Bad Apple - the Baddest Chick (3 page)

Read Bad Apple - the Baddest Chick Online

Authors: Nisa Santiago

Tags: #Urban Fiction, #New York (N.Y.), #Fiction, #Urban Life, #Street Life, #Sisters, #African American, #General

BOOK: Bad Apple - the Baddest Chick
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She sat next to Nichols and began pondering her options. She needed some cash, and she needed it fast. She remembered a nice, sexy outfit she saw on 125th Street the other day when she was hanging out with Ayesha. The price tag was $200, which was way out of her budget for clothes. However, Apple knew once she was seen in it, heads would turn, and dudes would drool over the way her body fit into the skintight shorts and trendy shirt.

Apple even thought about getting Kola and her crew to shoplift the outfit for her. Kola’s girls had the means, the nerves, and the attitude to boost from any store and get away with it. But she hated to owe Kola any favors. It was very frustrating for Apple to know what she wanted to wear to the concert but not be able to afford it.

“What’s on your mind, Apple?” Nichols inquired with concern.

“Nothin’,” she replied. Apple then looked at her sister and smiled. “I’ll be back.”

“Where you going?”

“Out for a minute.”

“Can I come?” Nichols asked.

“No,” Apple shouted.

Nichols sucked her teeth and caught an attitude; she hated being the little sister.

Apple snatched a cigarette from off the dresser and walked out the apartment. She needed a smoke and a walk. She marched down the pissy-smelling stairway and stepped into the lobby, only to see Supreme and Guy Tony conducting business with a young male stranger. Apple was aware of Supreme’s loan-sharking reputation. He was a bully, a pervert, and, most importantly, feared in the neighborhood.

Supreme turned to see Apple standing close by, trying to exit. He took a pull from the burning Black & Mild, eyed Apple’s luscious body from head to toe, and said, “You tryin’ to pass, Apple?”

“Yeah,” she uttered.

“How’s ya moms doin’? She good, right?” Supreme asked, his tone dirty.

“She fine.” Apple tried to be short.

Supreme nodded with a smile, his eyes dancing all over Apple’s petite, curvy figure. He had a craving for young girls like Apple. She was the one he desired the most, but she always kept her distance from him. In her eyes, Supreme was nothing but a goofball.

Guy Tony, Supreme’s young worker and underling, stood silently next to his boss. He looked at Apple with a deadpan stare, the .45 peeking from underneath his shirt. He was nineteen
with a secret crush on Apple. She knew Guy Tony by his government name, Anthony. They went to grade school together and used to be cool until high school, when he started running with Supreme. It was at that time he turned into “Guy Gooney.” He had gotten sucked into the loan-sharking business with Supreme, and the two remained close ever since.

Apple noticed the nervous, young stranger by the door. She wanted to mind her business. She didn’t care for any of the men or their shady business tactics. However, she did notice the large roll of twenties and fifties that Supreme had clutched in his hand. It sparked a gleam in her eyes.

“You need somethin’, Apple?” Supreme asked.

“I just need to pass,” she said.

“You sure that’s all you need?” Supreme had a hint of persuasion in his voice as he counted his large knot.

“Yeah, now move,” she spat.

Supreme smiled. He was six-one with a broad build to him. He sported little jewelry and a denim jacket with a switchblade in the pocket, which he was known to use on deadbeats, sticking his victims in the hands, eye, knee, or wherever he was able to cause agonizing pain, as a warning for them to pay up soon.

Slowly, Supreme stepped out of Apple’s way with an unruly smile. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her body. “If you need somethin’, Apple, you can always come to me.”

“Whatever,” Apple said before exiting the building.

As she walked out into the street, the only thing on her mind was Supreme’s bankroll. She figured he had to have about five grand in his pockets, and she knew she could do wonders with that money. First, she would get herself the bomb outfit for Summer Jam, and second, she would leave the projects for something better. But those were only dreams. Supreme was a snake—a first-class jerk. Still, he had money, which was something she truly needed.

