Ashes of the Realm - Death of an Empire (Ashes of the Realm (Book Three)) (10 page)

BOOK: Ashes of the Realm - Death of an Empire (Ashes of the Realm (Book Three))
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The recording changed and began playing video after video of Trey growing up with his parents always present loving him. He sighed and felt his tears continue as he watched the display. His sorrow was more than he could endure. Then, another blue flash erupted from him.

Greyson jumped to the new universe and arrived at the jump limit on New Hope. Grace jumped in as soon as he appeared, “Welcome back, It’s good to see you….what happened!?!”

Greyson sent Trey’s vision of what transpired on Bristone and Grace felt something in her break. They didn’t tell her that they were not going to survive because they knew she wouldn’t have allowed them to die, “Oh, Greyson.”

““I know, Grace. I know.”

Trey listened to the two ships and was unable to move. He was too weak to stand and his mind was frozen with the image of the beam hitting Bristone. He was too weak to even raise his head.

“You are not alone in your sorrow, Trey.”

Trey raised his head and thought, “Who are you?”

“Do you remember the love your parents felt for each other at the end?”

Trey took a deep breath, blew it out slowly, “Yes.”

“You are going to be loved with an even greater love than that.”

“I don’t think that’s possible.”

“It is, because I’m the one that will love you that much.”

“Who are you?”

“My name is Cassandra Rose Reese and I am the one you are destined to love for the rest of your life. We were born to be together during this moment in time and I already love you so much. You were given your telepathy so that I can share this moment with you.”

“How do you know this?”

“I’m the one that is going to release you.”

Trey saw her in his mind. He also felt her. He drew strength from her and felt his anguish change from sorrow to anger, “When the time is right, Cassie.”

“I know. Until that time, I will love you with all my heart, I’ll be with you always, and you’ll never be alone.”

Trey thought about what he was going to do next. He started Dani’s message again and after ten minutes he knew what had to be done.

* * *

“Timmy, Alex has requested that we bring our Command Team to him as quickly as possible.”

“Did he say why?”

“No, but I know it’s something bad.”

“Notify Carter, Grang, Jingo, and Mallory. I’ll get Kreej to notify the Zord.”

Virze opened her communication panel and felt fear. Alex was demanding their presence. That had never happened before.

* * *

Timmy looked around at the leaders of the Empire. Most of them had brought their mates with them and everyone was greeting each other with hugs and handshakes. He saw sixteen year old TK teleport in with Malah and wondered why she was present. She looked at him and sent him a thought, “Grace sent word that I should be present.” Timmy shrugged and turned to give Mallory Valrico a hug.

Alex announced over the wall speakers, “I thank all of you for coming on such short notice but I have sad news to give you and I wanted to do it with all of you together. I wish there was an easy way to say this but there isn’t. All of the civilized planets in our former universe have been destroyed by the Invaders. Every one of them was burned to their bed rock; there were no survivors.”

Grang yelled, “What about Scotty and Julie?”

There was a long silence and Alex said, “They, along with Robby and Dani, sacrificed themselves to insure that we would not be found.”

Grang yelled, “NOOOOOOOO!”

Geena wrapped him in her arms as he fell to his knees.

Nathan grabbed Mallory as she wailed her grief. Jingo ran over with Tesa and wrapped TK in his arms. Carter and Jenna felt their tears and didn’t care who saw them.

Vring fell to all fours and screamed, “Why?”

Alex continued, “They died to save your lives.” Alex gave the group time to grasp what had happened and said, “I’m going to share with you the psychic vision that Dani and Robby had eight years ago. All of you know the power of a psychic vision and please think about what they knew.”

Everyone saw the destruction of Bristone as Anglo gave the warning a moment before the beam struck. They saw Robby look up at the stars just before the planet exploded. They then saw millions of planets being burned.

Alex said, “Nothing, and I do mean nothing, could have prevented this and if we tried, they sensed that the damage that followed would have been even more catastrophic.”

Timmy shook his head, “What could have been worse?”

