Artful Attractions (12 page)

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Authors: S.K. Logsdon

BOOK: Artful Attractions
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J- I know, I’m sorry. I know you care for me. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m going insane sitting here in my office thinking about you and John together. I want to kill him for touching what is mine. Just please think of me when you do whatever it is you do. I won’t ask more questions. And no, I have to pay baby. The more I pay the more I feel like you know how much I care. I know that sounds strange but it’s how it works for me. I’m worth billions, my sweetheart. A few thousand is like a drop in the bucket for me.

Me- Okay, well don’t worry. I promise you will always be my number one. As long as you want me around. But I have to finish getting ready for tonight. I will text tomorrow. I miss you tons my big man. XOXOXO

J- You’re killing me over here. Okay sweetie. I’ll be awaiting your text. Miss you more, so much more. XOXOXO back.

He is seriously insecure all of a sudden. Whatever happened to I’m a strong and dominate man who fucks you hard until you’re sore? This man isn’t the same as I’m used to. Not that I blame him, if I knew my coworker was fucking a person I wanted to fuck I think I’d be upset too. I knew I wasn’t thrilled about Brad and Mary but I handled it fine. I’m a big girl who wears big girl panties.

I throw on a tight black dress, heels and black earrings. I leave my hair down and I smoky up my eyes and go with red lipstick tonight. It’s sexy as hell and since John hasn’t ordered anything special in way of clothing or appearance, I guess this will have to do.

“Hot, hot,” Becka compliments, standing in the bathroom checking me out, all dolled up.

“No way woman, look at you.” I eye her tight purple dress. It’s almost like mine except a different color and she’s pairing it with her new earrings. They are lovely.

She smiles and flicks the earrings. “I love these. You ready? I’ll walk down with you. We’re getting picked up at the same time.”

“Sure.” I raid the closet with our work stuff and make sure to pack my regular cell phone and leave the other one at home. I slide a little cash into my purse and out the door we go. Tonight I bring along a black shawl. It’s a tad bit nippy.

We take the block to Astoria and stand in our normal spot. We picked a place right outside of a coffee shop that has a nice wrought iron bench and a set of apartments upstairs. So this way it looks as if we were just coming down from our apartment for a date. A black limo pulls up and I know it’s for Becka. She kisses my cheek and makes her way to the door. But her door opens without the driver and Andrew steps out to usher her in.

“Hey Alexis,” he smiles and does a little wave. He’s quite a handsome man and always dressed so nicely.

“Hello Mr. Blue.” I wave with a friendly smile. He gets in behind her but doesn’t shut the door and son of a bitch. Brad steps out.

“Hello Alexis,” he says, striding towards me. My heart leaps into my throat and I have to swallow hard to make it go back down.

“Hi Brad.” I smile nervously. This is very bad timing. I hope to god John isn’t in the Lincoln that’s coming to pick me up.

He makes it across the short way and stands toe-to-toe with me. He bends down and kisses my cheek from his six foot three stance. Wow, his lips are big and soft and perfect. The butterflies take off and start to dance in my chest and stomach. I instantly feel faint. This isn’t good. I know he’s dangerous. Fuck.

I inhale him in and damn, he smells good. The most intoxicating scent of any man on the face of this earth probably because my body craves him. He’s thick and gorgeous and those blue eyes are totally swoon worthy. He hasn’t said a word; he just keeps staring at me.

“Can I help you?” I croak out, with a dry mouth and wet panties.

“I didn’t expect to see you when we came to pick up Anne. I got lucky I guess. Couldn’t leave without saying hi.” He smiles sheepishly. I want to touch him and hold onto him. He’s so perfect. Tonight he has a long-sleeved black button up on, slouched up his tattooed forearms and a pair of dark washed jeans and black boots. Yum.

“I’m sort of waiting on somebody actually. But it was nice to see you,” I state as clearly and coolly as I can. Although I want to hump his leg and take him home with me right now. He so close to me I can feel the heat radiating from his massive delicious body.

“Oh, okay. I was going to offer for you to come with us tonight. But guess you’re busy.” He frowns severely and I touch his arm and just as I thought a spark ignites between our skin and I pull away immediately. This isn’t good.

“I have your drawings finished. Well I have it almost finished. I have to smooth some lines on the other tomorrow morning but I can drop them by tomorrow at your apartment if you’d like,” I offer.

