Awakenings (A Witch's Coven Novel Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Awakenings (A Witch's Coven Novel Book 1)
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Alessia reached over to her friend to comfort her. “It’s okay. We’re all still here.”

I ignored them both and then fell back into my memory, remembering that night and what I saw. The shadows and the sighs.


After midnight, I left my friends and walked the house alone. Outside, the storm raged with the wind blowing strong and the snow falling so hard that I could not see the buildings across the street. Darkness and snow had descended over the city, and the cold seeped deep in my bones. I wrapped my arms around myself to keep warm and sneaked upstairs. I had not seen or heard from our house lord for much of the day. He had come to check that we were well supplied for the storm and to make certain that all the wounded soldiers were well cared for and did not want for anything.

But after dinner, he had vanished from sight. Curious as to his whereabouts, I passed the main stairs and decided to find out. I walked up them in the dark and was careful to keep quiet. I thought up a story on why I might need to be up on the upper floor, but all of my excuses would be seen through. At the top of the third floor, I saw no guards or anyone of any kind. But at the end of the hall, I could see flickering light coming from one of the rooms.

Still I saw no one around, and my curiosity peaked and I wanted to know what the house lord was up to. Slowly, I crept down the hall and did my best to avoid any creaky floorboards. My plan was simple. I would take a peek into the room and then head back down to my fellow servants and enjoy the rest of the night. When I arrived at the doorway, I peered around the door frame and took in as much as I could see and then pulled back.

No one that I could see was in the room. A lantern on a desk flickered, but I saw no fireplace, yet a warmth came from the room that I could not explain. I took a quick second glance and saw a door open on the far side of the room. My house lord exited the room wearing a lighter robe than he normally wore. He held a candle in his hand, and I heard sighing coming from the room behind him. He picked up a jar on his desk and went back inside the room, but left an inner door open.

A few moments later, I heard a deeper, more animalistic grunt from a girl that came from within the second room. I could have turned away, but I think the wine made me braver than normal. I took a step inside and saw a bookcase lined the left side of the room. I also saw a large sofa there as well. I hurried over and climbed behind the sofa and peeked out from around the side so that I could look into the door where the moaning sounds came.

There I saw a large mattress on the ground. A girl, who looked a bit older than me, lay on her back with her hands tied to each of the corners. She lay spread-eagled out, and I could see that her ankles were tied as well. Her long, curly red hair fell off to the side, and she squirmed but could not move much from the cords that tied her in place. Lying between her legs was another girl I recognized but did not know her name. She was one of the new girls on staff having just arrived a few weeks ago. I saw her from time to time, but did not know much about her. She had long black curly hair that ended at her shoulders. She was licking the redhead’s thigh, and I heard my house lord mumble something, but I could not see him from my vantage point.

I leaned out a bit more, and then I caught a glimpse of him. He knelt on the left side of the mattress and held the candle in his hand. The redheaded girl glanced over to him, and he shook his head. “You are too eager and want to enjoy yourself too soon. That will not do.” He held up his hand. “Ada, stop.”

With her long black hair, she slid back and stopped licking her partner’s thigh. In protest, the redhead squirmed more. “No, please don’t stop.”

A wicked smile crossed my house lord’s face. “Leah, I did not tell you to speak. Now you will lose a sensation.”

“No, please. I didn’t mean …” Leah squirmed in mock fear.

My house lord reached into his robe and handed a sash to Ada. “Blindfold her now.”

Ada took the sash and gently tied it around Leah’s head so that she could not see.

My house lord sat next to Leah and ran one finger down her side. “You will learn how to obey. Do you understand?”

Leah nodded and said, “Yes, my lord.”

He shook his head in disgust. “I still did not give you permission to speak.” He tipped the candle he held over and a few drops of wax dripped onto Leah’s side. She gasped in surprise more than pain but did not cry out.

Ada waited, kneeling in front of Leah with her hands folded in her lap. She spoke not a word but watched my house lord expectantly. A birthmark, the size of a gold coin, marked her right buttock.

