Ash: Devil's Crucifix MC (15 page)

BOOK: Ash: Devil's Crucifix MC
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He cuts me off, flipping me on to my back in one swift, totally unexpected move. I try to continue yelling at him, but just as I open my mouth, his lips are on mine, pressing down hard and fast. His mouth is electric, a total wave of energy that flows through me. I try to fight back, but I am completely useless when he takes me like this. My hands that were clawing at him retreat. My legs stop kicking. My hips rise slightly to rub softly against his hard-on.


There’s something so infuriatingly sexy about the way he manages to find a way to dominate me. I hate letting this happen. I want to kick myself back to reality, but with his mouth diving deep into mine and our breaths linking up, I can’t seem to get out of this haze of wanting, lusting, needing. Inside me, everything softens and opens for him, and I realize that nothing is going to stop this, even if I want it to.


Finally, he breaks free from me, but he doesn’t stop or take a moment off. His lips slide down the long length of my neck, his head pushing my head back to give him more space to travel. His rough, stubbled skin itches up against the softness of my chest and shoulders and along the line of my sports bra. His hand grapples with the tight, restrictive fabric until it can peel itself down the side of my arms and over the large humps of my breasts. My chest springs free, blooming for him.


He kneads my breasts together, circling them around. The weight of his hands and my chest moving together presses down on me as I am completely transported. I can feel the hint of his fingers slide gently across my tender nipples, the knuckles coming together of a slight pinch as the rest of the hand rotates. By the time he is finished, the pink tips are completely hard.


Ash relaxes into his work as he sighs heavily. His mouth closes and then parts slightly around one of my nipples, not quite touching the skin. The feeling of his hot air tickling and teasing me sends shockwaves through my blood. My breath sticks in my throat as I try to focus up on a spot of the hotel wall. Then comes his mouth. Moist and sweet, it’s just the right amount of hot and cold for me as my breasts slightly peel up higher so that he can get a better taste of me.


“Slow down,” he says as I find one of my legs wrapping instinctively around his long hip. “I want to enjoy this.”


But I can’t just ignore my needs. I find his darkened eyes and say with a voice I am not sure is mine, “No. I want you inside of me. NOW.” My hand pushes past his torso and towards his boxers. I push them off easily as my other hand wrestles with my tight boy shorts. Ash tries to wrestle me still, but I wiggle under him until I find his stiff cock. He stops almost immediately as he realizes what I am about to do.


This round, it’s my time to work. I don’t need to do much. He’s been growing since he slipped into my bed, possibly before. But still, I lightly trace my pointer finger along his shaft, spinning it around his tip. Instead of stopping at the base, I move towards his balls until I can cup them in my palm. He goes completely quiet as I start to gently massage.


When I travel back up his rod, I’m more than ready. I can feel my own pussy crying out for him as the blood pours to the cave inside of me. I hold onto his cock and guide it straight into my opening. He follows, a curl of his lips forming, as both of us wait for that first entry point. He splits me quickly, pushing me open. His massive cock invades me, forming up against my walls and curves like he was meant to be there all along. It’s the missing piece that my body has craved these last few weeks.


I wrap my arms around his back and dig my fingers slightly into his skin. The other leg hitches around his back so my hips are slightly elevated off of the ground and turned up towards his dick. It’s my go-ahead for him to start, and I hold on tight, ready for the pounding of a lifetime.


But Ash doesn’t go at that insane speed I expect from him. He’s not in a rush at all. Instead, he takes his sweet time, licking his lips as he pulls himself all the way out and then entering me again just as slowly. It’s a horrible tease for me. I just want this dirty, quick fuck, but he is refusing. Instead, he’s teasing me, tempting me. It’s enough to drive me mad every time I feel the gaping openness of my folds.


I find myself crying out to him, “Please! Ash! No! More!” Each word is more and more punctuated as I lose all control. “Fuck! Me!” 


He stops completely as he leans back down to my ear. His sticky breath tickles the small hairs of my neck as he whispers quietly, “I didn’t ask you to beg this time.”


I try to whip my head over to him, to argue, but he’s beaten me to it. Before I can say one word, his cock dives deep in me. There is no time to prepare for this as Ash launches deep within me. His hips vibrate over and over as his thrusts manage to get deeper inside me with each stroke. My nails dig into him as I practically beg for him to take me.


