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Authors: William Gaddis

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Kizer, Carolyn, 262

Klawans, Stuart, 473

Knight, Christopher, 525

Knopf, Alfred A., Inc., 293-94, 295-96, 298, 300-301, 304, 313-14, 318, 331, 334, 343, 348, 349, 355, 358, 363, 382, 433-34, 436, 511

Knowlson, James, 518

Koenig, Peter (later David), 278-79, 306, 351, 383, 387, 392

Kolata, Gina, 512-13

Kraft, Joe, 358, 407

Kraft, Polly, 358-59, 407

Krantz, Judith, 358, 359

Kreymborg, Alfred, 46

Krim, Seymour, 240, 458

Kuehl, John R., 255, 356-57, 368-69, 373-74, 375-76, 377, 381, 385, 387, 395, 397, 401-2, 404, 525 Laffont, Éditions Robert, 281

Lafitte, Jean, 62, 65

Laing, R. D., 455

Lamarr, Hedy, 61

Lambert, Jean, 233, 276-77, 281, 348, 371, 400

Landa, Michel, 249

Lang, Andrew, 263, 306

Lannan Foundation, 493, 497, 506-7

Lannan, Patrick, 493

Lapham, Lewis, 296

Large, John, 320, 370

Larrabee, Eric, 84, 86

Laurence, Michael J., 251-53

Lauzen, Sarah E., 415-16

Law Dictionary
, 437

Lawrence, D. H., 89, 96, 98

Lawrence, Gertrude, 308, 362, 498-99

Leacock, Stephen, 508-9

LeClair, Tom, 353, 357-58, 361, 364, 369, 381

Legge, Francis, 166-67, 172

Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher, 299-300, 416-17, 428, 451-52, 485

Leighton, Dean, 20, 37

Lenin, Vladimir, 326

Lennon, John, 515

Lethaby, William Richard, 301

Leval, Pierre, 437, 453, 460, 479, 491-92

Leverence, John, 282, 290

Levine, Joseph E., 258

Levitas, Mitchell, 466

Lewis, Sinclair, 332, 459, 484

Library Journal
, 272

, 55

Lin Yutang, 101, 104, 157

Lindsay, John, 291-92

Literatura na Swiecie
, 367-68, 375

Livelli, Vincent, 110, 386-87, 527

Logan, Marie-Rose, 367-68, 404-5, 438

London, Jack, 452

Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
, 286

Long Voyage Home
, 133, 134

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 144-45, 483

Looks, Bernard J., 196, 204, 291

Los Angeles Times
, 313, 354, 499

Lost Boundaries
, 166

Love, Kennet, 407

Low, Hunter, 251, 253, 275

Lowry, Malcolm, 235, 237, 239, 273, 280, 337, 406-7

Luciano, Charles “Lucky,” 102, 104

Lumet, Pidie, 468

Lumet, Sidney, 404, 468

Lundgren Caj, 442

Luther, Martin, 202 MacArthur, Douglas, 160, 166

MacArthur Foundation, 274, 378-80, 388, 390, 406, 410, 431

MacDonald, Charles B., 265-66

Macdonald, Dwight, 273

Macdonald, Ross, 396-97

MacDowell, Edward, 331-32

MacDowell Colony, 331-32

MacGibbon & Kee, 215, 240, 243-44, 246, 371, 383, 385

Macrae, John, 344-45

MacNeice, Louis, 214-15

Madden, David, 325-26

Madero, Captain, 100, 110

Madonna, 480

Mailer, Norman, 51, 267, 272, 330, 361-62

Malle, Louis, 412-13

Mann, Thomas, 97, 98, 338

Mansfield, Katherine, 95, 98, 306

Manteuffel, Hasso von, 254

Mantovani, Vincenzo, 250, 277

Markova, Alicia, 84-85

Markson, David, 11, 233, 234-39, 241-42, 251, 258, 260, 266, 272-73, 294, 299, 337, 362, 366-67, 379, 458

