Asian Heat (3 page)

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Authors: Stephen Leather

BOOK: Asian Heat
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Laura was a
little unsteady on her feet so I slipped my arm around her. ‘We should have a
massage,’ I said.

She tried to
focus on her watch but she was too drunk. ‘What time is it?’
she asked.

‘Half ten,’ I
‘Too early to go back to the
hotel. Come on, it’s our last night. Let’s have a massage.’

‘There were a
dozen girls sitting outside the shop in tight t-shirts and short shorts.

‘They look like
hookers,’ she said.

I pulled her
closer. ‘Hush, you’ll hurt their feelings,’ I said. ‘It’s a massage place.’

‘It’s called Teen
Massage,’ she said.

‘That’s just a
name,’ I said. ‘You know Thais aren’t great with English. Those girls are all
in their twenties, at least.’

‘I’m not sure,’
said Laura.

One of the older
girls, a bit plump with her hair tied back, came over with a laminated price
list. I took it from her and showed it to Laura. ‘See? Oil massage. Lotion massage.
Thai massage. Come on, it’s ourlast night.’

Before she could
argue I gave the woman back her price list and took Laura into the shop. There
was an old woman behind a desk who looked at me over the top of half-moon
spectacles. ‘Two oil massages,’ I said. ‘Ninety minutes. An hour and a half.

‘One thousand two
hundred baht,’ she said. I handed her the money.

‘Choose girls,’
said the woman as she put the money into her cash register.

I realised that
the girls from outside were now standing behind us and they had been joined by
another six girls who were also wearing white t-shirts and red shorts. They all
had name tags.

‘I’m not sure
this is a good idea,’ said Laura, slurring her words.

I gave her a hug.
‘It’ll be fun,’ I said. With my free hand I pointed at two girls. A small girl
with short hair and large breasts called Lek and a taller girl with
waist-length hair called Ann.
both grinned at being chosen and they took us to some stairs which led down to
a basement area.

There was a large
pine-panelled room with a king-size bed and a large bath on a podium. There
were wooden stairs leading up to the bath and beyond it, on the wall, a large
poster of a Thai beach that looked like it might have been Phuket.

Ann closed the
door and smiled. She had beautiful teeth. ‘Oil massage, right?’ she asked.

‘That’d be
great,’ I said. ‘One massage for me and one for my wife. Okay?’

Ann nodded. ‘Big
OK,’ she said.
She said something
to Lek in Thai and both girls covered their mouths with their hands and began
to giggle.

Laura stood
looking at me. ‘Now what?’ she mouthed and I shrugged.

‘Take off clothes
please,’ said Ann, handing us two towels. We looked around but there was no
changing room. Ann waved her hand at a line of coat hooks by the door.

‘In for a penny,
in for a pound,’ I said and took off my shirt and put it on one of the hooks.

‘Are you sure
about this?’ Laura asked me.

‘It’s a massage,
that’s all,’ I said, taking off my jeans.
I put them next to the shirt, then took off my socks. ‘It’ll be fine.’

‘Let me help
you,’ said Ann, and she unzipped the back of Laura’s dress. Before Laura could
say anything Ann slipped the dress down leaving Laura wearing only her
underwear. ‘Wow, your skin very pretty,’ said Ann, gently stroking Laura’s arm.
‘Very soft. And so white. I like.’

Laura laughed.
‘You’re joking,’ she said, ‘I’m pasty white. I love your colour.’

Ann shook her
head. ‘Too dark,’ she said. ‘I want my skin your colour but cannot.’

Laura laughed
again. ‘In Skegness girls pay a fortune in tanning salons to get your colour,’
she said.

repeated Ann, frowning.
I took off my boxer shorts and wrapped
the towel around my waist.
turned on the bath taps and then poured bubble bath liquid in and swooshed it
around with her hand.

‘It’s where we
come from. In England. Girls there all want skin like yours.’ Laura reached out
and gently touched Ann’s arm. ‘Your skin is like silk.’

