Ascension of Evil (Battle for Souls Book 3) (2 page)

BOOK: Ascension of Evil (Battle for Souls Book 3)
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She took two long strides to the foyer and then headed for the front door. With one hand she pushed the screen door open wide enough to stick her head outside. A demon howl stopped her in her tracks but only momentarily. She tiptoed down the creaking steps. Jumping the last board to the hot golden sand, she ignored the heat burning her bare feet and hurried around the house.

There, several feet away stood the demon, snarling and drooling. It scanned back and forth, no doubt searching for prey, its pupils no more than little green slits surrounded by wide orange globes. Its grey lips curled up, revealing a mouth full of jagged fangs. Thoughts of it shredding her to pieces made her want to scream and run, but she remembered Boon’s training. Those eyes were for tracking movement, so she stood her ground, using its blindness to her advantage.

Her gaze slid down its hunched body. Anvil-like stumps for limbs, with no claws, meant it would likely pounce and try to knock her unconscious before it ripped her apart.

The evening breeze brought a hint of potpie, and the smell calmed her nerves, allowing her to focus. This was her chance to finally put the last six months of training to the test. Boon had instructed her to remain still, calculate the threat, and prepare to counter.

You are a warrior angel, the most blessed one of our kind. I can teach you mechanics, but ultimately, your instinct will be what saves us all.
His words gave her courage. Ironic that her first battle came the same day he finally relented to let her advance to Demon Slaying 101.

She remained still as the demon crouched and beat its powerful hoof against the ground, spraying sand into the air. She swallowed hard and forced her hands to stop shaking.

It turned its green, slit eyes on her and snarled.

No! But I barely moved.
She tightened her grip on the knife to keep the handle from sliding through her sweaty palms.

It lunged, teeth bared.

She froze.




Alexander slung a bag over his shoulder and headed for the beach. “Boon, you sure she’s ready?”

He’d watched Gabby train every day for the last six months and knew she’d made great progress, but facing a demon in battle was a completely different matter. Of course, they would be by her side, but she deserved so much better than an eternity fighting against Hell. He’d struggled with that, along with the thought of being soulbonded. Not because he was worried about staying, and he couldn’t wait to begin his eternity with her, but what if she had second thoughts in the future? But soulbonded or not, it didn’t matter. With or without him, she was the Chosen One.

“We’ll know soon,” Boon said, his voice clipped.

Alexander stopped abruptly. “What does that mean?”

Boon sighed. “It’s time for her to be tested. She says she ready, but…”

Alexander’s blood ran cold. “What have you done?” He yanked Boon to face him. “I will not—”

Boon jerked from his grip and squared his shoulders. “You have no choice. It’s already done.”

“Done what?” Alexander’s wings rippled down his back, demanding release. Every instinct screamed for him to take flight and race to protect his one and only love. They weren’t bonded yet but he knew he’d be lost here on Earth without her. Just the thought of losing her forever made his stomach churn.

“She’s being tested. A demon will—”

Alexander shoved him backwards. A sting zapped down below his shoulder blades, then his wings unfurled. “Where is she? I will not lose her now.”

“Would you rather she face a dozen in battle, cut off from the rest of us? That’s what’s going to happen. She needs to face one scout before she can hope to face the thousands of Satan’s warriors waiting to destroy her.” Boon’s hand clutched his shoulder. “You must let her do this. If we interfere, you are only setting her up to fail later.”

Every molecule in Alexander’s body exploded in protest, urging him to race to her side, but he knew Boon was right.

Boon squeezed Alexander’s shoulder. “She is the divine warrior, and I’ve trained her.” He released him then gently turned Alexander to face him, his jaw set with determination. “Alexander, this has to happen. Trust me. I’m the sworn protector of the Chosen One. I would never risk her safety unnecessarily.”

An image of her perfect face slashed open by a demon claw had heat rushing to his cheeks. His body trembled and stomach clenched tight. “What if she fails?”

