Awakening the Beast (13 page)

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Authors: Crymsyn Hart

BOOK: Awakening the Beast
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Ohanzee followed her gaze and noticed a couple of vultures circling overhead. “We’re by a copse of trees in the shape of the circle a couple hours from this village. The largest has red leaves where all the others are green. Do you know where it is?” Daruk told her.

“I have been there before. It’s great for flushing out deer.”

“Then we’ll see you there.” Ohanzee stood up and studied the rest of the community. Others were watching them, but they quickly went back to their normal routine once they realized he was looking at them.

Daruk squeezed his shoulder. “We should go.”

Ohanzee took one last look at Rama before they left. The men passed more huts that were empty and others that were only half full. He studied the vultures flying above. A couple circled and went off in their own direction. At the edge of the village all he could see was grasslands waving in the breeze.

“Can we trust her?” Daruk asked.

He wondered the same thing, but from Illiana’s accounts Rama had given up her sister so that she would not be killed. The leader was going to sacrifice, Marta, her own daughter, but he had heard the forlorn tone of Rama’s voice. “I think so. Illiana took in her sister and we’ve watched her grow over the past year into a rambunctious seven-year-old who can change into two animals.”

“Illiana did not take the child, then?” Daruk asked.

“No. With her still discovering her abilities, she didn’t think it was a good idea. Marta was taken in by a good family in our village. We should get back and tell the others what we found.”

“We’ll go a little way into the higher grass so the one following us won’t see me transform.”

Ohanzee glanced up at the sky, and saw a lone vulture. He listened harder and heard the slight movement of the grass. “A cougar.”

“Yes. I saw him slip out after us. Notice the vulture above us. They must be working together. My people are connected telepathically to one another and at times those who wish to hear us. It’s a more intimate way of communicating.”

“We communicate in the same manner, but it isn’t limited to any particular species. I found that out with Illiana.”

“True, but because she has half of your blood in her, wouldn’t it figure that she’d be able to speak with you?”

“True, but I can also speak to Belik that way, so it works out.”

They walked further into the field and stopped when the grass was to Ohanzee’s shoulders. It made him appreciate what Illiana and Belik had gone through. The cougars and other predators could easily hide and lie in wait for some unsuspecting person to go by. Then pounce. Daruk stripped and was about to change when Ohanzee heard rustling. A cougar appeared out of the bush and hissed at him. He did not flinch.

Daruk laughed. “You can’t scare me little kitten.” He cracked his neck and grew into the great beast that lay under his skin. The cat backed away, but with one large opening of his jaws, the dragon grabbed onto the cat and swallowed it whole. Ohanzee looked away as the horror of what he witnessed washed over him.

“Why did you kill him?”

A wisp of smoke erupted from the dragon’s nostrils. “He’d go back to the village or to the forest. We can’t have that. Besides, I was hungry. Should we go?” He dipped his wing so Ohanzee could go on his back.

He understood what the other man meant about not wanting anyone following him. Once they were in the sky the vulture that had been circling them also became a victim to Daruk’s jaws. The thought of telling the others about the victims crossed his mind. However, he decided against it because they were at war, or would be when they got the forest, and the less that anyone knew the better.

* * * *

Night came upon them and Daruk remained a dragon watching over the camp. Belik had caught several rabbits and Lelana prepared them. Illiana studied the map. The way they were flying, they would reach the outskirts of the forest in three days. She was not sure if she wanted to go directly into the woods first or search for Christopher. Illiana traced her finger along the edge of the forest to where it was thin by the sea. In her dreams, they had moved closer to the ocean because the cougars were searching for them.

“Everything okay?” Belik asked.

“I’m fine, just thinking of what to do when we get the forest. I don’t think it’s a good idea to go in right away.”

“You want to find Christopher first.”

“We should figure out how many other wolves and ravens are with him. I’m not sure if my dreams are real or not. It’s all happening so fast.”

He moved a strand of hair from her forehead. “After all this time with your dreams coming true, you don’t trust them?”

She shrugged. “Sometimes. I’m not sure. I’m trying to believe that they are true. It’s just tough to think they’re happening to me.”