Markson, Elaine, 266, 294, 340

Marquand, John P., 23

Marquis, Don, 508-9

Martinelli, Sheri, 9, 104, 114, 206-7, 366, 386-87, 527

Marx, Karl, 366

Maschler, Tom, 312, 433

Matthiessen, Peter, 410-11

Matson, Harold, 95

Maugham, W. Somerset, 63, 65, 84-85, 106-7, 109

Mayhew, Alice, 518-19

Mayo, Gerald, 466

McCaffery, Larry, 353, 415

McCarthy, Cormac, 498-99

McCarthy, Joseph, 203

McCarthy, Mary, 310, 386, 429, 449, 479-80

McElvar, Miss, 427

McKinley, William, 400

McMurtry, Larry, 343, 345

McNamara, Eugene, 282

McNamara, Robert, 454

Mdivani, Nina, 308-9

Mead, Clifford S., 426

Medal, Saturnino, 101

Meese, Ed, 466

Mehta, Sonny, 433-34, 436

Melville, Herman, 182, 215, 235, 365-66, 378, 382, 384, 444, 448, 452, 456, 464, 514

Menen, Aubrey, 247-48

Meredith, James, 227

Meredith, Solomon, 227

Meridian Books, 236, 239-42, 272, 282, 371, 374, 383

Merricourt School, 14-16, 388, 426-27

Mesrobian, Arpena S., 404

(Handel), 91, 202

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 57, 122, 210, 456

Mexico City Herald
, 66

Michener, James, 361-62, 419, 446

Milk, Harvey, 342-43

Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 46, 172

Miller, Alicia Metcalf, 300-301

Miller, Arthur, 446

Millman, Michael, 494, 500-501

Milosz, Czeslaw, 217

Milton, John, 172, 191

Minkoff, George Robert, 495

Minkoff, Robert, 301, 305, 351, 409

Mirkowicz, Tomasz, 367-68, 369-70, 375-76, 400-401, 438

Mithraism, 380, 491

Miyamoto, Yokichi, 316-17

Modern Fiction Studies
, 353, 463

Modern Language Association, 397, 399, 401

Modick, Klaus, 420, 443

Monaghan, Charles, 122, 231-32, 240, 243, 246-48, 299-300, 497

Monahan, Matthew, 380

Mondadori Editore, Arnoldo, 249-50, 371, 384, 400

, 286, 290-91, 510

Montague, John, 382

Moore (musician), 264

Moore, Steven, 351, 363, 368-69, 371, 373, 377-78, 379-88, 390-92, 394-95, 397, 399-402, 404-6, 409, 411, 425-26, 438-39, 453, 455, 478, 505, 527

Morales, Eulalio Abril, 137-38, 182, 186

Morgan, Bill, 407

Morgan, Ted, 372, 522 -23

Morris, Ivan, 211-12

Morris, James M., 506

Morton, Brian, 352-53

Morton, Charles W., 168-69, 175, 181, 183, 186, 188

Morton, Jelly Roll, 487

Moscow on the Hudson
, 437, 440, 461

Motley, Constance Baker, 448, 450, 460

Moynihan, Patrick P., 393, 399-400

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 309, 322, 334, 443

, 286

Murphy, Eddie, 517

Murphy, Julia, 350, 437

Murphy, Muriel Oxenberg, 210, 348-52, 353, 357, 360, 372, 375, 402, 419, 421, 425, 431, 437, 449, 461-62, 482-83, 486, 492, 497, 506, 511-13

Musil, Robert, 457

Nabokov, Ivan, 430, 449-50, 479

Nabokov, Vladimir, 310, 450

Naipaul, V. S., 310

Napper, John and Pauline, 158-59, 160, 163, 165, 176, 179-81, 183-85, 190-92, 199, 208-10, 211, 216, 219, 230, 265, 267, 283, 299, 312, 315, 323, 327, 329, 335, 346-47, 351, 372-73, 378-79, 381-82, 408, 421, 458, 473-74, 514-15, 531

