Back to December (Ward Sisters Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Back to December (Ward Sisters Book 1)
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Amy came into the room then. “Drooling over my husband again, are you, Kel?”

“Don't you know it. I love your brother, but he's not really my type. Robbie was always more my speed, physically.”

Emily looked at her funny. “Why did you choose Rick over him, then?”

“Oh, God, I had been in love with Rick for ages. I was just waiting for him to notice me. He thought I was a little girl most of the time I knew him. When he finally looked at me as a woman, there was no question I'd reciprocate his interest. It wasn't his body that attracted me to him. But let me just tell you I'll never complain about having a husband big enough and strong enough to lift me with his little finger, if you know what I mean.”

“Lalalalala!” Amy said, plugging her ears with her fingers. “You know I hate it when you talk about him like that!”

Kelly sighed. “Oh, Emily, it's going to be so much fun having a woman around who doesn't get squicky when I try to talk about sex with her.”

“That's my cue to leave!” Amy said and she walked out of the room.

Emily and Kelly both laughed. Kelly said, “Yes.”

Em was confused. “Yes what?”

“Yes, Robbie and Rick share, ah, certain physical traits.”

Emily blushed. She knew what Kelly meant. “He said no one in high school got close enough to know that.”

“Oh, I didn't. I saw him once at the lake when the houses were still in construction mode. He doesn't know. But, yes, I can only assume it's inherited, if you know what I mean. Why else do you think Anja is still happily married after all these years?” She winked.

Em laughed. She could see being happy having that for nearly 40 years. “Do you ever wish...”

“That I was like that with Robbie? No. He's more like a brother. I think he's sexy, don't get me wrong. But even when he was my boyfriend, he was more like a sibling. We've known each other for
too long. Plus, I was always in love with Rick. And Robbie wasn't that sexy in high school. Rick was already my boyfriend for six months by the time Robbie grew into his body, and I had no reason to even think about anyone else. It took him a few years to really fill out after that. I don't know if you've noticed, but he still acts and thinks like the gawky boy he used to be. I don't think he believes the guy he sees in the mirror is real. Never mind the one on the screen.”

“I have noticed. I guess that's why he didn't want to watch his movies with me.”

“He said no?”

“Oh, no, we watched
Indiana Road
. But he was really nervous about it before and after. And I remember thinking it was funny that he seemed so hopeful when he asked if it was okay that he was interested in me. I couldn't imagine why a guy like him would need to worry about a girl like me being interested in him.”

“Wow, he
liked you straight away. He's not usually
insecure. It's good that he watched the movie with you. It means he trusts you. I don't think he's ever watched one with anyone outside the industry or the family.”

“He told me that. And now I'm the one who's nervous, because tonight he has to watch me do my job in front of hundreds of people.”

Kelly patted her shoulder. “You'll be great.”

Amy returned just then and said, “Is it safe in here?”

Both women laughed. Emily said, “Yes, you're fine. Are they ready yet?”

“They are. Steel yourself, Emily. He's my brother and even I'm a little blown away by how fabulous he looks tonight. It's going to make my job easy with the two of you looking like the perfect Hollywood couple. I'm jealous that your dress is prettier than mine.”

Emily blushed. She thought Amy's dress – a black halter in satin and rhinestones, with a slit to the thigh and a train at the back – was gorgeous. And her peep-toe patent heels were ones Emily would like to own. Which was amusing, given that she had laughed at her sister's shoe obsession for years.

Amy grabbed her hand and towed her into the living room. When Em stepped through the doorway, she stopped short, giving a sharp intake of breath. Across the room was the most beautiful man she had ever seen, wearing a perfectly tailored, three button tuxedo with a black silk tie. And he was her boyfriend.

“Told you,” Amy said, grinning.

Rob looked as astonished by her as she was by him. He walked toward her, blinking. When he got to her, he kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear, “Wow. I don't think that's the right word, but it's the only one my brain can form at the moment. Nice dress.”

Emily blushed again. She hoped she wasn't going to be doing that all night. “You like?” she asked as she twirled slowly.

“It really should be a crime to be that beautiful. Whose idea was it to wear your hair like that?” he asked, toying with a curl that tumbled across her shoulder.

“Mine. This guy I know once told me I looked sexy with my hair like this.”

“That guy was right. You do look sexy with your hair like that. Maybe you'll get lucky and take some handsome stranger home with you.” He winked.

“Maybe some lucky guy will
to come home with me, you mean.”

“Or that. Either way, you're the most beautiful woman here. I feel fortunate you're even speaking to me.”

She leaned close to him and whispered, “If you're good, I'll do more than speak to you later. You're hot. I can't believe you're my date.”

It was his turn to blush. “You're just trying to make me feel better because you look so gorgeous.”

“No, you're the sexiest man I've ever seen. I sort of wish this was the end of the night already and I could take you into the bedroom...”

