Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11) (14 page)

BOOK: Autumn Dawn (Fate's Intent Book 11)
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Naomi and Bryce got up and they all walked into the shelter with us.

“I thought you said it was going to rain?” Bryce asked.

“It is. In five, four, three, two, one and cue the thunder.” It started to thunder and they no longer doubted her. “Now here comes the rain.” The rain rolled through the land soaking everything in an instant.

“That’s genius.” Dirk smiled.

Lana smiled back. “I know but someone should probably put something over the horses. They look very unhappy out there.”

I walked to the opening and put a canopy up over them so they weren’t getting more wet then we settled in to sleep for the few hours remaining in the night.







Chapter 25





I spent the day relaxing rather than running around and trying to get things done but I soon realized I haven’t seen Seth. It was odd and unusually quiet. I went to his room first but he wasn’t there. Odder. I left down the hall and Ruby was walking towards me. “Have you seen Seth today?”

She stopped to think for a moment. “No. Actually I haven’t seen Dirk either, have you?”

“No. I haven’t seen any of them.”

“What’s going on?” Jaylyn came around the corner and saw us standing together.

“Jaylyn, have you seen Seth or Dirk today?” I asked.

“No. I haven’t.”

“What about Bryce?” Ruby asked.


We all paused and looked at each other. This was not good. Our instincts immediately brought us downstairs to the girl’s rooms but no one was there either.

“That’s strange.” Ruby said. “Where could they be?”

“Maybe their fathers have seen them.” I suggested. We entered the dining hall next where our husbands were sitting together as usual. “Hey, have any of you seen the boys?”

They sat still but looked at each other.

“Not recently.” Zayden answered.

His tone was much too obvious and Ruby jumped at it first. “What did you do?”

“We didn’t do anything.” Darius answered.

“If not, then you know something.” Jaylyn said. “Where are they?”

“Not here.” Zayden replied.

“Where?” I demanded. If they weren’t here, I needed to know where.

“They left.” Troy said.

“Left where?” Jaylyn asked.

“Not sure really.” Darius said.

“You don’t even know where they are?!” Ruby rightfully bursts out.

“We know who they’re with.” Zayden said. “That should be enough.”

“Who?” I asked.

“Who do you think?”

It took my half a second but I was only getting angrier. “You let them leave on a mission with the girls?! Are you insane?!”

“Love, seriously. You know that this was supposed to happen.”

“Not this soon! They’re not ready for that kind of distraction.”

“I hope you’re talking about the girls because our sons have proven to be more than ready.”

“I can’t believe this!” Ruby cut in. “You let our son leave and you don’t even know where he’s going?”

“It was his choice. I don’t even think he knew where he was going. Just as long as Lana was there he was happy.”

“That’s not a reason for letting him just leave.”
“It’s not up to us anymore. They’re men now. They need to start growing up and make their own choices and this was one of them.”

“He’s right.” Troy added. “There’s nothing we could have done to stop it if we tried. We’ve accepted it and you need to too. You can’t keep hanging on to them like this.”

“There’s nothing wrong with worrying.” Jaylyn said. “And I won’t lose another child because you let him leave.”

“That won’t happen. They knew they had to do this.” Zayden explained. “We did the same thing when we were young and knew they were right in making this choice.”

“I just wish you would have told us instead of making us go long enough without seeing them that we had to be worried.” I said while sighing. It was true but deep down, I knew we couldn’t do anything about this now.

“I’m sorry, Love but we knew that you wouldn’t have let them go. That’s why we didn’t tell you.”

“All right. So I guess now we just have to wait until they get back.”

Zayden nodded. “Whenever that may be.”

We sadly understood and have accepted the fact that our sons have grown up―or were trying to. This was clearly a test for us as well in letting them go and decide their own lives. I knew it was going to happen someday but it came too soon. I guess I really wasn’t ready yet. We’ve already been through so much but it feels like I was supposed to get more time with him.

Thinking about it just made me turn away before I started crying right here out in the open. I didn’t do much of that these days. People saw me as strong and I did my best trying to keep my image while walking upstairs.


I tried to wipe my eyes before turning but it was too late. He must have followed because he knew I was upset.

“It’s all right. He’ll be back.”

“I know. It’s just―hard for me to see him so grown up.”

“I know but I’m sure you knew it was coming. We used to talk about it all the time.”

“It came too soon.”