National Book Awards, 310-14, 331, 386-87

National Book Critics Circle, 510-11

National Endowment for the Arts, 262, 314, 513

Naumann, Michael, 500

Nemerov, Howard, 391

Nesbit, Lynn, 331, 355

Neumann, John von, 454

New Directions, 391, 473

New Republic
, 69, 345, 361, 374, 498

New World Writing
, 199, 265, 386, 392

New York Daily News
, 522

New York Review of Books
, 317, 325, 365, 374, 455, 463, 498-99

New York Times
, 15, 292, 299, 333, 346, 348, 359, 361, 364, 366, 378, 384, 399, 402-3, 405, 466, 492, 498

New York Times Book Review
, 83, 232, 241, 245, 247-48, 279, 291, 298, 300, 411, 416-17, 440-41, 464, 472, 480, 499, 501, 514

New York Times Magazine
, 412-13, 435-36, 440

New Yorker
, 7, 44, 56, 57, 60, 95, 108, 135, 143, 148, 215, 245, 308, 326, 359, 386, 387-88, 437, 439-40, 446, 454, 461, 471

Newman, Paul, 346

, 232-33, 244, 371-72

, 298

Newton, Robert, 221

Niebuhr, Reinhold, 358-59

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 40, 481-82, 485

, 69

Nixon, Richard M., 293, 403

North, Sterling, 273

Nostradamus, 96

Nottman, Naftali, 391

Nussbaum, Shari, 320

Oates, Joyce Carol, 382, 410-11

O’Brien, Flann, 241

O’Brien, John, 369, 375-76, 380

Observer Weekend Review
, 251

Ockene, Robert M., 239

Odets, Clifford, 45

Ohannessian, Griselda, 473

O’Keeffe, Timothy, 240-41, 248, 497-98

“Ol’ Man River,” 129, 131

Olsen, Ole, and Chic Johnson, 55, 56

Omar Khayyam, 33

O’Meara, Donn, 496

Once Upon a Honeymoon
, 43

O’Neill, Eugene, 8, 36-37, 47, 48-49, 92, 134, 485, 516-17

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 218-19

Oresman, Donald, 422, 422, 432, 437, 450, 452, 459-61, 484

(Gluck), 213

Ortega y Gasset, José, 118, 121, 518

Osborne, Jim, 45, 46, 114, 125

Osbourne, Mac, 48, 52

Ouida, 346-47

Outward Bound
, 112

Ozick, Cynthia, 417 Palmer, Fred, 215

, 76

Paris Review
, 381, 420, 439

Parke, James, 487-88

Parke, Miss, 119

Parker, Bruce and Tommy, 139-40, 174

Parker, Helen, 139, 147, 173-74, 205

Paris Passion
, 407

Paris Review
, 381, 446, 448

Partisan Review
, 206, 217, 330, 331, 386-87

Pasmezoglu, Ariadne (Paz), 264, 287, 292, 332, 470

Pasteur, Louis and Marie, 481-82

Patty, Ann, 476, 484-85, 488, 500-501

Peacock, Allen, 460-61, 476, 484, 519

Peale, Norman Vincent, 354

“Peanut Vendor, The,” 306

Penguin Books.
Viking Penguin

Pennebaker, Donn A., 75, 227-28, 398, 528, 531

, 405-6, 433, 436

Percy, Walker, 463-64

Petrillo family, 28

Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, 9, 230, 264

Philadelphia Inquirer
, 498-99

Philip II, 115, 130

Philips, Carol, 377

Picador, 433-34

Picasso, Pablo, 395

Pirandello, Luigi, 90, 94, 97, 135-36

Pius XII, 170, 172

Plato, 233, 308-9, 454, 516, 526

Playhouse 90
, 230-31

Plimpton, Freddy Espy, 421

