BAD BOY ROMANCE: A Wifey for the Bad Boy (Contemporary Alpha Male Romance Book) (New Adult Alpha Male Romance Short Stories) (50 page)

BOOK: BAD BOY ROMANCE: A Wifey for the Bad Boy (Contemporary Alpha Male Romance Book) (New Adult Alpha Male Romance Short Stories)
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Dr. Caleb positioned himself behind Lexi once again and pressed the tip of his cock against her hole. He was gentle at first as he slid into her, allowing her body to adjust to him, but when she felt his body press against her ass and he reached around her to take some of her weight, she knew the gentleness was over.

The two men began fucking into her body hard and Lexi felt as if she were as full as she would ever be. Sweat began breaking out on her body from the sheer pleasure that the two men were bringing her. She grabbed at Dr. Dan as she tried to control herself but was not successful.

Suddenly she felt as if she could not breathe. Her movements stopped, but the men did not seem to notice. Lexi was not sure what was going on, if she were dying than she knew that was how she wanted to die. She let out a loud moan as her body began to shudder and shake causing both of the men to fill her with their fluids.

When the men finished, they held her until her body calmed and they were sure she was finished. Caleb slid out of her ass first and held her up as Dan slid his cock out of her exhausted pussy. Dan carried her to the table and laid her on it, allowing her a few more moments to catch her breath.

“I’ll take her home,” he said to Caleb as the two of them got dressed. “She definitely earned it.” The two men laughed as Caleb shook his head in agreement with Dan. Once they were both dressed Caleb walked over to Lexi and slid his hand between her legs. She knew that she could not take any more, but was not willing to turn him away. She spread her legs apart for him as he flicked at her clit and kissed her hard.

“Good girl,” he said when he was done kissing her. He pulled his hand away from her body and walked out the door.

“You did a good job,” Dr. Dan said, looking at Lexi from across the room. “How about you get dressed and I will drive you to your new house.” Lexi did not know if she had the strength to get dressed but she was looking forward to being in her new home. After all, she had earned it.

Lexi dressed as quickly as she could, but found it hard to move her legs. She had not noticed how sore the two men had made her until that moment. As she and Dr. Dan walked out of the office he laughed. “I hope you can walk tomorrow,” he said. Lexi gave a half smile. “Me too,” she said wearily.

She was more exhausted than she had ever been in her life and if she did not want to see her house so badly she would have laid down on the sidewalk and went to sleep. Lexi through her bag into the back seat of the doctor’s car before she got in the passenger’s seat and the two of them started down the road.

Lexi let her head fall back against the seat and started to close her eyes, but then Dr. Dan started to speak. “I want you to understand this does not mean that the house is yours forever,” he said looking over at her.

Lexi sat straight up with a confused look on her face. “I’m not going to charge you rent, you need to get yourself a car, clothes and whatever else it is that you need, but if you stop giving me what I want then you will have to move out,” he said. It was if he didn’t even think that there was anything odd about what he had just said to her and that amazed Lexi. She was sure that he had done this many times before, but was afraid to ask.

“So as long as I am your little toy I can live there,” she said in a disgusted tone.

“As long as you do what I say and what anyone I bring to you says, then we will be fine,” he shrugged his shoulders as if it was nothing. “It’s a good deal, Lexi. Better than how you have been living. Plus, you will have free medical care.”

Lexi thought about what he had said for a moment. She may have been tired, but she was not stupid. “Fine,” she said, looking right at him. “But I have a few terms myself.”

Dr. Dan looked at Lexi with an eyebrow raised. “Really?”

“Yes, really,” she replied. “Whoever you bring has to give me something and it can’t be something cheap. It has to be something nice; I’m talking designer bags and shoes nice. I also want all of my bills paid, electric, water and the cable bill.” Dr. Dan was surprised that she was negotiating with him. He had not expected this and was actually glad to see that she was not willing to take his first offer. It showed him that she was not easy and that he would be the only one that she was sleeping with.

“It’s a deal,” he replied.

“It’s a deal?” she asked. “Are you for real?”

“Yep,” he answered as they pulled into a driveway. “I’m for real.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys then handed them to Lexi. “Your home,” he said.

Lexi looked out the windshield of the car and was amazed. The house was perfect. It was a small house on a nicely manicured lot; it was dark blue with white shutters and a white picket fence that went all the way around it. There was a white porch swing and even a small garden next to the house.

Lexi looked at Dan. “This is mine?” she asked quietly.

