Read Bad Cat Baby Blues (Shifter Squad Six 3) Online

Authors: Anya Nowlan

Tags: #BBW, #Navy SEALs, #Military, #Forbidden Pregnancy, #Menage, #Action & Adventure, #Romance, #Shifters, #Paranormal, #Fiction, #Forever Love, #Adult, #Erotic, #Shifter, #Mate, #Suspense, #Violence, #Supernatural, #Protection, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Shifter Squad Six, #Werejaguar, #Interracial

Bad Cat Baby Blues (Shifter Squad Six 3) (22 page)

BOOK: Bad Cat Baby Blues (Shifter Squad Six 3)
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“Mommy!” he squealed as Ginteza handed him over to Ari, whose eyes were already brimming with tears.

But as easily as Roman had welcomed Ari, covering her in wet kisses, he also reached out his hands for Dutch, his matching gray-blue eyes twinkling at the sight of the big shifter. Without waiting for him to agree or disagree, Ari gave Roman to Dutch, a soothing smile on her lips as she pushed into the house.

She was keenly aware of the man taking her baby boy into the kitchen and sitting down at the table as Ari concocted more details of her made-up story of a minor fender bender to Ginteza that had kept her away from home. Paying the woman for her kindness and her willingness to keep Roman safe and happy while she couldn’t, Ari sent Ginteza on her way and then tiptoed into the kitchen.

She stopped at the door, marveling at the sight. Roman was sitting on Dutch’s knees, staring up at him and pawing at his face again like he had the first time, as if trying to memorize his features. And Dutch had a look in his eyes that was pure bliss, appreciation, and fierce protection rolled into one. Like he was more than ready to do anything that needed to be done to keep that child safe. Ari had no doubt he did.

“I’m so sorry, Dutch,” she spoke finally, her voice quivering.

He broke his gaze with the boy, looking up with his eyes a bit cloudy, a tiny bit confused.

“About what?” he asked, dazed, the faintest smile on his lips.

“About keeping you from Roman for so long. It wasn’t right of me. I should have known… I did know what a son meant to a shifter, but I thought that it would be unfair on you to thrust a kid into your life with someone you barely knew. I thought it was my decision to make. But it wasn’t. I should have told you.”

“I should have searched for you harder,” he said absently, kissing Ro on the forehead.

“No, I made sure I c—”

“I said, I should have searched for you harder,” Dutch said firmly, looking up at her. “I knew there was something here. I felt it. I think I knew you were my mate the first time I saw you through that damn scope. That was what kept me from pulling the trigger. That was what kept me from going out of my mind because I couldn’t find you after the mission. But I left it at that. I didn’t follow through when it got hard, because I thought this wasn’t for you. This wasn’t for me. That people like us, we couldn’t have this.”

“This?” Ari asked, very aware that she was shaking a bit, clinging to the doorframe like it would keep her upright in the storm of emotions that was blowing through her.

“Happiness,” he said simply, smiling. “Family. A semblance of normalcy.”

Her heart fluttered in her chest like a bird beating its wings against her ribcage. Her breath caught and she couldn’t believe what was happening. Was he really giving her all that she hoped he would one day? And was she brave enough to finally accept?

“Does that mean you… you want to try? Being together, that is?”

“Try?” he asked, his tone incredulous as he stood up, swinging Roman to one hip with the boy giggling at the sudden swing of motion. “Baby, I never
y. I either succeed or I do not, and this time I have every intention of seeing this mission through to its fucking fantastic end,” he said with a low, playful growl as he walked over to Ari.

She gasped as his hand snaked around her waist, pulling her close to him, squishing him against him with her hands on his chest. His teeth grazed over his lower lip and it was damn near enough to make her lose her mind, her body shuddering with need.

The whole time at the hospital, they’d avoided talking about what could happen, and indecision and worry had made her a nervous wreck. Ari knew there was a lot of damage to patch up, not only physical. The original points still remained as well. She didn’t know him, he didn’t know her, aside from the things that really mattered. That they were brave. That they would do anything to preserve life. That they were passionate and hot-headed and sometimes completely impossible. That they were perfect for one another.

Their jaguars were more convinced than ever.

Dutch was her mate and she was his. Nothing could tear them apart again, not even themselves.

“I love you,” he said, voicing the same words she thought she’d heard before everything went black back in the lab.

“I love you too,” she echoed, meaning every syllable.

“Good,” he said with a grin.

Their lips met and Ari melted into the kiss, her nails scrabbling at his chest and her body pressing against his. It was exactly how it was supposed to be and the way she’d never truly dreamed it could be. When she came up for air, Ro’s eyes wide with surprise as he looked at his parents, Ari couldn’t help but break into laughter.

“I don’t think I want to stay in Detroit, though,” she said with a chuckle. “Think I’ve had quite enough of random firefights and hulking wolf-beasts. Do you think we could try this again somewhere on neutral ground?”

She knew the answer before he spoke it.

“Of course,” he said, taking her hand and stalking deeper into the house, clearly looking for the bedroom, Ro already falling asleep against his shoulder. “We’re going to try this on
ground possible.”

“That’s not what I meant!” Ari protested with a giggle.

Really though, didn’t she?




The yard bore no resemblance to the somewhat dilapidated, thoroughly gated and secured one that Ari had been in possession of in Detroit. No, this one was gorgeous.

Nestled in wine country, not too far from Connor’s and Cass’s home but not too close either, lay a house and a yard that were everything she’d dreamed of. The home was on the smaller side, three bedrooms upstairs and an open kitchen-living room downstairs, with a few utility rooms and an office for Ari as well.

