Bad Behavior (Bad in Baltimore) (21 page)

Read Bad Behavior (Bad in Baltimore) Online

Authors: K.A. Mitchell

Tags: #sub, #Gay, #dom, #Bisexual, #GLBT, #spanking, #bondage, #Submission, #D/s, #Dominance

BOOK: Bad Behavior (Bad in Baltimore)
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“Mine.” He took David’s mouth, fingers gripping his ass.

“Yes.” David hung on, tilting his hips so their cocks rubbed together.

The first rumble of thunder shook the boat. Somewhere in Tai’s head he knew that water and thunderstorms were a bad combination, but that head wasn’t driving. His senses were locked on to David’s groans, the hot, silky rub of his cock, then God, the way their own electricity jumped between them when Tai’s finger worked into the damp heat of David’s crack to press on the satiny-hard muscle around his hole.

“Yes. Please. Fuck me.”

David’s words seemed to come from inside Tai’s head.

He grabbed David’s face and stuffed a finger into his mouth, feeling the wet pull and rub traveling straight down to Tai’s dick.

“I decide.”

David managed a nod, steady suction on Tai’s fingers as he shoved a second one inside. The blue eyes had gone soft, hungry. When Tai let go, David’s head dropped back, exposing the line of his throat, so close Tai could see the swirl pattern in the stubble under his jaw.

“Oh, no, boy. I want you to work for it. Grab our dicks. Jack them together.”

Tai watched David pull himself into coordination, hand shaky then firm thumb spreading precome.

“You got more spit. Use it.”

David’s mouth was open, but the sound got swallowed in a bigger rumble and a hard knock of the boat against the wood pilings.

Tai watched, hands back to spreading David wide open, finger circling and pressing, dipping and testing the yield of his hole.

Just as David brought his hand back to their dicks, Tai shoved both fingers in, reading the reaction in David’s face, in the way his body fought and then opened to take it. After a few harsh sounds, David’s face shifted from pain to hunger, ass relaxing the crush around Tai’s fingers so he could move.

Oh God, so hot and soft. Squeezing. Pulsing. Like David was already coming. Tai’s hips snapped him forward. He wanted it. Wanted all that heat and texture on the bare skin of his dick.

He knew he could have it. David would let him. David was barely able to focus on stroking their cocks, his grip uneven, going slack as Tai twisted his fingers deeper.

He could have it.

The knowledge made Tai dizzy. Hot prickles under his skin, the rush of complete power. Dominance. It wouldn’t take much. He could lift David, then drive up into him, keep his ass open then fill him with cock. Watch him struggle to take it on nothing but spit.

The boat shook under another blast of wind. Power.

David panted, voice scraped raw. “It’s enough, Sir. You could—”


The rain started then, sheets of it slashing against the hull, spraying in from the stern.

Power was nothing without control.

“You want my cock, David?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“You think you can take me on just spit?”

“God, yes.”

“You’d take me raw? My bare skin in you?”

“Yes.” David’s voice shuddered through that.

“I’ll lift you up and slam you down on my dick, and you’ll have to take it like that. Hard and deep. And then I’ll make you work. Make you fuck yourself.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Did I tell you to stop jerking us off?”

“No, Sir. But—”

Tai leaned in and kissed the edge of David’s jaw. “But what, boy?”

“I’ll come.” It was a desperate whine.

“What makes you think that will matter? That I wouldn’t fuck you even after you’re all soft. You’re mine. Aren’t you?”

David’s eyes shot open, his fingers tightening around their shafts.

“Stroke faster, David. Just you. You’re going to come.”

His eyes were wild. Not that drugged look of submission, but a flare of want and fear.

“Come, David.”

Tai fucked his fingers in and out, scissored them, not sure he could get the right angle like this.

David’s knuckles brushed against Tai’s cock, the slide of his fist a whisper of sound above the storm outside.

Tai felt it in David’s ass first, the start of his orgasm, and then his groans, his pleas. “Fuck, please. Please.”

The wind blasted rain onto Tai’s back as David shot warmth between them, his ass clenching and pulsing and then locking around Tai’s fingers.

David’s head hung heavy on his shoulders, and Tai urged him closer, letting him rest his forehead on Tai’s shoulder.

He ran his free hand down David’s back, over the soft cotton of his shirt. “Good boy. I’ve got you. Relax.”