“It’ll be okay. You can handle this. I know it. Whatever is happening, it is supposed to be happening to you.” He kissed her lightly.

“He’s right. You can handle it,” Ohanzee answered.

Illiana smiled at her other mate and wondered how he would get along with Christopher.
Will Christopher get along with him? What will he think of me after I’ve changed and he’s changed too?
The breeze stirred and wrapped around her. It informed her someone was coming. She closed her eyes and felt the energy of the earth vibrate. The air enveloped the person coming toward them. It was someone who was not too big. She could feel the heat of the visitor’s blood pumping through her in the fire that warmed her body. Illiana had never experienced this phenomenon before and wondered if it was a gift from the fire Daruk had given her, or another developing ability. Either way, she opened her eyes and turned toward her mates.

“Someone’s coming,” she revealed.

“How do you know that?” Lelana asked.

“Because I can feel her and the wind sent me an image of her. It’s like a ripple in the water wherever the air touches.” Before she could explain further, the grass parted and the visitor emerged. Her eyes widened when she saw the girl. “Rama.” She got up and pulled the young woman into a warm embrace. Rama had grown in the year since she had last seen her. The round edges of her face had become more angular, her hair was longer, but she seemed skinnier than before. Illiana turned to Ohanzee. “Why didn’t you tell me you talked to her?”

“It was going to be a surprise, but in case she didn’t come, I didn’t want you to be disappointed,” Ohanzee responded.

“It’s good to see you, Illiana,” Rama replied.

“You weren’t followed, were you?” Daruk’s gravelly voice echoed in the night. Rama jumped back

“Daruk, don’t terrify the girl.” Illiana chuckled, but she understood the cougar’s fright.

“W-what is that?” Rama asked.

“I’m a dragon and we met earlier when I was in my human form. Don’t tell me you’re a spy because I ate the last one.”

Illiana glanced at Ohanzee, who dropped his gaze. They had not told her about the dragon’s meal. “Really?”

“I—I wasn’t followed and I made sure no one saw me leave. They don’t really pay much attention to me anyways because I betrayed my clan. They shun me for helping you and Marta escape.”

“Come and sit. We’re going to eat and have plenty,” Illiana introduced her to the others and Rama gratefully took the meal they offered. Rama asked Illiana about her adventures and she told her about Marta and the family who was taking care of her sister.

Rama twined fingers through her dirty blond hair. “I’d love to see her again.”

“You can, but you have to come with us,” Illiana said.

“Where are you going?” the cougar shifter asked.

“Like you don’t know,” Lelana growled. “Your people burned down our home, took us hostage, and much worse. You drove us out of the forest.”

“Mother. Enough. Rama isn’t to blame for what happened in the woods.”

“She knows though, don’t you?” Lelana grilled Rama.

The young woman nodded. “I knew what they were going to do. I tried to get my mother to stop. It wasn’t her plan at first, she
did want to trade with you, but it was Vorhan’s idea.”

Illiana glanced at her mother. “Do you know who she’s talking about?”

“He’s the leader of the vultures. Bigger than any man I’ve seen before, until the dragon. He has sharp teeth and part of his face is burned.”

“That’s him. The cougars and vultures have been partners for years. We take a kill and they pluck the remains. My mother doesn’t like the vultures, but they’re bigger than us.”

“But you’re a cat and can take them down. You have claws and sharp teeth,” Belik said.

“And they have wings and are king of the skies, at least in the grasslands. They alert us to any travelers who come across our territory, direct them to our village, and—”

“There was a vulture when we were crossed in your territory,” Belik said.

“What do your people do when they get a traveler to your village?” A cold chill ran down Illiana’s back.

“Normally they ate dinner with us so we could learn about them. Afterwards, the shaman puts something in their drink to kill them. Then the village eats the flesh. The vultures take whatever’s left. Or sometimes we don’t get time to drug them and the vultures would just take them.” Rama kept staring at the fire.

Illiana felt the rabbit turn in her stomach. “You were sent out to scout us.”