“The destruction of our old universe would have happened anyway and we would have died with it. Robby and Dani told me four years ago that they were going to activate their armor and teleport away before the beam hit. They were not being honest when they told me that. Greyson is now going to share their conversation with Emperor Robbins and Juliette just before the Invaders attacked.”

Grang was on his knees; his mind was numb. His anguish was beyond belief.

Everyone heard Robby tell Scotty and Julie that if they tried to escape, all of those in the new universe would be killed. There just wasn’t enough time to escape without being seen by the Invaders. As they listened to Robby, the gathering felt the Robbins’s love for each other and felt anguish and loss for the family that was brave enough to make their sacrifice. Everyone also felt the love of the four and was touched to their core at what they witnessed.

“Robby and Dani knew they were not going to survive but chose to die for us to live.”

TK was weeping with Jingo and neither of them could stop their tears.

Alex continued, “There’s more. The Robbins knew if they escaped, it would cause the being that created the Invaders to come to our former universe; if that happened, it would lead to the destruction of the three galaxies of the Stars Realm. It could not see those galaxies in its scans but if it physically came there it would see the reflections and turn its attention to them. They did what they knew must be done to give us the necessary time to develop the weapons we’ll need to make those evil creatures pay for their crimes. The price was unimaginable, but they saw it had to be paid and were courageous enough to do it.”

Suddenly TK raised her head and yelled, “Trey! What about Trey!?!”

Grace said over the speakers, “He’s with Greyson. Robby put him in a psychic bubble and teleported him out before the attack.”

Mallory was in Nathan’s arms crying, “I’ve lost my baby.”

Nathan stroked her hair, “She was a warrior and she lived and died keeping her faith. She will be immortal in this Empire. I’m heartbroken at losing her but I love her for having the courage, your courage, to do what she knew had to be done. She had your heart at birth.”

Mallory continued to cry but Nathan’s words moved her. She felt her Daughter’s love at the end and knew that Dani was at peace with her decision. She knew that she would have to support her choice and remember all the wonderful, happy moments they shared. She dried her eyes and stood straight. Now was the time to be brave; she owed that much to her Daughter.

Timmy felt his pain but looked at Vring, “How many Zord are here with us?”

Vring gathered his thoughts and said, “All thirty thousand Flyers are here with their riders. We were ordered here by Robby to receive an upgrade to our armor. Now I know why.”

Timmy shook his head and Vring continued, “Bleath ordered the mates and children of the Flyers to go with them on this journey. I think he somehow sensed what was going to happen. We were once down to only nine thousand on El Prado; my species will survive this loss and we will avenge ourselves. This year’s nesting will triple our number.”

Mallory said, “The Western Continent on New Hope is not settled and is mostly forested. Your family may have it for your home or until you find a place of your own.”

Vring looked at Mallory and bowed, “Thank you, Mother of our Savior. We will go there now.”

Mallory was startled at what Vring said but realized that all the others died on Bristone. Mallory was given the Zord’s protection from that moment until she died. They honored her as much as they honored White Hair. Vring became the ruler of the Zord and he named Kreej as his successor.

Timmy held Virze, “We need to tell the Empire what’s happened.”

Virze nodded, “Get with Alex to put the announcement together and have him make the broadcast. You should do that now before we leave and schedule it three days from now so we can be prepared to handle the fallout from what happened.”

“You’re right. I need you there with me.”

“I’ll always be with you.” Virze looked at Timmy and saw something was bothering him, “What’s on your mind?”

“I’ve always wondered why Scotty made me his successor and not Robby. I think this was a part of his decision and, without psychic abilities, he never really knew why.”

“Why is that important?”

“There are forces operating here that are unimaginable. Robby and Dani couldn’t be his successor because that force knew they were going to die with them. Now, I understand.”

Virze thought about Timmy’s comment and worried about whether the Empire was a pawn to be sacrificed in the game or a major piece. Only time would tell but the industrial planets were safe. That must mean something.

Timmy looked at Virze, “That piece of information gives me hope that we have a chance. It also answers a question I’ve been struggling with.”

“What is that?”

