At His Pleasure: Addie Learns the Ropes (6 page)

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Hot cum spurted up into my mouth, coating my tongue, dripping over my lips as he groaned and pushed my head down one last time onto his cock. I swallowed as fast as I could, but it still dribbled out...there was so much cum, thick white ropes of it squirting into me.

He sagged against his chair as the orgasm faded. “Addie,” he muttered. “Addie, Addie, Addie.”

God, I loved hearing him say my name. I twirled my tongue around his cock like it was an ice cream cone, licking up every last drop of cum, swallowing down the precious liquid. I lapped at his cock until it was totally clean, faintly gleaming with my saliva.

He cupped my chin and ran a rough thumb across my cheek.

“The things I’m going to do to you,” he whispered.

Business trip. Yeah right.





Chapter Eight


Three hours later the jet touched down in Miami. My heart was pounding with adrenaline the whole time—it was
more exciting to land in a private jet. Before we left the plane I changed into a loose green shift dress and walked down the air stairs, sunglasses covering my eyes. It was a completely different world than New England. The humid tropical air seemed to wake up all my senses, the sun setting my skin on fire.

I shaded my eyes as I glanced back at the Gulfstream. Even with the sunglasses, the sunlight felt bright and piercing.

“Missing Connecticut already?” Mr. Banks’s voice was dry and amused. He adjusted his collar and walked down the air stairs.

“No,” I said shyly. “I just...still can’t believe I came here on

He smiled. “You’ll get used to it,” he said. Putting his hand on the small of my back, he guided me towards the terminal. “No time to waste. I’ve got a meeting at three—let’s get to the limo.”

I let him pull me along, tripping slightly, giggling as the warm air blew through my hair.
Jets and limos and private drivers...I’ll get used to this, huh?


* * * *

He’d reserved us a suite in the Four Seasons. Of course—only the best for Mr. Jon Banks. I wondered if he did it himself, as I didn’t remember making this particular reservation. I tried to hide my shabby duffel bag behind me as we checked in, but the lady at the front counter was nice enough to not stare at me.

“Welcome to the Four Seasons, Mr. Banks. We’re so delighted to have you here with us again in Miami. How long will you and your daughter be staying with us, sir?”

I blushed and looked down at the floor.

“She’s not—” Mr. Banks started to say and then abruptly stopped. “We’ll be staying one week.”

“Your regular suite is all ready for you, Mr. Banks. If you’ll just follow my associate here…”

Regular suite?
I was a little bit shocked. I mean, the man was in New York or San Francisco or Chicago every other week. Did he have penthouses in all those places, too?

I trailed behind him, trying to act like all of this was totally normal to me. Even the elevator was tastefully decorated. It climbed up to the highest levels of the hotel. I swear my ears popped from the height. Finally, we were there: the doors to the suite opened wide, and I had to cup my hand over my mouth in surprise.


Mr. Banks’s penthouse was bigger than every room in my house put together. There was a dining table, couches and chairs...through the bedroom doors I could see a four-poster bed. Everything was polished, sophisticated...everything was beautiful. The epitome of good taste. The huge windows looked out over Biscayne Bay, the waters glimmering in the afternoon light.

The bellhop left immediately, closing the door behind him. I spun around to face Mr. Banks, who was sitting down in a chair and pulling out his tablet.

“I’m leaving you with a credit card,” he said. “While I’m out for the next few hours, you can go to the local shops and buy yourself some appropriate things to wear—no budget, just pick some nice things. Maybe some new luggage.” He looked at my duffel bag with distaste.

“This place is amazing,” I said, trying not to sound too much like an overly excited little girl. “That view—holy crap!”

“Language,” he warned me, as if by habit.

That reminded me.

I climbed on his lap, pushing his tablet aside, grinning. He looked up at me, half amused, half annoyed. He slid his hand over my hip. “Addie, he murmured. “I’ve got a business dinner with a banker in thirty minutes. I don’t have time for your...your mischief right now.”

“Mischief!” I smiled and tilted my chest up, my breasts leaning dangerously close to his face. “What kind of mischief do I get up to, Mr. Banks?”

He rubbed a nipple through my dress, the corner of his mouth quirking up as he watched it harden into a little knot. “This kind,” he said.

“My question is,” I said, feeling my breath get lighter and faster, “how come you didn’t correct that front desk lady when she called me your daughter?”