“As long as you stick to the terms of our deal,” he said. “Oh and one more thing. No sleeping with anyone else. We don’t want any diseases to be spread now, do we?”

“So what am I… your mistress?” she asked.

“You can call it mistress if you like, but remember: no one can know,” he said. Lexi nodded her head in agreement. “Now go and check out your house. I’ll be by tomorrow evening to check in on you,” he said as he pointed to the house.

Lexi grabbed her bag behind her and opened the door. She was not going to let him change his mind. She quickly made her way to the front door and Dr. Dan waited until she was inside before he left.

Lexi turned on the lights and looked around. The house really was perfect. It was as if it was built for her. The furniture was perfect as well and even the plates in the kitchen were perfect. Lexi did not know that Dr. Dan had actually given her a lot of the items in the house such as towels, shampoo, pots and pans and an entire list of other items.

She was unaware that the doctor had actually had a thing for her since the first time he had met her, but was afraid that she would reject him since he was already married. Dan had planned everything out carefully to ensure that Lexi would have everything that she needed and even though she did not know it, she did not have to try and make him pay her bills by negotiating, he was going to do that anyway but didn’t tell her because he wanted to let her feel as if she was in control.

After Lexi wandered around the house she went into the bathroom and decided to take a shower. She had noticed that there was a pair of clean pajama’s on her bed and that she even had her own washer and dryer so she threw her clothes on the floor and told herself she would wash them when she was done showering.

She spent almost an hour taking a shower not caring about anything except how the hot water felt on her body. It had been so long since she had actually gotten to take a shower; most of the time she just cleaned herself up in the woman’s bathroom at work. She had even learned how to shave with hair conditioner in the bathroom sink. As she showered she thought about how much her life had changed in one day.

When the day had begun she had wanted to meet a man like Dr. Dan and call him her own. Now she knew she did not need a man like him because she had him. She knew that she would never be able to call him hers in public, but she also knew that he could get any girl to sleep with him. He was a sexy, successful doctor, who wouldn’t want a man like that, but instead he chose her and not only had he chosen her, he had made sure that she was taken care of as well.

Lexi got out of the shower and began to dry herself off with the towels that Dr. Dan had placed in the bathroom for her. There were several sets and each of them were amazingly soft on her skin. After she dried off, she dressed, then grabbed her towel and dirty clothes and headed to the washing machine.

She was not going to get in the habit of having a dirty house, she knew that she did not want to turn this house into what she had grown up in. After she started the laundry she walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. She smiled when she saw that he had even left her with a fridge full of food. There was a beep coming from the counter behind her and as she turned she saw that he had also gotten her a cell phone.

It said: 1 message from Dan. Lexi smiled to herself, she wondered if she could possibly be dreaming or if all of this actually was happening. The message read. “Make a list of the things you need, and I will get them tomorrow when I am done seeing patients. And no Lexi you are not my hoe, you are much more than that. Hopefully you can tell that by now.”

Lexi wanted to jump up and down. She wanted to show the entire world what he had messaged her, but knew that she couldn’t. She decided that it didn’t matter. She knew that she was his and that he was hers that was all that mattered. She also knew that a long as she was his she would have a warm bed to sleep in, food to eat and clean clothes to wear.

After she ate that night she lay in the softest bed she had ever felt, and for the first time was thankful for her life. She looked over to the other side of the bed and even though it was completely empty she knew that was just how she wanted it.

She knew that Dr. Dan was perfect for her. He already had a family so he would not be expecting her to ever be a mother, he was already married so she did not have to worry about being tied down to a man only to find out he was not what he claimed to be. He had a job and would make sure that she always had the things that she needed, which meant that the money that she earned was hers.

As she drifted off to bed that night she imagined all of the things that she was going to buy with the money that she had saved. The first thing was going to be a car. She knew she had enough to buy a nice used car and then she just wanted to shop. She wanted to experience what it was like to go into a store and buy whatever she wanted.

Lexi slept better that night than she had ever in her life. She did not have to worry about someone coming up on her in her sleep and she didn’t have to listen to screaming coming from her parents. Instead, she listened to the hum of the fan that sat next to her bed.

The next morning she woke up feeling completely refreshed and ready to start a new life. She got ready for work and headed out the door. When she arrived, she walked by the woman’s bathroom and smiled, knowing that she would never have to clean herself in there again. She walked to her register and there was a small envelope with her name on it. She opened it and found a piece of paper and a prepaid card.

