Bad Boy Billionaire (A Standalone Romance)

BOOK: Bad Boy Billionaire (A Standalone Romance)
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Cara Cruz

Copyright 2015 Cara Cruz

All rights reserved

This book is a work of fiction. Names and characters appearing in this work are entirely fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Chapter 1

Chase Breton watched as his receptionist pouted her already-full lips and crawled across his desk. The glint in her eyes was the most seductive look he’d ever seen. It helped that she was wearing nothing more than a lacy thong, which was the exact same shade as her glossy mouth.

“What do you want to do next, sir?” she purred, pouting up at him as she reached his side of the enormous mahogany desk and leaned over to loosen his green silk tie.

“Get down here,” he groaned, grabbing a handful of her hair and playfully pulling it as she swung her legs around and eased them off the desk.

“Like this?”

“Exactly like that.”

Chase smiled and looked around. As a child, he’d often visited his father in that very office. His father had always said that one day it would be him sitting at the controls of Breton Enterprises. Still, though. He often had to punch himself in the arm just to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

Breton was one of the largest conglomerates in the United States. It had changed beyond recognition since the early days of his great grandfather’s tiny import business. Now it had a whole host of departments and over ten thousand staff. And it was all Chase’s responsibility.

It was a heavy burden to bear at the age of thirty-two, but Chase had to admit that it came with more than enough fringe benefits to sweeten the deal. Like Rachel, his receptionist.

He reached out and stroked the dimples on her lower back, hypnotized by the way her bright pink thong made her bronzed buttocks look even more perfect. He had a lot to smile about, he knew.

“Please, sir,” Rachel panted, wiggling her butt in the air like she needed him yesterday.

Chase stood and reached down. Rachel had already unfastened his pants as she gyrated in his lap earlier; now he pushed them off and gripped her waist with one hand and his thick, hard cock in the other. Just as he was about to pound her – hard – the door to his inner office flew open.

Chase cursed and looked up. “What is it?”

The woman at the door smiled and Chase found himself spellbound. She was dressed demurely but that meant nothing. A body like hers would stand out even if she wore a coffee sack, he was willing to bet. She shook her glossy raven hair off her face. “I’m your new assistant, Maria. I’m sorry; I didn’t realize you were in the middle of something.” She smirked as she said it.

He frowned. It wasn’t the first time one of his assistants had walked in when he was balls deep in another member of his staff. Hardly surprising given the law of averages. It had happened at least a dozen times that he could remember. But they usually reacted differently.

Sometimes they looked distraught; Chase always knew it was those ones who’d built elaborate fairy tales in their heads starring him as the prince charming. He couldn’t understand how the hell anyone could judge him so badly. He was so far from a knight in shining armor that it wasn’t even funny. Others, more annoyingly, acted meek and shocked. Like they’d never seen a naked cock before in their lives. Some quit. At least two had reported him to Human Resources. Like his own goddamn HR department was going to try and slap its CEO on the wrist. One time, one of his office managers had even asked if she could join the fun.

But Maria was different. It was almost like she was
by the situation. She stood by the door, staring straight into his eyes as she waited for him to respond. Chase watched her closely. Her gaze didn’t even flicker under his scrutiny.

“Can I speak to you? Or is now a bad time?” she said with a raised eyebrow.

Chase couldn’t help but smile at her balls. And it took balls to speak to the CEO of a Fortune 500 company like that. “Come back in two minutes, would ya?”

She nodded and closed the door.

Rachel turned around to face him with a pout. She had stayed there, splayed across the desk during his exchange with Maria. He was no longer entranced by her pert ass and perfect mouth. His attention had left the room with Maria, the curvy brunette who was barely even five foot tall by his estimations. She didn’t need to be: her petite frame had appeared to fill the room like there was nothing else in there but her.

Chase shook his head in disbelief at their encounter.


“Get dressed and get back to reception,” he said, barely registering her.


Chapter 2

Maria gripped her pencil as she waited. She acted like she was typing as Rachel, the receptionist, left Breton’s office looking flushed. Maria pretended not to see the filthy look the other woman threw her.

She squeezed her pencil between her fingers, willing herself to remain calm.
You’ve only got one chance,
she reminded herself. And you’ve already come close to blowing it. The pencil snapped between her fingers. Cursing, she threw it in the garbage and stared at Breton’s door. She couldn’t go in there all wound up like this, she know. She remained there, breathing deeply, until she felt more composed. Finally, she pushed her office chair away from her desk and stood up.


“Perhaps you should knock in future,” Breton said as she opened his door and barged right inside.

Maria smiled sweetly. “My mistake. I thought it was working hours.”

Breton reddened. “I beg your pardon.”

Maria shook her head. “I’m sorry. I’m not used to this corporate stuff.”

“This is one of the biggest corporates in the country. Where have you worked before?”

Maria’s mind went blank for a moment. Her friend Derek had got her the gig. What was it he had told them about her past? She racked her brains. “Uh, it was an environmental charity. Admin work mostly.”

Maria was aware of his gaze, wandering over her body and – she was sure – mentally undressing her. She wasn’t vain – far from it – but she knew enough about him to know of his womanizing. Not that any of it mattered: guys like Chase Breton were
the type of men she dated. Especially not when she found them with blond models thrown across their desks during working hours.

“What was it you needed to speak to me about?” he asked, leaning back in his chair and watching her.

