Arrow of Time (13 page)

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Authors: Lina Andersson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Arrow of Time
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It was Thursday, so it was a slow night at the club, and they'd decided to check out some of the new girls. The Booty Bank was a popular club among the strippers. The customers wouldn't dare to cause problems or try to rip off the girls. The girls were protected as long as they didn't do or deal drugs or tried to pick up johns at the club. The floor fee was low, considering the money the they made, but they also knew if they fucked up, in any way, they were out and they wouldn't be allowed back. It wasn't obligatory to be one of the club's sweetbutts, but most of them were. So Bull felt pretty confident he'd get a taste of the redhead's mouth if he tried.

An hour and a half later they were walking back to the clubhouse. It was just around the corner from The Booty Bank, and he had his arm around the redhead. Mace and Sisco had picked up a woman each, and Dawg had two, one under each arm. There was some other girl tagging along as well, just in case.

Dawg disappeared with his girls to his room immediately. The others hung out a while, played some pool, and then Bull sat down on the couch and pointed at the stripper pole they had in the clubhouse, and the redhead, Vickie, got up and danced. When she was topless he waved her over again, pushed her down on her knees and unzipped his jeans.

Bull wasn't too keen on fucking girls in Greenville, that was sort of his limit, depending on the girl. Blowjob was another thing. With a little giggle she took his dick in her mouth and he grabbed a hold of her hair, setting the pace. He tested out her gag reflex and she seemed okay with going pretty damn deep so he did that. He came with a groan, holding on to her neck, and then let her go. She looked up and wiped the corner of her mouth with a little smile.

You can get dressed,” he said.

She looked at him with big eyes and then scrambled to her feet. Might be a bit rough, but she needed to get used to it if she was gonna stick around. He went over to the bar counter and told Bucket to make some coffee. He was gonna have his coffee and then go to bed. None of them had been drinking all that much since they were going on a toy run the next day. Once he had his coffee he found a paper and sat down to read for a while.




Dawg opened his eyes and rolled over to look at the two sweetbutts he’d brought with him. He’d had shit to work out and decided he needed more than one. It hadn’t helped, he’d fucked them both in a variety of ways. One while making out with the other, taken one while she gave the other one head, given head himself while having the other ride him and... nothing. He’d cum, more than once, but it was really just a physical thing, not the kind of release he needed. Things still felt wrong.

He slapped the ass of the one closest and pushed a bit on the other.

Hey! Wake up!” When their eyes were open he pointed at the door. “Time to get out.”

None of them said anything, just picked up their clothes and got out. They’d both been there before, and he was relieved he didn’t get the hassle of explaining the deal to them. He had no idea why Bull had been so hot for the new girl. But then Bull didn't really give a damn if he made people upset. Dawg walked into the bathroom and took a long, really fucking hot shower. After brushing his teeth, he tore the sheets off, and realizing he didn’t have any clean ones in the room, he pulled his jeans on to get out and find some.

He was surprised to see Bull sitting by the bar and not passed out on the couch like Mace was. Instead he had a paper and was drinking coffee. Dawg was just glad he wasn't wearing reading glasses, because that had been way too Ozzie and Harriet.

Hey,” Bull said when he saw him. “Must've worn them out. They didn't get far.” He said and nodded towards the two girls who were now sleeping on the pool table.

Dawg didn't reply, just shrugged.

Bull shook his head. “So, after wearing those two out, you’re still not able to sleep?”

Changed the sheets, didn’t have any clean ones in my room. Just came out here to get some.”

Bull looked at him and smiled.

“Okay. Get some sleep, kid, got stuff to do tomorrow.”

Yeah.” He knew that and that’s why he’d tried to get some release. “See you tomorrow.”

He walked by the closet, got a set of sheets, and once they were on the bed he followed suit. He lit a smoke and looked at the ceiling, arguing with himself before he picked up the phone. He held it in his hand and looked at the clock. 3.00 AM. She was working tonight so she was still up. She was often up quite late and should be in a better mood, since she’d been off the rag last time they talked. She claimed she didn’t have any mood swings and PMS while she had her period, and since it was stupid to disagree with a woman with PMS, he agreed. He found her in the phone book and pressed 'dial'.

“Little boys should be in bed by now,”
she answered.

That’s where I am, Nibbles,” he chuckled.

Well. I’m on my way to it, just having a cup of tea. Wanna keep me company? You’ll save me from the horrible fucking reality show I’m watching.”

Isn’t that the very reason you weren’t going to get cable? So you’d read enlightening and educating books instead of watching shitty TV?”

Yup. And look at me now. I got cable and I’m watching a show with a woman so desperately wanting a husband that she thinks she’ll find one on a TV show.”
Edie sighed.
“This is why the world is coming towards its end.”

Baby, what’s with your mood today?”

I don’t know. Why are you calling?”

No reason really. Couldn’t sleep.”

Aww, Dawg. You saying I’m your go-to girl for when you can’t sleep now?”


Thought you needed more hands-on action than a phone call for that.”

Are you offering? 'Cause, baby, you just have to say the word and I’ll be on my way over there.” He was teasing; it might not have given him the release he wanted, but he was still sucked dry.

Tempting.... I remember it being a really nice cock. Still have to say no.”

Such a fucking tease.” He put out the smoke. “Get back to that show and dream of white gowns and I’ll get some sleep.”