Holding the candle steady, he walked over to Leah’s other side and then sat, positioning the candle over her right breast. Heavy and full, her breasts flopped down with her nipples erect. The areola was dark brown in color, and I could see the stretch marks on her stomach as she moved. My house lord turned to Leah and nodded, then said, “To fully enjoy the level of pleasure that you desire, you must learn to let go and to listen to me. It’s just as much about the anticipation as it is the surprise.”

He waved Ada on and she leaned in and licked Leah’s cunt. The lick was quick, teasing, and then done. Leah’s legs tightened and she arched her body up toward Ada’s mouth. Waiting for permission, Leah remained still.

“Please, let her lick me more.” Leah turned toward the house lord. “I want her to not stop, and then I want …”

Tipping the candle over, hot wax dripped on her breast.

She flinched in surprise and hissed out a breath between her teeth. He nodded again and Ada leaned in and licked, leisurely, tasting Leah, and toyed with her, kissing her clitoris and then, gently at first, using her tongue to gently lick Leah’s outer lips. Leah started to moan in pleasure, but she clamped her mouth shut and grabbed the rope that tied her to the mattress in each hand and clenched tightly. She spread her legs as far apart as she could and let her head fall to the side, biting her tongue.

I watched, unable to stop, and slowly felt a rise in desire come to me. I was hidden, an observer, lurking behind the sofa, filled with a mixture of guilt and excitement. The wine I had drunk made me brave, but not courageous enough to come forward. I hid behind the sofa and took in every lick that Ada made and watched Leah’s face contort in pleasure.

“Put your fingers inside her.” Our house lord scooted down toward Ada and watched as she sucked on her index and middle fingers and then slid them deep into Leah. She quickly pulled the fingers out and then gently slid them back in.

Leah moaned and moved her hips, matching the motion, clenching tight her stomach muscles. The house lord held up his hand to stop, and Ada obeyed. He motioned for her to remain quiet, and then he pointed to a dark corner of the room. From the shadows a man wearing a lion’s mask came over, naked and fully erect. He had little hair on his legs and a large muscular torso and strong hands. I could see nothing of his face because of the mask, and when he stood by Ada, she moved off to the side and knelt in the spot that she had been in, careful not to touch Leah at all.

Hearing movement, Leah relaxed her arms and legs, waiting. She turned her head and listened, but no one spoke. Turning toward where she thought the house lord was, she asked, “What’s going on? Are you still there?”

“I am leaving now. Ada and I will be back later, if you are good.” He turned and walked out of the room, letting Ada go before him, and they both sat on the sofa I hid under. I froze in fear and pulled myself away, being sure to take slow breaths and calming myself as best I could. I did not wish to be found. I knew not what punishment my house lord would inflict on me for spying on him in his most intimate of games.

But after a few moments of fear, I heard Leah’s surprise at discovering that someone new was in the room. I peeked back out around the side of the sofa and could see the masked man had put his arms on Leah’s fleshy hips. He grabbed firmly onto her and positioned himself to thrust into her. Then he growled low and throaty, pulling her close so that his penis touched her. Without warning, he slid deep into her and she gasped in surprise mixed with an intense pleasure. But as quickly as he had entered her, he pulled out and waited again. She squirmed, trying to position herself as close to him as she could but then waited.

The lion man turned toward me and waited for a signal from my house lord who rested on the sofa. When the signal was given, he turned back around and slid himself back into her, pulled out, but then thrust again into her. He kept himself inside her, and I could see his buttocks clenched tight with the muscles on his back rippling as he moved. He growled low again and then withdrew from her. She remained still, having learned her lesson, and waited for more. Legs stretched out, she had pulled them as close to the lion man as she could and waited for him to continue.

I did not see the invisible signal that must have come from the house lord, but the lion man started again and thrust into her slowly, pulling her as close and deep into him as he could. He held her there for a bit and then withdrew only to slowly repeat the motion, sliding back into her. With each thrust, he built up speed, but he held control of his body, ensuring that he would focus on her pleasure. He was not a typical man. From the stories I had heard from other women, most men bucked with a furious speed until they were spent in seconds. The lion man took pleasure in her, sliding his penis in and out of her in an attempt to increase her level of excitement.

