Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20 (77 page)

Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20
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“I'm fine,” Colton
opened his eyes, then brought his hand up to his head and sat up.
“Really, I'm alright,” he said again, smiling weakly. He
tried to casually look at his hand for evidence of an injury, but
Morgan saw the blood anyway.

“You're bleeding! Kyle,
do something!” Morgan yelled.

“Morgan, it's just a
small cu...wait! You said...” Colton's smile disappeared for
the first time since she'd met him. “Fuck...I'm
sorry...I'll...we...will...explain everything. Kyle,” he looked
to his brother, “Razzle's out. Would ya mind?”

“I'll get him.”
Kyle reached his hand out to help his brother off the ground, then
with a quick look of regret between Morgan and Colton, he ran off to
find the loose horse.

“Three times, huh?”
A flicker of his smile returned as he wrapped his arm around Morgan's
waist and began making their way back to the house. To his surprise,
she laughed. “I guess we had that coming.”

Kyle was still trying to
convince Razzle to get back in the barn when Colton and Morgan walked
into the house. The cut on his hand wasn't as bad as it had appeared
in the dark, but Morgan took her time in cleaning it up and placing a
bright white bandage across his knuckles. “There, good as
new.” There was much more to work out than his little cut, but
she waited until Kyle joined them before demanding answers.

She sat alone at the kitchen
table, willing her stomach to give her a break. Dinner had been
missed, and the burnt chicken in the oven didn't smell appetizing in
the least. Colton had gone to take a quick shower since jumping on
Razzle's back to make some noise had landed him on
outside of the stall. His brilliant idea for a distraction had
caused the horse to get out, his clothes to get filthy, and a smart
cut to his hand. When he returned to the kitchen, Kyle was just
walking through the back door.

“Well, now that the
family reunion is in full swing, how about you tell me what's going
on?” Morgan sat at the table, smiling up at both of them as
they joined her. Seeing them in the light, at the same time, showed
her the slight differences that she hadn't caught on to before then.
Kyle's hair was just a touch shorter, and he was five or ten pounds
lighter than Colton. “Come on, out with it, why the joke?”
She already knew it wasn't personal, but making them confess to
their bad idea was what they both deserved. It was Kyle who spoke up

“It was my idea. I'm
sorry. It's just, we used to do this as kids and well...”
Colton interrupted.

“I'm the one that agreed
to it. We're sorry, Morgan...really..we are. It was just something
we used to do years ago, and haven't done it since our parents died
when we were teenagers. We were drunk the night that I signed up
with the service, and we just....”

“Thought it would be
funny to see if you could pull it off with a stranger?” Morgan
asked, even though she already knew the answer. Colton was quick to
point out another detail, however.

“But it was just supposed
to be for a few days, just to have a little fun. We were going to
stop tomorrow, I swear.” She believed him, and she also had
let them squirm long enough.

“I forgive you.”
She spoke quickly and her cheerful voice had confused the brothers.
“Look, you made a decision to do something that you thought
would be fun...and it turned out to be...not so great. I get it.
Trust me, I've been there,” she shook her head and smiled at
the memories that flooded her mind, “in fact, I've been there
too many times.” The most recent memory was of her acting the
fool in front of Kai, just to make him laugh, and that couldn't have
been a worse decision.

The brothers both leaned back
in their chairs at the same time, the move causing Morgan to bust out
in laughter. They were certainly as close to identical as they could
get, in every way.
Hmmm, EVERY way?
She laughed at herself
at that point, then tried to get her mind out of the gutter. “Well,
to make it up to me, you guys can find me food. And I'm so not
eating that chicken that one of you put in the oven.” Both men
jumped up to take it out, and they saw that Morgan had already turned
the oven off.

Their burgers, that Kyle made
on the grill, were enjoyed on the back patio behind the large house.
The three of them laughed at how difficult it had been to keep the
charade going, and the tricks that the brothers had played on one
another to put a whole new element to the game.

