B00AY88OHE EBOK (7 page)

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Authors: Henry Stevens

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On the top is Miethe-Belluzzo design two. Note rotating disc (2) and stabilizing wheel (7) acting as a gyroscope. (Courtesy of Klaus-Peter Rothkugel.) It is the author’s opinion that this design was never built. On the bottom is Miethe-Belluzzo Design three, capable of vertical take-off.

Recently, a German researcher, Klaus-Peter Rothkugel using Vesco as his source (18), has proposed an engine which links the designs one and three, and possibly even design two, while supplying the missing pieces needed to make the engine depicted airworthy and resolves other problems. This engine was invented by a French engineer, Rene Leduc and probably acquired by the Germans during their occupation of France.

If a flying saucer equipped with this engine were viewed from the outside, no rotating parts would be visible. This is because the engine was totally contained within the metal skin of the saucer. It did rotate but this rotation was within the saucer itself and not viable from the outside. An air space existed all around the spinning engine, between it and the non-rotating outer skin. This engine was a type of radial-flow jet engine. It was this type of engine which probably powered all of Dr. Miethe’s saucer designs. It is also the prime candidate for the post-war design of John Frost, the “Flying Manta.”

The Flying Manta actually did fly. Pictures of it during a test flight are unmistakable. They were taken on July 7, 1947 by William A. Rhodes over Phoenix, Arizona. It almost goes without saying that the time frame, July of 1947, as well as the geographical location, the American Southwest, as well as the description of the flying object itself, beg comparisons to the saucer which crashed at Rosewell, New Mexico, earlier that same month.

If one looks at what is known of Dr. Miethe’s saucer design, the Leduc engine, and the Frost Manta, it must be acknowledged that a connection between these three not only explains apparent inconsistencies in the existing Miethe designs but also links them to the post-war American Southwest, the precise spot where captured German World War Two technology was being tested and evaluated.

There is considerable confusion as to where the first test flight of the Miethe-Belluzzo saucer occurred. Epp tells us that models made by this team were flight tested since 1943. Georg Klein, as well as Andreas Epp, state that a test model of this craft took off from Stettin, in Northern Germany, near Peenemuende, roughly where the Oder River meets the Baltic, and crashed in Spitsbergen which are the islands to the north of Norway.

A manned test flight in December, 1944 has been mentioned by Norbert Juergen-Ratthofer and Ralf Ettl in one of the films on which they worked. The pilot named was Joachim Roehlicke or perhaps Hans-Joachim Roehlicke (19). Klaus-Peter Rothkugel reports that Roehlicke was under the direction of none other than Dr. Hans Kammler himself and was stationed at the Gotha Wagonfabrik company (20). The Gotha Wagonfabrik company is in the Jonas Valley in Thuringia. This valley was packed full of high-tech underground facilities which included nuclear research. Roehlicke confided to his daughter after the war, according to Mr. Rothkugel, that he “had seen the earth from above” (21).

Confusion over the test details of the Miethe-Belluzzo saucer start as early as the whole German flying disc controversy itself in the 1950s. In the English translation of his book, titled Brighter than a Thousand Suns A Personal History Of The Atomic Scientists, a footnote appeared which deviated from the discussion of atomic weaponry. This 1958 description is one of the first in English and may illustrate some of the difficulties in sorting out this information:

“*The only exception to the lack of interest shown by authority was constituted by the Air Ministry. The Air Force research workers were in a peculiar position. The produced interesting new types of aircraft such as the Delta (triangular) and “flying discs.” The first of these “flying saucers,” as they were later called–circular in shape, with a diameter of some 45 yards–were built by the specialists Schriever, Habermohl and Miethe. They were first airborne on February 14, 1945, over Prague and reached in three minutes a height of nearly eight miles. They had a flying speed of 1250 m.p.h. which was doubled in subsequent tests. It is believed that after the war Habermohl fell into the hands of the Russians. Miethe developed at a later date similar “flying saucers” at A. V. Roe and Company for the United States.” (22).

One big difference between the Miethe-Belluzzo design and the Schriever-Habermohl designs is that the former craft was alleged to have, or be designed to have, a longer flight range. This point is reinforced by the Spitzbergen flight mentioned above. Klein states that the Germans considered a long range, remote controlled attack from Germany to New York using this craft.

As stated earlier, both projects were under the same authority. Experts and advisors included, according to Epp, among others, head-designer Kalkert of the Gotha Waggonfabrik, head-designer Guenther of Heinkel, engineer Wulf of Arado, engineer Otto Lange of the RLM, and engineer Alexander Lippish of Messerschmitt. Pilots were Holm, Irmler, Kaiser and Lange. The test pilot was Rudolf Schriever.

There does exist two alleged still pictures of the Miethe craft in flight. One is reproduced here. It may be the first design. A picture claiming to be of what is called here the third design can be found in W. Mattern’s book, UFO’s Unbekanntes Flugobjekt? Letzte Geheimwaffe Des Dritten Reiches? (23). Efforts have been made to acquire the picture for this book but the inquiry went unanswered by the book’s publisher.

Politically, in 1944, Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS, replaced Albert Speer’s appointee, Georg Klein, with Dr. Hans Kammler as overseer of this combined saucer project (24). This is a little confusing, however, since Kammler retained Klein as his employee. Perhaps a more practical way to look at this is that Kammler, Himmler’s employee, replaced Speer while Klein did what he always did. The result was that the SS took direct and absolute control over these projects from this point until the end of the war.