Ann laughed.
‘Thai silk,’ she said. She held out her hand. ‘Take off bra.’

Laura folded her
arms across her chest. ‘What? My bra? No.’

Ann smiled. ‘You
have to, for bath.’

‘Come on, babe,
it’s only a bath,’ I said. ‘And you’ll need to take it off for the massage.’

‘How’s the bath
thing going to work, anyway?’ she said. ‘Can’t we just shower?’

‘We clean you, in
bath,’ said Ann. ‘Then massage.’

Lek finished
making the bubble bath foam and she took off her t-shirt and shorts and slipped
into the water.

‘But there isn’t
room for us all, surely?’ said Laura.

Ann moved around
her and unclipped Laura’s bra.
take care you first, then take care your husband.’

Laura looked
across at me. ‘You should go first,’ she said.

I wasn’t keen on
that because I got the feeling that if I got into the bath with the two girls,
Laura would get dressed and scoot off like a bat out of hell. ‘It’s okay, you
get in. It’ll be fine, like when you were a kid being bathed by your mum.’

Ann pulled the
bra away and Laura wrapped the towel around herself. ‘You’re really sure about
this?’ she said.

‘We’re in
Thailand, we can’t go home without trying the traditional Thai massage, can
we?’ I said.

Laura pointed at
the bubble bath. ‘That doesn’t look very traditional to me,’ she said.

I shrugged, not
sure what else I could say. Ann stripped off her t-shirt and shorts and placed
them on a chair by the bed.
had an amazing body, long legs, pert breasts and a flat stomach you could have
bounced an anvil off.
Laura tilted
her head to one side as she looked Ann up and down.
‘Wow,’ she whispered. ‘You are fit.’

Ann laughed and
patted her own stomach. ‘Fat, not fit,’ she said.

‘No, you look
fantastic,’ she said. She looked over at me and shrugged. ‘Okay, in for a
penny, in for a pound, I suppose.’ She undid her towel, tossed it to me,
and slipped off her panties. I caught
the towel and watched as she carefully went up the stairs and stepped into the

Lek pushed
herself to the edge of the tub and Laura sat down at the other end. Lek giggled
and Laura started laughing, ‘I feel ridiculous,’ she said.

Ann walked up the
stairs and gently eased herself into the bath behind Laura. At first, Laura
looked confused but then she realised what Ann wanted and moved herself forward
a little. Ann’s legs went either side of Laura and then Lek placed Laura’s legs
on the edge of the bath.
Laura’s legs went up she leaned back against Ann.

I stood holding
her towel, wondering what I was supposed to do. I placed it on one of the hooks
by the door and when I turned back Lek had started pumping liquid soap from a
dispenser and rubbing it along one of Laura’s legs.
Ann had another soap dispenser and she pumped it onto her
hands, rubbed them together, and then began to softly soap Laura’s breasts.

Laura opened her
mouth and for a moment I thought she was going to object but then she just
sighed and closed her eyes.

As I watched the
two girls gently rubbing soap over Laura’s soft white skin I realised that I’d
made a mistake by not getting into the bath.
It was sexy, three girls in a bubble bath, but it would have
been a hell of a lot sexier if it had been me, Laura and one of the girls,
preferably Ann.
I felt myself grow
hard under the towel at the thought of Ann and Laura kissing while I made love
to Laura. The perfect fantasy.

I walked over to
the bath. Laura had her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open and she moaned
softly as Ann massaged her breasts.
Lek looked at me and grinned mischievously as she ran her hands down
Laura’s left leg, over her knee and up her thigh. ‘Madam likes,’ she said.
‘Madam likes a lot.’

Madam definitely
did like.
As Lek’s hands moved up
her thigh she moved her legs apart and although Lek’s hands were under the
bubbles I knew what she was doing. As she played with Laura she continued to
look me, clearly enjoying my reaction. ‘Madam very horny,’ she said.

There was no
question of that, Laura was definitely horny and, as if to confirm that, she
sighed and tilted her head back.
Ann kissed her softly on the ear and Laura twisted around and arched her
neck and licked her lips and Ann tilted her
head and kissed her full on the mouth.

