Awakening Veronica (25 page)

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Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Awakening Veronica
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“I’m not making any predictions or assumptions.”

Jackson laughed. “You don’t have to.”

“I wish it was that easy.”

“According to Grandma Kate, sometimes it is. Will you tell her that we called?”

They finished up the phone call and Travis grimaced when he took a sip of his coffee only to find that it was ice cold.

He went back inside and put her phone on the desk and reheated his coffee. Checking the clock, he grinned and looked into the refrigerator, which was fully stocked.

“I did promise Nika I’d make breakfast.”

Chapter Eleven


Veronica awoke lying on her stomach and blinked several times. She looked around the room, completely disoriented. According to the bedside clock, it was six thirty but she wasn’t sure which six thirty it was.

When she stretched and yawned, she became aware of several things simultaneously. She was sore in some places she hadn’t ever been sore in, her legs and shoulders were stiff, and as she moved her arms, they slid over something cool and silky. Lifting her head, she saw the black satin ties. The memories rushed back all at once as her head bounced on the bed.

Hank and Travis.
Her eyelids slid closed and a soft, replete sigh left her lips as she rolled over, rather enjoying the stiffness in her muscles and the ache in her pussy.

Travis stood in the door watching her, his arms crossed over his beefy chest and a smile on his face. His eyes traveled all over her body like a warm caress and her nipples hardened to tight peaks instantly.

“Good morning.” That husky voice filled with sensual knowledge was the sweetest sound she’d ever heard.

“I slept all night?”

Travis entered the room and climbed onto the bed until he was on top of her, pinning her down. “Yup. Hank left a while ago but he kissed you before he did. I made you breakfast but first
want a kiss.”

She slid her hand over her mouth. “You probably shouldn’t do that. I’m sure I have morning breath.”

“Well, I have coffee breath so who cares.” He pulled her hand aside and laid his lips on hers, his kiss starting out slow and easy before going deep and ravenous, until the ache in her pussy turned into an all-out burn. She’d never known a master of the art of being both rough and gentle at the same time. Now she knew

“Holy moley, you can kiss me like that any time you want.” She stroked his wide shoulders and slid her fingers into his hair. “Good morning. Did you say you made coffee?”

As he lifted off of her, she felt the thick ridge of his erection rub over her mound through his blue jeans, and then his body heat left her and she remembered she was naked. She tried to grab the sheet but he chuckled playfully and shook his head. “Uh-uh. Naked. Remember? And yes, I made you a fresh pot. Want a cup?”

“How about the whole pot?”

He chuckled as he walked back down the hall. She hightailed it to the bathroom and brushed her hair and her teeth and took care of business. She nearly put her robe on but then smiled at herself in the mirror. She didn’t feel quite as self-conscious as she had the day before.

He surprised her by bringing a tray into the bedroom so she could eat in bed. While they fed each other bites of pineapple, scrambled eggs, pancakes, and bacon, he explained to her about accidentally accepting a call from Cord and Jackson earlier that morning. He looked a little apologetic as he explained the conversation he’d shared with both of her brothers, as if he was worried that she’d be upset. If it involved Cord and Jackson, she knew it would go no further.

“I’ll call them later. They should know how I feel about them and that I didn’t stay away because of them. Did they give you the third degree?” She wasn’t having any of that, not from
of her family members. Travis and Hank had only ever tried to defend her and make her feel better. A blush bloomed hot in her cheeks as she recalled how they’d made her feel the night before.

“They didn’t grill me too bad, at least not any worse than I would’ve done if I was in the same position. Speaking of positions…” He slid the now empty dishes back on the tray on the dresser and she giggled as he prowled over her, kissing a hot path up her throat.

“I should probably take a shower.”

He stopped and looked at her. “Are you sore?”


“Fibbing will get you spanked. As I recall you’re already owed one spanking.”

“Maybe a little.”

“I have an idea. Be right back.”

He went into the bathroom and a few seconds later she heard water rushing from the faucet into the big bathtub, which she’d been meaning to try out for the last week.

It’s Monday morning, I’m still in bed, contemplating a nice warm soak with a hot game warden. I like this alternate reality.

He was already bare-chested as he backed up to the bathroom door, unzipping his jeans. Removing them, he revealed that he’d gone commando. He held out his hand for her and said, “I’ve never shared a bathtub with a beautiful, sexy woman before. Let’s try out this big tub.”

She joined him and couldn’t help her long moan as she stepped in and slid down into the hot water. “Oh, that feels so good.”

Travis climbed in after her and groaned happily. “It’ll take the soreness from your muscles and maybe make your tender pussy feel better. Sorry about that,” he murmured softly as he took her hands and pulled her to him and positioned her so she was draped over him, sitting in his lap.

Travis let out a contented sigh and propped his feet on the edge of the tub as he slid down neck deep in the water with her. As the sudsy water sluiced over his legs and feet, she said, “You have sexy feet.”

He let out a snort. “You think so? They look pretty big and ugly to me.”

“Oh, no. They’re sexy and masculine, like the rest of you.”

His callused hands felt wonderful sliding over her skin as he lathered them and bathed her arms and chest. “Stand for a minute, Nika.”

She did as he asked and he lathered a washcloth and gently bathed her, taking particular care with her tender pink parts. He also checked her wrists and ankles for abrasions from the satin ties, and found none.

While she soaked, he lathered himself up and scrubbed his body. His eyelids slid closed as he soaped and stroked his cock, which was rigid and rather intimidating looking, arcing out from its nest of brown hair. He was so long and thick. She couldn’t believe she’d taken both well-endowed men inside her last night, only she had. The memory of all that hard flesh thrusting inside her made her pussy pulse and ache.