“Thank you for a lovely
meal, gentlemen.” Morgan held her plate out for Colton to take
to the sink. “Now, which one of you are accompanying me to the
bedroom?” All three of them broke out in laughter again, but
then Morgan had another idea. Of course, she'd get cowboy time later,
but she was having fun with the brothers, something she really
needed. Fun. Regardless of what they had done, she had been having a
good time. True, unedited, raw, fun. “How about we pick Texas
Chainsaw Massacre, as
promised, and we watch a movie
together as you
promised,” she told them as she
looked back and forth between the twins.

Both men agreed and the three
of them found their places on the sofa. Morgan got to have her
laundry date after all, just with the unexpected bonus of a new
friend. She sprawled across Colton's lap and during the movie, she
got her kisses, hand holding and the cuddling he'd promised in the
truck. It was a wonderful evening, but it wasn't over.

When the credits started
rolling, Kyle jumped up from the couch, stretching and yawning
loudly. “I'm gonna let you take her...tonight,” he spoke
through another yawn as he walked toward the front door.

“You keep dreamin', bro,”
Colton got up to see Kyle out the front door, and thankfully, Morgan
didn't have to worry about which one was coming back into the house.

“Uh oh, what's that smile
for?” Morgan stood, knowing they weren't going to be in the
living room much longer.

“What's this I hear about
needing to be tamed?” He couldn't hold a serious look and when
she began to laugh, and turn bright red, he picked her up like he'd
done many times already. That time, their destination was the

Chapter Ten

I don't know, cowboy....
you man enough to tame me?” Her southern accent was horrible,
but the view when she took off her sweater again, minus the bra that
was still in the back of his truck, let him forget about her horrible

“I believe I am, ma'am.”
She stood at the end of the bed and wiggled from her tight jeans,
which she kicked off in his direction. He caught her gift, and
dropped them on the floor where he stood. “The rest, if you'll
be so kind.” He nodded at her panties, while his fingers
clenched at his sides to stop from touching her. She shook her head
and put her knee on the bed, then the other, and crawled to the
middle before turning over to her back.

“You take them off.”
Her hands went above her head and under the pillow. Colton removed
his shirt as he walked closer to the bed, and slowly pulled his belt
off as she watched. His stomach flexed at the feel of her eyes on
him, and he took his time once again to drop his jeans. He was in
mid crawl, almost to her side, when the last of his clothing was
pulled off by a very anxious Morgan. Her purple panties were finally
removed by the cowboy's teeth.

“I feel like I finally
have you all to myself.” He nuzzled her inner thigh and smiled
when he heard her approval. The touch of his tongue brought a much
louder sigh, and his warm mouth moved to the one spot that she knew
he already mastered. For moments that neither of them could measure,
he brought her pleasure that filled her body completely.

Colton was quick to move when
he felt Morgan's body begin to tense, and he turned her over to her
stomach. His long legs straddled her lower body as he ran his tongue
along her spine, and up to her shoulder. She wanted to touch him, to
feel every part of him, but all she could do was raise her body up to
meet his, and that was what he had wanted.

He wrapped his hand around
and guided himself inside of her. Her body was like a
hot, and very tight, glove that caused his every movement to feel
like it would be his last before letting go to the desire. Colton's
slow, deep rhythm was perfect, and Morgan forced him deeper as she
raised her ass with each of his strong thrusts. He sat up again, and
rolled her over, to look into her eyes as they continue. The sound
of relief when he entered her again was intoxicating for the man.

His movements slowed when he
lowered his head and took her mouth in a deep kiss that made her moan
against his lips. She wrapped her hands around his shoulders and
pulled him even closer, begging him to move faster and to give her
more. The girl drove him crazy, and the will to prolong their time
together had been shattered when he heard the whimper that came from
deep within her beautiful chest. He gave her what she wanted, what
they both wanted, and his movements met each quick arch of her body.
Colton's hands moved to the back of her head, and he held her as her
body tensed again.