Mr. Banks paused, his fingers still on my breast. “It would’ve been a waste of time.”

“Oh?” I played with his silk tie. “Why?”

“Unlike my secretary,” he said. “The staff at fine establishments like the Four Seasons understand the value of obedience and discretion. So why should I care if they think you’re my daughter?”

“What if I pretended like I was your daughter? In front of everyone?” I pulled his tie a little bit and lowered my voice. “Would you mind if I call you...daddy?”

I could feel his hot bulge growing between my legs as he grabbed my hips.

“Addie,” he whispered. “You little brat.”

I smiled.

“Maybe I am,” I said. “But I’m
little brat.”

He thrust his hips up and pushed me down, grinding his erection against me, growling with impatience and arousal. “You’re going to be in big trouble when I get home,” he said, and reluctantly pushed me off.

I smiled as I slid into the empty chair.

“And I’ll be here waiting,” I said back to him. “Daddy.”


* * * *

I slipped the credit card into my purse and grabbed a taxi.

“Where to, miss?”

“Um...I wanna go shopping.”

“Anywhere in particular?”

I thought of the platinum credit card hidden in my wallet. “Someplace nice,” I said.

He grinned. “I know just the place, miss.”

I climbed out of the cab when we got to the Miami Design District, my eyes wide. The place was beautiful and sleek, chic women and men walking everywhere with shopping bags hanging on their wrists.

Growing up I had some nice things, sure. Mom and dad even got me a bracelet from Tiffany’s for my Sweet Sixteen birthday party. But this was a whole other level of luxury.

I flicked my hair back and headed straight into the closest store.
Well. When it comes to shopping, no one intimidates Adeline Curtis.

The first things I bought were some beautiful pieces of lace lingerie. I'd never had the excuse to buy it before, but now I had a very good reason to wear it. After that, Louis Vuitton for some new luggage, like Mr. Banks told me to get...then a chic little clutch from Chanel...

As I went from shop to shop, my arms filling up with bags, I wondered if Mr. Banks had put a limit on my credit card. Didn’t seem to, as the purchases added up...and I got a little dizzy looking at the receipts. By the end of the day I realized that I'd spent more on clothes than my entire internship’s pay for the summer. Weird how fast that could happen…

I rode back to the Four Seasons surrounded by my new clothes and purses and accessories. I mean, Mr. Banks couldn’t complain, right? It’s what he told me to do. After all, I was thinking about him and his reaction when I tried on every item. Maybe I could give him a little show...see what dress or teddy or thong he liked best. I loved the way he ran his eyes up my body, over all my curves, like he couldn’t get enough of me.

Every time I thought about those stormy eyes I felt a tingle in my stomach.

I couldn’t wait to see him.


* * * *

When I got back to the suite he still hadn’t returned. I unpacked my new bits and pieces and tried everything on again, admiring the way I looked in the mirror, but that only entertained me for so long. I spritzed on some Miss Dior perfume, put on my prettiest piece of lingerie and lay down on the couch to wait for Mr. Banks to come back, wishing I’d brought an iPad or even a book. I like to think I’m pretty patient for my age, but let’s be honest, that’s not saying much.

I watched horrible cable TV for a while before I got annoyed and started pacing the rooms. I ordered room service, but only got through half a plate of cheesy fries before I got bored again. The entire suite felt like it was a luxurious cage.

Still dressed in my lacy pink chemise, I was about to take a nap when I realized that Mr. Banks had left his laptop on the desk in the living room.

Hm. Maybe I should get started on scheduling next week…

I knew his password, after all, since it was my job to sort through the hundreds of emails that came in every day. And since I had already seen the naughty things he kept on his desktop computer—I blushed as I thought about it—what was the harm?
Best thing that could happen: life doesn’t suck for me once we get back from Miami because I’ve fallen behind on everything I’m supposed to do.
I didn’t have a company laptop here, anyway, so he must have expected me to use his laptop to get through my to-dos.

Sitting down at the desk, I opened the laptop and idly opened his email. Same old same old.
More Apex emails. Blah. Stuff about a summit in two weeks in Yokohama

boy, it’s going to be fun trying to book those plane tickets at this point. Even more Apex emails. Blah blah blah.

Yawning, I clicked on his calendar and added in the days of the summit. I was about to click out of the program when I saw that he’d left his browser running.

What’s this?