Both Ash and I are moving now -- my hips in circles spinning around his shaft while he plummets back and forth. There are no words for what I’m feeling, no sensation even close to the unrelenting desire to tear into him. He feels it, too. I can sense that by the way he locks his eyes on mine. I don’t dare to look away or even blink for fear that he would quit. On this bed, in this world, it’s just the two of us riding one another towards something much bigger than ourselves.


As I let out a small moan, a hint that I am close to completing, I suddenly feel as if I am floating. Ash’s arms pick me up from around the waist and fly me upwards towards him. I grab hold of his neck as I rest my chin in his shoulder. The new, more intense position of his cock still driven inside of me makes me bite down on his flesh. He doesn’t push me away or yell for me to stop. He moves slower, caressing his hips into me, until I am ready to take control. My body bounces lightly on his until I find just the right sweet spot.


“I want to see you cum,” he growls as he holds me in place. “I want to watch you.” I bite down on my lip as I move even higher and quicker, willing myself to just let go. A flood of light fills me from the inside out. My legs go numb as I let the sensations take over. Everything in me feels as if it is being ripped out and put together in one instant until…


My mind goes completely blank as something wild and unleashed takes over me. I pull him closer, impossibly closer. Ash’s head lowers between my breasts and his hands wrap around me, holding me in place. His breath intensifies as mine eases up. I pull myself up to my knees, giving him even more leverage to screw me deeper. I can’t even move by the way he is plummeting his entire body into mine.   


I feel myself slipping despite him holding onto me. It’s too much, too fast, too hard. I fall to the side, careening towards the edge of the bed. My head falls over the side as he rolls back onto my hips. In his hands, his cock spills out his seed right between the crevice of my breasts. I can feel the warm liquid roll its way towards my neck and chin as I watch him finish.


Ash lets out a long few puffs of air before running back towards the bathroom. The light flickers on and he hands me over one of the new luxury, high thread count towels I bought for myself. Thank goodness because those hotel towels would be too scratchy on my sensitive skin. He gingerly wipes off his cum, careful to get every bit of it, and then uses the other side of the towel to wash himself down.


I scurry back to bed, careful not to look at the clock. Whatever sleep I am going to get tonight is going to have to be enough. I wouldn’t trade those moments of pure ecstasy for anything. Even though I am dying to continue laying into him about his attitude and the problems of trust between the two of us, I am more than satisfied.


Ash finds his way back into bed, his arm drapes around me, and I feel the warmth of his body seep into mine. For the first night since the fire, I actually sleep. Wonderful, amazing, protective sleep.

Chapter 17


“Do you want another drink?” I ask as I lift my hand towards the waiter hovering in the back corner. The Pier 49 restaurant is completely empty besides Dani, the waiter, a chef, and me.


“No, no. I really shouldn’t have any more, Ash. I’ve got my test tomorrow. Champagne makes me light headed, you know.” Her face already turned blush a glass back. Even slightly drunk, she looks as lovely and as graceful as ever in that hunter green dress I bought for her. Dining with her is like dining with royalty or an old world movie star. She just has that air about her when you brush off that tough skinned, prideful side.


“Just one more. I want to get you liquored up for what I’m going to with you tonight.” I wink at her as she smiles.


Since nearly forcing myself into her hotel room a few days back, I haven’t spent more than a few hours apart from her. We are in this constant state of undress as she becomes more and more aggressive towards me. Can’t say I don’t like it, though. A girl who knows what she wants is one of the most attractive qualities a guy could ask for. Even for a man like me.


Still, I did manage to convince her that she should let me take her on a real date. It was something I had never done before. Girls of my caliber weren’t exactly the dating type. I couldn’t even remember the last time I sat down at a restaurant with cloth napkins and actual glasses. Dani, on the other hand, looked totally at ease as she placed a napkin in her lap and sat back in the large black dining chair waiting on her meal to be cleared.


She sighs as she looked off in the distance. The restaurant itself sits on the pier just outside of town. It serves fresh seafood from fishermen in these parts. And tonight, I managed to pay off, and possibly threaten, the owner so badly that he allowed me to shut down the dining room with the best view for a few hours.


Tonight is special. After all of our time together, I am coming to a conclusion. The two of us can’t be apart. I just can’t allow it. She is going to move in with me at the headquarters. I will have the boys build a suite complete with a kitchen and living room just for her. I’ll even fix up the fire escape as a balcony if she wants an outdoors area. Hell, I’ll let her get a dog or a cat if she wants one. Whatever it takes, I will do it to keep her with me.


