B00MV3HMDW_EBOK (21 page)

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Authors: Kennedy Layne

Tags: #Mystery, #Thriller

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“He gave her the skill needed for survival,” Ethan reiterated, finally opening up his hazel eyes and zeroing them on her. He stood and rubbed his eyes in his usual manner when he was frustrated. “Sabrina killed Charles Bowers, just like we thought. Ryland was spelling it out for you.”

Taryn thought about what Ethan had surmised and realized that he was right. She had been too busy focusing her attention on figuring out why Neonni had taken a contract out on Yvette and who originally had initiated it. She wiped the side of her mouth using her hand and then stuck the chopsticks into the noodles.

“Ryland is on his way here,” Taryn said, assertive in her claim. She calmly lifted up her container and looked at the contents. Her stomach was telling her that she wasn’t hungry, but she knew that she had to keep up her energy for what was to come. Ryland was the best of the best in his field and she couldn’t afford to underestimate him. “I get the feeling that he wants to see me in person.”

Ethan picked up his container and joined her on the bed. They sat side-by-side, eating in silence and contemplating all that had taken place. She knew that they had to call Crest soon and let him know what had developed. Right now Ethan was giving her what she needed and that was space to digest all that had happened. It felt no different than before, yet there was something stronger between them. She laid her head on his shoulder and soaked up his presence. She didn’t want this taken away now that she’d come to accept it. She wasn’t so sure she’d survive if it were.

Chapter Seventeen

aryn dried herself off and then tousled her wet hair with the towel, trying to quell her nerves. She and Ethan had spent a good hour just sitting in silence, keeping each other company, and listening to each other breathe. Their lives were usually so busy that moments like that were captured and treasured. It didn’t seem fair that Ryland had caused it, but whatever the reason, they’d taken time to just enjoy being.

She looked at herself in the mirror and was taken aback by her flushed cheeks, her hardened nipples, and the excitement in her eyes. Ethan had done this to her the moment he’d ordered her to take a hot bath. She normally didn’t enjoy such luxuries, being used to quick showers on the run, but he technically hadn’t given her a choice. She’d spent the majority of the time straining to listen to what he was doing inside the room and thinking about what was going to happen. They’d yet to truly make love.

Taryn looked at the door, wondering what awaited her on the outside. She’d been a regular at Masters although she hadn’t played. She’d watched scenes unfold and wanted it to be her time and her up there on those platforms. She’d never met anyone who was her match, yet a true submissive wouldn’t think in those terms. She did though and now here Ethan was, blowing all of her expectations out of the water. He knew her like no other and that made all of the difference. Taking a deep breath, she slowly opened the door.

Darkness had settled over the room, although as Taryn turned the corner she noticed candles were lit to give off a golden hue. Ethan stood at the end of the bed, watching and waiting for her as she walked closer. He’d removed his shirt and boots, leaving only his denim. Seeing him in such a sensual light, she couldn’t believe everything she’d missed. The slight curl at the ends of his hair was sexy as hell and his come hither dimple made her heart race. A five o’clock shadow was forming due to the late hour and although she already knew what he would look like in the morning, it still made her want to reach out and feel the coarseness. When he motioned with his finger for her to come closer, it took a whole new meaning compared to when he used to do that at the office.

“I’ve always adored your natural beauty,” Ethan said in a low voice that sent shivers down her spine. It was almost as if he’d just dripped honey down her back and, inch after inch, it covered her flesh until nothing else existed but him. Taryn wanted this night, needed to put everything else away, and experience this moment with him. It was his words that drew her to stand in front of him. “Seeing you like this, bare to me in your vulnerability, is breathtaking. You’ve always been in front of me, but I swear it’s like seeing you for the first time.”

Ethan raised a hand and brushed the back of his fingers down her cheek. Taryn closed her eyes, relishing in the gentleness of his touch. She wondered where he’d lead her this night and slowly opened her eyes, looking for clues. What had he purchased this evening? Would he give her what she craved? Did she even know what she truly wanted or needed? Her body felt alive at the uncertainty and she basked in the sensations.

“Take me.”

“Say my name,” Ethan murmured, his lips inches from hers. Taryn wanted to feel them against her mouth, but she knew he would pull away if she tried. There was something erotic about that and she forced her gaze away to look up into his sensual eyes. “No titles. Just you and me.”

“Ethan…take me.”

Taryn was ready in every sense of the word, so had Ethan thrown her to the bed to have his way with her it would have been fine. It was like today’s little wall incident never happened. The entire room felt electrified and it seemed as if their bodies were the conduits. It wouldn’t surprise her should sparks pass between them when they touched.

“One thing that keeps being brought up over and over again,” Ethan said softly, running his fingers from her shoulders to her hands, “is your inner desire to be spanked. You’ve mentioned it numerous times, and when I bring up the subject your eyes light up with a brightness that squeezes my heart. I want to be the one who gives you that sensation you crave.”

Taryn’s heartbeat stuttered and her ass literally felt the caress of each word as they passed Ethan’s lips. When his fingers released her hands and trailed over the curve of each cheek, she rose up on her tiptoes for more. God, she needed what he wanted to give her with every fiber of her being. She’d never felt more alive than she did at this moment.