The paper said. “Lexi this is so you can eat when you are at work, so you can shop when you want to and so you can get what you need when I am busy. If it is ever empty, just text me and I will put more money on it. – D”

Lexi smiled to herself. She could see herself falling in love with this man. She caught herself wondering if there was a chance that she could get him to leave his wife, but quickly forced the thought out of her head. She refused to be the woman on the side that was always trying to break up someone’s marriage. No, she decided that however long this deal lasted she was going to make the best of it. She was not going to let her heart get involved and refused to be hurt, but it was time for her to finally get a break in life and she was going to take full advantage of it.

She hoped that Dan would not bring too many of his friends over, but was also excited when she thought about all of the nice gifts she would be receiving. “Sure,” she thought to herself. “Some might think what I am doing is wrong, but they never slept on a park bench before.” She knew that if others found out about her deal they would call her nothing more than a slut but she knew better. What she was doing was so that she could better her own life, so she could finally have the things that she deserved and no one would make her feel bad for doing it.

Lexi started her shift with a smile on her face and for the first time she was actually looking forward to going home that night. She had no idea what the future held for her, but she knew it had to be better than what she had in the past.



My Billionaire Ex


Chapter 1

              Claire sighed to herself in the dark office. As she clicked away at the keyboard of her desktop, she blinked a few times, trying to focus. The digital clock at the bottom of the screen read one twenty-two a.m. and she yawned, stifling it in the crook of her elbow. Grabbing the mouse, she saved her work and signed off. She’d be back in less than seven hours, anyway.

              She stood up and grabbed her purse as the light on the screen dimmed. It’d been a long day, and the case she’d been handed earlier had only proven to be a grueling mess. Luckily, the buses ran all night, or she’d have had to leave hours ago.

              The December air had been brisk that morning, but as she stepped out into the night and let the door swing closed behind her, she shivered, crossing her arms in an attempt to warm herself. She’d definitely wear dress pants tomorrow, but for now she had to settle with her knee-length skirt and button-up blazer.

              The sidewalk was slick with ice under her heels, and she was careful to take small steps as she walked to the bus stop. As a public defender, her offices were in the courthouse, something that she was grateful for as the lampposts lit her way through the quiet night. It was like the city was sleeping, finally taking a break from its usual non-stop way of life.

              Claire checked her wristwatch. The bus was due in fifteen minutes, though she knew it liked to arrive early sometimes. Speeding up a little, she barely registered the alley that she was passing by until two hands shot out of the shadows and dragged her into it.

              Her scream was muffled by fingers covering her face, and she kicked as she felt an arm curled around her stomach. “Shhh,” a voice whispered in her ear. It was a man, though she could’ve guessed that much by his strength alone, and she struggled in his grip as he only pulled her farther down the alley. “Calm down, girl.” She flinched, freezing when she felt something sharp against her side. “I don’t want to kill unnecessarily.”

              “Mhm!” Claire tried to yell, but he just held her tighter.

              “Your bag,” he said, his voice excited. “Give it to me—”


              The man holding her jumped, and she gasped as she felt his weapon cut into her blazer from surprise. A figure was running toward them—a man—his bright eyes flashing in the darkness. “Let her go!” he yelled, his hands fisted at his sides as he raced to them.

              “Damn,” her captor cursed. She felt him release her, but her legs were too numb to hold herself up. As his footsteps sounded his escape, she fell to her knees, catching herself as she splayed her hands out in front of her. The cold of the alley’s road beneath her was a welcomed sting, and she thought about curling up on it as her heart continued to jump into her throat.

              “Are you okay?” a breath puffed into her face. The man who’d scared her mugger away was kneeling in front of her, his blue eyes inches from hers. “Ah,” he said, realization startling his perfect features. “Claire? Claire McGee?”

              She blinked, looking into the face of her savior. He looked normal enough;
enough. He had a straight nose, oddly perfect eyebrows, and a soft mouth. But the way her said her name made her nervous—like he

              She thought she recognized it.

              “Uh,” she tried, swallowing hard for a moment. “Chad…?”

              “Aw fuck,” he breathed, and she smelled peppermint. “C’mere,” he said, pulling her up by her arms. She was slightly relieved when he didn’t try to grab her waist, but his close proximity was still jarring after being held by knifepoint. She let him lead her back out into the street in a confused haze.

              “Over here! Ainsley!” he yelled suddenly, making Claire flinch. “Sorry,” he muttered.

              “Sir?” another man suddenly appeared, though he was much older.

              “Help me get her to the car, she’s been attacked.”