The hours apart from her had dragged on like time had somehow stretched itself out. Even when she was out for one of her short runs, it took everything in my power not to get on my bike and just ride beside her (something I offered to do, but she had refused vehemently). And as time crept up to when she would do her overnight training shifts at the firehouse this weekend, I had to seal the deal and make this official. She was going to come home to me and no one else.


“Dani,” I say as I clear my throat. I’m not sure why, but my hands have begun to tremor and shake. I slide them under my pair of black jeans as I try it again. “I need to ask you a question.” 


“Hmm?” She turns her attention back to me. The fading sunlight hits her ivy colored eyes and casts a shadow in her irises. “What do you need to ask me?”


Even though I have practiced this all afternoon, I still manage to stammer like a fool, “I -- I -- I want you to, um, move in with me.” Her face contorts as she tries to hold back any sign of emotion. I instantly go into damage control. “Look, I know it isn’t ideal, but you’re not safe here without me. Whatever’s going on in this town is just getting worse and I can’t have my boys waste their time protecting you out there.”


As soon as it flies out of my lips, I can tell it isn’t going to end well for me. She lowers her voice as she leans in over the table. Her fingers curl into the tablecloth. “I’m not safe without you? You won’t even tell me who the hell I am supposed to be afraid of, so don’t tell me I am in some kind of danger. Everything’s been just fine until you come around.”


“Dani, I didn’t mean it like tha--”


“And secondly, I never asked for your two body men to follow me around like I was some helpless lamb. If I wanted someone to protect me, there are plenty of guys on the force who would jump in and take their places. I don’t need you. I don’t need anyone.”


This is spinning completely off the rails. I can’t control the conversation like this, but I can’t bring myself to tell her I am falling for her and that moving her in with me is for my benefit, not for hers.


“You talk to me like I should put all my trust and faith in you, but you have no idea how hard it is to sit across from this table and know you know who may have started the fire that almost killed me. You’re holding out on me. You’re not telling me what I should know. No matter what you say, no matter what you do, nothing could make living with a liar worth that.” Dani sits back against the chair and places her arms crossed against her chest. She looks back over the sunset before tossing her napkin on her empty plate. “I need to get going. I have my test tomorrow, and I can’t afford to hear anymore of this crap.”


“You’re not fucking going anywhere.” I pound my fist on the table as if it were one of the Devil’s Crucifix meetings. “Keep your ass in that chair and listen to me.”


“You have nothing more to say to me, Ash. And I have nothing more to say to you. It’s like what I said before you tried seducing me. I’m not going to give you the time of day until you start being honest with me on who started the fires and who you really are.”


“Who I really am?” I snarl. “Jesus fuck, Dani, you knew who I was before you jumped in bed with me. You managed to land yourself a dangerous convicted murderer. Don’t say you didn’t know who I was when you made that choice all yourself when you first fucked me in your fire department’s gym like the little whore you fucking


Before I can move out of the way, she is up and out of her chair. I feel the icy hot sensation of her hand striking my cheek as she cries out, “How dare you! Don’t you ever talk to me like that, you sad, sorry piece of shit.”


I grab her wrist in mid-air, keeping her from going another round. Both of us freeze for a moment in time, neither of us wanting to be the one who broke the silence evading the room. From the corner of my eye, I see the waiter stare at us in horror. I let her go, releasing her back down into the chair next to mine.


I half expect her to just walk out of the restaurant and leave me forever, but she stays. Dani looks out the window languidly with eyes of steel. Finally, she turns to me and says, “I don’t understand you. I thought that when you brought me here, you were doing it because you cared about me, not because you thought you owned me or something.”


“I think it’s clear to both of us that I don’t own you.” I take a sip of my warm champagne as I try to talk myself out of this box. “When I brought you here, it was because I wanted an evening together with my girl and that dress.”


Dani throws her head back and laughs contemptuously. “Oh, that’s fucking
,” she cackles. “So now I’m your girl, huh? I don’t know if the slammer affected your memory or what, but you just called me a whore like…two minutes ago. So who the fuck are you shitting, Ash? Make up your goddamn mind about which one you want me to be, ‘cause honestly? I’m fucking
going back and forth with you.”


