Arrow of Time (4 page)

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Authors: Lina Andersson

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Arrow of Time
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Dawg had earned his road name by being a dawg. He nailed anything on the upper part of the hot scale as long as it was a human female. Anything. Only ones he stayed away from were Old Ladies and daughters of members. He still charmed the shit outta them, since that was his natural state of being. He couldn't talk to a woman without flirting with her. It was pretty funny to watch. Bull liked Dawg, he was loyal member, never a problem and did what he was told. He was funny as hell too, part of his natural charm, probably. He moved closer to hear what Dawg was saying. He had his usual 'the things I could do to you'-smile, and Bull noticed him checking out her ass when she turned away. Dawg's smile got even bigger as he gave it an approving nod. Obviously he liked what he saw. Bull had to agree, the ass was very nice.

The reason he didn’t immediately stop Dawg was that Edie didn't seem to care, and she definitely wasn't swooning. Her turning around and focusing on the food wasn't to hide a blush, it was to actually fix something on the table. It might not be the first woman who didn’t fall like a log for Dawg, but it wasn’t common. Definitely not among the women who came to the Spring Hog Roast. Dawg was fully capable of getting a female into his bed in less than fifteen minutes if he really gave it a try. It depended on the woman, though, and if Bull had to guess, Edie had seen this play more than a few times before. At least that's how he interpreted the eye roll she did just before a deep sigh. Bull figured this could be fun to watch, and he could always stop it if it went south.

So you've been traveling, Nibbles,” Dawg drawled. “Where?”

She shrugged as an answer to his question while looking around. “All over.”

“For long?” Dawg was still smiling and took a step closer.

Six years.”

Six years?!” That seemed to throw him off and Brick chuckled. This really wasn’t one of Dawg's usual girls, and he might just have figured that out. “Around the world?”

Yes.” She sighed again. “Nice to meet you,” she continued and then she quickly walked away.

Dawg looked stunned, but he didn't give in that easily, and when he took a few steps to go after her, Bull stopped him.

“Off limits,” he said with his hand on Dawg's chest. “She's Mel's baby sister.”

Mel has a sister?” He looked after the girl. “A hot fucking sister. Look at that ass! What's her name?”

Edie. And again, she's off limits, so don't even try to play her.”

Fine, fine. Why the fuck haven't we heard about her?”

Didn't she just tell you that? She’s been traveling. Walkabout or some shit like that, last six years.”

That was true?”


Dawg still hadn't taken his eyes off her, and he still had a smile on his lips while he eyed her.

“Seriously, brother,” Bull tried again. “Stay away. It shouldn't be a surprise to you that you're on top of the 'stay the fuck away'-list in this case.”

Nah. I get it. Pity,” he said with a sigh. “She was fine. All shy. Love fucking those shy girls.”

Take one of the other girls here. Or take two.”

He didn’t bother to correct Dawg. Edie wasn’t shy. She just didn’t give a fuck about him, but that wasn’t his problem and it could be fun to watch Dawg butt his head against that brick wall for a while.




Dawg wasn't gonna try to fuck that girl, Edie; he just wanted to talk a little more. He'd said to Bull that she was shy, but when he replayed their conversation he was starting to suspect she actually wasn't even the slightest bit interested in him. So naturally, now he wanted to see if she really wasn't interested or if she was faking it. He was pretty fucking sure she was faking it. He was also curious about her trip. So when Brick was occupied with Eliza, and Mel was talking to some of the Old Ladies, Bull was getting a blow job in the bathroom and Edie was sitting outside, all alone, he grabbed two beers and sat down next to her.

“No thanks,” she said when he tried to hand her one of them.

Had enough?”

I don’t drink,” she said and then he noticed the joint in her hand.

He halted his hand with his own beer halfway to his mouth, turned his head and looked at her.

“You smoke pot, but you don't drink.”

I don't like what I'm like when I drink.”

Okay,” he nodded and took a swing from his beer. “So you're Mel's baby sister?”


Just got home from a six year long trip?”


And you don't drink?”


By now his smile was big. She wasn’t giving anything up, but it was kind of fun, and she was nice to look at. He knew what she was doing and liked it. He also knew how to deal with that, so he went with it for a bit longer.

“But you smoke pot?”


Good to be home?”


He finally laughed and he didn't miss the twitch at the corner of her lips as well. So busted. She liked it too.

“You're not making this easy, baby” He lit a smoke. “You could at least try to help me get this conversation going.”

She finally looked up at him and this time with a visible smile she said. “Why?”

“Why not?” He held out his hand and she gave him her joint, but when he tried to give her his cigarette she shook her head and he threw it down on the ground.

You're called Dawg, right?”


And you guys seem to quite often have fitting nicknames. So if I got it right, listening to the other girls talking, Bull is called Bull because he is one. Basically not the diplomatic kind or dick size, I haven't made up my mind.”

It's the diplomacy rather than the dick.”

That wasn't it at all. Bull was a smart guy, really could see the big picture shit and good at reading people. The 'bull' was more that he on occasion saw red and he was not fun to be around when that happened. It was better if she didn't know that.

“I heard about some of the others as well, Vasco likes to explore, not sure that’s all about geographical areas, though,” she said with a smile. “Although he’s probably too old to go where 'no man has gone before' these days.”