I wondered if he did it on purpose. He probably knew I’d be looking, and had maybe left me some sexy photos to look at. Or even better, a fun video to watch. Something to warm me up for him, leave me horny and dripping for when he returned. I smiled to myself. He was always so, so creative when it came to making me wet for him.

I clicked on the browser. It was his email—his
email account.

I can’t believe he even has one
, I thought to myself, and giggled.
Does the man do anything but work and fuck his secretary?

I was about to click out of the browser when something familiar caught my eye.

Oh my god

It was an email from dad. To Mr. Banks.

Subject line? “Addie.”

My cheeks burned as I stared at the screen. Why the hell was dad emailing Mr. Banks? Was he apologizing for every mistake I made? Checking up on me? Did he think I couldn’t handle this? I knew dad was always concerned that I’d slip up around Mr. Banks, but I couldn’t believe he’d actually
my boss. It was so embarrassing.

My cursor hovered over the email. Maybe I was making a big mistake, but if this was about me, I had a right to know, right?

I clicked on the email, holding my breath.

Jon, just checking in on Addie. Everything okay?

Typical dad. He never trusted me to do my job right.

Gary, she’s working out just fine.

I sighed. That was a huge relief. Even if I didn’t care what dad thought about me, I did care about Mr. Banks’s opinion.

There was another response from dad.
Glad to hear it. She can be a handful sometimes but I’m sure it’s nothing you can’t handle. And I hope this means that we’re even now.

For a second I felt relief—they weren’t talking about my work. But suddenly my mouth felt dry again...what did dad mean by
we’re even now?

I knew that it was our family connections that got me this internship, but...the way he wrote the email—it sounded like dad owed him something.

Did my own father give me to Mr. pay off a debt?

Did he know what Mr. Banks was doing with me

to me?




Chapter Nine


It explained so much. It explained everything. Why dad was so eager to force me to make a good impression—why he let me go to Mr. Banks’s house late at night. And finally, why Mr. Banks of all people had taken on an eighteen-year-old girl as his secretary when he could have had a Harvard Business School graduate as his intern instead.

I shivered. What were the terms of their secret little gentlemen’s agreement? That I would just spend the summer filing Mr. Banks’s emails?

Or something else? Something more sordid?

My heart beat quickly in my chest. I felt so crazy every time I thought about it—what could I say to Mr. Banks? Maybe I could quit on the spot and go home. I had enough money in my bank account that I could buy my own plane ticket if I wanted to. But I didn’t know why my father agreed to this in the first place. Sure, he and I argued a lot, but he must have been desperate to strike a deal like this.

Besides. I didn’t want to go. The way Mr. Banks made me feel...the way he treated me, the way he looked at me, the way he fucked could I give that up?

I closed his laptop slowly and sat there like I was glued to the seat.
I don’t know what to do.


* * * *

I heard the door open. I didn’t move.

“Addie?” Mr. Banks called for me. “You here?”

He caught sight of me sitting at the table. “Jesus. Addie,” he said, his voice growing suddenly husky. “I see you went shopping.”

I couldn’t look him in the eye. “Yeah.”

He came over to me and lifted my chin with his fingers, forcing me to meet his gaze. “Addie. You good in that.”

“Is that why I’m here?” Even I was surprised to hear the anger in my voice.

“What?” He stared down at me, puzzled.

I stood up. “I read your email. I know that you and my father have a deal,” I said. “A deal that involves

He stood still, watching me. “I don’t think we should talk about this.”

“Oh, just let me be your secretary...your little secret.” I glared at him.

“I never even wanted a secretary.”

I inhaled sharply. “What?”

He rubbed his forehead with a hand. “Addie. I wasn’t going to tell you this. I promised your father I wouldn’t—”

“Tell me. Don’t you think I deserve to know?”

He looked right at me. “All right. Fine. Your father was in a tight spot a year ago—his business was going under, and he was in debt to five different banks. To the tune of about a million dollars.”

Mr. Banks’s words hit me hard. I knew that dad had been stressed last year, but I never knew any of the details. I don’t even think mom knew—he kept it all to himself.

“A million dollars?” I asked, in a small voice.
That couldn't be true

could it?

“Yes. If not more. The economy had been going south for a while and your father backed himself into a corner with some of the investments he made. So he came to me and I gave him a loan, and some financial guidance. He made it out okay, Addie, but he almost lost his entire business. Almost went bankrupt.”

I gasped softly. I had no idea.