David shuddered, a ripple starting at his shoulders before moving to his hips, his muscles finally easing enough to let Tai slide his fingers free.

David turned his face into Tai’s neck, kissing every bit of skin he could reach.

“Yeah.” Tai leaned back, inviting more. “You want a taste? Clean me off, baby.”

David went to work, shoving Tai’s shirt up, lapping at his skin, wet, soft kisses moving down into his groin. As David wriggled his legs and hips behind him, he used a hand to lift Tai’s sac toward warm lips and the hungry flick of tongue. David put a stroke on the skin behind Tai’s balls, making him jolt, then moved back to mouth up along his shaft.

The combination of gentle pressure and eager attention was maddening. David’s light licks didn’t have enough pressure or focus, but they were everywhere, constant sensation on Tai’s balls, his dick, belly and groin. He let it build, ignoring the chill of wet wind behind him in favor of the heat from David’s mouth until it was too much.

Sliding one hand deep into his hair, Tai held David’s head steady and pushed up between his lips, into wet suction. David kept up those fast flicks of his tongue, dipping into the slit, wrapping around the head. Tai drove up until David had to hold him between his tongue and palate, soft squeeze, the flutter of his throat closing making a hot flood build, spill over in his balls.

He pumped into David’s mouth, the first shot of come coating his throat and tongue to make those last few jerks sweeter. Letting go of David’s hair, he fell back as the pleasure receded.

“Damn,” David said from where his head was pillowed on Tai’s thigh. “We’re a mess.”

There was no arguing that.

David went on, “I know there are some towels below, but I don’t think I have anything you could wear.”

“Below?” Tai glanced around the boat. “In storage?”

“A shower too, but no hot water right now.” David wobbled to his feet, turned and unlocked what Tai had thought was an engine cabinet to reveal a small doorway and steps leading down.

“You have a downstairs.” Tai stared, hoisting himself up. “That’s out of view and dry?” He peered around David through the hatch. “And that has a bed?”

“Yes. Oh. Well. It was…” David trailed off and looked down.

Tai caught David’s chin and tipped his head up. “Yeah. It was.”

Stripped to his boxers, Tai glanced around the downstairs of David’s boat. They were in a small living room kind of space, with kitchen stuff and a bathroom to one side of the wall opposite the sofa, and a flat-screen TV took up the rest of the wall.

“I don’t bother to keep the cable hooked up,” David said through the door that opened into a bedroom, sounding like he was making an apology. He held up a T-shirt, looking between the cotton stretched to its limit in his hands and Tai. “Yeah, I don’t think that’ll work. Now I’m wishing I’d gotten the washer-dryer instead of worrying about cabinet space.”

David had barely paused for breath since they came down those stairs, issuing a combination tour and commentary on the amenities as if he were a desperate used-yacht salesman. Because this wasn’t a fishing boat. It was a yacht. Knowing David was part of the one percent was different from standing here, surrounded by the kind of luxury that belonged on TV. This was in-his-face unavoidable. Like the phone call from Tai’s mom telling him what David had done to get Tai in to see Sammie, it was a 3-D, surround-sound experience reminding him how they might as well have been from different planets.

David trailed off under one of the storm’s departing rumbles. Rain still splatted on the deck overhead.

“I didn’t come down here for this,” Tai said.

David put on his too-pleasant smile and spoke faster. “For laundry service? I guess not. Though there is a laundry room available at the hotel, access included as part of my docking fees. I could run over and do a quick wash and dry while you wait. Do you need another towel?”

“I need you to come here.” Tai let his Dom come through in his voice.

David tossed the T-shirt behind him and stepped out of the bedroom. His face and his steps showed too much hesitance.

Tai pulled David down onto the sofa and held him, his back to Tai’s chest.

“I’m not dropping. I feel fine.”

“Okay. But you listen better like this.”

“I listen just—” David’s sigh was rueful. “Yes, Sir. I do.”

“I wasn’t saying that I didn’t enjoy what we did. Only that I got sidetracked.”

David tipped his head to one side to show off a grin. “Glad I could help.”

“And you’re trying to do it again.”

David straightened, not resisting Tai’s hold but no longer relaxing into it.

“My mom called and told me what you did. At the hospital.”

“What did I do?” David’s surprise was genuine, a flinch throughout his body. “I was a perfect gentleman.”