His smile returns and his beautiful white teeth begin to shine with happiness. He must be lonely. “That would be great. I think I’ll see if Andrew can send a car just for you. I’ll text the time in the morning if that’s alright?”

“Sounds great. You guys enjoy your night and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The black Lincoln pulls up and my European driver gets out and opens the door.

“Madam Monroe, Mr. Winters is awaiting you,” He says, holding the car door. I wave to Brad and slide into the back of the car and he doesn’t reenter the limo until we pull away.

Wanting to just be friends my ass. I’ve seen that look before when a man likes a woman. Or I think that’s the look I’m getting from him. I know it only because Joseph looks at me that way all the time. That’s scary enough. But I have Lena as our buffer from relationship to non-relationship status. If she wasn’t in the picture I have no doubt that Joseph would insist I quit my job and he’d put me up in some apartment to dote upon him and his cock whenever he so desired and I am definitely not the type of women to be kept. I need to work and it just so happens that this job pays the best. I’d work in art history or as an artist if I could but when the term starving artist enters my thoughts that dream gets shutdown lickety-split.


Chapter Thirteen


We stop out front of a high rise apartment building in the city and it’s huge. My chauffer comes around and lets me out.

“Madam please go inside and the security desk will allow you up,” he says as I exit the Lincoln.

A doorman opens the door as I enter and I find the fancy security desk right next to three elevators.

“I’m here to see John Winters,” I explain.

“Yes, I see you on the guest list. Next time you come just give your name and we will let you right up. He’s floor twelve number 1254.”

I take the elevator to the correct floor and knock on the white door conveniently labeled 1254.

“Hi Tylah,” He greets, opening the door in a pair of black pajama pants and white t-shirt. Very undressed but I suppose it is his apartment or condo. Whatever this place is called.

“Hello Mr. Winters.” I fake a smile.  I don’t want to be here, especially since I just saw Brad. I can’t get him out of my head.

“Please, call me John.” He gestures to the living room and I stroll in ahead of him. He has an amazing view of the city. It’s not as high up as some but it’s still breathtaking.

I tug off my shawl and he takes it along with my purse and sits it on the glass kitchen table.

“You’re welcome to sit,” he offers as he sits on the far side of the black leather sofa.

I follow suit and sit at the other side. I don’t know why but after waking up the following morning after his arm incident with a tiny finger bruise I haven’t been as excited to see him. He’s attractive, sure. But he’s also a douche who has anger problems.

“So…. Tylah, I guess we didn’t get much time to speak at the gala. Wish we did though. So tell me about yourself,” he says, relaxing into the couch, throwing his leg up over his knee and his arm resting along the back. His gray hair stands out more against the black of his hair in this lighting.

“I don’t have much to say,” I mutter. I’m not much for talking in this kind of personal setting. It’s different with Joseph. I’ve known him longer. And truth be told he knows little about me anyhow. I fidget in my dress and try to get comfortable on the couch.

“I’m one of two CEO’s that own Syracuse Incorporated.  You met my other half of the company at the Gala. I’m single, no pets or children. I’ve been married once and divorced about six years ago. I don’t date much and my favorite hobbies are traveling on my yacht and reading. A bit boring for the most part,” he explains.

“You know what I do for work Mr. Winters. I’ve never been married, no pets or children and never a long term relationship either. My hobbies don’t consist of much except maybe relaxing watching a movie with my roommate or drawing. I’m a girl so I love to shop but I’m like you; my list of hobbies are rather boring,” I admit. I don’t like talking about myself but I guess it doesn’t hurt to get this out into the open.

“Roommate? Male or female?” he asks nonchalantly.

“Female. We work together.”

He smiles darkly. “Ah, so is she the one Joseph has been seeing for a while?”

Oh, no. I have to fake all this. I will not tattle on Joseph.

“I’m not sure what you mean. I thought Joseph was married?” I ask dryly. I suck at major lies. Little white ones are cool and fine with me. But something like this is hard for me to fake.

He chuckles and runs his fingers through his thick hair. “You surely don’t think that married men don’t use the same services that us single men do. I’m sure more times than not you end up with married men who are unhappy like Joseph,” he states with cruel irreverence.

“I have had plenty of married clients, Mr. Winters, but I was unaware of Joseph. We do not divulge the names of our clients to our coworkers. It’s for anonymity purposes. We have some higher class clientele that we do not expose the names of. It’s a part of the contract you signed with Brian, is it not?”