It was painted a mild, pleasing sandstone-yellow with white doors and windows, and the greenery around it was gorgeous. Plenty of space for kids to run around, a small pool, and berry bushes and trees starting to pop up and come into their own. But what made it truly special was the company Ari kept.

The men were lounging around the pool, arguing about the best way to barbecue a piece of flank steak, sipping on beers, while the kids played under Cass’s supervision. Tex, Thatch, and Madeline had brought the twins, and along with Connor’s boy, the four tykes were a force to be reckoned with on their own. But Ari loved the sound of kids laughing and running about, the older boys already big enough to cause serious mischief if left to their own devices.

Just like their dads.

“Thanks for helping, Madeline,” Ari smiled as she and the other Squad Six “wifey”—as they affectionately called one another—picked up a platter of fresh fruit while Ari grabbed the lemonade.

“Don’t mention it. I’m so glad we could come! It’s so rare that they have more time off. I was beginning to forget what you guys looked like,” Madeline sighed as they walked out of the kitchen and into the sunny outdoors.

“You need to take the boys more often and come stay with me or Cass. Plenty of room,” Ari said evenly, garnering a chuckle from Madeline.

“It would be a dream, but with work and traveling with those two? Not sure if I’d have the energy.”

“We’ll manage,” Ari said with a smile.

“We always do.”

Ari put the plate down on the table close to the men, feeling Dutch’s blazing gaze on her so strongly that it left her no doubt he had eyes for no one but her. Sure enough, the moment she looked up, their gazes locked and she felt a flutter in the pit of her stomach like she always did around that impossible, breathtaking man.

“Come here, baby,” Dutch called, reaching out a hand.

Ari walked to him and Dutch pulled her down on his lap, his arm slipping around her waist immediately as he kissed her. He tasted a little bit like beer, but a lot like the sexiest man she’d ever met, which was saying something considering that the entirety of Squad Six was around them at that point.

“I missed you,” he whispered with a grin, nuzzling his nose against hers.

, soldier, I was gone for a few minutes. I think you could manage,” she laughed.

“Lies. Life’s always three shades worse without you,” he said solemnly, putting the beer down.

His hand went affectionately to her stomach and she put her palm on top of his wide, strong hand, letting her head rest against his shoulder as she listened to the banter amongst the men. Cass sat on Connor’s knee with her eyes on the kids, and Madeline stood between Tex’s and Thatch’s chairs. It was only the mountain lions now that refused to get hitched, something that was bringing them plenty of good-natured flak from the rest of the squad.

“What do you mean
we’re not settling down?” Grim scoffed, throwing his hands up. “You think it’s so damn
finding a woman who could stand this bastard?” he asked, hiking a thumb at Grant, who merely rolled his eyes with a smirk.

“I don’t think most women are ready for us, brother,” Grant noted idly, finishing off his beer.

“I don’t think you need most. Just one,” Madeline said with a smile, scruffing her hands into the hair of both of her wolves.

“We’re solitary kinds of shifters. Maybe kids and a wife are not in the cards for us,” Grant offered.

“Speak for yourself, buddy. I have every intention of rounding out this football team right here with some defensive linemen of my own,” Grim announced, nodding at the kids currently busy chasing one another down on the lawn.

Ari looked at Dutch quickly, biting down on her lower lip.

Is it time? I guess so.

“We have an announcement in that regard,” Dutch said evenly, smiling.

The wedding had taken place months ago now. It had been a small affair. It was easy to keep a ceremony small when there were only shifters to worry about. Neither Dutch nor Ari herself had much family to speak of, so it ended up being mostly just Squad Six and a midnight ceremony under the gold moon. It had been everything she’d ever thought it could be.

Ariadne had never figured herself for a very sentimental woman, yet all these simple little things like spending an afternoon with friends or getting to be together with the man she loved had become the most important things in her life now. She’d quit the military and law enforcement for good and was now teaching self-defense classes, a job just as rewarding.

Dutch was considering quitting The Firm, but Ari knew he’d never do it until it was an unanimous decision, made by all his brothers-in-arms to lay down their guns and take up less dangerous hobbies like Sunday night football instead. She should have worried more, but knowing the men Dutch served with and the lengths they would go for one another, her heart was at ease.

“We’re having another baby,” Ari said with a smile, glancing between Dutch and the rest of the crew.

The roar of congratulations that erupted around her was nearly deafening. Tex was the first one out of his seat, practically throwing her in the air with the big hug he was giving her, making Ari laugh.

“Congratulations, you two!” Connor said, smiling.

“Boy or a girl?” Madeline asked, her soft eyes shimmering with a hint of tears.

“Girl, this time,” Dutch said, sounding more than a little pleased.

“Finally, a feminine touch. I bet she’ll whip them into shape,” Grim chuckled, looking at the rowdy flock of boys tumbling around the yard.

“Did I miss anything?” Carter’s familiar voice called as he strode into the yard, tall and broad-shouldered and looking positively glowing.

“Carter! Thought you wouldn’t make it!” Dutch called as the weretiger made his way over to the group, greeting the men and women alike, a six-pack of beer dangling from his fingers.

“And miss a free round of steaks? Never! I see the announcement has been made, huh?”

“Dutch! I thought we weren’t going to tell anyone!” Ari gasped, peeling herself out of Cass’s hug with a scowl on her face that betrayed nothing but humor.

“Hey, the kid’s been through enough. I couldn’t deny him a slice of
happiness,” Dutch said with a smile.

BOOK: Bad Cat Baby Blues (Shifter Squad Six 3)
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