‘Oh my God,’ I
said. It was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. Laura kissing a beautiful girl
while another girl played between her legs.

The kiss went on
for over a minute before Laura sighed again and leaned back against Ann.

I dropped my
towel and started to climb the stairs up to the bath but Lek shook her head.
‘No room,’ she said.

‘Okay, but you
can get out and I can get in,’ I said.

‘We take care of
Madam first,’ said Ann. ‘Then we take care of you, okay?’

Actually that
wasn’t okay. I was standing there with a massive hard on just feet away from my
naked wife, but I couldn’t get to her.

I pointed at my
growing erection. ‘What about this?’ I asked.

Ann smiled
sweetly. ‘You take care
we take
care Madam,’ she said. While she spoke she was gently massaging Laura’s

Lek twisted
around so that her back was to Laura and she started to grind her backside
against Laura’s thighs. Laura opened her eyes and smiled lazily as she reached
up to cup Lek’s breasts with her hands. Lek leaned back and twisted around so that
Laura could kiss her.

The idea of
taking care of myself had occurred to me, but that wasn’t the fantasy I wanted.
I wanted to be part of the threesome, not a voyeur.

‘I just think I’d
rather be in the bath,’ I said.

‘’No room,’ said
Ann. ‘You sit on bed. We take care you later.’

‘I don’t want to
sit on the bed,’ I said. I was starting to get annoyed.
I was paying for this fantasy yet it
wasn’t going the way that I’d hoped.

Laura opened her
eyes. ‘They know what they’re doing, Jimmy,’ she said. ‘Let them get on with

‘Yeah, but…’

‘Jimmy, you’re
going to spoil the moment if you carry on like this.’

Her eyes had gone
hard and I realised that anything I said would make things worse so I nodded
and went to sit on the bed.
watched as the three of them caressed each other and kissed and took it in
turns to soap each other up. My erection had pretty much gone.
I sat with my back to the wall, and
figured that sooner or later they’d move to the bed and at least then I’d be
part of the action.

They continued to
massage and stroke Laura. She lay back against Ann, her eyes closed and her
mouth half open.
Lek’s hands
disappeared under the water again and Laura gasped and opened her legs wider.
I wrapped my arms around my knees as I
watched, knowing that Laura was getting close to coming. She was panting and
her cheeks had gone red which was always a sign that she was about to orgasm.
Generally it took me the best part of an hour to get her to come but the girls
seemed to be doing it effortlessly. Ann smiled over at me as if she’d read my
mind, and she nodded slowly.

Lek’s hands were
moving faster now and water splashed over the side of the bath. Laura’s legs
stiffened and then she let out a long, slow moan and her hips banged up and
down against the bottom of the bath and then she cried out ‘oh God!’ and lay
still, gasping like a stranded fish.

Lek sat back on
her heels and grinned at me. ‘Madam come,’ she said, and she and Ann giggled
like naughty schoolgirls.

Eventually they
stood up in the bath and used a shower attachment to rinse off the suds. Laura
looked exhausted. She stared at me with unseeing eyes, her chest rising and
falling as she breathed deeply.

Ann smiled at me
and pointed at the towels. ‘Towels, please,’ she said.

I got off the bed
and fetched the towels for her. She and Lek towelled Laura dry. I tried to kiss
Laura but she turned away and moved her face closer to Lek and before I could
do anything Lek was kissing Laura.

Seriously,’ I said. I reached to hold Laura but Ann stepped in between us and
wrapped the towel around Laura. ‘We massage Madam first,’ she said.

‘I can do that,’
I said.

Laura broke away
from Lek. She was panting and her face was flushed.
‘Jimmy, they know what they’re doing,’ she said. ‘Just go
with the flow.’ Lek’s hand slipped between Laura’s legs and she gasped. ‘Oh
God,’ she moaned and turned to kiss Lek again.
Ann handed me the towels and then she and Lek led Laura over
to the bed.

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