Bad Penny (9 page)

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Authors: Penny Birch

BOOK: Bad Penny
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Kate, sadly, had not had such a good time of it. Her husband, Toby, had proved to be the bastard everybody except Kate thought he was in the first place. They had parted after less than a year, and I had promised to come and stay with her to console her. Her mother was in the Channel Islands, as was mine, which left Kate and me alone in the house in Berkshire. Aunt Elaine didn't know that the marriage had failed, and it was this, more than the actual break-up, that was worrying Kate. From the point of view of Toby, she was simply glad to be away from him, and if her pride had taken a knock, then she could hardly be described as distraught.
As soon as I took her in my arms to hug her, I knew that I wanted her, completely. I was prepared to try as well, although typically I lacked the guts to simply proposition her. Instead I suggested a swim in a nearby quarry in which we had frequently played as children. This was a lonely, disused gravel pit surrounded by a high bank and filled with clear, cool water. I knew we'd strip to swim, and I knew we'd play about in the water, from which I had a pretty strong hope of sex.
It was a wicked little plot, and it began beautifully. Kate was keen on the idea of visiting the quarry, and there was never any question of bothering with swimsuits. We'd always bathed naked there, and if we were now grown women, then we'd never been seen by anybody, either. I watched her undress with a delicious thrill of anticipation running right through me. She had always been gorgeous, with a full, ultra-feminine body that had made the boys' tongues hang out. Now she was even nicer. She was perhaps half a stone heavier than a year before, but tauter and firmer. She still had a trace of puppy fat on her tummy and bottom, which I found adorable, and from her tumble of brown curls to her magnificent legs, she was just pure sex.
I felt tiny and girlish by comparison, as I always had, but from the effect I had on Alex and from Aran's almost demented lust for my bottom, I knew that, for all my small size, I didn't lack appeal. Kate seemed to think so too, complimenting me on my waist with a look that just had to be more than aesthetic appreciation.
‘You do have rather a fat bottom, though,' she teased, which was cheeky, considering the size of hers.
If I'd had any guts, I'd have grabbed her then and started a play fight. We'd have been naked in the grass and the hot sun, and that would surely have been that. Instead, I hesitated a moment too long and let her get into the water ahead of me. The sexual tension was there, though, and I was sure that it was just a matter of getting to grips. The water was warm at the surface but cool deeper down, which made my nipples stiff and tingly. Kate's were the same, little dark buds sticking out from her magnificent boobs and tempting me to touch, to kiss and to suck.
I swam towards her, my stomach knotted with tension and a need that entirely destroyed my reserve. She smiled at me, mischievous and uncertain. We touched, the flesh of her flanks cool and yielding under my fingers. Her mouth was a little open, her eyes wide and full of desire.
Something caught my eye, a movement. I looked around to see a man standing among the scrub at the lip of the quarry, watching us. As soon as he noticed my attention he ran, but it had completely shattered the moment. The magic of the place, built up since I'd been about four, died on the instant.
I was furious, and far more upset than I had any right to be, considering he had had as much right to be there as we did. It had happened at the worst possible moment, though. A little earlier and it would only have been an annoying interruption. Later and, while it would have been embarrassing, the bond of intimacy between us would have been established. As it was, we both knew something had been about to happen and that was what made it really difficult. Afterward, we were nervous with each other, really for the first time ever. I felt stupid for having tried, but still wanted to, desperately.
We had lunch at a pub and then went back to the house. The day was sultry, with just the faintest of breezes stirring the big copper beeches that surrounded the house. I have always loved trees and woods and the country in general, and found the peaceful, timeless air of the place soothing. Yet it added another dimension to my need for Kate. To play with her, naked and uninhibited in the warm sunlight on the lawn, would be an experience so sweet, so exquisite, that the thought had me near to tears.
Unable to stay with Kate, I went upstairs, feeling confused and desperately in need of her. Now that our moment in the quarry had been broken, I wasn't at all sure how she'd react, yet I had to do something or I'd go mad. I decided to masturbate over her and then take a more detached look at things once I'd calmed down a little. I undressed slowly, letting my clothes fall away until I was once more naked, then stretched out on the bed. I started to think about Kate, trying to concentrate on the fantasy and ignore her very near presence. It was impossible as, for all my excitement, I was in no state to masturbate successfully.