He smiled like my pain was amusing and took me in his arms. “You have nothing to worry about. He was raised well. I’m confident he’ll see to it that everyone makes it back.”

I could only nod although I wanted him back now. My little baby was all grown up and it’s about time I start accepting it. It was a challenge indeed but one I knew I could overcome.

“Now, why don’t we get you focused on something else for a while?”

Zayden lifted my chin with the most charming of smiles. I kind of did hate it but I’d always fall for that smile and he knew it.

I stretched my neck up to kiss him and my worry left me. It was just what I needed. He always seemed to know even after all the years we’ve spent together. I guess now that Seth was all grown up, we would have more time for each other or at least I would.

The feeling I got while being in Zayden’s arms has never changed. Just because we were older now didn’t mean that the love stopped. We still liked to prove how much we were made for each other but these days Zayden has perfected his gift to pleasure me and could carry it on for nearly hours if I wanted. I’m usually tired out by then but he had his ways of even making thirty minutes memorable.







Chapter 26





We rode to the top of a hill on the sixth evening and saw the docks down on the other side.

“We’re finally here.” Cadence said.

“Yeah, you don’t have to tell me.” Lana groaned. “I could smell it miles back.”

We smiled to her distaste for the ocean as we rode down the hill toward the docks and looked around for Porter among the many other ships docked.

“Where is he?” Naomi asked.

“Do my eyes deceive me?” We turned to a man just walking off a ship. “That couldn’t possibly be Naomi I see.”

Naomi got a smile on her face and rode to him. “Father!”

I felt myself swallow and it didn’t help that Seth and Dirk immediately looked over at me.

“Look at you.” Porter said as he helped her off her horse. “My daughter, a true Kalu Assassin.”

“Hello, father. I missed you.”

They parted from a warming hug and Porter looked at Cadence and Lana as they got off their horses. “Girls.”

“How are you?” Lana asked.

“Great and happy to assist you in this mission.”

“We appreciate it.” Cadence said.

“Of course! Anything for my three favorite girls.” They smiled then he looked back and saw us still on our horses. “You brought company? What may I asked for?”

“Just for that, father, company.”

Porter looked over at his daughter and saw her smile as she was looking at me. “I see. Well, come on, climb aboard so we can shove off while the wind is in our favor.”

“What about the horses?” Cadence asked.

“Oh, don’t worry about them. They’ll be safe in the docks stables until you return. The stable keeper will see to it.”

Someone came over and started taking the horses while we got off ours. We let them go and walked on the ship before the gangplank was pulled back and the anchor hoisted. Porter’s crew lowered the sails and we began our journey across the sea.

Darkness fell and the night sea was calm as we slowly traveled toward Rugis. I was standing on deck with Dirk and Seth, looking out across the sea under the moonlight.

“This is amazing.” Seth said. “I never thought we would be here.”

“Me either.” I added. “It feels good to be away from everything. It’s like nothing can touch us out here.”

Dirk laughed. “Except Naomi’s father.”

I looked over at him and my eyes narrowed.

“Yeah, Bryce.” Seth said. “It looks like you’re not going to get far with her while we’re here. In fact, I wouldn’t even dare too. He’d probably kill you.”

“I think I could handle him.”

“Oh, that’s a great idea.” Dirk joked. “Get into a scuffle with Porter and accidentally kill him, I’m sure Naomi would hate you forever then you would never get anywhere with her.”

“I wouldn’t kill him and why do you keep bringing up me trying to get with her?”

“Well, aren’t you?”

“I’m not rushing it out here. I can wait until we’re back home.”

“It’s like I don’t even know you.”

“Show a little respect, would you?”

“Fine. I don’t know about you but I’m going to go be with my girl.” Dirk turned and started walking below deck.

“Me too.” Seth smiled as he patted me on the back and turned.

“Ha. Ha. Very funny.” I turned last and started to follow.


I heard my name and turned around. Porter was standing up at the helm and waved me over. I felt my stomach turn when I started walking up the stairs and addressed him. “Yes, sir?”

“So, you’re the one seeing my daughter. I could hear your conversation from here.”

I widened my eyes. “Oh, sir, I didn’t—”

Porter laughed. “No worries, boy. I remember being young.” There was a pause. “And do you really think you could handle me?”

“Possibly, sir. Our fathers taught us well.”

“Really and who might they be to make you believe such a thing?”

“My father’s name is Troy.”

“Troy? Not Troy Okes?”

