Back to the Dream Sequel 2 Dreamland (4 page)

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Authors: Felicitas Ivey

Tags: #Gay, #General, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Fiction

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"I doubt that things are going to be that bad,” Mrs. Adams insisted.

"It might not be,” I snapped, “but I ain't setting up McGann to be part of a train pull if it is. You're still thinking that the monsters are the ones that you have to worry about. Humans can be worse than the monsters. Trust me on this. I saw it inside."

"What's a train pull?” Mrs. Adams asked, a slightly confused look in her eyes.

"When a group of men line up to use someone sexually, whether the person's interested or not,” Wolf told her before I could.

I was surprised that he did, but considering where he had been assigned, he'd probably had to break up something like that at least once. Depending how nuts they were at Waltham, the inmates could be worse than those in prison. And I knew that he didn't want to see something like that happen to McGann. Or anyone, really. Me, I just thought that sending bruisers might stop that. I didn't know if he thought that would be good enough.

"I don't think that I can use that for any of the other Trustees as an argument against Caitlynn going,” Mrs. Adams said.

I bit my tongue to stop myself from saying something nasty, and McGann sighed. “Some of them might think that—"

"I don't need to hear the rest of that,” I said. I really didn't. I had seen and done some nasty shit in my life, but I never thought that setting someone up for rape was a way to get even, like those fuckers did. McGann must have really pissed them off.

"But what about talking to these people?” I continued. “I know English and some Spanish. Wolf knows German, Russian, and Jap, as well as English. Shouldn't we have someone that speaks Latin or something?"

I barely remembered the map from my time in Tamazusa's library, but I knew that the nations I had seen there, not all of them spoke English, from what little that blue guy told us. Not that I had been paying much attention to him; I had been too busy talking to Samojirou and trying to figure out what shit he was pulling.

"And McGann looked like she was going to puke the entire time she was there, like she had a bad headache,” I added. “I don't think that it's going to be better this time."

"Mason, honestly, I can take care of myself,” McGann murmured. I could see she was amused I was fussing about this. Shit, she was a good person who had been dealt a rotten hand. I bet if she hadn't been a ‘path, she'd probably have had a nice, normal life being a librarian or something sane like that.

I snorted. “Doubt that. You and Wolf... shit, you're good people."

"I will take your concerns under advisement,” Mrs. Adams said.

Even I figured that was a polite “shut the fuck up.” The meeting broke up after that, and I was wondering if the Trustees were going to smarten up and just leave the Dreamlands alone.

* * * *


Dousetsu showed up at the final cherry blossom gathering as the blossoms artfully fell from the trees, blanketing the ground with their beauty. I was surprised to see him there. He was one of the more antisocial people I knew. He had seemed very uncomfortable even at the family gatherings at Shino's castle. I hadn't seen Shino or Sousuke since that party the first night. Not that I expected to. The parties we were attending were all over Nippon, and you had to either have Samojirou's talent of walking the shadows or know some sort of spell to teleport you around, neither of which were common. If you couldn't do that, you either walked or were carried in a
, a palanquin box, to where you wanted to go. I had no idea how Fuse got around as much as she did, but it had something to do with Yatsufusa. I thought he had some sort of ability to teleport.

"Sakura-san,” Dousetsu said, bowing to me. He bowed deeper and more formally to Tamazusa. “Tamazusa-sama.” He ignored Samojirou. There was something there I didn't know about and frankly didn't want to.

"Inuyama-sama, it is a pleasure to see you here,” Tamazusa said.

"May I join you?” he asked.

She smiled at him. “You do know about the rumors?"

He looked uncomfortable but nodded. “That my mother wants an alliance with you? Or the one that she's marrying one of us off to you?"

Tamazusa laughed. “Both. You are safe, though."

Dousetsu looked puzzled for a moment and then relaxed. “I don't think that we would be a good match."

I studied him. He didn't remind me of Wolf, or Wolf wasn't like him, whichever it was supposed to be. I found it hard to believe that Wolf was Dousetsu's avatar. Not that I had anything against Dousetsu, I barely knew him, but I knew he wasn't like Wolf from the few times that we had talked. Wolf was a nice guy, kind, and gentle. I'd had a crush on him for the longest time because of that. I couldn't even think of Dousetsu in that way, knowing that we were related in an odd sort of way. He was a hard man, from what I had heard, and cold, for a number of reasons, none of which had been really explained to me.