He chuckles again, running his fingers pensively though this finely trimmed goatee this time. “Why yes I suppose it is, Tylah. I just never thought hookers were so classy is all. But I swear that you seem like any other woman I’ve ever encountered. Classier than most, but you open your legs for high paying men like myself. Why is it you do what you do, Tylah?” He’s snarky. I want to slap him across his face. Apparently he thinks degrading me and knocking me down a block is going to make me want to perform better. Guess he doesn’t understand what I’ve done or haven’t done to be a part of this business. I should just get up and walk out now.

“Mr. Winters, I do what pays well and I enjoy what I do. It has flexible hours, new clientele and most of the men I encounter are pleasant and treat me nicely,” I express evenly without a hint of the bitchiness I want to exude in full colorful force.

He scoffs a rude laugh and throws back his head. “They treat a hooker well. You’re paid to suck cock, baby. Not win a Noble Peace Prize.”

Oh no he didn’t! Asshole.

I seethe on the inside. I’m on edge. I am about to bust my lid and he’s about to hear it from me. Fuck this! He paid for this evening and he’s not getting fucked. No way on God’s green earth.

“I am sorry you see it that way Mr. Winters. I think I should go. I will see that Brian reimburses your money,” I say calmly and steady as I stand to leave. Even though what I really want to do is jump across the couch and punch his smug lights out.

He instantly stands as well. “Damn-it,” he curses with a sigh. “I’m sorry, I was just trying to get you angry so you’d fuck me harder and rougher. I don’t know how else to make it happen that way.” He states solemnly with a deep wretched frown.

What the hell? He wants rough sex and he thinks degrading me is the way to make it happen. He needs his head examined.

Now I’m the one who scoffs a laugh and faces him. I stand up and push my body against his and I shove him hard back down onto the couch.

“If you want hard and rough, it’s on the menu baby. All you gotta do is ask.” I smack him firmly across the face and I see his hard cock jump and he moans with pleasure. Yep, he’s a masochist, just more so than Joseph. Must be the name of the game with these CEO, corporate stooge types. They want to be put through the ringer with pain. 

“What do you want, baby?” I put my heeled shoe beside him on the couch and lean forward, waiting impatiently for an answer.

He blushes and whispers shyly. “Dominate me.”

“You grabbed my arm last week, asshole. Or don’t you remember? So I want to make sure I don’t get the violence in return,” I bark. And he’s loving it.

He coyly nods. “I’m sorry, mistress. Just don’t do it in public, I got carried away. But whatever you want to do in the bedroom is fine. I’ve got lots of toys in my bedroom, if you’d like to see,” he offers, and I lean over the grab the top of his shirt, pulling him to me.

“You better show me or I will punish you. You bad, bad boy.” I smack him across the face and he moans again. I can see the dampness in his pants where the pre-come is leaking from his dick.

I move back and he stands. I follow him to his bedroom. It’s huge and the bed is covered in black satin and it’s a giant wooden four poster bed and large black and white rug on the floor. It’s got a very masculine romantic feel. His whole place gives that vibe. He pulls open two drawers of his matching dresser showing me a collection of  dildos, vibrators, nipple clamps, cock rings, a ball gag, hand cuffs; and not the fuzzy kind, blind folds, restraints, a strap on, anal beads, butt plugs, a few paddles and a bunch of other odds and ends. He’s one hell of a freak. I’m going to kill Brian for not getting paid mega bucks for what I am about to do to this man to make him come. And rain my anger down upon him in agonizing sexual favors to make myself feel better.

“Get on your knees,” I bark and he obeys. “Now take off your shirt.”

He listens and it comes off quick and is laid next to him.

I grab a riding crop and smack him on the chest. “Bad boy! I didn’t tell you to put it down, did I?” He moans, eyes wide with lust and desire and picks it back up.

“No mistress. I’m sorry.” He bows his head into submission.

“Take that filthy thing, slave, and put it in the dirty clothes and come into the living room. Mistress wants to fuck you in there. Bring a towel and a candle with a lighter. You have two minutes. Now go!” I order and he runs and does as he is told like a good boy. It doesn’t turn me on to be a sadist but I kind of like it because of the power and the ability to make a man come because he loves to be punished so much. I’ve met a few men like this in my time. I’ve smacked a few men and flogged their cocks until they came. But I’ve never fucked one in the ass using some of this freaky stuff. But I will do it tonight. He’s right; making me angry definitely fueled my fire into a steaming smoky inferno. 