The sound of her release filled
the room, and her loud passion took him over the edge as their bodies
clung tightly through the frenzy of release that they shared.


Wednesday morning, by the time
Morgan even got her coffee, she was already in tears from laughter.
Colton had made her a stack of special pancakes that happened to be
in a special shape.

Morgan doubled over in laughter as he set the plate on the table, at
least six large penis pancakes stared back at her. “Why do you
even have those?” She pointed at the cock and balls metal
cookie cutters that were next to the batter of pancake mix. “No,
wait, I don't think I want to know!” She plated one of them,
still giggling.

“Syrup?” She
nodded. He brought her a bottle of warm syrup and a hot cup of
coffee, a perfect breakfast. “Kyle made me cookies for our
birthday a few months ago. Had a big party, tons of people showed up,
ya know. He comes out with a huge plate of pink frosted dicks!”
Colton laughed as he recalled the memory. He ran his hand through his
hair, which was one of the rare occasions he wasn't wearing a hat,
then sat down next to Morgan. “Thought I'd put them to use
again, since he's coming over for breakfast.”

Right on cue, there was a knock
at the front door, a few second pause, then the sound of the door
opening. “Y'all ain't naked are ya?” he yelled before
barging in.

Colton looked at Morgan and
they seemed to have the same thought. She smiled and nodded, then
moaned loudly in a pleasurable way. “Colton! Yes! Oh god!”
They both laughed loudly and Kyle walked in the room.

“You gave it away right
there. Colt can't please a girl like that,” he joked with his
brother, then found a seat at the table across from Morgan.

“Really? I've been more
than pleased with his...”

“Whoa, pan.....cakes....”
His excitement for breakfast turned to disappointment when he saw the
shapes in front of him. “Really man?”

Their conversations weren't all
breakfast appropriate, and probably not appropriate for many people
at any time of the day, but Morgan enjoyed the banter between the two
men. It was clear they weren't only brothers, but best friends as
well. Their relationship reminded her of Kole and Kala, but she
wouldn't let the memories of her old friends cloud up the ones she'd
made with her new ones. She didn't know if she'd ever see the
Hawaiian men again, but she knew if she ever had another party,
Colton and Kyle would have to be there.

After their meal, Kyle gave the
bad news. “It's been a pleasure meeting you, Morgan. And seeing
your tits,” he added, only to watch his brother's reaction,
which was instant clenched fists and a warning look that made Morgan
and Kyle laugh. “But really, sorry again for what we did, ya
know, but it has been nice. Glad to see you've put a smile on his
face, he needed it.” Kyle gave Colton a slap to the back, then
took Morgan's hand and helped her to her feet.

“Are you leaving?”
she asked.

“Yup, gotta go bring back
a few horses. For real this time,” he explained when she made a
face that said she didn't believe him. “They're in Arizona, so
I'll be gone for about a week.”

“I see. Well, Kyle, it
was very nice meeting you as well,” Morgan told him, then went
in for a hug.

He leaned in, then whispered in
her ear, “not
is the same. Mine's bigger...”
Morgan pulled back from him, then hit him on the shoulder and they
both laughed at Colton who'd stood from the table.

“Good to know, Kyle. Have
a good time,” she told him, then crossed her arms in front of
her. Kyle nodded, gave his brother a quick goodbye, then he left.

“What did he tell you?”
Colton asked when his twin was gone.

“That I had made a good
choice in picking you.” Morgan placed her hands on his chest
and kissed him softly. “I think so too.”


That afternoon, Morgan found
herself in the barn again, but that time, she got to find out what
else was up there. More horses, tame ones. More chickens, mean ones.
A sheep, which she got a few incredible photos of herself with, only
to have a laugh with Sean later, and a bull. Not any bull, but a long
horned, long haired beautiful bull named Clyde. She'd never seen a
bull so calm in her life. In her mind, every bull was the kind you
see charging after men in tight pants with little flags...Clyde was
nothing like that. He loved his ears scratched and was big on giving
monster tongue cow kisses which she managed to dodge.

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