Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20 (51 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20
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“Ivan forgets sometimes.
This is for you,” he told her.

No, it can't be!
But she
smelled them already. Yes, yes it was. Blueberry muffins. “You
guys! Thank you, thank you!” She stood up and gave Vlad a
strong hug, planted a big kiss on his cheek, then went over to Ivan,
giving him a more brief kiss on his cheek as well. She then sat at
the table and pulled one of the gigantic muffins from the box and
began her berry picking.

“You like?”

Morgan nodded profusely, then
when the bite of muffin had gone down, she told him they were
amazing. They were the biggest blueberry muffins she'd ever seen,
practically the size of a small loaf of bread and probably the best
she'd ever tasted. She didn't know who made them, but whoever it was
had nailed it perfectly.

“Good. Don't get yourself
too full though,” Vlad told her as he sat at the table beside
her. Morgan asked why and he confirmed her notion that they were
going out. When she tried to ask where though, he wouldn't answer.

“More secrets,” she
giggled and
the two of them. “Spies.” Vlad
laughed, then told Ivan in Russian that Morgan thought they were
spies and the man laughed as well. Vlad then translated for Ivan and
told Morgan that if they were spies, they must not be very good at it
if she'd figured them out already. All three of them laughed some
more and continued their joking for as long as Morgan ate her meal,
then they all went their separate ways to get ready for the evening.
It took an hour to get to where they were going and their reservation
was in three hours, so the girl wanted all the time she could get to
look her best. She did wonder why they were going to a restaurant so
far away, but she assumed it must be pretty good if Vlad enjoys it.

Morgan was ready with time to
spare. She had decided on her simple black dress with spaghetti
straps, perfect for casual or classy. It was pretty short, however,
so her faux fur coat from Alrik would work perfectly.


“This is Abram, Gavrill
and there's Ruslan over there,” Vlad was pointing at the other
three members of his
as they walked into the restaurant.
Morgan repeated each of them in her head, hoping she'd get it right
by the time they got to the table.

Holy shit! Well, hello,
The man who sat at the table last, and directly beside
her, was
as gorgeous as her client. They looked so
similar with their features, except Ruslan was built a bit bigger and
his hair was fact... “Are you two brothers?”
she blurted out, pointing across from one side of her where Vlad was
sitting to the other side where Ruslan was already flipping through
the drink menu.

“Actually, yes,”
Vlad turned his head and smiled at her, then took the menu from her
hands and set it on the table for the both of them to look at.

“Really?” she
asked, then looked at Ruslan again before directing her eyes back to
the Vlad.

“No, not really,”
he laughed and Morgan blushed at her own gullibility. She gave him a
playful hit on his arm and he nudged her back, then bent down toward
her to whisper in her ear. “He's one of my best spies though.”
He sat back up and winked at her. Morgan could barely hear him over
the loud music, but she'd heard the spy part and pushed him again.
She did wonder who all of the men really were, or what their jobs
were. They didn't spend much time in the house like Ivan did.

Vlad translated the menu
for the beautiful girl and she settled on what he'd told her was a
steak, then a salad. The group joked around while they waited for
their meal and toasted at least ten things that Vlad translated for
the American girl. The fact that they all had conversations in
Russian still made her uncomfortable, but she was thankful Vlad never
left her out of the conversations. Apart from her client, none of the
other men spoke English very well, but it amused Morgan that they'd
all laugh when a curse word was spoken.

During the meal, Morgan got to
have her client to herself as the four men had quiet conversations
amongst themselves...she also had the chance to pull out some of her
flirting techniques. The perfect opportunity came when she caught him
staring out of the corner of her eye. Morgan casually put her hand
on his leg and he jumped a bit under her touch, but his eyes darted
up to meet hers. He clasped his hands over hers and began to massage
her palm softly, just as he'd done to her feet and calves. Morgan let
out an soft sigh and looked forward to finding out what else he'd
for her. When the server returned to pick up their
empty plates, his hand moved to her thigh and Morgan guided it up her
leg, just a little, only trying to tease the man and see his nervous
reaction. Only, he didn't pull away like she thought he would. His
hand slid even further up her skirt, without her help that time.

Morgan leaned in toward him for
a whisper of her own, “if your hand goes any farther...”
She didn't get to finish her threat because his hand did slide up
farther, until he could feel the heat coming from her core.

“Or what?” Morgan
could tell throughout the meal that the alcohol had loosened him up
quite a bit, but at that moment, it seemed as if liquid courage had
caught up to him and she liked it. She liked it very much. The answer
to his question resulted in her hand finding the same spot on his leg
as it was on hers, then she leaned in again.

“Then I'll have to...”
Morgan was cut off by Abram who had asked Vlad something in their
language. Vlad nodded, then pulled his hand out from under Morgan's
skirt and grabbed her hand that was on his lap. He brought it up to
his lips, giving her a tender kiss, then he stood. Vlad took a few
steps away from the table, then turned back around and came back to
Morgan, put his hand gently on the back of her head and brought his
lips down hard on hers. Their kiss was full of desire and an urgency,
the kind that told her that he was going through the same kind of
frustration she was feeling. When their kiss was broken because of
howls and wolf whistles from the other men, he smiled down at her
again, then left the table with the others. She watched the five of
them disappear into the crowd and was sure she caught the top of
Gavrill's head going through the front entrance.

