Awakened Desires (6 page)

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Authors: Rissa Blakeley

BOOK: Awakened Desires
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“Yeah…hold on a sec.” There was a bunch of rustling around, then Carly opened the door a little. Jessica just stared at her with a lifted eyebrow. “Shut up. Get in here.” Carly grabbed her arm and dragged her in through the partially open door. The unmistakable scent of sex permeated the air.

“Did you two just fuck? You’re a mess!” Jessica stood in front of her with her hands on her hips.

“Yes. Oh, god…I’m hooked.” She put her face in her hands. “This is bad, Jess.”

Jessica reached out and straightened Carly’s skirt. Then she saw the thong on the floor. “You might want these,” she said as she picked them up and held them out. Carly snatched them out of Jessica’s hand and put them on.

“I don’t know what to do. I’m just a fuck to him, and I’m falling for him ass over tits. I don’t get it. I hardly know him.”

“That’s what happens your first time. You tend to feel attached to the person, even if you shouldn’t be.” Again, Jessica raised her brow, insinuating that Carly should not get attached to Gunther.

“That has to be it. Whatever it is, he is fucking amazing.”

“That good?”

“Uhh, yeah. It’s ridiculous. Not that I have anyone to compare it to, but I have a feeling it cannot get much better than what he does. He knows his way around a woman’s body, that’s for sure.”

Jessica giggled a little. “Let me fix your hair and make-up for you. Sit down and calm yourself.” Carly nodded at Jessica and they chatted, trying to calm Carly down before they went to the front desk to get on with work.

Chapter 3

Over the next couple of days, I tracked Captain Cock-up to several places, thanks to Drew. He kept track of all of the satellite signals from the tracking device that was implanted in Cock-up’s arm.

When I emailed Drew during my breakfast with Carly, I told him to text me Cock-up’s whereabouts on a day-to-day basis. I wasn’t ready to pull the trigger any time soon. I wanted to watch him from afar, seeing him looking around like a paranoid pothead. I wanted him to feel me watching him, even if I wasn’t near. Knowing he wouldn’t approach me in public, I decided to show up everywhere he went. It was a brill idea.

It was mid-afternoon when I decided I needed to get a good workout in. I had been slacking a little too much and was feeling it. I needed to get some cardio in, along with a little free weight training. Hell, I thought about beating a heavy bag, as well. I needed a good adrenaline release that didn’t involve a woman.

I made my way down to the gym in the hotel and glanced around the room. It wasn’t anything fancy, but it would do. There were a few businessmen pretending to be tough, grunting it up at the weights, making me chuckle. Sad saps. I wanted to go over and lift next to them, just to show them how it was done, but I didn’t want to make their cocks feel any smaller than they already were.

Heading toward the treadmills, the only one available was next to a middle-aged bird. As I sidled up next to her, she jumped, I peeled off my t-shirt and she gave me the ol’ looky-loo. I set up the machine and went for a high-intensity interval training cardio workout.

After thirty minutes at near puke levels, I hopped off and headed toward the free weights. The businessmen were standing around, chatting and wiping the tiny beads of sweat off their foreheads. They all gawked at me as I grabbed the weights they wished they could lift.

After only five reps, my phone chimed. Motherfucker. I dropped the weights back down on the rack and pulled it out of my pocket. Drew.

was all it said.

Googling it, I saw that it was a casual bar. Time to get back to work…and maybe have a pint.
I’m going to bloody that arse up for interrupting my routine
. I grabbed my shirt and headed back to my room for a quick shower.

After tucking my Sig in my waistband, I laced up my bollock-busting boots and left for a bit of fun.

Shoulders first, I pushed into the bar. There was an enormous crowd drinking, dancing, and looking for some action. I checked my Omega and noticed it was the dinner hour. Snaking my way through the crowd and up to the bar, I wanted to get in at least one pint before I went Cock-up hunting.

I got the barmaid’s attention and ordered a pint of Guinness. Tossing her a twenty, I gave her a wink, and told her to keep the change. She leaned over the bar and tucked the cash into her overflowing cleavage. Bloody hell, the women in America were fucking brill. Sadly, most would perish when the trigger was pulled. Oh, well.

As I took the first sip, I felt a cool presence right behind me. I smirked, knowing who it was. “You into men now?” I asked when I set the glass back on the bar. “Is that why you’re so close to me? I would be glad to take that fox from you for a while.”

“Get the fuck out of here,” Cock-up growled.

I chuckled, turning around to look at him. I was a gentleman, after all. “This is a public bar and not a private club, yeah?” He glared at me. “I was feeling like a pint tonight, and I just so happened to come here.”

“This is your last warning, asshole.”

I glanced around until I spotted that black-haired fox. “Or what? You going to get into a row with me and expose yourself to your woman? Oh, would you look at that? There’s a ginger with you, as well. God, I love a ginger, especially when I’m fucking them from behind. Mind introducing me?” I chuckled and took another sip of my beer.

For no apparent reason, Cock-up drew his arm back and punched me square in the jaw. I admit it, he had a hell of a punch and it stung quite a bit, but I wasn’t going to let him know that. Immediately, a crowd surrounded us, but I wasn’t going to let that little knob think he could get away with it.

After the bouncer chucked us outside, there were a few more punches thrown. Cock-up ended up on the sidewalk with a bloody nose. I decided to get the fuck out of there before the cops were called. There was one last thing that needed to be done before I headed back to the hotel, but I had to hurry before Cock-up knew what was happening.

Just before I turned the corner on the street where Ruth’s was located, I watched the black-haired fox help him. She was so loving and beautiful. She pulled him up and held some towels up to his nose.