“Who is going to be my successor? Now, I know.”

Virze was puzzled, “It’s not going to be Junior?”

Timmy took a deep breath and said, “I know what Scotty felt when he named me his successor because I feel it now. I know who has to be chosen; Trey will be my successor.”

Virze thought about his decision and said, “I’ve also wondered why Scotty didn’t name a psychic to follow him. Now we know the answer to that question and your choice is obvious. Trey is a second generation psychic and his abilities will eclipse his parent’s. It makes sense. When are you going to tell him?”

“I’m not.” Virze did a double take and Timmy said, “He’ll tell me when the time is right.”

Virze looked across the floor at TK, “I suspect you’re right. I suspect TK will have a message to the Invaders as well.”

Timmy looked at TK and nodded, “I suspect she will.”

* * *

The two Algeans were in a corner of the hall listening to what Alex said. Weed looked at Seed, “I feel I’ve betrayed our principles in causing this event.”

Seed leaned back, “There was a psychic vision that foretold this happening. You were caught up in the forces here and did not have any freedom to change it. If you didn’t spread those spores, everything would have been destroyed. However, our loyalties may be misplaced.”

“What do you mean?”

“Which of the two actually holds to the principles we follow; the Stars Realm or this Empire? I’m beginning to think that this small Empire is stronger in those beliefs than the old Realm. Do you see it differently?”

Weed thought a moment, “No, I don’t.”

“There’s one other thing to consider, my love.”


“The destruction of the other universe only left those worlds behind that hold to those principles. It weeded out all of those that weren’t totally committed.”

Weed thought about that, “This core is something that is going to become wonderful to behold if it’s given time to grow. The deaths that just happened will unify them as nothing else ever would. Are you willing to commit to it, even over the former Realm?”

Seed hesitated, “The former Realm is where our species live.”

“Yes, but they were willing to leave it behind when they did not follow its principles. This Empire will not lose their way. I can see it.”

Seed thought about Weeds words for three minutes which was an incredible amount of time for an Algean. “You know that if we give our oath to this Empire it may come down to a choice of survival between our species and this Empire.”

“Yes, but look at what would arise from that choice.”

Weed looked at those gathered and said, “The birth of a new force following the higher principles would pay for all the worlds we once killed. It would save more than we ever destroyed.”

Seed leaned forward, “All of us would gladly die to make that repentance happen.”

Weed took one of Seed’s branches in his and said, “We should talk with the Emperor.”

Seed shared her smile, “Yes, we should.”

They walked over and began talking with Timmy and Virze.

* * *

The worlds of the Empire received the devastating news with shock and anger. It took time but they eventually came to understand the power of a psychic vision and their sorrow turned to rage. The adoration the worlds felt for the former Royal Couple grew and a memorial was built to honor Scotty and Juliette on New Hope. The first two to receive a marker at the site were Robby and Dani Robbins. The numbers of visitors to the site were enormous and flowers were placed there to remember the family that died for the Empire’s survival. All the cadets that graduated from the new Robbins Naval Academy came to the site to give their oaths. The Stars Realm had its Colony Park; the Bristone Empire had its Robbins Memorial. On each side of the Monument, a huge statue of Bleath beside Scotty and Zreeg beside Julie were carved. They were at their full twenty five feet height overlooking the Royal Couple. Vring and the Zord christened the park as holy ground for their species and once again affirmed their oath to protect White Hair’s creation.

Two weeks after the deaths Jingo received a thought, “Jingo, I need you to meet me at Grang’s home.”

“Trey, now is not a good time.”

“Jingo, this is not a request. I ask you to do it with my Grandfather’s love. Meet me there in an hour.”

Tesa heard Trey, “You should go.”

Jingo took a deep breath and released it slowly, “I’ll see you there.”

Jingo arrived at Grang’s house and was announced by the sensor. Geena came to the door and Jingo saw her sadness, “Jingo, now is not a good time.”

“I know, but Trey has asked me to meet him here.”

Geena narrowed her eyes, “Why?”

“I don’t know.” He paused and looked at Geena, “I just don’t know.”

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