Aunt Penelope's Harem (10 page)

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Authors: Chris Tanglen

BOOK: Aunt Penelope's Harem
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Chapter Fourteen


“But I
the harem,” Dawn insisted. “It’s my
favorite place in the world! You can’t take it away from me! I’ll hold my
breath until I turn blue!”

“It’ll be okay,” Melanie assured her. “Just breathe into
that bag like I showed you.”

Dawn held the brown lunch bag to her mouth and breathed
deeply in and out to keep herself from hyperventilating.

* * * * *

“Whoa,” said Stephen. “That sucks.”

The men sat in the main room of the harem, fully clothed and
looking glum.

“There’s gotta be a way we can fight this,” said Leo. “We’ll
follow Rupert home, break into his house, beat the shit out of him, and steal
back the tape.”

“I’m sure Gretchen has a copy, too.”

“Okay, so, we follow Gretchen home, break into her house,
you and Dawn beat the shit out of her, and we steal back the tape.”

“They could have copies hidden anywhere,” said Melanie. “And
I don’t even know where Rupert is staying. Maybe we could fight it in court,
but think of the humiliation.”

“We can’t let her get the house,” said Julian.

“Look, this all had to come to an end sometime,” Melanie
explained. “This was sooner than I wanted, but like I said, you guys need to go
out and make something of yourselves. Nate, I want you to apply for architect
school first thing tomorrow morning. You too, Ben. Julian, I want you to sign
up for some cooking classes. Stephen, start working up an election campaign.”

“Should I be a Democrat or a Republican, you think?”

Melanie stood up. “I’m sorry that this happened, but in a
way, it was inevitable. Maybe not inevitable that my bitch of a cousin would be
secretly making tapes of our sex festival, but inevitable that I’d be standing
here telling you that it was all over. I’ll miss the mansion, and I’ll miss the
food, and I’ll especially miss seeing your naked asses, but I intend to look
beyond this, get out there, and live life to its fullest.”

She held up her copy of
Milton Monkey’s Banana Quest
turned around, and flung it into the swimming pool.

“I never got to play that,” said Ben, annoyed.

“Come on, everyone. I’ve rented some storage units where you
can keep your stuff until you find a place to stay. Let’s make the best of

* * * * *

Melanie and Carl lay in the hotel room bed. Not knowing
where else the hidden cameras might be taping, she didn’t want to stay in the
mansion another night.

“I’m sorry you lost such a great job,” said Melanie.

“I’m sorry you lost such a great house.”

They kissed. Carl began to unbutton her blouse, touching his
lips to each inch of skin as it was exposed.

Was this love?
Melanie wondered. She couldn’t be
sure. But it was definitely mutual attraction, and it definitely had
possibilities, and she wasn’t about to give him up anytime soon.

He slowly opened her blouse, revealing her black lace bra.
He kissed her nipples through the fabric, mouth lingering. She sighed happily
and ran her fingers through his thick hair.

“Ooooh, fuck me! Fuck me harder!” screamed Dawn from the adjoining

“Aren’t there maximum capacity rules in a hotel like this?”
asked Carl.


“We should order room service for them. I’d love to see the
look on the delivery guy’s face.”

They laughed and kissed some more, and then Carl removed her

Before too long, they were both completely naked.

Melanie sucked his penis until it was fully erect.

There was a knock at the door.

Despite Melanie’s protests, Carl got off the bed. She
scooted along the floor with him, keeping his cock in her mouth the entire
time. Carl peeked through the peephole. “It’s Julian.”

Melanie finally stood up. Carl opened the door, revealing
Julian standing in the hallway, a towel wrapped around his waist.

“Sorry to bother you,” he said. “Do you have any ice? The
machine is broken.”

“Why do you need ice?”

“Ice games.”

Carl went to get their own bucket of ice and handed it to
Julian. “Thanks, buddy, I owe you one,” said Julian as he left.

After they closed the door, Melanie resumed her cock-sucking
activities. As they lay on the floor in the sixty-nine position, there was
another knock at the door.

“Fuck off!” said Carl.

“It’s important!” said Dawn.