I heard the sofa creak above me and saw the house lord and Ada walk back inside the room. My house lord remained fully clothed and had moved without a sound to stand by Leah’s head. Ada took position on her right side and also remained quiet. The lion man ignored them both and continued to thrust in and out of Leah, like the ocean that built up wave upon wave until a storm would come, causing the tide to churn and crash hard onto the sand.

Leah bit her lip and held back her voice, fearing that her lion would be taken from her. I watched my lord, and he had only eyes for Leah. He was engrossed in her expression as she built wave upon wave for her release. Still, he stood watching her, not making a sound, and then he lowered himself to the ground and took her head in his hands.


The lion man’s muscles flexed as he rocked back onto the soles of his feet. He was breathing hard, and in the lantern light I could see his back glistening in sweat. Ada knelt by Leah’s side and folded her hands in her lap, waiting. Younger than Leah, her breasts were smaller and her nipples puffier. Her dark curly hair bounced a bit as she settled to the ground.

Taking Leah’s head, he scooted closer to her and placed her head in his lap. He kept his hands on her face, brushing the hair away from her eyes. “You have been a good pupil tonight. I’m going to give you permission to let go, to open yourself to him and enjoy yourself without fear of me telling him to stop. Do you trust me?”

“Yes, my lord.” She did not hesitate.

“Good. Then we shall begin, and our lion will continue until he spends himself in you and you are wet and filled with desire.” He looked up toward the lion and said, “Go.”

From the back, I could see him nod, and he acted quickly, grabbing Leah gently and thrusting himself back into her. He grunted with the effort and pulled out quickly, building his speed with each thrust. Wave upon wave, he went faster, but there was control in his actions, measured and firm, as though he increased his speed by a notch each time.

My lord motioned to Ada, and she sprung to life and leaned in and began to kiss Leah’s breast. She licked a bit and then took a nipple into her mouth, sucking hard, then letting it slip out. With her hands, she massaged Leah’s side and other breast.

“They are all yours now. They are here only for you, and you have my permission to let go and have anything you want.” He ran his hands over Leah’s face, and I could see that she had sucked in a deep breath of air and then moaned loud and long.

She took another breath in and then said, “Please, let my right hand go.”

The house lord obeyed without pause and slipped her hand out of the knot he had made. The rope fell to the mattress and Ada knocked it away. Leah moved her right hand down until she touched herself. I watched her legs tense, and she moved her hand until she grasped hold of the lion’s cock. He slid out of her and Leah wrapped her hand tight around him until he pulled too far away and he slipped out of her grasp.

Ada watched, and then she put her hand on Leah, rubbing with her middle finger, the hidden place of a woman’s pleasure. Leah moaned and then thrust her fingers inside herself and then slipped them out and offered her wet fingers to Ada who took them in her mouth and sucked on them. The lion pulled Leah into position and he thrust into her again while Ada rubbed Leah slowly at first but matching the lion’s increasing speed. Lost in thought, my house lord held Leah’s head steady and watched her intently.

Changing his tempo, the lion thrust himself into Leah, swirled a little, rocking his hips left and then to the right and then pulled out of her. Ada continued to rub away until Leah pulled her hand away and replaced it with her own. Knowing her own body more intimately, she rocked her finger back and forth, rubbing in time to a certain beat that the lion matched. Ada took both breasts in her hands and, with her mouth, licked away the drops of wax on Leah’s chest. She spit the pieces off to the side and then squeezed Leah’s breasts tight and sucked each nipple, held her sucking, and then slipped her mouth off the nipple.

The lion thrust on until he sensed a change in Leah. Her legs became taut, as did her stomach muscles, and she sped up the rubbing of her clit, taking in a big breath, holding, holding that moment, letting the wave build and build, with her tied hand clenching the rope with all her might. Onward she climbed, sucking in air, and the lion thrust faster until there was a moment of silence and suspense, and then Leah let out her most intimate of sounds and cried out in joy and unfettered pleasure. The lion thrusting continued, and Ada sucked Leah’s breast, but my house lord only watched Leah’s face. He was transfixed on her, and he wore an expression I had never seen.

BOOK: Awakenings (A Witch's Coven Novel Book 1)
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