“What the fuck?”
She didn't know if she was supposed to have followed them.
nothing's been paid for...he didn't say anything. What's going on?
Morgan wondered what
Abram had told her client that made him get up so quickly, but after
fifteen minutes of sitting there by herself, she was getting pissed.
At first, she thought maybe they went out for a smoke,
they smoke?
But as
more minutes passed, that obviously wasn't the answer. “I can't
believe this! He left! He just left me here!” Morgan grabbed
her purse then stood, nearly knocking the chair down behind her and
began making her way through the crowd. Either they'd be outside and
she'd get some answers, or she'd go back to the house, get her things
and be gone in the morning.

as she reached the front door though, she heard a voice she
recognized. When she turned around, she saw her client and the other
men. They were on the large stage, all five of them. At first Morgan
didn't understand, but then she realized what was going on. “A
band! They're in a band!”
my God! Why didn't he just tell me!
noticed a few people staring at her when she looked around the crowd,
but she only smiled and pushed back through until she reached their
table, which happened to be front row next to the stage. Vlad stood
front and center with the microphone, obviously the lead singer,
while the other men had positions with various instruments.

When he began to sing, at first
he was drowned out by the cheers of hundreds of people in the club,
but when they quieted enough for her to hear, she found his voice was
amazing. Of course, she had no idea what he was singing, but she
loved it nonetheless.

So, your secret is finally
revealed. You travel the world to sing, and you're a band, not
spies. Or that's just your cover.
Morgan smiled at herself, and
giggled loudly when Vlad winked at her in the middle of their first
song. He was gorgeous, and to see how much fun he was having was
even more of a reason for the attraction that was growing by the

The band played for nearly
thirty minutes, and Morgan was enjoying their last song for that set.
“The Beatles? That's freaking awesome!” She looked
around to tell someone that the song was a classic, but by their
reactions, they clearly already knew. When they finished, Morgan
applauded emphatically and blew a kiss to the lead singer. “Bravo!
Bravo!” She even managed a pretty loud whistle that blended
with several others throughout the place. The band excused
themselves, and Vlad headed straight for Morgan.

“You liked it, yes?”
He was out of breath and asked her what she thought as he sat down
beside her. Morgan leaned against him, his shirt damp from sweat,
and put her arm through his. “I loved it! You're a very
talented, sexy, Russian spy.” He laughed, then his face went
more serious before she noticed.

“Sexy? Is that what you
think?” His words seemed ridiculous, the man knew how hot he

“Of course, you're sexy
as hell.” She smiled again, the smile that promised more of
the hand and thigh business once everyone was situated back in their
seats. Vlad, on the other hand, had different plans.

“Come.” He took
her hand and pulled her from her chair, then walked quickly to the
back of the club. He didn't even slow down when Morgan asked where
they were going, not that she really cared, she was just enjoying her
playful client.

“You're a sexy, pushy
Russian.” Morgan nearly tripped on her way through the hallway
leading to the kitchen, but Vlad turned quickly and easily caught
her. She was still in his arms when they reached the back storage
room. She almost asked why they were in there, but the look on his
face when he put his hand behind his back and locked the door was
enough to clue her in. “Oh, so you liked my hand on your leg,
huh?” She took a slow step forward and smiled. “But,
you could have had me last night and you chose not to, I thought
perhaps...,” she reached behind her back and started to pull
down the zipper, “you weren't interested in me.... like that.”
Vlad shook his head back forth slowly, and stepped forward.

“No, leave it on.”
His eyes moved over her beautiful frame as he turned her around to
face the shelves. “I thought of what it would be like to take
you in this dress all night, and now I'll find out.” His hands
moved up her bare thighs, pushing the black material over her ass.
“So beautiful.” His long fingers deeply caressed her
round cheeks as he pushed himself against her. “Would that be
alright?” His mouth was against her ear, his hot breath
tickled her lobe as he breathed hard with every word. Morgan first
answered by pressing her ass in return, then she leaned her head back
against his shoulder.

“What are you waiting
for?” The words were barely out of her mouth when he leaned
down and removed her black panties. She sighed into the air, knowing
that she would finally feel her Russian spy inside of her.

Vlad pulled her lower half
closer to him, forcing Morgan to put her hands on the shelves in
front of her. He stared at her little round ass, pushed out from her
body, as he dropped his jeans quickly to the floor. His fingers ran
the length of her hot center, and he moaned softly when he found her
wet response to his touch. His newly wet fingers wrapped around
himself as he guided his hard shaft inside of her slowly. The sound
she made forced his cock to jerk as he filled her willing body

Morgan's mind wasn't ready for
the size of the man, he was almost as large as Kole, but her body was
more than ready as she gripped the wooden shelves in front of her and
arched her back for more. She expected him to keep her pace, but he
grabbed her hips firmly and eased out slowly, then back in. He was
determined to feel her tight body for as long as he could, and Morgan
knew it.

Her body begged for more as he
continued the sweet torture of his even movements. Her sighs of
pleasure grew louder with each thrust, and his resolve began to melt
when Morgan reached up to the higher shelves and gripped tightly.
She moved her ass in nothing short of grinding into him.

Passion boiled beyond Morgan
having the ability to stay quiet in the small room, and she wished
they were back at his house so that she could thoroughly enjoy his
ability to hold off as long as he was. She was so close, but without
an added touch, she wouldn't find release in the small stockroom.
What she wanted, was his release.

“Vlad.” Her soft
strained voice brought him closer to her ear, but his torture never
ceased. “Come.” The play on his own word made him
laugh, but his body's response was immediate.

The man moved one last time,
slowly, then started a near frantic pace that Morgan responded to
loudly. It was exactly what she wanted, hard and fast, and the man
was beyond perfect in his every move. She quickly felt his legs
tense against the back of hers, and his hands gripped tighter at her
thighs. The loud moan that came from his chest was intoxicating, and
Morgan dropped her forehead against the shelves to hear all of the
mans release.

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