I gather up a dildo, a butt plug, the giant bottle of lube, a paddle, a cock ring; just in case, although I have a feeling he’s not going to need it, and that should be plenty for this evening. Maybe I can make him come as much as I made Joseph last night. And he sure as hell is going to make me. I’m not going through this and not getting something out of it other than money. Screw that.

I reenter the living room and remove my dress. To show him how I look in my black heels, black thong and bra. I should have went with a garter. I’ll remember that for next time. Maybe even a corset. I wonder what Joseph would think if he knew John likes to get spanked and whipped.

John enters the living room and drops to his knees, offering me a candle, lighter and a large towel. In a submissive pose.

“Good boy. Very good,” I praise with a lustful tone. “Now what do you want as a reward, my slave?”

“Only to please you mistress,” he states in a shy whimper. He’s so horny I don’t think he can stand himself. I wonder how long it’s been since he’s been satisfied this way. Probably a long time.

“I want my slave to lay on the floor and open his mouth,” I demand.

He does as he’s told and I lower myself onto his face, moving my panties to the side.

“Suck my pussy, slave,” I order, rubbing my juices along his chin. His nose buried in my clef. 

“Yes mistress,” he breathes, his hot steamy mouth tantalizing my dripping core. With his tongue he laves my folds. His hands firmly at his sides. He’s damn good, he knows how to play this game well and get the best rewards in the end. 

I rock on his face riding him, making him lap me readily with his hot slick tongue.  He stops at my entrance and slurps my juices into his mouth with a deep vibrating groan of satisfaction. I grab his head, forcing him to fuck me with his tongue.

“That’s right slave; fuck me with that sexy tongue baby,” I moan. I’m so wet right now. Shit! “Oh fuck slave. Be a good boy and make mistress come. She wants to come and she wants you to suck all her juices.”

He nods, his nose pressed against my clit and stiffens his tongue, plunging it in and out of my hole as I hump his face. Oh fuck I’m close.

“Oh yes,” I scream and explode. Pouring my nectar out of pussy into his awaiting mouth. I tremble over and over as he keeps fucking me with his perfect tongue, moaning as he sucks me dry. I release his head and climb off of him on wobbly knees. He licks his lips, his face is beat red from sucking me so hard. Damn that was awesome.

“Good slave. Now mistress will reward you. Take off your pants now,” I command harshly and he scrambles off the floor and tugs his pants off, keeping them in his hand.

“Good boy, now lay them down next to the couch and lay back onto the floor,” I order and he does as I ask without question, his cock is rock-hard and he’s panting. Reveling in the hotness of our encounter.

I grab the white pillar candle he supplied me and light it. Straddling my legs over the top of him still standing and I drip hot molten wax across his chest, he moans as each hot droplet stings his bare flesh. Turning it into a beautiful pink tinge under the whiteness of the drying wax.

“You can speak, slave, and tell me what you like. Speak freely.”

“Yes, mistress I want more wax. Please,” he begs and I oblige, pouring more; he moans loudly, his hands in fists at his sides. His eyes are rolling into the back of his head as he controls the urge to play with himself. I can see he’s having a hard time restraining.

“What’s wrong, naughty boy?” I bark.

“I want to come mistress. I want to come so badly,” he whines, rocking back and forth with an obvious deep want to release his seed.

“You cannot come until mistress says,” I state seductively and dribble on more hot wax. Paying extra special attention to the space right above his hard cock. Each drip sends him into a whimpering convulsion, panting hard. Biting onto his lip.

“Oh, yes. Mistress. I won’t,” he moans loudly echoing in his living room.

“Slave is being good. What does Slave want?” I ask.

“Bad boy wants punished,” he states and stares into my eyes. His slate eyes are a smoky, dark mixture of a incontrollable need to be dominated. I knew he was kinky but he’s beyond the normal kind. This is kind of hot. 

“I think you’ve been a very bad boy for not letting mistress do naughty things to you.” I bark and smile at him as I lick my lips and pluck my nipple over my bra. He sucks in a sharp breath.

“Yes, yes, mistress I’ve been very bad. Please punish me,” he begs in almost a cry.

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