Carl and Melanie sighed into each other’s genitalia,
untangled themselves, and answered the door. Dawn stepped into the hotel room,
also with a towel wrapped around her. “Sorry to bug you again,” she said.
“Didn’t one of you say you have handcuffs?”

“I’m pretty sure that didn’t come up in conversation,” said

“Shit. I really need handcuffs.”

“Actually, it did come up in conversation when you weren’t
around,” Carl admitted. “Dawn, if I let you borrow the handcuffs, will you
leave us alone?”

“Are they fur-lined?”



Carl retrieved the fur-lined handcuffs from his duffel bag
and handed them over. Dawn thanked him with a quick peck on the cheek and then
hurried back to her own room.

“What were those handcuffs for?” asked Melanie.

“Just something I keep around in case of bondage

“What else is in there?”

“It doesn’t matter. Sit on the couch and spread your legs so
I can lick your pussy some more.”

She did and he did.

Carl licked her vagina all over, back and forth, side to
side, in circles, and in wild zigzag patterns. He slipped his index finger into
her as he licked, stimulating her from the inside. She twitched and gasped as
he slid a second finger inside of her, and then a third. He took her clitoris
between his lips and sucked gently.

When she came, it was loud.

There was a pounding on the wall. “Damn it, knock off that
noise,” Leo called out. “Some of us are trying to concentrate in here.”

Carl kept licking her and moved his fingers more rapidly,
and the next time she came even harder and louder.

* * * * *

After getting kicked out of the hotel, they found that the
next hotel had only one vacancy. So Melanie and Carl made love in one of the
twin beds while the other men took turns being handcuffed and pleasured in the
next bed.

“Who’s your jailer?” Dawn demanded, riding Keith’s cock.
“Who’s your jailer?”

“Ma’am, you ma’am.”

“Fuck yeah!”

Much later into the evening, the men handcuffed Dawn to the
bed, and then all seven of them, somehow managing to find room, roamed her
entire body with their tongues. Melanie and Carl couldn’t help but abandon
their own activities and just watch.

* * * * *

When they got up the next morning, Dawn did a lot of
limping, but it was happy limping.

* * * * *

Melanie sat in the law office of Campbell & Campbell.
Richard Campbell sat behind his desk, looking through some papers. She’d told
him the entire story, though in several places she opted for a general overview
rather than specific details, and he’d nodded thoughtfully the whole time.

“I must admit, I wasn’t aware of Penelope’s little quirk in
that area,” he said.

“Very few people were.”

“Actually, it sounds like
a few people were,
which is the whole issue.”

“What can we do?”

Richard frowned. “We can certainly fight this, but I don’t
know how we’d prove your claim of blackmail, unless that was caught on tape as

“Not likely.”

“No, not likely at all. I guess the trick would be to prove
that the…ah, harem, was not a pay-for-play situation, but rather an optional
arrangement. Which, as you’ve explained, it wasn’t. My recommendation, of
course, is that you relieve the gentlemen of their duties immediately.”

“Already done.”

“As for keeping the mansion, I’ll naturally do my best to
defend you. We’ll just have to see what she does.”

Melanie nodded. “I appreciate your help. But if you can
confirm something for me, I might have a different idea.”

* * * * *

Gretchen entered Mr. Campbell’s office, smirking. “Please,
have a seat,” said Richard, gesturing to the empty chair next to Melanie.

“I hope you have a good reason for calling me in here,” said
Gretchen. “I’d really hoped never to have to see my cousin again.”

“Ah, well, that won’t be a problem after today, I’m sure,”
said Richard. “My client asked that you be summoned here to witness a change in
the ownership of Penelope Carlson’s mansion and all of the belongings within.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. On the basis of certain conversations with certain
parties, Melanie Clover has decided that she no longer desires ownership of the
aforementioned mansion, and has relinquished said ownership effective

Gretchen smiled. “Too elegant for you, was it?”

Melanie smiled back. “I was disappointed in the bidet.”

“Therefore, by the terms of Penelope Carlson’s will, her
home and all of its possessions revert to the next beneficiary, namely, the
Humane Society.”

?” demanded Gretchen.