“I’m here, standing in front of you,” Taryn whispered. “Take my hand and guide me.”

“Walk to the desk and bring me one item of your choosing,” Ethan ordered, pulling his hands away from her, but not before leaning down for a soft kiss.

Something shifted in the air at Ethan’s command and Taryn felt a tremor go through her in anticipation. She didn’t hesitate, knowing she wanted this and needed to feel something on her skin. Lying on the desk were three different paddles in various sizes. One was large and round, another was medium sized with an oval shape, and the last one was thin and square. Cream leaked out of her pussy just looking at the implements and she could only imagine what her body would feel like afterward.

Choosing the larger paddle, Taryn prided herself on having listened intently during her visits at the club. The wider the paddle, the less of a sting was felt and more of a thud. She wanted that sensation tonight and trusting Ethan the way she did made this okay. It made this right on all levels and she found herself stroking the leather in reassurance.

“I’d like this one.” Taryn had turned back around to find that Ethan was sitting on the end of the bed. He patted his leg and this time there was no laughter to be found. This was a different Ethan, one who was sensual, intense, and dominating. He wanted her to willingly drape herself over his knee and take what he gave her from the implement she had chosen. His features glowed in the candlelight, but it was his form that caught her attention. His legs were separated, giving her room to stand between them. He was in total control, and by handing him the paddle she’d be giving herself over. “I’m ready.”

“I want your palms flat on the floor with your toes touching the ground.”

Taryn felt a trembling in her body in regards to what was about to occur and although she wanted this with a longing she’d never felt before, she found herself hesitating. Ethan’s presence was so…overwhelming. It made her want to forgo this scene and beg him to take her. She knew that he wouldn’t go for that, which made right now devastatingly real. Taking her time, she laid herself over Ethan’s denim and placed her hands as he’d instructed.

“I want your toes turned inward as well,” Ethan stated, following up his words by caressing her derrière. Taryn moved herself into the position he wanted her, only to find in this manner she wouldn’t be able to tighten her muscles efficiently. That in itself made this scene more overpowering and she found it hard to breathe. Being positioned like this was much more intimate than being placed on a spanking bench…at least that would be her assumption. “There will be no specific number of swats nor will you need to count them out.”

Taryn had seen numerous scenes at Masters where a submissive would do just that, but she wasn’t so sure she could even speak at the moment. There were too many sensations battering her mind and wanting access. When Ethan’s finger followed her crevice to where her wet pussy was snuggled in between her legs, she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out. He hadn’t even used the paddle yet and here she was on the verge of an orgasm.

“Ethan, could we get going on this?” Taryn asked, her eyes trained on her hands as she forced the words out. His laughter caressed her skin and enveloped her, not making this any easier to withstand. She
him to do something. “Sooner rather than later.”

Even as Taryn said the words she’d expected him to delay even more. She wasn’t even sure why she’d said anything, considering he usually did the opposite of what she suggested. This was new to her, yet it wasn’t. She’d witnessed a lot of scenes played out in front of her, but there were no words to describe experiencing one. What took her by surprise were the gentle taps that Ethan started to pepper her ass with. He didn’t tell her that she wasn’t in control of the scene and he didn’t warn her that her attitude would result in a punishment. What he did do was show her.

“Feel for me, Taryn.” Ethan continued to shower her ample flesh with taps, some light and some firmer, in such a manner that it made her want more. “Experience the heat being created. I’ve come to love the pink shade of your lips and I want your ass to have the same color.”


The harder tap came out of nowhere and Taryn hissed as she scrambled to close her legs. Damn, that stung. She scooted her feet together and was about shift her weight on his leg when he brought the paddle down and spanked the sensitive flesh on the back of her leg.


“Toes pointed inward.” Ethan placed a hand on Taryn’s back, keeping her in place. “You wanted a real scene and I’m here to make sure you experience not just one but many, many more. You know your safeword should you want to stop this, but from the teardrop of cream dripping down your leg, I’m betting you won’t say it.”

Taryn wouldn’t admit out loud that the heat of her ass was spreading warmth through her entire body, making her want more. It was so hard to describe but she didn’t need to. She wanted more and that was all that mattered. They were two consenting adults and it was obvious from the bulge in his jeans that he was enjoying this just as much as she was.


“That’s my girl,” Ethan murmured, starting the light taps on her flesh all over again. His words were like molasses being dripped over her soul and she hungered to please him more. “Take what I give and let it shroud you with pleasure.”

It was then that Taryn felt Ethan switch the paddle into his other hand. His fingers glided through her wet folds as if she’d just applied oil to herself. It was hard to stay focused on the pleasure when the paddle was coming down faster and harder. Unbelievably, her pleasure mounted to the point where she felt her need to orgasm grow. She raised her hips in time with the rhythm of his spankings, wanting more. She couldn’t get enough. Every thought was directed into what he was making her feel.

“My God, look at you.” Ethan seemed surprised at Taryn’s urgency for additional paddling, although she couldn’t understand why. They both knew her penchant for spankings. Couldn’t he see she needed more? “You are fucking gorgeous.”

And just like that, everything stopped. Taryn moaned in protest, the room spinning round and around from the pleasure that was being taken from her. Ethan’s fingers were brushing over her heated flesh, reminding her that he wasn’t giving her what she wanted.

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