Tai shifted them so that he could tip up David’s chin. “You made them let me see Sammie. Thank you.”

David lowered his eyes. “Yes. Well, I’m not particularly fond of stupid bureaucracies.”

“My mom thinks you’re in some kind of mafia.”

“She mentioned that.” David fidgeted, rolling his foot in a circle until the ankle joint popped audibly over the slap of rain. “Beauchamp is a name health-care administrators are familiar with. I went over the nurse’s head.”

Tai had expected smug. Not an almost apology. “Well, I appreciate it.”

“No trouble. It was a simple phone call.” But there was more deflection than courtesy in David’s answer.

Tai went fishing. “Did you make those calls you were supposed to?”

David slid free and turned to face him. “I did. I have a physical therapy appointment at three forty-five.”

“And?” Tai prompted.

“And my uncle said he couldn’t talk at that moment, but he’d call me back.”


The praise didn’t shift David’s eyes from their focus on his knees. The luxury around them might have made Tai aware of the gap between them, but right now he could only see David’s need.

Tai lifted David’s chin. “Tell me.”

David blinked, then let his cheek lean into Tai’s hold. “My father— I haven’t seen him since I was ten. Something happened—a girl accused him of having sex with her when she was underage. I don’t remember it very well. There was a lot of money involved and lawyers and then my father left the country. He’s in Venezuela, and if he comes back, they’ll arrest him.” David licked his lips. “My mother…” David paused and shrugged. “I guess she was so embarrassed by it all, she went to Europe, and I went to live with my aunt and uncle.”

“The same uncle you called.”

David nodded. Tai tugged David into an embrace, keeping his back pressed tight against Tai’s chest. This time David relaxed.

“The thing I remember is that the girl claimed she had a ring because my father gave it to her. A family-heirloom thing. We had a painting of my great-great-grandfather wearing it. I was fascinated by it because according to my grandfather, you could spin the gem and underneath was the family seal. But I don’t remember my dad having it.”

David twirled his foot again, but the ankle didn’t pop. He flexed the ankle with the band back and forth.

“So that’s how I ended up with this. I ran into a cousin who told me the ring didn’t make it to my dad because his grandfather swiped it and then his uncle lost it on Fort Carroll during some party in the ’90s. If I found it, her case would be shot and my dad could come home.”

From everything Tai knew about evidence and indictments in general, it seemed like there had to be much more on the side of the accusing girl than her say-so and a ring to keep a man with the kind of power Beauchamp money could buy out of the country. But Tai had promised David trust, not a legal briefing.

“How did you plan to find a ring on an island, even one that size?”

David stopped swinging his foot. “I admit I wasn’t too clear on it. I thought I had a good fix from what Beau had told me, about a gun port that faced due east, but that night…” He shook his head. “It seemed like a simple plan.”

“And now?”

“Now I know I’d need a metal detector at least. The place is a mess.”

Despite his best intentions to work the kind of supportive-reflective-de-escalating listening crap the state forced POs to go to in-services on, Tai couldn’t keep a half grunt, half growl from escaping his throat.

“And a permit. Or whatever.” David pulled away. “I really don’t want to go to jail. I’m not going to do something stupid.” He rolled his eyes. “This time. I wish I hadn’t dragged Gavin into it that night. Maybe he and his—”

David’s phone chirped with that bland ringtone, and he sprang off the sofa, winced and then hobbled to where his deck shorts were hanging off a cabinet knob.

After retrieving the phone he mouthed
My uncle
at Tai before tapping it and bringing it to his ear.

Either David’s cell phone had impressive reception or his uncle had a particularly loud voice because there weren’t many words from either side of the conversation that Tai didn’t catch.

He might not have been familiar with the uncle’s voice, but there was no mistaking the tone for anything but a sneer of disgust as he said, “What kind of trouble are you in now, David?”

So much for everyone calling him Beach.

“None. Well, nothing new.” David’s attempt at charm faded fast. “It’s only that Da—my father has been unable to reach you, and he asked me to call in his stead.”

“Yes.” But there was nothing else forthcoming from the man on the other end of the phone.

After a moment of impatient tapping on the counter, David faced Tai and made a dramatically exasperated face that did nothing to hide the real tension underneath.

“Well, sir—” David capitulated to the silence, “—he’s concerned.”

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