"So you are here to plead Inukai-sama's suit?” Tamazusa asked him lightly.

Samojirou laughed and shook his head. Inukai Genpachi was another one of my brothers. He was like Mason, tough and street smart. He had been a
, a masterless samurai for a while. He didn't always watch his language either and had spent most of my visit teasing me about Samojirou, making me laugh and feel embarrassed at the same time. That he would be someone Tamazusa would be interested in was laughable. She had the reputation of being elegant and ruthless. Of all my brothers, I thought she would have the most in common with Shino.

Dousetsu looked startled, and then he realized she was teasing him. “I was thinking more of Konbungo,” he told her dryly, trying to fall into the spirit of the joke.

"Unfortunately that means that I have to deal with Inue-sama,” she said regretfully. “I don't think that will be pleasant for either one of us."

My brother Inue Shinbee, to put it bluntly, has a tendency to act like a brat, since he had been spoiled by both Fuse and the rest of his brothers. Inuta Konbungo was a big man, gentle and kind. He reminded me a lot of Wolf. He was never far away from Shinbee, since he had been his nephew as well as one of the
in the real world. Plus I thought Shinbee needed Konbungo to keep him out of trouble.

"Then can I ask to stay on my own merits?” Dousetsu asked.

Samojirou smiled. “You and the rest of the
are always welcome."

Dousetsu looked angry for a moment and then nodded. “I understand. However—"

"I also understand that sometimes the past is hard to let go,” Samojirou said softly, looking at me.

Dousetsu nodded, and Tamazusa signaled that I was to pour him sake and serve him. He looked startled but then relaxed a bit. I thought he just wasn't used to being served at all, rather than he thought I shouldn't be doing it.

"Sakura-chan has no problem with our relationship,” Samojirou said. “I hope that you do not either. We were surprised that Inukawa-sama seemed to have one."

"My brothers don't always agree, no matter what the rest of Nippon seems to think,” Dousetsu said dryly. “And I assure you, whatever issues I have are with you and not with either of your companions."

"As it should be,” Tamazusa said with a steely smile and a glance at me. I didn't know what she was trying to tell him, but it seemed to me he understood the message.

The parade of lords started soon after that. The rest of the evening was filled with banter and bargaining, since many of the lords were very interested in the fact that Dousetsu was with us. Iida was there also, staring at our group. He had been at many of the other gatherings, too, but hadn't approached us. That had made Samojirou and Tamazusa notice him all the more. I didn't know what any of them were plotting, but I knew Samojirou worried about it, for some reason. He didn't mention it to me, but I saw the look in his eyes when Iida was watching Tamazusa—he wasn't happy. I don't think he was jealous or anything like that. Iida was a puzzle to him, one he didn't like. I didn't know how Iida was able to afford to be at all these gatherings, because he didn't seem to be a rich lord. His clothing was plain and not very expensive-looking, and he didn't have any companions with him, except for the lone samurai that followed him around like he was his shadow.

"You are happy here?” Dousetsu asked me softly at the end of the evening.

I looked at him and then nodded. I wasn't going to start defending my choices with him.

"Good,” Dousetsu said. “While I will never forgive Samojirou for what he did, I have made my peace with it. He has made his own peace, it seems.” He frowned at my confused look. “Did he ever...? Probably not.” He sighed. “Talk to him."

I gave him a cross look that made him laugh. I didn't know why he thought I didn't talk to Samojirou! The mute act was only for outsiders.

"I think that there is much that you need to discuss with him about his relationship with my brother Keno,” Dousetsu said.

I was confused and curious. What did he know about that?

"I knew,” he said softly. “And I know what it cost the two of them. Talk to Samojirou about that.” He hesitated for a second. “Samojirou did me a grave injury in the real world.” Another pause. “And I know that I wasn't entirely innocent in the matter, either, which may have been part of my hatred for him. Our relationship wasn't the best for many reasons. But I, like Samojirou, tire of the hatred. Please tell him that. And give Tamazusa-sama my thanks for her kindness this evening."

With that he bowed and strode away.