For a while I watched dust motes dance in the yellow sunlight, then got up and went over to the window. Below me the garden was a maze of old brick walls and hedges, half overgrown, the wrought iron rusting and the white paintwork peeled and cracked. A walled area, once the kitchen garden, was directly below me, with a long, ornate hothouse of ironwork and green encrusted glass to one side.
I could just make out the outline of someone in the greenhouse, and knew that it could only be Kate. Suddenly, the urge to go to her became overwhelming. Even if she slapped me and screamed at me, I had to try. Quickly pulling on shorts and a T-shirt, I made my way downstairs and out into the garden. The kitchen garden was separated from the main area by a high wall of crumbling red brick, and the little arch that led into it was half choked with bindweed. I pushed through, finding myself beside the greenhouse.
I could see part of Kate's white dress through the dirty panes, but something prevented me from calling out or tapping on the glass. She was standing with her back to me, eating a peach. The peach tree, which had been allowed to run riot and had taken over the greenhouse, surrounded her on all sides, creating a shaded space lit yellow and pale green through the dirty glass. To her side was a broad wooden shelf stacked with trays of peaches, many of them beginning to soften and brown.
Watching Kate as she ate, I admired the riot of brown curls that fell to her waist and the way her softly rounded contours showed where the dress touched her. The outline of her body was just visible through the light fabric, the side of one full breast showing as a curve of shade, with paler crescents where her waist broadened to her hips. I could also make out the deeper white where her panties were strained against her dress by her lush bottom. I thought of how white her skin was, and how she had stripped in front of me without a second thought.
She turned sideways and settled her bottom against the shelf, her eyes closed in bliss as a dribble of peach juice ran down her chin and on to the front of her dress. I could make out the dark circles of her nipples, slightly stiff and making little bulges in the white cotton. Her left hand was resting lightly on her belly and, as I watched, she began to make little circular motions, stroking the slight bulge of her stomach. Then her hand moved higher, touching a breast and pinching the nipple lightly between two lingers. She took another bite of the peach, splashing juice down her front so that a strip of her dress clung to her skin, showing the small depression of her belly button.
I settled back against the mass of foliage and big white flowers, my own hand going to the V of my shorts, where I could feel the swell of my pussy-lips under the tight denim. I watched, mesmerised, stroking myself as Kate put her hand between her legs and bunched her dress up with her fingers, The white V of her panties came into view and she slipped her fingers under the elastic and began to knead, ever so slowly.
My breathing had quickened and the material of my shorts had begun to get damp where my fingers were pressing it in between my pussy-lips. I wanted Kate so badly, far too badly to resist; I made my way quickly around the side of the greenhouse, and ducked low, so as not to startle her. I was praying that she wouldn't reject me as I slipped my sandals off, so that my feet would make no noise on the gravel of the greenhouse floor. I pushed the foliage that obscured the open door aside, sure that she would hear me, yet desperate for the first thing she felt to be my mouth on hers. As I came to a place where I could see her clearly, I paused, my tummy fluttering with the uncertainty of what I was about to do.
She was now masturbating freely, her panties pushed down around the top of her thighs and the thick, dark bush of her pubic hair showing. She had two fingers holding her pussy-lips apart as she rubbed at her clit and I could see the swollen pink flesh of the centre of her vulva. Her eyes were still tight shut, and I wondered if she was thinking of me. Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward and put my arms around her. Even as her body tensed in alarm I kissed her, full on the mouth. She opened her eyes sharply.
‘Penny!' she protested, pulling back.
‘Don't be shy, Kate, please?' I responded, keeping my arms around her.
She looked full into my eyes for a moment, her lips slightly parted in uncertainty.
‘Please, Kate,' I pleaded, ‘I was watching you, and . . . and I've always wanted this.'