Prior to this happening, news of these designs or application itself was made to the German Patent Office. All German wartime patents were carried off as booty by the Allies. This amounted to truckloads of information. Fortunately, Rudolf Lusar, an engineer who worked in the German Patent Office during this time period, wrote a book in the 1950s listing and describing some of the more interesting patents and processes based upon his memory of them (25). They are surprisingly detailed. Included is the Schriever saucer design with detail. Also discussed is the Miethe project.

The Rene Leduc Engine

: Hermann Klaas’ diagram of the workings of the Miethe-Belluzzo Disc. Note: intake screw (c) Carrying wing blade (d) affixed to a piston engine, jets nozzles (e) with no apparent engines. Close but not exactly right. Bottom: Leduc design. A-Roter B-Front Bulk-head C-Rear Bulk-head D-Intake Vane E-Compressor Vane F-Combustion Chamber G-Bulkhead H-Fuel Injection Jets J-Fixed Flame Ring From
I Velivoli Del Mistero I segreti technici dei dischi volanti
by Renato Vesco

The Rene Leduc Engine Part Two

This is the mounting of the Leduc engine as illustrated by the later Avro diagram (Canada-USA.) The outer hull is fixed. The inner rotating engine draws in the air from between it and the hull and exhausts through rear or sides as needed for sterring. Compare this design to Miethe-Belluzzo designs, espcially to the first design.

The significance of these two teams can not be minimized in the history of flying saucers or UFOs. Already in this brief discussion, the evidence, taken as a whole, is overwhelming. Please compare this to any and all extraterrestrial explanations of flying saucers. Here we have Germans who claim to have invented the idea of the flying saucer. We have Germans who claim to have designed flying saucers. We have Germans who claim to have built flying saucers. We have Germans who claim to have flown flying saucers. We have Germans who claim to be witnesses to flying saucers known beforehand to be of German construction. We have German construction details. And finally, we have a man who took pictures of a known German flying saucer in flight. The facts speak for themselves. During the Second World War the Germans built devices we would all call today “flying saucers.” No other UFO explanation can even approach this in terms of level of proof.

Sources and References

  1.  Klein, Georg, 10/16/54, page 5, “Die “Fliegenden Teller,” Tages-Anzeiger fuer Stadt und Kanton Zuerich

  2.  Epp, J. Andreas, 1994, page 34

  3.  Barton, Michael X., 1968, page 58,
The German Saucer Story
, Futura Press, 5949 Gregory Avenue, Los Angeles, CA. 90038

  4.  Lusar, Rudolf, 1964, page 220, Die deutschen Waffen und Geheimwaffen des 2. Weltkrieges und ihre Weiterentwicklung, J.F. Lehmanns Verlang, Munich

  5.  Epp, J. Andreas, 1994, pages 30-31

  6.  ibid

  7.  Epp, J. Andreas, 1994, pages 26-27

  8.  Epp, J. Andreas, 1994, page 30

  9.  Klein, Georg, 10/16/54, page 5

10.  Zwicky, Viktor, 9/18/54, page 4, “Das Raetsel der Fliegenden Teller,” Tages-Anzeiger fuer Stadt und Kanton Zuerich

Miethe-Belluzzo Saucer In Flight

Top picture is of a September 6, 1952 article in the Italian newspaper “Tempo.” lbis article deals with the work of Dr. Miethe and features a photograph of his saucer allegedly dated Ap1il 17, 1944 taken over the Baltic. Bottom is an enlargementof the photograph. It seems to be a Miethe Belluzzo type 1 but could also be a type 3. Courtesy of Klaus-Peter Rothkugel.

11.  Klein, Georg, 10/16/54, page 5

12.  Epp, J. Andreas, 1994, pages 30 and 31

13.  Meier, Hans Justus, 1995, “Die Miethe-Flugscheibe-eine reichlich nebuloese Erfindung,” Flieger-Kalender 1995, E.S. Mettler & Sohn, text editing: Hans M. Namislo, Celsius-Str. 56, 53125 Bonn, Germany

14.  Luftfahrt International, May-June, 1975, “Deutsche Flugkreisel Gab’s die?”

15.  J. Miranda and P. Mercado, 1998, Flugzeug Profile, page 25-27

16.  Holberg, Jan, 8/20/54, “UFOs gibt es nicht! Wohl aber: Flugscheiben am laufenden Band!,” Das Neue Zeitalter

17.  Barton, Michael X., 1968, pages 42, 63, 64

18.  Vesco, Renato, 1974, from photos and diagrams begining on page 392, I Velivoli Del Mistero I segreti tecnici dei dischi volanti, U Mursia editore, Via Tadiuo 29, Milan, Italy

19.  Video film, “UFOs Das Dritte Reich Schlaegt Zurueck?,” 1988, Tempelhof Gesellschaft, Wien, Available through Dr. Michael Damboeck Verlag, Markt 86, A-3321, Ardaggr, Austria

20.  Rothkugel, Klaus-Peter, 2000, page 4, “Baute Peenemuende ueberschallschnelle Flugscheiben?,” four page information sheet concerning supersonic and high altitude saucer construction at Peenemuende, Bad Nauheim, Germany

21.  ibid

22.  Jungk, Robert, 1958, page 87,
Brighter than a Thousand Suns A Personal History Of The Atomic Scientists,
Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, translated by James Cleugh from Heller als tausend Sonnen, 1956, Alfred Scherz Verlag, Bern

23.  Mattern, W., date unknown, page 34, UFO’s Unbekanntes Flugobjekt? Letzte Geheimwaffe Des Dritten Reiches?, Samisdat Publishers LTD, 206 Carlton Street, Toronto, Canada M5A 2LI

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