Apple took a seat on top of the bench, took a few pulls from her cigarette, and thought about doing the unthinkable. That bankroll in Supreme’s hand had excited her. In Apple’s mind, it was easy money. Summer Jam was next week, and she needed an outfit, her hair done, money for transportation, and maybe a little extra something for food and activities with her girls.

“Just this one time, you gotta look right for Cross,” she convinced herself.

She took a few more pulls from her cigarette, sighed heavily, jumped from off the bench, and hurried back to see Supreme. After walking into the lobby, she noticed the stranger had left, but Supreme and Guy Tony had lingered around, talking.

Supreme immediately saw Apple re-enter the building. He turned with a smile. “You came back for somethin’?” he asked with a smirk.

Apple looked up at him, wondering if she was doing the right thing by asking him for a loan. “Can we talk?” she asked.

Supreme looked at the young beauty for a moment. Then he exhaled the smoke from the Black & Mild he puffed on and gestured for Apple to follow him into the stairwell for privacy. “Give me a minute, Guy,” he said.

Guy Tony nodded.

As Apple followed behind him, Supreme asked, “What you need?”

“I need a favor.”

“How much?” Supreme asked, already knowing she wanted money. It was always about money with him. Supreme towered over Apple’s five-three frame and waited for her to answer.

“Two hundred,” Apple replied, afraid that if she asked for more he would shut her down.

“Two hundred, huh?”

“I’ll pay you back,” she told him.

“I know you will. It ain’t a choice. But you know I’m about my business, Apple. I take it seriously. I’m nothin’ to play with in these streets.”

“I know.”

“What you need this paper for anyway?”

“I’d rather not say.”

Supreme chuckled and licked his lips. He was known to have females fuck or suck him repeatedly to free themselves from their debts. He had the same plan for Apple. If she couldn’t pay him back, he would have her sleep off her debt.

“You know what? Since I like you, I’ma hook you up.” Supreme reached into his pocket, peeled off five crisp C-notes, and passed them to Apple. “Take five hundred and have yourself a good time.”

“But I only need two,” Apple contested meekly.

“I know you’re good for it. I’ll get my money back one way or another, Apple. You remember that. I don’t like to be fucked wit’,” Supreme stated in a cold tone.

Apple wasn’t intimidated by his subtle threats, though. For some inexplicable reason she felt that the most he would do to her is try to bark on her in front of her peoples, which she could handle. She had been around men scarier than him, and she knew how to handle herself. She thought Supreme was a clown-ass dude, and in her mind he was a dumb ass for loaning her the money knowing she didn’t work.

She smiled and responded, “Thanks.”

“You got three weeks to pay that back to me wit’ three points added to that, Apple. After that, I might become a problem.”

“It won’t be a problem, Supreme,” she assured him.

“As long as we got that understanding then.”

Apple rushed up the concrete stairway, while Supreme watched her in her form-fitting skirt, leeringly. This loan was motivated by pure lust. He massaged his crotch and thought about her young pussy. It was a loan he was eager to get paid back in sex. He didn’t want the money; he wanted her.


ola stepped into the seedy and dimly lit strip club on Amsterdam Avenue, where the young women walked around butt naked with either a drink or cash in their hands. It was pure underground, where weed smoke lingered in the air, cheap liquor was served from a makeshift bar, and for the right amount of cash, one of the ghetto-style women would fuck anyone in the back rooms.

Drake’s “Best I Ever Had” blared throughout the spot, while the male customers fondled the women with lustful attention, sucked tits, and squeezed asses. Coochies were wet, and dicks were hard from the surrounding temptation.

Kola followed behind Mike-Mike, strutting through the crowd. Clad in a revealing short skirt, a tight shirt, and her long, defined light-brown legs standing erect in some clear stiletto heels, her chandelier earrings and diamond bracelet gleamed magnificently in the place. She quickly caught the attention of a few men in the room. They thought she was a dancer. They eyed her like she was the prize to go after. Kola smiled and flirted with a few of them, but she wasn’t about to take her clothes off, especially for free. She just came to enjoy the scene and the ladies with her friend Mike-Mike.