“I believe in her. Don’t you?” Boon sighed. “We’ll go watch. Remain close. I do not wish to risk her life, but you must promise not to interfere unless I say.” Boon’s voice echoed with authority, as if his command had come straight from Heaven.

“Fine,” Alexander muttered, but knew he’d never stand by and let a minion from Hell slaughter his beloved Gabby. “Let’s go.”

“Alex, I’m serious. You can’t interfere. Do you remember what’s happened every other time you tried to save someone you cared about without thought of the consequences? When any of us tried to interfere?”

Flashes of car accidents, demon attacks, and nearly sealing everyone in Hell caused his wings to shake. He always sensed when she was in danger, but if he let her emotions consume him now, nothing would stop him from going to her aid.

He narrowed his gaze at Boon and nodded almost imperceptibly.

“I know it’s hard, but we must.” Then Boon’s head shot to the side, his eyes staring off toward the trees.

“What is it?” Searing fear pulsed through his body. “Is it Gabby?”

Boon took a step back and held a hand up to silence him. An eternity passed before he glanced back at Alexander and nodded for him to follow. “Remember, you’re not to interfere.”

Alexander knew he’d do just that if he felt it necessary, but Boon would never tell him where the demon was without his promise, and with Boon somehow blocking their connection it would take him too long to find her. “Yeah,” he managed.

Boon analyzed his face for a moment then marched down the narrow path leading to the beach.

With the distance growing in their connection, fear nipped at Alexander’s consciousness,

“Gabby?” He shuddered and raced after Boon. Terror grew heavier as they took a turn toward home. “You let a demon near our house? Today? Where’re Grace and Sammy?”

“The opportunity presented itself, and I took it. Grace and Sammy understand. They are allowing the Chosen One to mature into the weapon Heaven intended.” Boon halted at the edge of the woods.

Sand stirred a few feet above the ground as the ocean breeze swirled the grains into a funnel, but Alexander’s eyes were glued on the beast beyond the micro tornado. It stomped toward Gabby, towering over her. Why hadn’t she moved? Instincts took control and he crouched, ready to spring into action, but Boon shot his arm out to block him.

Remember your promise
, Boon reminded him with a firm voice in his head.

If only Gabby were an angel. Then Alexander could send her reassurance that they stood nearby with only a thought. Alexander’s triceps twitched, but he remained in the shelter of the trees.

A front hoof swiped at Gabby but she tumbled to the side then raced out of reach before it could turn on her. It slid to a stop. Sand erupted in front of it before it spun around and charged at her a second time. Once again, she jumped clear of its attack. It turned as it skidded then leapt from the sand, launching into the air.

Alexander’s breath hitched, his body struggling against Boon’s command to remain an observer.

Soaring through the air, the demon swung and caught Gabby with one hoof before it landed. She soared several feet and smashed into the wood banister of the front steps. The knife she’d been holding flew from her hand and landed in the front bushes. She scrambled to her feet.

The demon shook its head, snarling and gnashing its fanged teeth. Its hind legs hunched into a ninety-degree angle and it pounced once more, the front right hoof aiming straight at Gabby’s delicate, perfect face.

Her eyes shot wide. She struggled to climb the steps backwards, but only slipped back onto the sand.

He wouldn’t stand by and let her be crushed. His warrior spirit merged with the desperate plea of his human emotions, and he let his wings free.

He’d send that worthless demon back to Hell where it belonged.

Boon warned. His muscles rippled against the fabric of his shirt and black skin peeked through the stretched seams, before the entire outfit shredded into strips and floated to the ground in an instant. Only inches separated Gabby and the demon now as Boon shot into the sky.

It was too late. There’d be no way Alexander could reach the creature before it smashed Gabby’s small head beyond anything his healing powers could ever dream of repairing. He bolted from the ground, praying Boon would reach her in time. He flew across the beach and landed at the bottom step.

