Bad Girlfriend (First & Last #4) (29 page)

BOOK: Bad Girlfriend (First & Last #4)
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Brooke held up her left hand, so the diamond caught what was left of the setting sun.  “This ring is beautiful.  Did you pick it out?”

“Yup.  That one was my favorite, but I took Poppy with me for final approval.  It reminded me of you.  It sparkles from every angle.  Just like you.”

Brooke sighed as she admired the ring.  “I guess this solves the question of whether we should move or not.”

Ever since Eleanor had moved to Florida, Brooke had been debating whether to sell the house or stay in it.  I tried not to influence her, but as time went on I could tell she was reluctant to leave.

“We can still move if you want.  But the space over the garage is just so perfect for your salon.  You can take all the babies we’re going to have to work with you.”

Brooke’s eyes lit up at the mention of babies, and then she frowned playfully.  “I don’t have to start dressing like a mom once I pop out a kid, do I?”

“Hell, no!
  If you even think about putting on a pair of Mom jeans, I will divorce you on the spot.”

Brooke laughed as I brought our joined hands to my lips and pressed a kiss to her fingers

The pub was full of our friends when we arrived.  Leah, Lindsay and Poppy rushed over to gush over Brooke’s ring while the guys shook my hand and congratulated me.  Even Naomi was there with the guy she had been seeing for three months.  Brooke was surprised it had lasted that long, but I though
t Naomi might just have been serious when she said she wanted to change this time.

The drinks and conversation flowed while we celebrated with the people we loved.  But at the end of the night, I was glad to go home with the one person that meant the world to me. 
The one person who had become my whole world.



The End

Bad Girlfriend Playlist


Good Girl
- Carrie Underwood


Could It Be -
Charlie Worsham


Won’t Go Home Without You -
Maroon 5


Whatever She’s Got -
David Nail


Take Me There -
Rascal Flatts


Don’t You Wanna Stay (with Kelly Clarkson) -
Jason Aldean


Begin Again -
Taylor Swift


Wild In Your Smile -
Dustin Lynch


Just a Kiss -
Lady Antebellum


Crash My Party -
Luke Bryan


Reasons To Love You -


Must Be Doin’ Somethin’ Right -
Billy Currington


Your Body is a Wonderland -
John Mayer


Crazy Girl -
Eli Young Band


I Won’t Give Up -
Jason Mraz


Mirrors -
Justin Timberlake


She’s Everything -
Brad Paisley


Then -
Brad Paisley


About the Author

Hello!  I am an author of new adult and contemporary romance novels.  My husband and I live in Columbus, Ohio with our two young daughters and happy golden retriever.  When I’m not spending time with my family, I can be found doing one of my other favorite activities - writing, reading and napping.


Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed
Bad Girlfriend. 
If you haven’t read my other books,
be sure to check them out.  Future plans I have for this series include books for  Lincoln (Taryn’s brother), Graham (Adam’s friend), and maybe…Josh and Leah.  However, my next project will be the first book in a new series, and it will be titled
Black Kat
.  Release date for this is set for July 22, 2014.  Follow me on Facebook and check my blog for teasers and details about my next book.




My Books


Safe With You


Just One Reason


Fourth Down


Bad Girlfriend



Contact Me


E-Mail:  [email protected]








I would love to hear from you!

Excerpt from
Fourth Down






January 3, 2009


In those few quick seconds before I shouted the cadence, I cleared my mind of all the other shit in my life.

It didn’t matter that Grady, my best friend from back home, was currently sitting in a holding cell for drunken disorderly after tailgating too hard before my game.  It didn’t matter that my other two best friends from home, Josh and Leah, weren’t there because they were trying to bail Grady’s sorry ass out of jail.

It didn’t matter that my mom wasn’t there cheering me on in the last and biggest game of my college football career because her cancer had returned and her chemo treatments made it too hard for her to travel.

That especially didn’t matter right then.  At least that’s what I tried to convince myself.  None of that shit could matter at that moment.  For the next twenty five seconds, give or take, the only thing that mattered was getting this ball down the field.

My ability to block out the glaring lights and the deafening screams from the stands of a stadium that easily held over 100,000 people had always been my greatest strength.  When I jogged to the center of the field, I allowed the cheers of the spectators to wash over me and through me, fueling the adrenaline.  But when I got into position, rubbing my hands together, my vision tunneled in on just the field stretching out before me.

“4-3, 4-3, Blue 25, Blue 25, hut, HUT, hut!”

McCauley, my center, snapped the ball perfectly, and it landed dead center in my waiting hands.  The play I called was a long throw down field, and I had three wide receivers hauling ass to get on target.  But the defense was good, and my receivers weren’t going to make it where I needed them to be in time.  I was going to have to improvise.

