B004TGZL14 EBOK (3 page)

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Authors: Stormie Omartian

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5. Is your husband living up to his potential? Are there gifts and talents in him that are not being used or are not being used to the glory of God? Does he know what his gifts and talents are? Explain. Write a prayer asking God to open up doors for your husband which utilize the gifts God has placed in him.

6. Read Proverbs 22:29 in your Bible and underline it.
Has your husband been unable to excel in his work? Has he been properly recognized and appreciated for his work? Explain. Write a prayer asking God to enable your husband to excel in his work and be recognized for it.

7. Does your husband do his work with a sense of purpose and fulfillment, or with feelings of frustration, aimlessness, or unfulfillment? Explain. How do you think you could pray about this for him?

8. Does your husband get along well with his coworkers? Are the people over him happy with what he does? Is he shown respect by the people he works for and with whom he has daily interaction? Describe his work relationships in general. How could you support him in prayer?

9. Is there a difficult person your husband has to work with, or an unpleasant work relationship that could be depleting your husband’s strength and patience? Explain. Write a prayer asking God to transform this relationship or to change your husband’s perspective and enhance his patience.

10. Pray the prayer out loud on page 53 in T
. Include specifics about your husband’s work.


Read chapter 3:
“His Finances”
from T


1. Is your husband a financially responsible person, or is he sometimes irresponsible with money? How do you feel about that? Explain.

2. Read Luke 12:29-31 in your Bible and underline it.
Does your husband suffer from anxiety about finances? Describe. In light of this verse, what should he be doing about it? How could you pray about this?

3. Read Malachi 3:10 in your Bible and underline it.
Does your husband have a heart to give as God directs in this Scripture, or does he need to move into this area of obedience to God? Explain. Write a prayer asking God to speak to him about this matter.

4. Is your husband miserly, overgenerous, or somewhere in between? Explain. How would you like to see that changed? Write a prayer asking God to give your husband a generous spirit controlled by the will of God.

5. Read Psalm 41:1-3 in your Bible and underline it.
In light of this Scripture, the blessings that come from giving to the poor cannot be ignored. Are there any blessings you feel you are lacking because you or your husband are not giving to the poor? Explain. Remember that if your husband doesn’t disapprove of
giving, this speaks well for
generosity, too.

6. Read Matthew 6:21 in your Bible and underline it.
Is your husband’s focus on his finances or on serving the Lord? If you don’t know, ask God to show you, and write down what He reveals.

7. Do you feel your husband makes financially sound decisions? Explain. Write a prayer asking God to give you and your husband wisdom as to how to handle your finances. Pray that neither of you will spend money irresponsibly or make poor financial choices, but that you will have God’s revelation about
financial decisions.

8. Have you and your husband been financially depleted for an oppressively long time? Does it seem that every time you start to get ahead, something comes along to steal finances away? Explain and be specific. Write a prayer asking God to end financial loss, strain, poverty, or lack of blessing in your lives. Tell Satan he cannot steal and rob from you and your husband any longer.

9. Is there anything you could do to help relieve the financial burden on your husband? Ask God to show you, and write down what He reveals. If you are working to support the family also, write a prayer asking God to bless the work of your hands and make it fruitful.

10. Pray the prayer out loud on pages 57–58 in T
. Include specifics about your finances.


Read chapter 4:
“His Sexuality”
from T


1. Do you feel your sexual relationship with your husband is good, not good, or somewhere in between? Why? Regardless of what it is now, write a prayer asking God’s covering over it and blessing on it.

2. How would you like to see your sexual relationship with your husband change? Explain. Write a prayer asking God to make it what you want it to be.

3. List the top ten priorities in your life. These are the things that occupy your time, attention, and energy, such as children, work, friends, church activities, and so on. In this list, where does your relationship with your husband fall? What does this list reveal to you about your priorities?

4. If your husband
at the top of your priority list under God (where he should be), is the sexual aspect of that relationship a priority? If it hasn’t been, what are the reasons for that (illness, marital strife, financial worry, emotional stress, lack of interest, busy schedule, children, exhaustion, and so on)? Write a prayer asking God to help you make any changes necessary in order to make your sexual relationship with your husband the priority it should be.

5. Do you look forward to intimate times with your husband? Has your husband done anything that has turned you off to his physical advances? Explain. What do you believe would improve your physical relationship?

6. Read 1 Corinthians 7:4,5 in your Bible and underline it.
Are you sexually available for your husband at his request? Is he available for you? Does the frequency of sex between the two of you usually depend solely upon him? Upon you? Is the frequency with which you come together mutually agreed upon? Have you ever kept yourself from being available to him, when you could have done otherwise? Write a prayer asking God to help both of you be in complete unity about this aspect of your relationship. Confess any times you kept yourself from your husband when you could have done otherwise.

7. Do you ever sense frustration in your husband over your sexual relationship? What do you understand his frustration to be? What could you do to help alleviate that frustration? Write a prayer asking God to give you revelation about that and help you to do what is necessary to make your sexual relationship with your husband better.

8. Has your husband ever been tempted toward infidelity? Have you? Has that temptation ever been acted upon? If yes, how has this affected the way you relate to each other? If no, how do you keep yourselves from temptation? Write a prayer asking God to protect both of you from immorality.

9. Do you keep yourself sexually attractive to your husband? Do you try to stay healthy, fit, clean, fragrant, attractively attired, and rested? Is there anything you could do to improve yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually? Write a prayer asking God to bless you with an inner and outer attractiveness to your husband that keeps him from being attracted to anyone else.

10. Pray the prayer out loud on pages 65–66 in T
. Include specifics related to your intimate relationship with your husband.


Read chapter 5:
“His Affection”
from T


1. Read 1 Corinthians 7:3 in your Bible and underline it.
Do you feel your husband is affectionate enough toward you? Explain.

2. Does your husband feel you are affectionate enough toward him? Are you sure? What could you do to improve that?

3. What does your husband feel is the best way for you to communicate love toward him? (Ask him if you are not certain.) Are you able to do that?

4. Do you have children? Do you feel you and your husband have modeled for them a marriage that is filled with an abundance or a lack of affection? How do you think it will affect them in their own marriages? If you have modeled a lack of affection, would you both be willing to change?

5. Write a prayer asking God to help you and your husband demonstrate healthy affection toward one another so that your children will learn to do the same.

6. Have you or your husband taken one another for granted in any way that has eroded your tendency to be affectionate toward one another? Has one of you assumed incorrectly that the other one doesn’t need affection? Explain.

7. Have other distractions caused you or your husband to not take the time necessary to show affection toward one another? What could you do to change that?

8. Read 1 Corinthians 10:24 in your Bible and underline it.
In what ways could you seek your husband’s well-being over your own?

9. Is there some act of affection you could show toward your husband today that would pleasantly surprise and bless him? What is that? (If you can’t think of anything, ask God to help you.) Are you willing to do that? Write down the results after you’ve done it.

10. Pray the prayer out loud on page 72 in T
. Include specifics related to you and your husband’s relationship.

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