“What a lass he is,” I mumbled under my breath. I tasted blood and realized my lip was bleeding. “Damn it,” I growled while wiping my lip on my hand.

Heading for the building Cock-up’s flat was in, I texted Drew to get the number. I needed an excuse to tell the doorman so I could get in.
I looked around and saw a small flower stand. After picking a random small plant, I stepped into the front entrance of the building.

“Good evening, sir. Are you visiting?” I was relieved to see it was a different doorman than the one that was around when I had that smallish confrontation at the elevator with Cock-up.

“Yes. Carly Reede.”

His eyes darted around my face, taking in the fresh damage. “She is currently unavailable. May I inform her that you stopped?”

“Uh…look. I know she isn’t here because she’s at work at her hotel. You see, we have been seeing each other and I wanted to drop off this plant. We had a major fight, and she likes this particular type. She socked me, but I was an arse and deserved it.” I pointed to my lip and hoped my “fucking liar” sign wasn’t flashing in bright neon colors above my head.

“You know, I don’t normally do this, but make it quick. I, too, have made mistakes in my love life.” The doorman smiled.

“Your name?”


“Thank you, Stan. You have no idea what this means to me.” I pulled out a hundred and palmed it to him.

Rushing in, I went straight to the elevators, pounding the third floor button when I stepped in. “Come on,” I growled. When the doors opened, I ran to Captain Cock-up’s door. I’m not the praying type, but I was praying that no one would be around to see me break in. Glancing around, the hall was empty.

I pulled out my trusty pocket tool set. In seconds, I was in his flat, went right for the fridge, and grabbed the injection. My heart palpitated as I held the contagion in my hand, rolling it between my fingers.

That injection would alter the course of history, and I would be responsible for it. A shiver ran up my spine. I wasn’t sure I wanted that responsibility weighing on me, but there wasn’t any other option for me. If I didn’t do my job, there would be consequences. I had enough of the bloody consequences. I was relieved when Roger sent me to the States because then the bastard wasn’t breathing down my neck…physically, at least. Mentally was an entirely different story.

No more thinking.
I grew a giant pair of bollocks, pocketed the injection, then ran out the door. Dropping the plant in the trash, I hit up the elevators again.

The door slid open and I quickly rushed past Stan. “Good day, sir! Hope it goes well!”

“Good day to you!” I shouted as I ran past him. I hailed a cab and was back at the hotel within thirty minutes.

I walked in casually, seeing Carly at the front desk. Shit. “Oh, my god! Are you all right?”

Think fast, you prat.
“Yeah.” I chuckled and touched my face self-consciously. “Little miscommunication at a bar.” She glowered at me. “It’s not what you think. I wasn’t hitting on anyone or whatever. I was trying to break up a fight and got clocked in the process.”

“Oh! Do you need…well, come to my office and let me see if I can help you.”

“No, it’s fine. I’ve had worse done to me.” I bolted out of the lobby and headed up to my room to put the injection in the fridge.

Henry had stopped at his apartment before he headed into the blood bank for his fix. After the failed attempt to prove to Gunther who was in charge the night before, he lost a lot of blood. He was humiliated by him…once again. It was a trend he wasn’t happy about.

He did his usual routine and headed toward the refrigerator to check and see if the injection was still there. “
! Fuck, fuck, motherfucker!” Henry slammed the refrigerator door shut, hearing the contents crash in it. He stood there with his hands over his face, looking up at his ceiling. “I’m such an idiot!” He ripped open the cabinet that contained his many bottles of whiskey and grabbed one.

After tipping the bottle back a few times, Henry headed to his bedroom closet. He picked up his journal and sat down to write out another entry. It usually made him feel better to write a note to his nonexistent mother. When he was done, he decided he was going to give Sophie a call. He checked his watch to see that it was lunchtime in England.

Henry grabbed his phone out of his pocket and sat back on his bed. It rang four times before Sophie answered.

“Hey, sunshine!” She was always so thrilled to speak to him. “I miss you.”

“Sophie, I have a major issue.”

“And what would that be?”

“The injection is gone.” Dead silence. It was so quiet that he checked to see if the call disconnected. “You still there?”

“Yeah. Do you know who it was?”

“I think it was Gunther, the fucking bastard,” Henry growled into the phone. “But I can’t be one hundred percent sure. He has been tailing and stalking me. We got into a little altercation in the bar last night.”

“Jesus, Henry. I had no idea this was going on. Are you okay?”

“Yeah. Bloodied my nose and split my lip open again. I got a few good jabs in, though.”

“I’m glad to hear you’re okay.”

“Well, no sense in talking about it because there is nothing I can do about it now. My wedding day isn’t that far away.” He swallowed hard. “Sophie…I’m scared.”

“Henry, you’ve got this. You can handle it. I know you can.”

“I’m not so sure.” He was beginning to get emotional.

“It’s going to be all right. You will persevere. You always do.”

“This is so much different.”

“I understand that.”

He let out a loud sigh. “I’ve got to run. I’m feeling it right now. I need my fix.”

“Well, if you are able, will you keep me posted?”


“I will talk to you soon then. I love you.”

“Love you, too.” And with that, Henry ended the call.

Worry overtook him. With Elaina and his wedding just around the corner, he had no idea how to stay in check about the injection being gone. His only hope was that Gunther decided to take the injection and go infect his home city.

Then he thought,
What if he released it today
? He needed to get back to Elaina before something drastic happened.

Henry jumped up from the bed and went out to his trunk containing all of his weapons and ammo. He popped it open and grabbed and extra magazine for his Sig. He hoped that he could corner Gunther somewhere and find out where he was holding the injection. Then he would fill his head with lead. That would put him in the clear again.

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