"I hope that he wasn't rude to you,” Samojirou asked me. I shook my head, and he smiled at me. “I think that we need to leave soon."

I glanced over at Tamazusa and saw Iida was staring at her again. He was too far away for me to see the expression on his face, but he seemed
to me. He was watching her for a reason, and it wasn't one that seemed nice. If I didn't know better, I'd say he was stalking her. Samojirou saw where I was looking and frowned. “Him again."

He leaned over and kissed me. Tamazusa broke off her conversation and shook her head, amused and annoyed that Samojirou was being so bold with me. Nipponese society didn't approve of such public displays of affection.

"Tamazusa-sama?” the lord she was talking with asked when she seemed to not be paying attention to him.

"I was distracted for a moment,” she said smoothly.

He saw where she was looking. “I haven't seen Samojirou-sama so enamored of a companion in ages."

"He hasn't been,” she agreed.

I noticed Iida seemed to tense up when he saw what Samojirou and I were doing. I laughed and smiled at Samojirou, trying to tell him with my eyes to watch Iida, because the man felt dangerous to me. I didn't know if he got the message.

"Sakura-chan,” Tamazusa called. I hurried over to her side and bowed deeply to her. I figured she wanted to separate us before Samojirou acted any more outrageous. We knew she wasn't angry, but it also looked like the act of a jealous woman. “Attend me."

The rest of the evening passed peacefully, Samojirou amused more than angry at what Tamazusa had done. I believed he knew he had acted indiscreetly with that kiss. And not that he had offended someone with it, but that he had showed these people how much he cared for me. That could be used against him in the future. And I hated the fact that I actually had thought of it.

* * * *


I wanted to strangle Aboshi when he kissed Keno. Really, such boldness wasn't the best move in the Game. But Aboshi was madly in love with the man, and I knew that affected his judgment. I separated the two of them for the rest of the evening. Actually, I had hoped Keno would learn something of the Game when he was with me. As Aboshi brought us home, I smiled and apologized to him.

"I fear that I overstepped my bounds,” I said lightly.

He laughed. “My lady, you would never do so. I know that I was reckless. But Iida-sama sneaking and staring annoys me, and I wanted to give the man something to watch."

"Iida.” I repeated the name thoughtfully. “I noticed him. I don't know if he is just rude or shy with the way that he acts."

"Rude,” Aboshi said promptly.

"Dousetsu told me that he appreciated your kindness,” Keno told me quietly. “I think that he's shy."

Aboshi laughed at that, but not unkindly. “That could be said of the man,” I told Keno.

"He seemed shy when we were at Shino's castle,” Keno said. “Like he wasn't comfortable with anyone but Hamaji."

"She reminds him of his sister, actually half-sister,” I said. “The Hamajis looked and acted a lot alike. It caused him grief when Aboshi used the first Hamaji for his own ends and she died. Dousetsu... unfortunately he was part of what happened, and he found out that she was his half-sister when she was dying in his arms. It was a shock, I've been told, when he met Shino's Hamaji, for she reminded him of his half-sister strongly."

Keno looked shocked at this for some reason. I then remembered how
he was, how sheltered even with all that had happened to him. Aboshi looked annoyed, and I simply stared at him. I wondered why he hadn't told Keno about these things, and then I realized he couldn't. Keno wouldn't understand. He didn't... couldn't understand the hatred of our time in the real world. That Dousetsu had killed his own sister because Aboshi had tricked and confused him with illusions. Illusions Aboshi wasn't able to spin anymore, as he was stripped of most of his power when the first Keno had banished him.

"I'm sorry,” I told Aboshi.

He nodded, accepting my apology, and Keno looked even more confused. “Inuyama has had a difficult life,” Aboshi told him, trying to explain to him a little. “He dedicated his early life to avenging his father's death."

"That sounds intense,” Keno said thoughtfully. “I don't know if I could do that."

Aboshi and I looked at each other. The first Keno had done more than that, but I didn't know if either one of us could explain his ancestor to him.

"I think that I want to retire,” Keno told us, apparently ignoring the currents that swirled around him. He smiled and bowed to Aboshi and me before gliding away, still firmly in his persona of Sakura the
. It seemed to be more of the “real” him, or it could be that he was finally confident about who he was. This was a great change from the frightened young man he had been when I rescued him from the Trust.

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