“Yes, the vulture following you was Vorhan himself. He wanted to kill Belik and had an interest in you, Illiana. He was furious when he discovered you had slipped away. It was his idea that my mother and the others take over the forest. It was his revenge. When he discovered you were two-natured he had more interest in you. Some believe that by eating the heart you take in the person’s powers. In the past, he and his volt descended on the village and took whatever they wanted. My mother brokered a truce which is how she became leader. We were always a small band of cougars. I never thought it was a good thing, all the killing, and when Marta was discovered I couldn’t have that fate for her.” Tears poured from the girl’s eyes. “I didn’t know what they were going to do to your home. I’m sorry.”

Illiana drew her close and hugged her. “Shh… It’s okay now.”

“You believe her?” Lelana asked.

“Course I do.”

Lelana got up and walked away from the fire. Illiana understood how her mother felt, but she was not about to become someone’s dinner. She did not believe that that if someone ate her heart that they would absorb her abilities.

“Thank you,” Rama said to her.

“You don’t have anything to thank us. You told us what we needed to know and you’re coming with us, unless you want to return to the village.”

“No, but it’s dangerous if you go back to your forest. My mother and Vorhan will kill you.”

“Illiana might surprise you.” Ohanzee spitted another rabbit and set it over the fire.

“Besides, if anyone tries to hurt her, I’ll eat them.” Daruk chuckled and sent a small jet of fire from his tongue so it encompassed the rabbit and cooked it. Rama jumped back from the display.

“Don’t mind my mother. She’s upset over losing our home and wants to regain it. I’m hoping we can come to terms with your mother and Vorhan.”

“What happens if you can’t?” Daruk asked. His violet eyes glowed in the firelight.

If any negotiations came about she assumed they would be dealt with, but from the information she had learned from Rama, it did not seem like that would be happening. She sighed and looked up at the sky. The energy of the elements played inside of her and flared over her skin. Something tugged at her consciousness. It tried to get her full attention, but she was not letting it. Too much was going on. Emotions welled up inside of her thinking about the home she had lost and the lives that had already been forfeited as well. Her people were slaves. They were peaceful and mostly priests or craftsmen. Sure they hunted some, but they traded their goods for food with the wolves.

Fury raged along her veins and in that split-second something latched onto her consciousness. It dragged her under and she could not fight it. At first there was blackness and she smelled the sulfur. Heat wrapped her in its arms. The earth rumbled beneath her feet. All around her it felt like a great force propelled her forward at such a force she could barely breathe. Illiana found herself in the air looking down at the world. There were mountains below her. She could not find anything to grab a hold of. The world changed and she was in a village she did not recognize. People were frenzied. Illiana tried to get their attention, no one heard her. The ground shook underneath her feet. The villagers were trying to flee the rain of ash and rocks. She put her hands before her to ward off the person rushing straight at her. Illiana waited for the impact, but it never came. Instead, she heard her name being called from far away. The fire wanted to keep her in its grips, but the voice was insistent.

“Illiana,” Ohanzee voice jarred her.

She blinked and returned to herself. Ohanzee’s concern for her was evident in his eyes. His hands were on her shoulders and he was shaking her. “What?”

“Where’d you go? Your eyes rolled back in your head and you collapsed on the ground. What happened?” Belik asked.

Illiana wiped the tears from her eyes. It took a moment before the stench of sulfur dissipated and she could clear her throat. “The volcano erupted.”

Ohanzee sat back on his heels and set his head in his hands. “Did you see the village? My sister?”

“No, I wasn’t there, but at another settlement at the base of the mountain. They were running and trying to get out of the way.”

“What happened to them?” Belik asked.

“I don’t know. Ash and rock were falling from the sky. First I was inside the volcano and then hurtling upward. Next, someone went right through me. I couldn’t stop it. I couldn’t stop it.”

Belik took her in his arms and tried to comfort her. “You knew it would happen. You warned those you could.”

She shook her head. “Not the eruption, but the visions. It didn’t want to let me go. It took me with it. What’s happening to me?”

The elements beat within her and the pulse of life around her pressed upon her from all sides. This vision had been brought about by the other element, the elusive fifth element, and it was outside her grasp. She feared what it would do to her if it took control of her and she did not have anyone to bring her back.

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