“You want a drink, Kola?” Mike-Mike asked.

“Yeah, get me some Grey Goose.”

“A’ight, I got you, luv,” Mike-Mike said with a smile.

Mike-Mike was Kola’s friend from the building, and the two occasionally fucked each other for fun. They both liked to get into different shit, it being either sex or getting money, and the two sometimes did it together, even having a threesome from time to time. But they still did their thang with other people without any feelings of jealousy in the mix.

Kola and Mike-Mike had a mutual respect for each other that went back to grade school. They understood each other, and no one could break their special bond. Mike-Mike was a go-getter and a brawler who hustled the block under Cross, and if Kola had any beef, he had her back and vice versa.

Mike-Mike moved through the crowd with a strong confidence. He was like a pit bull, with his wide build and strong arms, and weighed close to three hundred pounds. He was only six-two, but his appearance alone was intimidating to many. He rocked a shaved head and a thick beard, and was sometimes mistaken for a Muslim. His forearm was covered in tattoos, his ears sported diamonds, and he was a beast on the streets and in the bedroom. Kola loved him, but they weren’t in love. They were just cool with each other.

Kola stood by the stage and was fixated on a sweaty, young female working hard for a few dollars. The stripper was short, but thick all over. She was butt naked, her shoes laid on one side of the stage and her clothing to the opposite. With her legs spread, she was playing with her clit to the sound of Drake. She worked the stage with such zeal; she looked like she was born to be a freak.

Kola smiled, admiring the girl. She was somewhat into women. For her, it felt good to try new things, and tonight she wanted to experiment with her third threesome. Bored, she was ready to indulge in some sexual excitement.

Kola began tipping the dancer. She spread a few dollars onto the girl and had her work her body for a few twenties in singles. The dancer rotated, made her ass cheeks clap like applause, and spread herself all around, showing Kola every inch of her body—ass crack and all. Her kitty-cat was shaved, her thighs were thick like a tree trunk, and her nipples were dark like Hershey’s chocolate. The girl put on such a show; Kola gave her an extra twenty.

“What’s ya name?” Kola asked.


“I like you, Kandy,” Kola said.


Kola felt up her tits, grabbed her thighs. “I wanna talk to you later.”

“A’ight,” Kandy replied with a smile.

Mike-Mike returned with Kola’s drink. He looked over at Kandy then asked Kola, “You like that?”

“Yeah, she’s cute and sexy.”

“Fuck it. You wanna do her?” he asked.

“Let me look around first,” Kola said.

Mike-Mike nodded and took a sip from his Corona. He looked around the room to see who was who, made some quick observations, and then focused his attention back to Kola and the girl on stage.

The place was buzzing with naked, willing women and constantly flowing with alcohol. Men and women were disappearing in and out of the back rooms for VIP all night. Money was being made, while fantasies were being fulfilled.

Kola watched some lesbian action being performed on stage, where two girls were contorted in the 69 position, tits pressed against flesh; legs spread wide.

The men howled and tossed dollar bills at the lewd action. One dude even went as far as to pour his beer down one girl’s back and then between the other girl’s legs. Still, the girls didn’t miss a beat pleasing each other.

Fixated on the action just like the men, Kola continually tossed money at them. An hour had passed, and she was on her third drink. Feeling tipsy and horny, she looked around for Kandy and spotted the thick, bootylicious, brown-skinned shorty giving someone a lap dance in a nearby corner. Kola kept her eyes keenly on Kandy, admiring her thick physique and sexy swag.

Kola was loose like her mother, having quickly adopted her promiscuous ways. She loved action. She’d lost her virginity to Mike-Mike at thirteen, and from there on, sex was her playground. It was her world to explore and enjoy—mostly with men, but sprinkled with a few women if they were cute and sexy like her. She and Mike-Mike would frequent certain strip clubs looking for the right ladies to get up with. They had an agenda and wanted to get things in motion before summer’s end.

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