Dawg laughed. “You’d be surprised. That’s a horny old man. But it really was more about roads. He used to be a Nomad.”

“There's biker nomads?” She asked and took the joint he was giving back.

Their charter isn't in a town, they basically sit down at the table when they're at a charter and... it's hard to explain.”

Like real nomads basically?”

Yup.” There was something about how she said that that made him curious. “You've met any?”

I travelled with the Yeniche for a while.”

Never heard of them. Where was it?”

Central Europe.” She left the subject and continued on the names. He was gonna ask her about that later on, though. As far as he knew those people rarely let anyone travel with them. “Mech is the tech guy. And then it’s you. Dawg.” She gave him a smile. “Why are you called that?”

He shook his head, knowing what her point was. “Not hitting on you. I'd like to, but I'm not. Just gettin' to know you.”

“Suuure,” she said with a smile and offered him the joint again. He took it.

You're off limits. Brick'd have my balls if I made a serious move.”

You just can't talk to a woman without hitting a little, is that it?”

He was just about to answer when he noticed Mel coming towards them, shaking her head with a small smile on her lips. He was in trouble, but judging by the smile not too much trouble.

“I think our time is up.”

I think it is,” Edie said and stood up. “Like your ink. Should've opened with an ink discussion and then offered to show me the rest of it,” she said with a wink and he laughed again.

Dawg, Dawg, Dawg,” Mel said as soon as Edie was out of earshot. “Couldn't help yourself.”

Just talking.”

Dawg. You never 'just talk' to a woman.”

I 'just talk' to you.”

She's my sister. My baby sister, she just got home after being away for a long time. Please don't go there. You'll hurt her and I would have to accidentally slash the tires on your bike.”

Dawg put his hand over his heart. “You wouldn't!”

She stepped closer, squinting her eyes, but still smiling. “I'd even key it.”

I'll stay away.” He laughed and kissed her cheek. He really liked Mel. “She's hot, though,” he yelled after her as Mel strode off. Her only reply was give him the finger over her shoulder.

He laughed again as he followed her inside. There were other girls that he didn't have to stay away from. When the strip club closed and the strippers strolled into the clubhouse, he found a hot little redhead he'd been with before. So he put his arm around her and walked off, noticing Edie, next to Vasco, looking at him with a small smile. When he winked, her smile got bigger and she shook her head.




The party was nice. I had a lot of fun. One of the first people Lanie introduced me to was Micheala, or Ella, as everyone called her, according to herself. She was Bear's wife. Or Old Lady, as they tended to call themselves. She was also Lanie's best friend and she caught me in a looong hard hug. It was a bit overwhelming to almost be attacked by a really tall, blond beauty with huge breasts that almost smothered me.

“Oh my god! You're even more beautiful that Bear said. I guess he was holding back or something.”

Eh, hi.”

Girl, you stick to me, not your sister, tonight and you'll have a great time.”

I laughed. She seemed nice. “You're probably right.” When she tried to hand me a beer a shook my head. “I don't drink.”

“No? Pot?”

I do smoke that.” Within minutes she'd gotten me one and I put it behind my ear to save for later.

I stuck to her for a while, and then I snuck outside to smoke it in peace. Obviously I was caught by Dawg again, but he was pretty nice that time. After getting back inside, I sat down, watching people. Ella had introduced me to quite a few of them, and I'd seen pictures and had info about them in the emails from Lanie, so I had that advantage at least.

Ella found me and sat down next to me again, telling me a little gossip about everyone. Nothing serious, but she was very quick to let me know that Dawg, Sisco, Mace and the prospect Haze were singles. She pointed out that Dawg was someone I should stay away from. Then she asked me what I thought about the others.

Mace had long blond hair and long goatee he kept in a braid, reaching all the way down to his chest. He was pretty tall, looked fairly well cut, but had something that did resemble a beer belly. Not my type at all, and I shook my head. Next was Sisco. He was quite hot, long dark hair with a full long beard and a nice smile. Kinda normal build. Still shook my head. Last one was Haze. He was around my age, curly hair, a beard and... boyish. I shook my head again. Ella laughed.

“You're a picky girl. In all honesty, besides Haze, they're all too used to being single.” She pointed at Dawg. “I bet that is your type though? He's

He was quite tall, wore a beanie, had a full beard and was covered in tattoos, all the way up to his jawline, and in all honesty; he was really hot. I tried to avoid her question by asking her one.

“Are you trying to get me hooked on the Old Lady-thing?”

Maybe,” she smiled.

Around eleven and after a two minute talk on the phone, she cursed and looked at me.

“Problem at the BB.”

BB?” I asked.

Booty Bank, the strip club. I'm club mama there.”

Club mama?”

I keep the girls in check. I have to go,” she kissed my cheek. “I'll see you soon.”

You're walking there?”

It's just around the corner. Should check out the sex shop we have there. If you're gonna be forcefully single you're going to need a vibrator, honey.”

I laughed and waved at her. I could see why Lanie liked her—no inhibitions whatsoever. I didn't get to sit alone for long before Vasco sat down next to me. He had long gray hair and beard. He wasn't that big, not skinny, but pretty normal-sized. I was guessing he was one of those lean, low fat bodies-type, a bit like Iggy Pop. At least that's what it looked like when he had his clothes on, but his lower arms weren’t lacking any muscles and didn't seem to have an ounce of fat.

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