The demon lay motionless, completely covering Gabby’s small frame. Alexander’s heart smashed into a million pieces as if the hoof had slammed against his own chest.

No, it couldn’t be true.

Boon stood at the top of the steps near the front door, watching him silently.

“You were sworn to protect her,” Alexander yelled. His head swam in a pool of loss and despair, but he forced himself to focus. He’d need every ounce of strength if he was going to heal Gabby.



Chapter Two


Gabby shoved with all of her strength, but the beast wouldn’t budge. She opened her mouth to cry out, but the beast compressed her lungs making it impossible to speak.

Finally, the weight lifted from her body. Burning pain flowed through her abdomen and she knew several ribs were broke, but she’d done it and with no more than a stick as a weapon.

“Gabby! Thank God.” Lips pressed against her temple, then her forehead and mouth. “You’re alive,” Alexander shouted as if she’d gone deaf, her ears pounding with restored blood flow.

Chuckles erupted from above her. “She killed him with a twig,” Boon laughed in disbelief.

Alexander scanned her face, rubbing his thumb down her cheek. “Baby, are you hurt?” “Ribs,” she rasped.

His palms pressed to her left side and instant relief coated her lungs. Connected to Alexander once more, joy filled her.

Alexander smiled. “You’re amazing. You took down your first demon quick.”

Gabby pushed up as Grace and Sammy appeared at the end of the walk with broad smiles. Part of her wanted to yell at them for abandoning her, while the other part just wanted to embrace them.

“Can you believe this? She’s definitely the Chosen One.” Boon leaned over the demon’s body, studying it. “I mean, she killed a scout demon with a mere stick.”

“How’d she do that?” Sammy asked, stunned.

Gabby fought the hysterical, nervous laugh that pushed to escape. “I stabbed it in the eye. Didn’t know it would actually kill him. I just figured if I took away its sight, it’d buy me some time to retrieve the knife.”

“Well done, child,” Grace praised.

A hint of anger crept in from the thought they chose today to
her, but from first-hand experience, she knew that emotion only lead to demon fire and death. Besides, she’d finally had a chance to use her gifts in real combat. A part of Gabby wished her dad had been there to see it, too. Not that it was some epic battle. She just wanted him to be proud of her.

“Not a big deal.” Gabby pushed to her feet and Alexander tucked her into his side. His eyes gleamed with something… Pride?

Boon folded his wings. “Guess I better get some clothes. We’ve got a ceremony to get ready for.”

The reminder had Gabby’s heart exploding with excitement. It was almost time for her to become one with Alexander. She smoothed down her hair, picking a few leaves out, then paused. Her head canted to the side as she listened to a car come up the drive.

It was her father’s.

Sammy ran up to her. “Don’t worry. I’m sure the men can handle the body. Let’s go get you ready.” Sammy spun her around. Alexander’s hand gently raked across the back of her shoulders before it was gone. Distance grew between them once again, and a sense of longing washed over her. Each time they separated, it took a few moments to adjust. How would it be after they bonded?

Sammy clutched Gabby’s shoulders and directed her up the front steps, through the doorway and up to the bathroom. “Sorry, no time for that long soak. Make it a quick shower, ‘kay?”

Gabby stopped in the doorway of the bathroom. “Where did you guys go? I was worried.”

Sammy pressed her mouth into a thin line as if to think about her words carefully. “It was a test, Gabby, but you passed. You more than passed!” She clapped her hands, ushered her into the bathroom, and shut the door behind her, closing any hope of further discussion.

It didn’t matter. She’d give Boon a stern talking-to later. “On the day of my bonding ceremony? Really?” she shouted through the door.

“Get ready or you won’t make it before sunset. Do you want to wait another day?” Sammy’s voice faded down the hall.

Gabby stripped off her clothes. She drained the tub and jumped in the shower. Cool water beat down, soothing the lingering heat from the hot Florida sun. Knowing time was short, she quickly shampooed and conditioned her hair.

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