“Yes, that’s right. You know my father?”

“Everyone knows of the first generation of Great Seni Fighters. Their skills are worshiped and now you’re union with the Kalu Assassins have proven once again to be an unusual act of Fate.”


“It’s written in your destiny to be with my daughter and Dirk with Lana and the Prince with the Princess. They all knew that by joining the Kalu Assassins they would be shown the ones they’d be paired with for life.”

“You mean they knew?”

“You didn’t?”

“No. I was told we could choose.”

“Then they must be making it up to you to decide whether you accept this fate for yourself as they already have.”

“I do if it means being with your daughter, sir. She’s the most amazing girl I ever met.”

Porter smiled. “That she is Bryce and I admire your respect for her. She is truly lucky to have found you.”

“Thank you, sir but it is I who am the lucky one.”

“You better get down there before they start thinking I threw you over board.”

“Yes, sir.”

I started back down the stairs towards the door leading below deck when Porter called me again. “Bryce!” I turned back to look. “I’m glad we had this talk.”

“Me too, sir.”

Porter nodded as I walked through the door and down the stairs to the others. Lana and Dirk were laying together in her bunk while Cadence and Seth were together in hers.

“There you are.” Seth said. “Get lost?”

“No. I just had an interesting chat with Porter.”

Naomi gasped. “I apologize if he threatened you.”

I sat down with her in her bunk and laughed. “No, he didn’t threaten me but he did hear our conversation on the deck and that’s how it started.”

Dirk looked shocked. “I’m surprised you’re even alive.”

“It was fine. He knows who we are now and said it’s the work of Fate but you three already knew that.”

There was a pause as everyone looked at each other because of what I said like they were thinking about it.

“Well, of course we did.” Cadence said. “So didn’t everyone else but you.”

“And now it’s really up to you whether you want the same things.” Naomi added.

“What’s to think about?” Dirk wondered.

“Ah, careful. You know that means you’ll be stuck with me for the rest of your life if you choose that.” Lana said as she pulled him down to her and kissed him.

“You mean, stuck with you like this for the rest of my life? It would be torture not to accept.” Lana smiled back and they started kissing.

Cadence laughed. “Well, I guess we know his answer.”

“And you already know mine.” Seth said.

Cadence smiled and pulled him into her lips.

“What about you?” Naomi asked me. “I can help you decide, if you need it.”

I quickly leaned into her and now everyone was kissing through the silence.

A few minutes later, Porter walked in to go to his quarters and Naomi quickly pushed me away from her. “Father!”

Porter smiled which I guess was better than scowling at us. “You’ve wasted no time, I see.”

“We just—”

Porter held up his hand while he walked through to the other door. “It’s fine, Naomi. I don’t want to be the disciplinarian here. You’re an adult now but you should really get some sleep. We’ll be arriving at the docks in Rugis by morning and you’ll need the rest for your travel.”

Naomi nodded as Porter walked into the next room and closed the door behind him.

“He’s right.” Cadence said. “We should get to sleep. We’ll have a lot of walking to do tomorrow.”

Naomi sighed. “But I’m not even close to being tired yet.”

“Well, get tired. I don’t want to hear you complain tomorrow.”

Naomi looked over and smiled at me. “Okay. I know how I can get tired.” We started kissing again as she pulled me onto her and of course I didn’t fight it.

“Naomi! No one wants to see you do that.”

“Then don’t watch.”

I don’t know what she did at first but we looked different, almost like we were ghosts but then I figured it out. She turned both of us invisible so they truly couldn’t watch. I loved it.

“That’s nice.” Seth sighed like he was jealous. We haven’t started anything yet. I think Naomi was just waiting for their reactions but Cadence was more comfortable about it than I thought.

She smiled enticingly and started to close the curtain to her bunk while leaning in to kiss him. “Don’t be jealous. I won’t ignore you.”

The last thing I saw was Seth’s smile.

“I think she’s over it.” Naomi whispered.

I smiled and watched Dirk close his curtain as well.

“Everyone is.”

“Then it won’t be so bad if we do.” Naomi closed our curtain and made us reappear so we could see each other clearly then pulled me back on her.

It was everything I wanted and it became easier than I expected to drown out the other sounds in the cabin and keep my focus directly on her where it belonged. I guess I should have been more respectable but she was much too persistent for me to hone into my gentleman-like qualities. In fact, she wasn’t asking for those whatsoever and I couldn’t say no.


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