“Yes, lots of cute little doggies and kitties will get
loving care when the mansion goes up for auction.”

Gretchen slammed her fist against the desk. “This is
bullshit! That fucking house belongs to me! I’m her daughter!”

“Now, now, I’m sure a sweet, kindhearted young woman such as
yourself doesn’t begrudge kitties and puppies their tender loving care.”
Richard winked at Melanie. “The paperwork has all been signed, and appraisers
will be sent to the property as soon as possible. Melanie, I wish you the best
of luck in all of your future endeavors, and Gretchen, tough titties on a

* * * * *

Melanie followed Gretchen as she stormed out of the office
and into the parking lot. “I am
going to destroy your life,” she
said, turning around to face Melanie. “Your fat ass is going to be on every
hotel porn selection in the country.”

A car door opened. Rupert got out, clothes torn and dirty,
face covered with bruises. “Did she sign it over?” he asked, his words barely
audible through his swollen lip.

“What the hell happened to you?”

“Did she sign it over?” he repeated.

“No, she didn’t sign it over. Do you still have the tape?”

Rupert cursed loudly, then cursed at the obvious pain
involved in cursing. He and Gretchen cursed together as Melanie cheerfully
walked over to the rental car.

* * * * *

“Holy fucking shit,” said Melanie as she, Dawn, and the
eight former harem men gathered around the hotel room television. “You guys
were good.”

“That’s what you pay us for,” said Leo. “Well,
us for.”

“Are you sure this is the only copy?” Melanie asked.

Stephen nodded. “That’s what the butler said, at least when
he wasn’t saying ‘ow.’ He did give Gretchen a tape, but it was blank because he
was sure she was going to try to screw him over. There’s not nearly enough
trust in the world today.”

“You guys really shouldn’t have beat him up.”

“We apologized afterward.”

They all watched the rest of the tape, providing amusing
comments throughout, and then they ceremonially removed it from the VCR and
smashed the shit out of it.

* * * * *

Since they had no living expenses, the men had been able to
save a lot of money during their reign in the harem, and they jointly purchased
a giant camper that slept eight.

“Yep, we’re just gonna travel the country for a while,” said
Dawn. “See the sights, experience the culture, and fuck in every state.”

“Have fun,” Melanie told her, giving her friend a good-bye

“Oh, I will. I’m sure we’ll go our separate ways before too
long, but I’m looking forward to a very fulfilling summer.”

Melanie hugged and said her good-byes to each of the men in
turn, and then they drove away, off on their sexual adventure.

Carl put his arm around Melanie’s shoulder as they watched
the camper fade into the distance. “Are you sure you’re not jealous?”

“I’m jealous as hell. But I’ll get over it.”

“You know what sucks?” asked Carl. “It sucks that Gretchen
still gets her million dollars.”

Melanie shrugged. “She has a million dollars, but she’s
miserable. I’m broke but happy.”

She kissed him.

“Technically,” Carl corrected, “you have a hundred thousand

“Well, yeah, but that didn’t sound as good for the point I
was trying to make.”

They kissed again, then got in the rental car and drove off
toward a destination yet to be determined.



Melanie and Carl drove to Key West and fell in love. Carl’s
early paintings now fetch four-figure sums on the collector’s market, which he
thinks is pretty cool.

Nate went back to school and got his degree in architecture.
He has designed many fine restaurants across the southern United States.

Ben also got his degree in architecture and was briefly
partnered with Nate until “creative differences” between the two ended the
relationship. Ben now hopes to design theme park rides, though he personally
finds that they make him queasy.

Leo opened his own highly successful bar where the
bartenders serve women drinks in the nude. He works there every night of his
own accord.

After a brief stint as a cover model, Dennis found another
rich woman who was looking for gentlemen to serve in her private harem,
surprising the shit out of him.

Keith became a high school gym instructor and won Teacher of
the Year, pissing off Algebra teacher Mrs. Helgen to such an extent that she
resigned in protest.

Stephen never became President of the United States.

Dawn and Julian were married in a simple ceremony in Las
Vegas. They live happily in a small home in Burbank, California.

Stephen lives with them. Their communal bed sees a lot of


The End

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