Yeah. I can sooo see myself in a wedding dress.”

Hey! You’re the one who told me; when you find someone worth fighting for.”

Well, when it comes to marriage it’s more to it.”

Why’s that?”

Because... it’s not just fighting for someone, it’s being fought for as well.”
They were both quiet.

Are you gonna be here tomorrow morning?” Most women came for the breakfast and to see them off. He wasn't sure if that included her, though.

Yeah, not sure why Lanie wanted me there, not like I can cook.”

Moral support, baby.”

Ooookay. I'll practice some cheers and bring my pompoms. Night, Dawg.”

Night Nibbles.” He hesitated for a second and then laughed. “Hey!”


Do whose pompoms come with a cheerleader costume, 'cause a cheerleader with dreads has been my wet dream since I was a teenager.”

Obviously. Go to sleep.”

He hung up while laughing and turned over to his side. She was right. It would be nice to feel that someone was fighting for you, and he knew chicks fucking loved that. And a woman like Edie deserved it. She was worth a guy who fought for her, who'd do anything for her and who'd stick to her. He wasn’t sure he could be that guy. And if he couldn’t, he should just back off. Not even try to take whatever they were doing any further.

it, he just had a hard time ... backing off. In short; Dawg was torn like a motherfucker between actually trying to get something going with Edie, make something real out of it, or just leave her be. Let her find someone else.

But the thought of her finding someone else and... hooking up with them, fall in love with them... it drove him insane. Absolutely fucking stark raving mad.




Friday, July 20


around the table and Brick watched Wolf pointing out stuff on the map. Dawg was standing next to Wolf, with Vasco at his other side. They were going up to the mother charter in Englewood, Colorado. Since he was from there, Dawg knew the area well. He didn’t have many comments though. Not that Brick had expected him to. There was a reason he had Wolf as Road Captain. He’d been a Nomad for over ten years, he knew pretty much all the roads and was a fucking expert on the smaller, under the radar, roads. And when he didn't know, Vasco, the other former Nomad in the club, knew.

This trip up there wasn’t under the radar, though. They were doing a toy run, and they’d be away for a few days, hitting all the children’s hospitals between here and the mother charter. The plan was to stop two nights along the way, since it was a twelve hour drive even without stops for hospitals. Then they'd stay in Englewood for two nights before going back. They’d ride back without stops and on small roads to scope them out, make sure they were still safe, and also some new ones that looked interesting.

He looked outside towards the bar and noticed that the Old Ladies were about done with the breakfast and then looked back over the table.

This looks good.” He looked at Wolf. “And nice work on the new roads. I want as many routes up north as possible.”

I know,” Wolf nodded. “Thought I'd take a lone ride in a few months, see what else I can find.”

Sounds good.”

Any word on when the next run is?” Bear asked.

Yeah. Got two coming up. Gonna need a van for one of them. The other one is smaller shit.”


Yeah.” He slammed the gavel. “Gents, we’ll deal with that later, now it’s time to feed and then we’re off. Got some kids waiting for us.”

They all stood up, and he went out to catch his Old Lady. She smiled when she saw him.

“Hey, baby. You ready?”

Yup.” He put his hand around her neck and gave her a kiss.

While putting the food on his plate, he noticed Dawg next to Edie and halted to watch them for a while. Dawg said something, and when she replied he laughed, out loud, and gently bumped her arm. Mel came up next to him.

“I’m trying to decide if I should panic about that.”

He looked at the two of them. “Normally, I’d say yes, but I’m not sure what the fuck is going on there.”

“Not sure
know what's going on,” he heard Vasco behind him. “At least not Dawg.”

What are you saying?” Mel asked and turned to him.

That he's confused and not sure what to do, since his main goal is usually to get laid, and that's not what he's after now. And Edie knows what he’s like and is holding back.” The old man smiled. “At least that’s my take on it.”

Think you’re right,” Brick agreed. He was pretty sure the old man was right. That was two confused and horny kids standing by the table, giggling like school girls.

Maybe I should...” Mel started.

No. Leave them. They’re two adults and you shouldn’t.” When she started again he held her closer. “Baby, it’s none of your business. They can take care of themselves, and you need to let them. You're just gonna get them even more confused.”

Mel looked at them again, and he took her chin to make her look at him again.

“Mel, she can take care of herself, and you need to let her. She's not about to take off. She's got an apartment, she's making a life for herself here. She knows what she's doing, and you need to trust her. Okay?”

Slowly, she nodded and then untangled herself from him to go out to the kitchen. He didn't have time for her now, he'd talk to her again when he came back.




Saturday, July 28


knocked on my door. Eliza was sleeping at my place, since she needed to be at a girlier place and have some girl time. Her words, not mine, and I had thought it was a good idea. We’d eaten pink things the night before, painted our toenails and watched ‘The Little Mermaid’ and ‘Beauty and the Beast’. We decided that Ariel had the best singing voice, but Belle was the bravest.

There weren’t that many people that came to visit me out of the blue. It was pretty much Lanie, Vasco and Dawg. I checked my watch while pulling up my jeans. 9 AM. Pretty early, so probably Vasco, since Lanie was picking up Eliza around noon, and it was way to early for Dawg. Especially on a Saturday. I didn't want to yell and also didn't want the knocks to wake up Eliza, so I tried to hurry my steps to get to the door.

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