Aries Fire (43 page)

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Authors: Elaine Edelson

Tags: #Historical

BOOK: Aries Fire
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The day I turned on the television and switched over to the Discovery Channel, I saw a man with a thick accent talking about ancient Egypt. It was Dr. Hawass, the first Minister of Antiquities of Egypt. Cool. Even though Dr. Hawass’ info related to BCE topics, I listened to what he said and pondered what might be possible in my story. Especially as it pertained to weather, the political climate, and attitudes of ancient Egyptians.


As cosmic intervention would have it, shortly after I watched the show, Dr. Hawass did a lecture tour and showed up in my hometown. I actually got to meet the man in person and to hear more about the Egyptian culture. Hearing him speak in person was like infusing me with Aries Fire! I flew home and wrote furiously for days.


Months later I again turned on the History Channel, and this time I saw a young marine archeologist talk about her recent sunken ship find in Egypt. It was at this exact time that I was writing the chapter about the voyage aboard the Ishtar. I mean, what’re the odds?


In my experience, a true coincidence is this: You have a need, the Universe provides.


Please describe the balance between historical fact and fiction.


I’m such a law-abiding citizen that I don’t even go up the down staircase. I’d lie awake some nights and say to my husband, “But I can’t make Pope Leo a jerk! There’s no proof either way but how far can I go, really?” Or “I just implied that the very man who adopted the Holy Trinity is a pedophile. Yikes.”


I gulped as I wrote some of his scenes thinking that the Catholic Archdiocese would send Vatican police to my door.


It’s a delicate balance, really. There’s only so much that’s available on the internet or in the dusty old history books. But I was very careful when filling in the gaps. My goal was to be as plausible and respectful to history as possible.


Sometimes what’s missing in historical data are the nuances of everyday life and living. For instance, what the people of the time period ate for dinner and what their diet consisted of.  I simply gathered as much information as I could, especially from prose or poems. There’d be the mention of the sweet taste of honey or the crumbly texture of cornmeal.  I read that Egyptians would cover themselves in olive oil and then scrape their bodies to clean the bacteria from their skin, at the same time moisturizing themselves.


When in doubt, I just plain made it up. Of course, the ‘colorful’ storyline about Pope Leo fathering a bastard child with one of the most powerfully clever women on the planet at the time is, um…just a story with ah,
resemblance to real
living or dead, is purely
coincidental. (My official disclaimer.)


The book is a rich tapestry of politics, war, suspense, adventure, personal growth and the complex interplay of relationships. Describe how you weaved all of these elements together.


Honestly, sometimes when I write, the scenes start to write themselves. The characters have their own voices and I simply translate what I’m hearing in my head. Of course I researched the time, the people, the politics and most importantly the religion that sets the tone for the entire story.


A friend read the book after the first draft and I asked, “Well? Whaddya think?” She said, “With my four businesses, kids, bills, I look at Seira and think…’what the hell am I whining about? This woman’s got it going on!’” And I thought, gosh. Wow. Okay. Why stop there? Let’s turn up the volume even more! What else could I add to the conflict?


Let’s look at two major players: The Huns and the Roman Christian faction. First: Where does Seira fit in? Or more aptly…where can she stick out like a monotheistic-pagan sore thumb? To create the conflict and suspense necessary to keep the story moving and keep the reader engaged, I kept placing Seira in these seemingly impossible situations, all the time asking myself, “What if…?”


I purposely threw her into the lion’s den, testing her wits (and mine), forcing her to think on her feet, navigate political waters, ego, men, power, religion, uncertainty, sexuality and love. Seira needed to be at the center of the Huns AND the Christians, all the while torn by her love for Alexander and her own survival. Looking back, the tapestry strangely and organically weaved itself.


Being a former graphic artist, I’d draw pictures of how this story worked with Seira at the center and everyone and everything converging toward her.


It’s really key to understand the motivation behind each character, no matter how small their role. If you don’t, they’re just people made up of words—flat, two dimensional and lifeless. As a result, each person in the story was a silken strand that made up the web upon which the story could be woven.


For example, the antagonist Cyril has a strong affinity for beauty. He loves architecture, frescoes, delicately blown glassware, and yet he’s a murderous religious fanatic who will stop at nothing to maintain power and position.


The main character, Seira, undergoes a major transformation in her journey as she travels across Europe and Asia. Tell us how you created this character. Who is Seira?


Now, let’s remember that there’s an absent and silent character that drives the entire   plot…Hypatia of Alexandria. Whenever I got stuck on how to advance Seira’s character I’d think, ‘What would Hypatia do in this situation?’ And whatever came through me I’d have Seira do the exact opposite! Seira was the antithesis of her mother. Her way was to go around the block, kicking and screaming, until she came full circle. Hypatia was logical and direct. Working off these polar opposites of behavior kept me on my toes and guided me in Seira’s growth.


From an astrologer’s point of view, Aries is the child of the zodiac—headstrong and willful. So I let Seira have her way…but gave her the highway, too.


Seira is a representation of all things Aries…their characteristics and traits
Aries is sexual, headstrong, pugnacious, innovative problem solvers, fiercely loyal, impatient, impulsive, stubborn, the ultimate ‘doer.’


Seira needed to be a bratty teenager. Self absorbed, blinded by a cause, acting before thinking. It’s not until she encounters her mentor (which we all need, no matter what your sign), that she begins her growth and ascent into the esoteric.


What’s next in the series?


Without giving too much away, let’s just say this: Buddhism vs. Shintoism. Empress Suiko of Japan. Poetry and Shaolin wars. Buddha in the palm of one hand, romance in the other. Two stubborn Taureans facing a whole lotta Bull.


About the Author


Elaine Edelson is an internationally recognized intuitive channel and astrologer. As former host of her own radio show, Manifest Change Now, she interviewed global new-thought leaders and innovators. Elaine is the author of the non-fiction book, “Minutes to Manifesting” and creator of “The Bodhi System: Minutes to Intuitive Mastery.” She was also the spiritual advisor to the feature film, “Sedona,” starring Francis Fisher.


Born and raised in Newark, NJ, Elaine’s gift for gab and storytelling was fostered while sitting around the dinner table eating Greek cooking with her family. At the age of eight, she won the 1968 women’s Olympic figure skating competition…in her mind (she believes she won a gold medal along with Peggy Fleming.) Elaine lives among the glorious red rocks of Sedona, Arizona with her adoring husband, brilliant daughter, and eccentric toy poodle.  Aries Fire” is her first historical fiction novel. The first of many.



To learn more about “Aries Fire” and the author, go to:

Table of Contents

For Aries & Aries Rising Signs Everywhere


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen


Author Interview

About the Author

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