She stayed still, saying nothing but with the tip of her tongue just showing at the side of her mouth as she wet her lips. She seemed to reach a decision and her arms came around me and pulled me in to her. Then she was kissing me and breaking off to whisper to me, urgent, passionate words that made me realise that she must have felt the same frustration as I had. Suddenly, everything was all right and we were trying to get at each other with a frantic passion born of long denial. She pulled my top up over my breasts, her teeth finding a nipple as her hands went lower. One moment her fingers were working desperately at my belt and the next my shorts were down and I could feel the air on my naked bottom. My mouth found hers and opened, our tongues touching as she cupped my buttocks, opening my cheeks, twice touching my anus and then penetrating it as she gave a sigh of total abandonment deep in her throat.
I let my own hand slip down to her bottom and we began to explore each other as we kissed. She pulled her finger out and began to stroke my cheeks, pulling me tight into her with the other arm. I put an arm out to steady myself and found my hand resting on something soft and furry, a peach. A deliciously naughty idea came into my head and, using my other hand, I began to inch her dress up at the back until she in turn had her bottom bare. I pulled her pants back up and held them open by the elastic at the back; they were quite big, covering her well-fleshed bottom almost completely. I was still kissing her as I put the overripe fruit to the small of her back and squashed it so that the juice ran down her knickers and in between her buttocks. She purred as I dropped the crushed peach down the back of her panties. I let the waistband go with a smack and pulped the peach on to her bottom. As the juice soaked through the flimsy cotton of her panties, I felt her shiver in my arms.
A delicious feeling of being in control came over me as I took another peach and squished it down her knickers, along with the first. It was a new sensation for me, and one I liked. Kate pushed her bottom out to meet the pressure from my hands as I rubbed the peach in and purred as my lips touched the side of her neck. I took a peach in each hand and reached up under her dress to squash them against her heavy breasts, then cupped one in each hand and began to tease her nipples with my thumbs. The sticky juice was all over her front, mingled with bits of peach flesh and skin. She leant back, allowing me to work on her as I pleased. I let the juice-soaked front of her dress fall against her breasts so that her nipples showed, swollen and dark through the sodden fabric. She sighed, then abruptly pulled the dress up over her chest, letting her breasts fall loose with the juice running down between them and over her belly.
Her pussy had not had its share of peach, and I determined to remedy that quickly. I selected a particularly ripe fruit and held it up to her face. She giggled as I pulled open the front of her panties and popped it in, then crushed it with my hand. It burst with a delightful squelch, staining her knickers and running down the insides of her thighs. I slid a hand in to retrieve the stone, then let my fingers slip between her pussy-lips as my mouth found a sticky nipple. The peach flesh tasted sweet and rich, perhaps even a little rotten as I picked bits off her boobs with my teeth. There were runnels of it on her belly, which I lapped up, moving slowly downwards over the soft swell of her flesh. Her tummy button was full of juice, which I licked up, then traced a line of kisses down to her pubic hair and the top of her panties.
I hesitated, savouring the moment, then tugged down her panties and buried my face in her pussy, getting a mouthful of peach pulp as my tongue searched for her clit. The taste of peach was thick in my mouth and mingled with the taste of Kate. I lapped at her clit, delighting in her urgent moans and the soft, compelling pressure as she put a hand to the back of my head. Her thigh muscles quickly began to tense around my face, signalling the onset of orgasm. I slid a hand between her legs and felt for her vagina. My thumb slid inside her as my middle finger burrowed deeper, finding the tight knot of her anus and pushing inside. Her hand locked in my hair and she pushed my face hard into her. My tongue was working frantically on her clit and her groans were becoming deeper and more urgent still. I felt the muscles of her vagina and anus start to pulse and she screamed, her hand twisting hard in my hair as she came with my face pushed so hard into her pussy that I couldn't breathe.
As I pulled slowly back I was smiling, blissfully happy and well aware that it was now my turn. I looked up, finding her beautiful body smeared with dark yellow peach pulp and bits of golden-pink skin from the neck down. Her knickers were sodden and dripping with juice. The white summer dress was a filthy tangle on the ground, dust and bits of leaf and peach adhering to the wet cotton. I reached out and took hold of her panties, wanting her bare. She made no protest as I pulled them down and off, leaving her gloriously naked.

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