“So, he’s always looking for ways to make up his debt to me. And before you get any ideas, I never wanted a secretary in the first instance. But your father insisted, so I made up this internship position for you.”

“What are you saying—you never wanted me?”

He came towards me, fire in his eyes. “No—Addie, that’s not what I meant.”

I took a few steps backwards. “That’s what you just said.”

He yanked me into his arms. “That’s not true, Addie,” he said. He ran his fingers over my lips. “Do you know how hard it was for me to turn him down the first time he offered you to me? I wanted you. Still want you.”

My heart fluttered in my chest as adrenaline surged in my body. Did I run? Or did I fight?

“No,” I finally gasped.

Breaking away, I ran to the bedroom and slammed the door shut. My mind was in turmoil. My father gave me to Mr. Banks to be his plaything, and Mr. Banks never even wanted me in the first place.

What the hell was I going to do?


* * * *

I kept the door locked. I laid down on the bed and tried to sort through my feelings. On the one hand, Mr. Banks had saved my family...but on the other hand, he kept the truth from me. Maybe it was just to protect me, like he said. I wanted to believe that. But a lie of this size—how could I keep from feeling betrayed?

Playing with the fringe on a throw pillow, I stared into the ocean in the distance. It was more than I could take. Because if I was being honest with myself, I knew that Mr. Banks would never hurt me. Not on purpose, anyway.

And the other thing—no man made me feel the way he did. The sheer fact that I was still here—well, that said something. I couldn’t tear myself away from him.

A knock came on the door.

“Dinner,” said the voice of the server. “Excuse me, miss, Mr. Banks has ordered a meal for you.”

“I don’t want it,” I shouted. “Go away.”

I heard his footsteps and then the main door of the suite open and close.

Good. I want to be alone right now.
Even as I thought it I knew it wasn’t completely true. I hadn’t eaten since I ordered cheesy fries four hours ago and I was starving.

“Addie,” came Mr. Banks’s voice a moment later. “You need to eat something.”

“No,” I snapped. “Leave me alone.”

Then there was the sound of a key in the lock.
He had the key this whole time?
I was shocked. He could have opened the door any time, but instead let me have my peace.

I still jumped as the door opened. “Hey, what are you doing?”

“You can’t stay in there forever.” He walked in, his stride masculine and strong.

“I’ll do what I want,” I snapped.

He glowered at me. “Your father was right about one thing,” he said. “You can be a handful.”

Suddenly he was pinning me against the bed, his weight pushing me down. I gasped—he knocked the wind out of me.

“You’ve had your time to sulk and pout,” he murmured. “Now it’s time for you to act like a big girl.”

I squirmed under him, his hands tight around my wrists. “Make me,” I snapped, feeling childish.

He kissed me then, his mouth hard and demanding on mine, sucking on my lips. I moaned as an involuntary burst of pleasure splashed between my thighs at his kiss, his smell, the pressure of his hard cock against my legs. I knew at that moment I’d give in. Let him do whatever he wanted with me—like always.

But it didn’t mean I wouldn’t put up a fight.

Still holding me down, he kissed down my chest until he was able to tease a breast out of my chemise, the nipple rolling under his tongue, his teeth just grazing my soft flesh. He did the same to the other breast until both my nipples were bare and covered in his saliva. I looked down at him playing with my hard little buds and groaned—I could see the muscles under his shirt flexing as he tongued my ripe mounds.

He let go of my wrists at last, and I sighed, glad for the sudden relief—but then I gasped again as he ripped my chemise off of me completely, the silk and lace tearing easily under his hands. “Hey!” I breathed. “That’s not—”

He silenced me suddenly with his hand, then pulled the rest of the chemise under me. He looked like a predator as he pulled the silk taut and then wrapped it around my head, tying it firmly so that I was totally blind.

Another rip. A second later he was tying the silk over my mouth, and then he bound my wrists together over my head.

I was totally exposed now...and at his mercy. I could feel the silk between my lips getting wet as I breathed hard, my entire body feeling like it was growing more and more sensitive.

“Good thing I know exactly how to handle misbehaving girls like you,” I heard him say, his hands squeezing my breasts, his thumbs rubbing my nipples so hard that I was moaning. “I’m going to teach you a thing or two about respect, Addie, and you’ll learn your lesson whether you want to or not.”