Swinging my eyes to the left I saw a small window cleared by my offensive line.  If I hesitated for two seconds, the window would have closed and I would have most likely been sacked or forced to throw the ball away.  We were nearing the end of the fourth quarter and down one score.  I had to gain some yardage on this play or we were in serious trouble.  It was third and ten, and if we didn't get the first down now, we would be faced with a fourth down decision.  Punt or go for it.

Taking off, I raced to the left and dodged around one of my offensive linemen before cutting back to the right.  I’d already gained six yards, which was enough for that play.  But the first down mark was only four more yards, and I thought I could make it.  I knew Coach would be pissed at me for not sliding and protecting myself, but this game was too important.  There was no way in hell I was not going for this.

Immediately after I crossed the 43 yard line, signaling I made the first down, I was hit on my right side. 
Hard.  Harder than I had ever been hit before.

I was on the ground before I even knew what was happening, and at least four huge guys were piled on top of me.  It’s not like I’d never been hit before.  Shit, I was used to being hit every
fucking day.  But even before the pain registered, I knew this was not like any other hit I had experienced.  Because above the roars of the crowd, and above the shouts on the field, I heard the snap.  Maybe I just felt it, but I could swear that I heard my bone breaking.

When the pile cleared, I ripped off my helmet, but I was unable to get up.  Now that a few seconds had passed and I didn’t have a thousand pounds of football players on top of me, the pain in my leg was registering.  Holy fuck!

My ears were picking up the sounds of the stadium again, but the crowd was eerily quiet except for someone screaming.  I realized it was me screaming in agony, and I tried to stop.  But I couldn’t stop.  The pain was absolutely unbearable.

My teammates were surrounding me, and each of them had the same horrified expression on their faces.  A couple of them even had to turn away.  Raising my head slightly I tried to see what they were seeing.  My right leg was twisted at an unnatural angle, and there was blood everywhere.

Why was there blood?  And what was that sticking out of where my knee should have been?

Oh, God.  That’s my bone.  That was the last coherent thought I had before everything went black.




Waking up God knows how much later in a hospital bed with my entire right leg wrapped and elevated, I knew that I had played my last football game.  I didn’t need the doctor to come in and tell me the slim odds of a full recovery.  I didn’t need to hear that months of physical therapy
return me full use of my leg.  I didn’t need to hear any of that shit, because I knew.  I felt it deep in my bones, my broken bones, that my football career was over.  Not able to face it yet, I pushed the handy button that pumped more pain meds through my IV and drifted back into the darkness.




“Grady!  Shut the hell up!  You’re going to wake him up,” Leah whispered harshly.

If my eyes were open I would have rolled them.  It wasn’t Grady that woke me up; it was Leah’s bitching.  At least I knew they had been successful in bailing out Grady.

Groaning, I cracked one eye open and immediately regretted it.  Every single light in the room was on, and my head was already pounding.  I reached out one hand and felt around for the pain pump.

“I’ve got it, Ford,” Leah said, pressing the button for me.  With a worried expression on her face, she sat gingerly on the edge of my bed and took my hand in both of hers.

“Jesus, Leah, I’m not dying,” I croaked and pulled my hand away.

Instead of being offended, Leah just rolled her eyes and stood back up.  She couldn’t have been more than a hundred pounds soaking wet, but Leah had always had more attitude than the three of us guys combined.  Grady, Josh and I had been friends since we were little kids.  Leah unofficially joined our group when she started dating Josh a few years ago.  They made it official when they got married last year.

Josh was leaning against the far wall with his arms crossed over his chest.  He looked like he was standing guard over Grady, who was sprawled out in the chair in the corner.  I had been away at college the last four years, and Josh and Grady stayed in Penn Yan to work at Grady’s dad’s boat shop.

While Josh had settled happily into his work and his marriage to Leah, Grady was another story.  Apparently the summer after my freshman year he met a girl.  I stayed on campus every summer, so I wasn’t around for the epic fall of Grady Hawke or his subsequent meltdown when she dumped his ass.  The four of us hadn’t spent more than a few days together at a time in the last several years, but they were still the closest friends I would ever have.

There wasn’t a window in my room, so I had no idea if it was night or day or how much time had passed since I had been taken away from the game.

“What time is it?”  I asked.

“It’s 10:00 o’clock,” Josh replied.  “In the morning.”

Holy shit.
  It had been over twelve hours.

“What happened?”

Leah began to give me a rundown of what the doctors had done.  “They temporarily set your leg, and you have a concussion…”

But I cut her off.  “Not with my leg. 
The game.  What happened with the game?  Did we win?”

Grady lifted his head off the back of the chair and slurred, “Yeah, man.  It was awesome.  You guys beat their asses.”

Apparently a little time in the slammer didn’t do much to sober him up.  Either that or he had been drinking again since he got out.  The latter was the likely option given the way Grady had been living his life the last few years.

Leah turned to give him a death stare, and Josh shoved Grady’s head back against the head rest of the chair.  Grateful the rest of my team had pulled out a
win, I dropped my own head back to the pillow and closed my eyes.  That didn’t last long.

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