Maria cleared her throat. Even though she’d never go there, she couldn’t help but see what all those women had seen in him. And there had been a lot. Her file on him was full of newspaper clippings of him with various models and aspiring actresses; all of them beautiful, all of them skinny. His background had made her dislike him before they’d even met, but now she was struggling to tear her gaze away from his baby blue eyes… She dug her nails into the palm of her hand and smiled. She had a job to do.

“I’m sorry if that was a bad time. I just wanted to come and introduce myself. And also to run through the notes for your meeting with the Jansen Trust later today.”

She watched him, scarcely willing to take a breath. She’d been practicing those couple sentences all morning. She knew enough about people to know that if she made a decent first impression and appeared competent, any future failings would probably be brushed off and explained away. But then she’d walked in on him about to stick his dick in his slutty receptionist: that was something she hadn’t factored. She’d reacted to it as normal Maria, not in the Maria-the-assistant persona she’d been cultivating since this whole damn mess started.

To her relief, he nodded and gestured to one of the chairs in front of his vast desk. “Please. Take a seat.”

“Thank you.”




Chapter 3

“Hold on a minute, bro.” Mike Breton replaced the lid on the bottle of vintage scotch he’d poured generously from and turned to frown at his older brother. “Are we having girl talk here? Are we really doing that?”

Chase sneered. “Quit it. It’s not like that.”

Mike walked back to the desk and held out a crystal snifter. “Sure sounds like it. You just told me you feel bad because your receptionist caught you fucking your assistant.”

“It’s the other way around.”

Mike batted his hand. “Whatever, man. It doesn’t sound like you is all I’m saying.”

“That’s like saying I don’t have a conscience,” Chase protested.

“You don’t,” Mike said, deadpan. “At least not where women are concerned.”

They lapsed into silence, each sipping their scotch.

“She’s smart,” Chase said finally. “Real smart. Even though she’s trying to hide it, for some reason. And that body.
. There’s something different about her, Mike.”

“What, short blond hair instead of long?” Mike drawled.

“I’m serious,” his brother said with a frown. “There’s something about her. I’ve never met a woman like her.”

Mike looked serious. “There must be. Because I can’t remember the last time you told me about a broad.”

Chase pursed his lips. “That’s because you wouldn’t get it. You live like a hermit.”

“Because my wife left me for another guy.”

“All the more reason to get out there and have some fun.”

Mike bristled. “Like you are, you mean?”

“Yeah. Exactly.” Chase paused. “Wait a minute. Are you mocking me?”

“You don’t think I can see through you?”

“How’d you mean?”

Mike gulped his drink back and slammed his empty glass on the desk. He waited. “See? A year ago, you’d have lectured me for a half hour for slamming a cold glass down on your antique whatsit-wood desk. Now? You couldn’t give a fuck.”


“So? Don’t you see what’s happening?”


“You’re getting jaded.”

Chase leaned back and ran a tanned hand through his dirty blond hair.

“Why deny it? I’m your brother.”

Chase sighed. “I dunno, man. It just feels a bit empty sometimes, y’know? Like I could fuck every woman in this building. But so what? It’s only because I own the damn building and every other building for two blocks.”

Mike nodded slowly.

“Hey, what do you care? You were always jealous of the amount of girls I got.”

Mike rolled his eyes. “I wouldn’t say that. I was happy with Celia. She was all I wanted.”

“Look how that turned out.”

“Fuck you, man.”

“You walked into it.”

“Seriously. I’m your brother. And I’m also your CFO. I worry about how this affects your ability to run the company.”


Mike waved his hand in the air, gesturing to his brother. “This. Your…. dissatisfaction with your toys and your trophies.” He stood up to leave. “I hate to say it, but I prefer the old Chase. The one who made this company a lot of money.”

Chase watched him walked to the door. If a stranger had been watching, they would have found it hard to believe that the two men were brothers: Chase’s blue-eyed, blond haired Viking looks were a world away from his brother’s sharper features and dark-coloring. It wasn’t that Mike was unattractive – far from it, he had the looks and build of an exotic warrior – he was just a world away from his brother in looks and attitude.

“What are you saying? That I should whore it up?”

Mike turned and shook his head. “No. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying be happy. Why don’t you ask out that PA, the one you’re all starry-eyed about?”

Chase shrugged. “She doesn’t seem the least bit interested in me.”


“Hard to believe, I know,” Chase said, deadpan.

Mike considered this for a moment. “You sure she’s not gaming you? Pretending she’s not interested in your money? Then

Chase rolled his eyes. “I think I’d know if she was playing games.”

“She’s completely uninterested?”

“Yeah. I’ve used every excuse I can to get her in here this past week. We run through internal memos line by line for fuck’s sake. I’ve tried flirting but she’s completely immune to it.”

“What, like she doesn’t realize? I’ve seen what you’re like in full flirtation mode. It’s fucking intense.”

“Naw,” Chase drawled. “She knows alright. She just shoots me this look that makes me want to run away and hide.”

Mike snorted. “Seriously? I would pay to see that.”

Chase leaned back with a groan and ran his hand through his hair. “It’s
frustrating. The colder she is, the more I want her.”

Mike’s eyes lit up. He stood up to leave. “Bro, I think that’s exactly what you need. A challenge.”

Chase stared after him long after he’d left and closed the door.


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