I felt the bed shift as he sat down, and then he was pulling me onto his lap so my ass was elevated over his legs, bare and trembling. The blood rushed to my head, making me dizzy. I knew I was in for it now. He fondled the crease between my ass and my thighs.

As I waited for the first spank I swore I wouldn’t cry out or beg this time. But already I had the nagging feeling that whenever there was my way or Mr. Banks’s way—he won. Every time.

The blow came down hard, like he had been waiting to do this for a while and couldn’t control himself. I grunted in my throat but didn’t cry out. The next smack ringed in my ears, and then the spanks were raining down on my tender ass, the sound echoing around the room. I dug my nails into my palms, doing my best to stay silent.

The intensity increased. I could swear that he wanted to hear me squeal, to hear my submission. I just shut my eyes and tried to ignore the oozing warmth that was gathering between my legs.

Suddenly, he stopped. Instead of spanking me he cupped my cheeks—I could almost see my flaming red ass twitch under his hands. He started to massage them slowly, and that’s when I moaned for the first time.

He pushed my thighs open and pulled my cheeks apart, his fingers running down my slit, teasing the soft, wet folds. I was holding my breath as he paused just outside my dark opening. Instead of pushing his fingers in, he gently lifted me off his lap, gave my nipple a quick suck and the put me on the bed on my back.

“Stay,” he ordered me.

As if I could go anywhere, bound and gagged like that.

I heard him walk away, and he returned a few minutes later, sitting down next to me once again.

“Spread your legs,” he ordered.

I obeyed, wondering if he’d spank me again if I gave him any attitude now.

I twitched when I felt his hand on my mound. Nudging my thighs further apart, he paused again.

“Hold still,” he said, in a tone that was filled with warning. I tried to nod.

I inhaled sharply when I felt the cold shaving cream smear across my soft golden bush. When I felt the razor against my delicate flesh a second later, I shuddered once and then tried to hold still. This was happening. Mr. Banks was shaving me. In a few minutes my lower lips  would be totally bare.

He swept the razor down my folds, each swipe leaving me more and more naked. More and more like that blonde girl I’d seen in that video, the first time I peeked into Mr. Banks’s secret desires. My thighs ached from being spread so far apart, but I didn’t dare move while he was between my legs.

I heard the trickling sound of water and then he wiped my pussy clean with a moist towel, his hand firm as he rubbed away every last bit of cream. My newly shaven pussy tingled in the cold air.

“Addie,” he murmured at last, his voice cracking slightly. “God, you have no idea how bad I want to fuck you right now.”

I could feel his hot breath on my bald puss, breathing in the smell of my fresh washed skin, my just-rinsed pussy. He licked me from bottom to top, his tongue flat and wide on my puss, covering me with his saliva.

Behind my restraint I whined. The feeling of his soft tongue on my shaven flesh prickled me all over—I was so sensitive now.

He parted my lips with his fingers, and lapped his tongue over my inner lips, tasting the juices that had been seeping out of my hot sheath. “Mm,” he muttered. “Tastes so good.”

I breathed faster, my wrists half numb, a faint sheen of sweat on my skin. Lying there like I was his toy, his plaything. It was hard to admit, but being tied down and blindfolded only made me feel hotter. It made me want him more than ever.

He flicked his tongue up over my clit, lapping at it, rubbing the clit against his tongue until I was openly groaning now, my hips rising off the bed, my nipples getting harder and tighter by the second.

“Uh,” I moaned behind the gag. “Please—”

But I could barely understand the words coming out of my own mouth. “Oh!” I mumbled.

He reached up and yanked the silk out of my mouth. “What do you want, Addie? Huh?”

I panted, licking my lips. “Fuck me,” I begged. “Please, Mr. Banks, please fuck me.”

He rotated his thumb over my throbbing clit. “I can’t hear you.”

“Please!” I was practically crying out with need, humiliated by it all. “Fuck me!”

Straddling me, he rubbed his cock up and down my creaming slit. But he didn’t go any further. I was straining against him, lifting my hips, offering my pussy to him like a cat in heat.

He pushed me back down.

“No,” he said.

I thrashed underneath him, frustrated. He held me down and pinned me in place with his legs. “Hold still,” he ordered.

I could hear it then...the sound of him unzipping his fly. He was stroking himself, the sound of his hand on his cock unmistakable. Every now and then he’d dip his hand or his cock back down to wet himself on my pussy, but he wasn’t letting me have a single inch of him. And I needed it so, so bad.

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