As Weekends Go (Choc Lit) (35 page)

BOOK: As Weekends Go (Choc Lit)
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Flabbergasted by his arrogance, Rebecca couldn’t supply an answer.

‘Are you there?’ he snapped. ‘Look, it’s silly trying to do this over the phone. Come home and we’ll talk face to face.’

‘I can’t,’ she said, at last finding her voice. ‘I’m in York.’

He burst out laughing. ‘
Oh dear lord above, please tell me you haven’t made even more of a fool of yourself over Wonderboy. I thought you were intelligent.’

‘Oh, I am,’ she said, the phone shaking in her hand. ‘Whatever does or doesn’t happen with me and Alex, I’d rather be alone than be married to you any more.’

‘I’ll tell you what’ll happen between you and Heath, Rebecca. Nothing! All you’ll bring on yourself, and on me, is scorn.’

‘And that in a nutshell is it, isn’t it, Greg? Your precious reputation with Torrison. Nina’s got you by the balls over this, hasn’t she? Literally, I bet! You know, you two actually deserve each other.’

‘You’ll soon come running back when he snubs you. You might have caught his eye in York, but beyond that you’re kidding yourself. We have a life together. You’re my wife. How do you think you’d cope financially? The odd stint in that tacky party shop won’t cut it.’

‘Well, if you’d bothered to take any real interest in my “creative twaddle” to use one of your nicer references, you’d know how hard I’ve studied, how word of mouth has already brought me several freelance commissions. Granted, it won’t be easy at first, but how often have you told me I’m your rock, your anchor? Have no fear for me, I’ll cope.’

‘You need me, Rebecca!’

‘No, Greg, I don’t,’ she said, tears rolling down her cheeks. ‘You’ve strung me along and taken me for granted without any proper apology or explanation for too long. I’m not even sure I still like you, let alone love you. It’s over! I deserve better.’

She ended the call and stayed in the room until her emotions stilled.

When she re-entered the lounge, Alex came towards her, taking her hands in his. ‘Before you say anything, whatever’s been decided with your husband, the Zurich thing or whatever, I’ll respect. You know how I feel about you, but I can see how upset you are.’

‘I’ve told him it’s over, Alex.’

He pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly, the warmth of his body soothing her anguish, nourishing her soul, until her swell of tears ceased.

Still in his arms, she drew back and stared up at him, unsure of what to say.

The look on his face was pure adoration. ‘You don’t have to commit to this now,’ he said, ‘it’ll only heap more pressure on you, but if you want to come and stay in York for a while, totally on your terms, either here with me, or I could sort you a hotel, it would be good to spend some proper time together. I do have football commitments, obviously, but that won’t be a problem. If you’re here I can give you a key. If it’s a no, I’ll be gutted, but I’ll accept your decision. Promise me you’ll think about it.’

‘I don’t need to think about it,’ she said. ‘I’d love to.’

She wound her arms round his neck, tilted her face to receive his kiss, savouring the depth of it, those lips, the softness of his tongue, her body slackening against his at the feel of his hands on her waist, on her back, sliding through her hair.

Their smiles when they broke free, his forehead resting against hers, intensified Rebecca’s desire for him. ‘Viva Hawksley Manor!’ she said.

‘Couldn’t agree more,’ said Alex. ‘As weekends go—’

He didn’t finish the sentence.

He didn’t need to.

About the Author

Jan Brigden lives in South East London with her husband and motley crew of cuddly toys. Jan’s written for pleasure from a young age; short stories for classmates, odes for workmates, fun quizzes for family and friends, progressing to her first novel, the idea for which sprang from a script she composed as part of a creative writing course assignment via The Writers Bureau. Following much secret plotting, research and feigning of passion for the customer accounts she was supposed to be reconciling during the day job, the chance finally arose to put pen to paper.

After attending many author talks, literary events, and connecting with writers and readers on Facebook and Twitter, Jan learned of and subsequently joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association New Writers’ Scheme. An avid reader, reviewer and all round book devotee, Jan is also one eighth of online group blog The Romaniacs who last year self-published an anthology of short stories and flash fiction entitled ‘Romaniac Shorts: Fashionably Brief’.

Equipped with a beady eye for detail, Jan is also now a home-based freelance proofreader and has been quietly expanding her client portfolio, working on several novels/novellas for friends and acquaintances.

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