Plimpton, George, 319, 381, 420-21

Plon, Éditions, Plutarch, 526-27

Poe, Edgar Allan, 286

Porgy and Bess
(Gershwin), 38

Porter, Arabel J., 264-65

Porter, Katherine Anne, 11, 84-85, 86, 92, 98, 104, 106, 108, 531

Poseidon Press, 476, 484, 488, 490

Postman Always Rings Twice
, 109

Potter, Carole, 34

Poulaille, Henri, 380

Pound, Ezra, 122

Prado (Museo del), 122, 153, 184, 494

Prairie Schooner
, 232, 247, 249, 250, 255, 372

Praz, Mario, 371-72

Preminger, Otto, 291-92

Prescott, H. F. M., 148

Prescott, Peter S., 298

Presses de la Cité, 449

Prosser, William L., 423, 432, 447, 459, 469, 474, 487-88, 490

Pryor Cashman Sherman & Flynn, 459

Publishers Weekly
, 294, 311, 313, 415, 420, 520

Pulitzer Prize, 374, 464, 510-11, 528

Puzo, Mario, 319

Pynchon, Thomas, 279, 281-82, 304, 362, 366, 380, 382, 385-86, 387, 419, 442

Pyrrho, 67-68

Quayle, Dan, 476

Queen’s Quarterly
, 282

Quesenbery, William Doyle, Jr., 298

, 346

Raban, Jonathan, 498-99, 501

Ramuz, C. F., 95, 98

Randolph, John, 113

Ray, William, 405-6

Reagan, Ronald, 360, 393, 396, 402, 408, 440, 466

, Clementine, 162, 210-11

Reeve, Benjamin, 309

Rehnquist, William, 438

Rembrandt, 296

Resnais, Alain, 286

Review of Contemporary Fiction
, 363, 369-70, 375-76, 380, 439, 455

Reynal, Eugene, 384-85

Rhodes, Oscar, 88

Rhys, Jean, 403-4

Riesman, David, 322-23

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 93, 97, 453

Ring of the Nibelung
(Wagner), 366, 378, 443

Roberts, Robin, 174-75

Rockefeller, John D., 159-60, 454

Rockefeller Foundation, 274-75, 451

Rockwood, Roy, 15-16

Rolfe, Frederick, 297

Rolling Stone
, 413-14

Rolo, Charles J., 233-35

Romondi, Mr., 17

Roosevelt, Polly, 502-3

Rorem, Ned, 334

Ros, Amanda, 374

Rosenberg, Anton, 527

Rossi, Deborah, 357

Roth, Philip, 281

Rougemont, Denis de, 121, 306

Rousset, David, 86-87

Roux, Guillermo de, 79

Rowohlt Verlag, 371, 384, 419-20, 443-44, 457, 500, 517, 521

Rushdie, Salman, 489-90

Rusk, Dean, 266

Sade, Marquis de, 205

Safer, Elaine B., 394, 411, 434

Sager, Gordon, 168-69

Saint Petersburg Times
, 321

Saks, Keren, 472

Salinger, J. D., 115, 362, 450-51, 479, 491, Salter, Nina, 450

Saltus, Edgar, 306-7

San Francisco Chronicle
, 245

San Francisco Review
, 246-47

Sand, George, 493

Sanda, Dominique, 430

Santos, Juan Antonio, 406

Sardanapalus, 146-47

Saroyan, William, 42

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 81-82, 94

Saturday Review
, 222, 232, 244, 245-46, 305

Sawyer, Thomas, 363, 378

Scaramelli, Richard, 426

Scharlatt, Hal, 289

Schaufelberger, Albert, 396

(Rimsky-Korsakov), 38, 44

Schnabel, Julian, 441-42, 456, 474, 496, 528

Schoenberg, Arnold, 122-23

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 40

, 444, 457

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