later. Sam looked out the window. They were in a parking lot illuminated by several lights. There was what looked like a small building at the edge of the lot, but other than a single light at the entrance, there was nothing to identify it. When Sam looked to Aiden for an explanation, he just took the champagne flute from Sam’s hand, placed it alongside his own on the console, then pulled something out of the same cabinet in which he’d found the bottle and glasses.

“Gonna tell me what that is?”
Aiden held the object out so that Sam could see it. A flashlight. “What are you up to, Lind?”
The driver opened the door and Aiden illuminated their way,

leading Sam across the parking lot and down a paved walkway. The faint scent of the ocean wafted on the breeze, and the air was cool. “You’re not very good with surprises, are you?”

Sam shook his head and chuckled. “Depends.” He snaked an arm around Aiden, nearly knocking him off balance before pulling him tight to claim Aiden’s lips. “As long as it involves you and sex, I’m good with it.”

“Could be.” Aiden slipped out of Sam’s grasp and continued to walk and point the way. “Watch your step here.”
A band of metal met the pavement, and the path beyond was wood. The smell of salt water was powerful here. A dock. “Aid—”
“You might want to take your shoes off.” Aiden was already slipping out of his patent leather oxfords and rolling up the legs of his tux pants. Sam did the same, unable to suppress a grin. Wherever they were going, he was having fun. He felt like a kid again. “You can leave them here. Ralph will pick them up when he comes with the bags.”
Aiden took Sam’s hand, and they walked to the end of the dock until they reached a large white wall. A restaurant, perhaps.
Then the restaurant’s lights went on, illuminating the surface of the wall. “Holy shit.” It wasn’t a restaurant. It was an enormous yacht—at least a hundred feet long. “Where did you…?”
“Mr. Lind?” A man wearing a crisp white uniform, complete with captain’s hat, walked toward them down the gangway at the end of the pier.
“That’s me. So good to have you joining us tonight. And this is Mr. Ryan?”
Sam offered the man his hand. “I’m Rich Cowan. Captain of the
. Good to meet you.”
Rich looked to Aiden, who nodded.
“She belongs to David Somers.”
They climbed aboard and Sam tried not to stare as a young woman dressed in white pants and a white polo greeted them.
“This is Amy. She’ll be attending to you gentlemen. We’ll be getting underway for the Bahamas in a few minutes. We’ll arrive by morning. Maestro Somers sends his compliments and says you should enjoy yourselves. We’ll arrive back in Miami in time for your flights on Monday morning. Enjoy your evening, gentlemen.”
“Dinner will be ready in about an hour,” Amy told them after Rich left. “Would you like to dine on the foredeck?”
“Sounds wonderful.” Aiden turned to look at Sam, who nodded his approval.
“Do you need me to show you the stateroom?” she asked.
“I know the way. Thanks, Amy.” Aiden turned to Sam after she left. “Well? How did I do?”
“Not bad.” Sam did his best to keep a straight face. But then Aiden smiled, and Sam grabbed him and crushed his lips against Aiden’s. “Better than that,” he said after the kiss broke. “Amazing, really.”
“We have an hour. How about thanking me up close and personal.” Aiden took Sam’s hand once more and led him down a set of stairs to the cabins below.
HEY sat on the foredeck, having finished one of the best meals Sam had ever eaten.
Not that the starry sky and the company had anything to do with it.
“Remind me to thank David next time I see him.” Sam stood up and began to massage Aiden’s shoulders.
“My fairy godfather.”
Sam laughed.
“David’s been too good to me.” Aiden’s voice was slightly wistful now. “Not only this, but he helped me out of a bad situation.”
“I’m not sure I’d have had the guts to move out if it hadn’t been for David. Hell, I tried to find a place of my own in London and he told me to stay. Said he didn’t spend much time there anyhow.” Aiden leaned into Sam’s hands, and Sam kissed him on the top of his head.
“You sound almost like you don’t think you deserve his friendship.”
Aiden’s shoulders tensed beneath Sam’s fingers. “Am I that obvious?”
“Sometimes I worry that I can’t even begin to give back what he’s given me.”
Sam moved in front of Aiden and drew him up off the chair with a hug. “You don’t give yourself enough credit, you know.”
“You think?” Aiden’s laugh was bitter.
Sam traced a line over Aiden’s lips. “I think I could kick myself for letting you go. Twice.”
Aiden’s smile looked strained. “Are you sure you want this? I mean, there’s a reason you let me go before. My lifestyle isn’t exactly the best for long-term relationships.”
“It was never about your lifestyle.” Sam wasn’t exactly sure how to explain his hesitation. “I just wasn’t ready.”
“You don’t need to justify it, Sammy.”
“I know. But I wish—”
“Here and now. That’s what matters. Fuck the rest of it.”
“Right.” Sam inhaled a long slow breath and looked over the bow at the moon rising on the horizon. And yet he couldn’t help but think of New Year’s past. And of Nick. “You’re right. Fuck the rest of it.”
“Happy New Year, Sammy.”
“Happy New Year, Aiden.”

Chapter 15


Four months later

IDEN teetered dangerously on the Windsurfer, having dropped the sail yet again. The water was cold, and he was glad he’d borrowed Sam’s wetsuit. He’d fallen in more times than he could count. “Remind me why I’m doing this?”

“Because when you get the hang of it, it’s a blast.”

It was good to have Sam on the shore, cheering him on. Aiden would have given up an hour ago without Sam’s encouragement. Aiden rolled his eyes and reached once more for the knotted rope to haul the sail out of the water.

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