Back to the Future Part II

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Authors: Craig Shaw Gardner

BOOK: Back to the Future Part II
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A novel by Craig Shaw Gardner

Based on a screenplay by Bob Gale Story by Robert Zemeckis & Bob Gale

‘The only thing more uncertain than the future is the past.’

- Soviet proverb

Copyright © 1989 MCA Publishing Rights, a Division of MCA, Inc. All rights reserved.

First published in Great Britain in 1989 by HEADLINE BOOK PUBLISHING PLC

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

All characters in this publication are fictitious - and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

ISBN 0 7472 3429 9

Typeset in 10/11¾ pt Mallard
by Coiset Private Limited, Singapore

Printed and bound in Great Britain by
Collins, Glasgow

Headline House,
79 Great Titchfield Street
London WIP7FN

Table of Contents

Great Scott!

Doc Emmett Brown never thought it would come to this.

It had all started so simply. Doc Brown still remembered the first night he had conducted the time experiment - all the way back in 1955.

A storm, which had been brewing all evening, was about to break.

The clock tower read 10:04.

The DeLorean, with its special super-conducting electrical pole added for the occasion, raced toward the electrical line.

And lightning struck the clock tower!

At the last possible second, Doc Brown connected the cables.

The hook on the pole above the DeLorean hit the electrical line - and 1.21 jigowatts of electricity flooded into the flux capacitor -

And the DeLorean vanished into the future, leaving only twin trails of fire where its wheels had been!

Ah, that was a great day for science! Of course, Doc hadn’t invented the DeLorean time machine in 1955. Heavens, DeLoreans didn’t even exist in 1955! No, it was his 1985 counterpart - a Doc Brown thirty years older and wiser - who had finally perfected attempt to correct it. After all, there was no other way for a responsible scientist to act!

He climbed into the DeLorean and set the destination display for 1985, on the morning following the time Marty returned. There was no reason, after all, for Marty not to get a good night’s sleep.

They would be very careful, Doc told himself, and there would be no mistakes. While he had been in the future, Doc had done some research into the nature of time paradoxes, and discovered their results could bo far more devastating than he had ever imagined!

But even Doctor Emmett L. Brown, with all of his intellect, could have never imagined the startling repercussions that would develop from what he was about to do.

Chapter One

October 26 1985
10:38 a.m.

hing - but everything - was different now!

The truck was the clincher. It was a new Toyota 4-By-4, jet black and gorgeous. And his parents had said that it belonged to him!

Marty McFly still couldn’t believe how much had changed.

Before he had gone into the past, his father had been - Marty had to face it - a wimp who liked to spend his time laughing at Jackie Gleason reruns; a wimp who let his co-worker Biff run all over him. His dad had actually done the reports and office work for both men. And his mother had reacted to all this by quietly stepping back from life. She had also started drinking more than she should. They had both been good parents, had raised Marty and his brother and sister the best they could, but still -

he had gone into the past! How easily he accepted all that now. It had started with his friend Doc Brown - a local inventor who everybody around Hill Valley thought was a bit of a crackpot, even for California - anyway, Doc had wanted Marty to bring along his video camera to tape the Doc’s latest experiment; turning a DeLorean into a time machine!

And. unlike most of Doc’s other experiments, the machine had actually worked, sending Doc’s sheepdog, Einstein, one minute into the future!

That’s when the terrorists had shown up. It seemed that Doc had needed some plutonium for his time machine to work, so he had gotten these guys to steal some for him, vaguely promising he would make them some bombs or something. Doc had then planned to lose himself, so that the terrorists could never find him.

The terrorists, unfortunately, had had other ideas.

They had shot Doc - not fatally, as it turned out -and chased Marty after he had climbed into the DeLorean, forcing him to speed away from their machine-guns and rocket-launchers, until the car was flat out doing eighty-eight miles per hour. And, at eighty-eight miles per hour, the DeLorean had turned into a time machine, sending Marty thirty years into the past!

He’d come close to blowing it all in 1955, but had managed somehow to get through the whole thing OK, with a little help from the 1955 version of Doc, who had also succeeded in sending Marty and the DeLorean back to the present, good old 1985.

Except that 1985 wasn’t the same anymore. Now, his father was no longer a wimp. Instead, he was a published science fiction author. And his mother wasn’t drinking any more, and she looked much thinner and years younger! Heck, now his parents even played tennis together!

Biff had changed jobs, too. He now ran an ‘auto detailing’ service, doing speciality work on cars. And Biff wasn’t bullying anybody into doing his job anymore - in fact, he was sitting in the McFly kitchen at this very minute, having a cup of coffee before he started to wax George’s car.

Even Marty’s brother and sister had cleaned up their acts. And Marty’s dream truck was sitting in the garage!

All this stuff had happened with his family and Biff, just because Marty had messed up a little bit when he had been stuck in 1955. They had been lucky that time, and everything had worked out all right. Marty knew that Doc Brown was right - it was dangerous to fool around with time.

But Doc was already gone again, off into the future. The future, not the past, had been the DeLorean’s original destination, and Doc was eager to get on with his experiment. Still, Marty wished Doc had waited a while, at least until everything had quieted down around here. The way all these things had changed - Marty thought they were great and all, but still - if you looked at it a certain way, all this change could be a little scary.