“Okay, we can't keep talking like that when my parents are across the room.”

“Good point. Plus, I have to be able to concentrate on work.” He nodded. “Think of England,” she joked as she looked down and could see he was definitely not thinking of England at the moment.

“Right.” He looked over at Rick with a 'Help me' expression.

Rick came over to them. “Having a hard time controlling your libido, little brother?” he teased. He kissed Emily's cheek. “You look beautiful, Em. Time for the security briefing?” he asked and Rob nodded. They needed a distraction.

Rick called everyone to attention and informed them how security would work for the gala. For most everyone else, it wasn't that different from standard protocol when they were in a group. Instead of bodyguards individually guarding each person, a handful of the guards Rick had at the event would be watching the members of the Deacon family. Except Emily. Because she was expected to be all over the place for work, Liam was set to keep tabs on her personally.

With that, they headed down to the limos.

Rob and Emily were going first so that Em could be there early. Rick and Kelly were riding with them, since Rick was both personally guarding Rob and needed to be there to brief the security team one last time.

Rob had explained to Emily earlier in the week that this was going to be different than a red carpet event. There were no planned interviews, no posed photographs. They didn't have to speak to anyone, just walk into the museum. However, they would be entering by the front door this time around and there would be a lot of flash bulbs. He told her that it would be hard to see until she got used to it – the lights were always very bright. But he promised to take her arm and help her walk all the way into the museum without incident.

As they got closer to the museum, Emily got  nervous. Rob squeezed her hand and smiled at her, and suddenly, the anxiety disappeared. “Thanks,” she said.

Rob got out of the limo first, offering his hand to help Emily. As she stepped out of the car, something that she had been doing regularly for nearly two weeks now, she was assaulted with lights and flash bulbs and the noise of all the reporters shouting questions. Rob squeezed her hand again and took her arm. She tried to smile. He leaned close to her.

“You'll be fine. Just walk normally and try to block it all from your mind.”

They made their way down the carpet to the doors and it felt like the longest walk in her life, even though it couldn't have been more than 50 feet. Actually, she had dealt with those details, it was exactly 42 feet. Somehow, bringing up that minute detail helped calm her nerves and she breathed a little easier. Rob felt her relax, turned to her and smiled his megawatt smile. God, he was beautiful. She couldn't help but smile back.

When they got to the doors and went inside, he kissed her cheek and Liam was suddenly by her side. Stealthy, that one. “I'll see you a little later,” Rob said, and he wandered off, squeezing her hand again before he left.

“Liam,” she said, her nervousness back with Rob gone.

“Where to, boss?”

She smiled. Just that little question helped her get into work mode, and she was off running. “Let's start with catering. Rick has security under control.”

Emily spent the next hour performing her hostess duties, making sure the catering was set, ensuring the DJ had actually shown up, greeting some important guests. Just before dinner was set to start, Rob found her and led her to their table.

One of the changes they had made to the seating chart was to move her seat to the Deacon table. Her own seat had been easily filled by one of Amy's last-minute additions the week before, and since they had a table of eight, there was a spot for her. They didn't make any changes to the catering information, so Em had no idea what she was eating. Since she had helped with the menu, she knew she'd like most of the choices, but it would still be a surprise.

When a plate of prime rib was set in front of her, she looked at Rob and said, “What would you have done if I didn't come with you tonight?”

“Eat them both,” he said with a grin. She laughed and raised her brows as if to say, 'Logical'. Given that she knew each seat at the table cost about $1,000 per plate, she knew she'd certainly have tried if it was her.

Later, as Emily made her rounds among the guests, she found Kelly wandering around, looking slightly bored and a tiny bit tipsy. “Having fun yet?” she asked.

“I'd be having more fun if Rick wasn't working. It's hard to get him to sneak off for a quickie when he's on the clock.”

“If he wasn't working, would he really sneak off to have sex with you?” Emily whispered, shocked.

“Oh, yeah. When you've been together as long as we have, you find ways to keep it interesting. Plus, when you've got five kids, you have to get creative. Of course, that's part of why we have five kids,” she laughed.

Emily laughed, too. “He's not the only one on security, can't he take a break for a few minutes?”

“That's what I said, but he said, 'I need more than a few minutes, thanks'. I almost said, 'not usually,' but I didn't think that would get me any.”

Emily laughed again. “Get him to dance with you, at least. He should be able to dance and work at the same time.”

“Hell yeah. He's 6'5”, there's no reason he can't work and dance. Thanks. Looks like you've got someone who wants your attention anyway,” Kelly noted, pointing at an elegantly dressed older woman who could only be Lucinda. “I'll see you later.”

Em walked up to Lucinda, who immediately hugged her. “Emily! So great to finally meet you! You've done a spectacular job and you look fabulous. Amy said you were here with Rob?”

Emily blushed. “Yes. We're, um, dating.”

BOOK: Back to December (Ward Sisters Book 1)
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