              Claire jumped at the new set of hands coming up to support her back, but Chad was still next to her, so she didn’t resist. They led her to a black limousine, one with chrome handles that Chad opened to urge her inside. She slid in, all the way to the other end of the seat, and Chad stepped in after her. The other man, Ainsley, must have closed the door after them. It was only a moment before he slipped into the front seat ahead of them.

              “Claire,” Chad said as the man started the car. “This is Ainsley, my driver. Ainsley,” he said, leaning between the divider. “Take us back to my place, would you?” Then, sitting back beside Claire, he said, “You’re staying with me tonight.”

              The ride to his ‘place’ was quick, which didn’t really surprise Claire. Chad was the rich son of a rich father, something she’d learn quickly when she’d met him back in college. She’d been a scholarship student then, a girl who had gone to public school all her life and was lucky enough to have the talent to get into Yale. Chad, on the other hand, was the child of a Yale man, and his entrance was all but prophesized.

              They’d run into each other during her second year, though his reputation had more than preceded him. He was a womanizing billionaire asshole who loved his scotch and his lacrosse games. It wasn’t all that much of a shock, then, when she saw him heavily making out with a student in the east hallway.

              The girl had been too wrapped up in the kiss to notice, but Chad had met her eyes, a sick smirk on his face as he held up a finger to keep quiet. It wasn’t any of Claire’s business, so she kept walking, pretending she hadn’t seen anything.

              That had just made Chad interested.

              He started popping up, after that. In the library first, or the student dining hall, but then he became bolder and began sitting next to her in classes that he wasn’t even scheduled in. That was when he’d started talking to her.

              “Law student, huh?” he’d asked casually, glancing at her notes. “Me too. Though you don’t strike me as the ruthless type.”

              “Wanting the truth isn’t ruthless,” she’d countered, her face red. “It’s justice.”

              “Ah,” he’d chuckled. “So you’re one of them.”

              He’d stuck to her even closer after that. It wasn’t long before he’d tried sleeping over, or stealing a kiss or two. But Claire wasn’t the type to fool around, and he wasn’t the type to remain faithful to just one girl.

              Until he did.

              “What is this?” Claire had asked him after finding a hand-written letter in her chemistry textbook.

              “My proclamation of love,” he’d replied, deadpanned.

              And, so, they’d started dating.

              It’d been nice, surprisingly. Chad had only increased his random acts of devotion and gifts of affection, and in return, Claire had begun locking her dorm door with him on the inside. Everything was perfect, really.

              Until it had became glaringly obvious that Chad was embarrassed of her.


              “You blew me off!” Claire had fumed, picking a fight with him in the middle of a busy hallway.

              “No, I just—”

              “Your friends don’t know, do they?” It was the only explanation. “They were so surprised when I approached them, especially when I said I wanted to talk with you in particular.”

              Chad had thrown his hands up in the air, huffing. “Well, what do you expect?” He’d gestured to her. “You think they’d thought that we’d run in the same circle?”

              That had hit harder than anything she’d expected him to say. Sure, she was a scholarship student, but she was also perfectly average. She wasn’t a size two, like the rich girls Chad was normally surrounded by, not with her curves and padded stomach. She was more a size sixteen or twenty-two, not that the sweaters and pants she wore gave it away. She was modest, and middle-class, and—apparently—not a person that Chad Michaels should’ve been talking to, let alone dating.

              “Well, then let’s not give them a rude awakening,” she’d replied, hugging her books to her chest. That was why she was in school, after all—to learn, not to date. “As of right now, we’re strangers.”

              “Claire, wait!”

              But she had just pushed past him, the tears blurring her vision. He hadn’t even tried to give chase.

              “Here we are,” Chad said, pulling her out of her thoughts as he opened the car door for her before Ainsley could do it. He stepped out, holding it open as he motioned for her to follow. Now that Claire had her heart under control, her brain was back up to speed and she was left wondering why the
she had allowed herself to get into Chad’s car.

              “Actually,” she said, climbing out after him. He tried to take her hand and help her, but she dodged him. “I’m over my little, ah, shock, so if you could point me in the direction of the nearest bus station—”

              “What?” Chad asked, frowning. He slapped his hands on her shoulders, speaking into her face. “Claire, I didn’t bring you here because you were feeling upset. You’re here for your own safety.”

              “Chad,” she said, suddenly reminded of his dramatic tendencies. “It was a mugging, not attempted murder.”

              “That you know of,” he said, stepping back. “Now come on, Ainsley needs to bring the car around so that he can retire for the night.”

              Glancing at the smiling old driver, Claire bit her lip and started up the walk after Chad.

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