The vein in my neck threatens to pop out as I struggle to tell her what really is on my mind. Instead, I stick with, “I want you to be you, Dani. But I want you to be safe, and I cannot protect you if you’re living in that fleabag motel of yours.”


“Well, lucky for you, I just found out that my insurance check from the fire came in. They’re giving me enough money to buy a new condo and start over again. I’ll buy a security system or an attack dog or something if it means that you and your boys leave me alone once and for fucking all.”


You and your boys?
Does she mean this is the end of us? I feel that nervous energy turn to complete and utter rage at the thought of her leaving me here and now after all that I have done for her.


“You’re not getting away from me, Dani. I will follow you to the ends of this Earth, but you are not getting away. I am no longer suggesting you come live with me. I am giving you a fucking order.”


“And I am saying no to that order, sir.” She stands quickly, grabbing her purse this time, and adds, “With all due respect. Though you’re not really due
of my fucking respect.”


My time is ticking down quickly as I can see the next few minutes of our lives fast forward in a haze. I can’t let her go. I can’t let her walk out of here. My palms and neck sweat in this ridiculous dress shirt I pulled out of the store just for her.


Dani pulls down the hem of her dress as she adds, “Until you are ready to tell me what you know, I don’t want anything to do with you. I’m not your girl or girlfriend or whore or any fucking thing like it. I am just some girl you found in a fire. I’ll say thank you for that one last time, but that’s it. I don’t owe you anything else but that. The end.”


She turns and I stand, pushing the table with my thighs. A glass falls to the ground as she turns over her shoulder to look. With her attention back on me, I shout to her, “Dani! You have to be fucking joking with me. You can’t leave like this over me asking you to move in with you.”


“You never asked.” She whispers low, her head looking directly at the shards of glass reflecting tiny rainbows into the wall. “You just told me to do it.”


“Then fine. Whatever.” I walk across the damage, the glass crinkling under my boots. I place my hands on her shoulders as I say as softly as my temper would allow, “I’m sorry. Would you, Dani, like to move in with me?”


She pauses before biting down on the corner of her lip, the lipstick smears around her teeth, revealing the white, bloodless spot. My heart races as she opens her mouth to answer. “Not a fucking chance, Ash.”


“WHAT?!” I bellow.


“I have no interest in living with you,” she says, her confidence gaining. “You just reminded me that this, this night here at this fancy restaurant in this outrageous dress with expensive champagne…that isn’t you. I don’t know who the real you is. You’re just pretending to be someone else, and I can’t take that anymore. I’ve given you enough chances to open up to me and tell me what is really going on, but you’ve refused. I’m sorry Ash, but I’m out. For real this time.”


“Dani…come on…” I’m speechless, completely wrapped up in how disappointed she sounds. Something in me is breaking apart, but I feel the same with her, too, and that’s even more devastating. Seeing her so upset is something I would never, ever want or purposefully do.


“No, Ash,” she says, even more insistently. “It’s over.
over. And please, please don’t follow me anymore. Don’t show up at my door with candies or boxes of new home goods. I’d appreciate if you called off your guys, as well. I think we both know they’re only around for your benefit and not my safety.”


“If that’s what you want…”


She swallows hard and closes her eyes. She doesn’t look back as she answers me softly, “It’s what I want, Ash.”


I let go of her shoulders, my hand brushing against hers, as she walks through the restaurant dining room doors and past the few patrons eating at the bar. I stand in my place, unsure what I should do. Going after her would be both against her wishes and my nature. I don’t chase. But my feet can barely hold themselves down. They want nothing more than to scoop her up, apologize, and promise her I can change. I can be the person she wants me to desperately be. I can be the guy at the restaurant with the napkin on his lap and a glass of champagne on the table.


The waiter interrupts my thoughts and brings me back to reality as he clears his throat. I spin on my heel as I look back at him. “Sir, would you like the check? Or would you like another drink?”


I nod as I indicate the check. He scurries off and then quickly brings back the little black billfold. Without even looking, I hand him over the black charge card that goes straight to my bank account. I know I can cover it. It’s not like I need much of my president’s salary to survive in club world.


When he’s done, I throw him a few hundred dollar bills from my wallet and walk straight out of the restaurant towards the parking lot where my bike is waiting completely out of place among the fancy brand cars and SUVs that take up the few, non-valet parking spots. Before I hop on, I unbutton the dress shirt and toss it in a nearby bin. Without Dani in my life, I have no need for these things anymore.

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