What if something else, something really serious, was wrong with this version of 1985? With all that had already happened, who knew what else could be different?

‘How about a ride, mister?’

Marty turned away from the truck at the sound of the girl’s voice. It was Jennifer. Jennifer, with her long, auburn hair and big, brown eyes, looking every bit as pretty as the last time he had seen her-in Marty’s humble opinion, the prettiest girl in all of the senior class.

It also didn’t hurt one bit that she was Marty's girl-friend.

Some things, then, were still the same - some very important things.

‘Jennifer!’ Marty had to keep himself from jumping up and down. ‘Oh, are you a sight for sore eyes! Let me look at you!’

Jennifer took a worried half-step away as he hurried over to her.

‘Marty’ she said with a bit of a frown, ‘you’re acting like you haven't seen me in a week! ’

‘I haven’t!’ Marty answered without thinking.

She looked at him even more strangely.

‘Are you OK? Is everything all right?’

That’s right! Marty realised there was no way she could know about everything that had happened to him. He had spent a whole week back in 1955, but he’d actually come back to 1985 at almost the same time he had left - so, to somebody who had stayed put in 1985, instead of jumping around in time like Marty and the DeLorean, it was like he hadn’t been gone at all.

How did you explain something like that to someone without sounding absolutely crazy?

But everything was all right - in a way it had never been before, with his parents, with Biff, and the truck, too! He looked back at the house and smiled.

‘Oh, yeah!’ he answered her. ‘Everything is great.'

It was especially great, with Jennifer, here and now. He hadn't realised, until this moment, how much he had missed her when he had been in the past. But he would make up for all that, and more, now that he was back where he belonged.

He put his arms around Jennifer. She put her arms , around him. They looked into each other’s eyes.

Marty leaned his head forward toward Jennifer's slightly opened lips. He closed his eyes.

Jennifer would never believe how long he had waited for this kiss.

Their eyes opened abruptly as not one, not two, but three sonic booms rocked the driveway on which they stood.

Marty knew those sonic booms all too well. He looked around for the source of the noise, and saw Doc Brown pull the DeLorean into the driveway.

But both Doc and the DeLorean were different! For one thing, the car had a new addition to its rear deck, right above the engine, a white canister labelled ‘Mr Fusion'. And Doc (as white-haired and dishevelled as ever - at least that was the same!) was dressed in even wilder clothes than he usually wore; a metallic yellow shirt covered by a long orange robe.

Doc jumped from the car.

‘Marty!’ he called frantically. ‘You’ve got to come back with me!’

Marty looked from Jennifer to Doc and back again. Back with Doc? In the time machine? He had thought this was all over!

‘Where?’ Marty asked.

‘Back to the future!’ Doc replied, as if going to the future were the most obvious thing in the world. The inventor didn’t wait for Marty’s answer, but walked Quickly to the garbage can by the side of the driveway. He threw off the lid and began rifling through the can’s contents.

‘Wait a minute!’ Marty called. ‘What are you doin’, Doc?’

Doc picked up a banana skin and a crushed beer can. ‘I need fuel!’ He carried the trash over to the ‘Mr Fusion’ canister, dumped in the banana skin remaining beer, then - after a moment’s thought the beer can, too.

‘Go ahead!’ he shouted to Marty. ‘Quick, get in the car!’

wanted Marty to go to the future? But Marty couldn’t! Not now. not after all he'd been through!

‘No, no, no. Doc,’ Marty objected with a shake of his head. ‘I just got here. Jennifer’s here!’ He waved at the Toyota in the garage. ‘We’re gonna take this new truck out for a spin.’

Doc paused in his garbage collection for a moment to stare at both of them intently. ‘Well, bring her along! This concerns her, too!’

This concerned both of them?

Marty looked at Jennifer. She looked back at him.

‘Wait a minute, Doc!’ Marty interrupted. This might be more serious than he had thought. ‘What are you talking about? What happens to us in the future? Do we become assholes or something?’

Doc hesitated for a second: should he tell them the truth? Then he blinked rapidly and shook his head. ‘No, no, you and Jennifer both turn out fine. It’s your kids, Marty. Something’s got to be done about your kids!’

Our kids?

Marty looked at Jennifer.

Jennifer looked at Marty.

Our kids?

They both got in the car.

Marty looked quickly at the inside of the DeLorean as he and Jennifer crowded into the passenger seat. It looked pretty much the same way it did before, with the three digital readouts on the dashboard showing where they were set to travel in time, along with where they were now, timewise, and the last place -or rather, time - where the DeLorean had been. And the flux capacitor - the y-shaped gizmo that made this time travel stuff possible - was still glowing behind them.

Doc jumped into the driver’s seat, quickly setting the time circuits to send them into the future. He backed the car out of the driveway and started down the suburban street, heading straight for the dead end!

‘Doc,’ Marty reminded him, ‘you’d better back up. We don’t have enough road to get up to eighty-eight.’

‘Roads?’ Doc replied with a laugh. ‘Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.’

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