“Keep watching me like that and licking those lips, and we’re going right back to bed.”

Veronica smiled and met his eyes. “I think I’ve earned a morning off.”

He took his time drying her off as the tub drained a few minutes later and with each moment that passed, the heat and arousal grew more palpable. This time alone with him was wonderful, much like her time with Hank the afternoon before.

Travis surprised her when he lifted her up into his arms and carried her back to the rumpled bed. Her cunt quivered with anticipation as he climbed onto the bed behind her and pulled her back against him. He parted her thighs and said, “Kneel like this with your thighs spread wide and your hands braced on your knees. We have a surprise for you tonight.”

“You do? Tonight? Aren’t you afraid you’re going to get tired of me if you’re with me every night?”

Travis came around in front of her and tilted his head as he looked at her. “No. Why? Are you getting tired of us already?” He said the question with humor but she could see the vulnerability in his eyes.

She shook her head. “No. I just don’t want you to get tired of me, that’s all.”

Travis chuckled and shook his head. “Silly Nika. Don’t worry. If it gets routine, we’ll change up the routine.” He picked up a small bowl he’d brought in with the tray and she saw that it contained olive oil. As if sensing her question, he dipped his fingers in it and came up behind her. “Arch your back and present your cunt to me. I want to ease the way this morning a bit.”

She gasped when he smoothed the oil, which was warmed by his fingertips, over her aching pussy. She didn’t think she needed extra lube but she trusted him and appreciated that he wanted to take care of her. He put the bowl aside and kept stroking back and forth, over her lips and her clit, sliding a fingertip into her opening and drawing a needy moan from her.

He wiped his hands and then reached into the black bag Hank had left in the bedroom on the chair. He grinned when he found what he needed and said, “You’re going to love these.”

Her eyes bugged when she saw what was in his hands. “Clothespins? I
am not

She mashed her lips together and stifled a giggle when he raised his eyebrows. In a split second, he took her by the shoulders, pushed them down to the bed and laid his hand over her butt cheeks several times. The strokes weren’t terribly hard, but her booty was hot when he was done, and her pussy was a whole lot wetter, too.

He lifted her back up, an evil twinkle in his eyes, and said, “Anything else you’d like to add, Nika?”

Boldness struck out of nowhere and she purposely wiggled her tush as she said, “Thank you, Travis.”

He burst into laughter and said, “You’re very welcome.” He leaned toward her and she watched with rapt attention as he took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked, gently at first but increasing the suction until her nipple tingled and her breasts ached. He opened one of the clothespins as he released her nipple and placed the business end of the clothespin on her sensitive flesh.

…oh, my goodness.”

“Hank sanded the jaws so they are smooth on the part that touches you, and he adjusted the spring mechanism so they aren’t as tight. These are starter nipple clamps for you. He has some that are positively evil but I wanted to start out easy on you.”

“Easy? Ow. Let’s pin one to your testicles and see how easy
think it is.”

That earned her several more pops as she contemplated where the uncharacteristic snark was coming from.

He sat her back up and grinned at her before teasing and torturing her other nipple and applying the second clip to it. Her cunt grew more swollen with every heartbeat. Each breath made her more aware of the clothespins, which made her more aware of how much she wanted his cock inside her. She heard a plastic wrapper tear and then he returned to her and held up something in his hand for her inspection.

“Do you know what this is?”

Oh boy
. “A butt plug?”

“Good girl.”

Her ass clenched as he dipped his fingertips into the olive oil again and tilted her forward just a bit to smooth it over her quivering anus which was busy confirming and denying whether it really wanted that butt plug or not.

“It’s itty bitty and you should have no problems taking it. I wanted to give you the extra stimulation while I fuck you, Nika.”

“Itty bitty, my ass.”


Travis smiled at her like he’d heard the magic words. Down she went for five more pops on her now nicely warmed derriere before he sat her back up. She was beginning to feel like a seesaw. “Yes, itty bitty
your ass. Make as much noise as you want, Nika. I love listening to you.”

He stroked her anus with the fingertips of one hand while he steadied her with the other hand on her abdomen as she squirmed and moaned.

“Hold still.”

This time she obeyed. A hot tingle shot through her entire body as he worked the tip of the soft silicone butt plug into her anus. Over and over, he thrust with it until her nerves were jangling and she was arching her back trying to take more of it.

“I’m glad you like it, Nika.”

I do! I do!

A sheen of sweat broke out on her forehead as he slowed the thrusts and started pushing it in farther, stretching her sphincter until it burned. “Relax, Nika. Push back a bit and let it in. One day soon, you’ll be taking one of our cocks in your ass and one in your pussy. I’m getting you ready for that.” He pulled the plug out, thrust back in, and this time seated it with the tapered end and handle lodged securely at her anus. Heat filled her cheeks as he smiled at her and said, “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”

She heard the sound of running water for a minute and then he returned. He surprised her when he flicked the clothespins with his fingers and climbed onto the bed behind her before sheathing his cock in a condom. He cupped her breasts in his hands and pulled her back against his chest. “If it wasn’t so risky for Hank, as an elected official, I’d take your picture like this and text it to him. But I’m not doing that while he’s on the clock. Never know who might see his phone.”

“I don’t want to do anything that could get him in trouble.”

She rubbed her ass against him, as he came close behind her, his hard cock sliding between her legs and nudging at her drenched cunt. While kissing her throat, he slid a hand forward around her hip and teased her clit with light strokes.

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